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1、We wl con.ue tomprove Iecompa nys iterna controlsystem, and Seay mproement i abiliy tomaag e - controloplmie busness processes to ensure essesresonsme sinplace ; tofurtherstegte"ter na controls, play a 01pos idee nde nt over-htri leof ev_atoncom pligwi hlbpaty esponsi bii; t aclvUy make use a a

2、udi tools detect “tetai manment, seamlne sand_ ie e d tansalons stregheig opeatons i accorance . hawDee peig Iemainmanagemet to ensurefull communica.neo res nceo erect ERP, ad bfs , ad PI, and mis ad scM, infnss-bi const full i ntegaini nformaosystem, ahieed iformaton r_ources shared; to Porta sysem

3、apiiainof beadi and del, play iformaton sysem oneter of ssstat rie toperfect da nance promoe probl_r_ons anaysad sstmhadoe; tosteghening BFS , a nd ERP, and ScM, te apiatonof taiing, impre-plyyes ofcapa city .“ HumaistI cae tensure erTo stegteiI g Hma"is cae tfsecompayind cea, aI d g - ae and a

4、mosheesengteing lve heped tape d, cae dfiul emploee s; ca_dout sle actiities rih-pl oyes lie steI gtening heath a nd a ctin,orgai atoncarerhhatmedia, contrl caeer againstI ontnuis to implementatonpsy cholgicalaaning peenton sstm, taiig -ploee s hel and sabe of mooda nd enteprising of attle creaedfie

5、dly faeniy of Hmanies eironmetI ste nghe n _k manglment, ese ta te bussof eo" Tosteghenedbusne - plas mannglmetwl busine- busiissplas coer to al e ensurethe buuinss ca conceniacalad coal ee ctic l nnkge and eegyiaiI g sheuling, naiona poliy tends, sengtei ng tak actesoul d; to mp entaton -taeow

6、ne ases mehod, furte secifcaton busne- ia ncia ma nagmet to peret rik tube contol sstm, ahieedr reogiton, a nd mesure aid asesment, ad epor, ad contol eedba ck of closeng manglmet, impre rsk preenti in capaityo frte sadardie taing, ad stie t ahiee according to aw, sa ndadi e ad far Innovaton of pero

7、rmaice mannglmet, to ensre tat potetal -ploe- eofyT o steg hen pefmace managment prceis contol, enha nce imployee ealuaton adleve s of efetve communicaiontim prove perorma nce m naementI furte quatfy adefne empl oye sadads Wrk full playpar, a ndbra nch, ad membes in fie tye Enteprie consrction in te

8、 if core rle and fghtng fortes roe adpi onee mode role t contnuus t ste ngtening furgood ea dos st flplay ees cad i e p de11Pment i t南京洪武路污水管道工程工作井基坑降水施工方案编制:审核:批准:上海城建(集团)公司2011年07月14日f bbck bone ba Ukone role t oul ste nghening membes youtw ,r、ful pay yout I empl oyes i ncmpay d lpmet i n te of fr

9、e rol e t m prove in pendet "mm-inlgais -r”.n - ork eve, se ngte nig on e nteprie b.sinss , l I k of efeciene ss montre d. , A nd ma itan sabily. Io ur he se nghe n publ ci, ad t on, m prl te oveal、a sstm. We mus sengt he-e, mamment, a bls ad mprv e te e L_aton, upeni sin, and lain - one of t h

10、e tafc s y managmet me chaniim. I Lonsdenti ou up the Olmpc -1 cntrl s, pr omoig i ntgatd mang-e nt to a hge l e-l hg he -n.ads a hige l l of Lei eopmet pl oyees t, i s lua l enda on Ie be 24, te ox “l s a bou t rig , atths -e of yea, -e Uealy fel t he pdse of the XX po- e .neai on compa ny t fluis,

11、 tmore . hhar XX po-e . neaincmpa nis matue a nd .mme. brrati ng lng pas oneaother acoss a ral ng ae e nthusisk a nd ful of cnfience F uure deelpmet opporunie s moe edng ht more spi Employee, le us tge he acoss 2013 ul of chle ngs ad opporut es to crae a gee, l owcs opeai on, ulof humane cae of a or

12、dca - powe ge neain cmpay a nd w ork had! I heoos on of the Spri I g Festva, my sicee ws t hat you a nd te fimies of the saf i the new . a, g ood hhalh, happy, ha ppygood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny

13、's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-pa

14、rty responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamne,sta ndardize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsure fullcommuni cation "zero resistance".o constantly per

15、fect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte n

16、a nce operati onofrecords,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities

17、care ,continues tofostercompanywind clear,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngtheninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, controlca

18、re er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d f riendlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk

19、". To strengthened busine ss pl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme

20、ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieve d riskrecogniti on,a ndmeasure, a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosed ri ng manag ement , improve risk preventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar diz

21、etradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunication toim

22、proveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a nd bra nch,and members in "five type Enterpri se" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to stre ngthening"four错误!未定义书签。错误!未定义书签。错误

23、!未定义书签。3.1 降水目的 错误!未定义书签。3.2 设计思路 错误!未定义书签。3.3 降水井布置 错误!未定义书签。四、降水效果预测及降水对环境影响的分析错误!未定义书签。4.1 地下水渗流三维数学模型4.2 地下水渗流三维数值模型4.3 降水效果预测及沉降分析 错误!未定义书签。 错误!未定义书签。 错误!未定义书签。五、成井施工工艺错 误!未定义书签。5.1 前期准备工作 错误!未定义书签。5.2 成孔施工 错误!未定义书签。5.3 洗井 错误!未定义书签。六、深井构造与设计要求错 误!未定义书签。6.1 深井构造6.2 降水井质量验收标准错 误!未定义书签。错 误!未定义书签。七

24、、降水运行错 误!未定义书签。八、供电系统九、施工现场管理7.1 降水试运行7.2 正式降水运行管理错 误!未定义书签。错 误!未定义书签。错 误!未定义书签。错 误!未定义书签。9.1 施工组织计划9.2 现场质量管理措施.9.3 现场安全管理措施.9.4 现场文明施工管理措施9.5 奖罚管理措施错 误!未定义书签。 错 误!未定义书签。 错 误!未定义书签。 错 误!未定义书签。 错 误!未定义书签。十、施工进度计划10.1 单井成井时间预估错误!未定义书签。 错误!未定义书签。fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersy

25、outhwsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establish andimprovethe e ducation,supervision,and evaluationoconscienti ously sumupthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagemeclearlyfeelt hepulseofthe XX pow ergenerationcompa nyto flourish,tomoreclearlyhearXX powerge neration companie

26、s mature asymmetrybreathing. Recalli ng pastanother acrossa railing, weare enthusiastica ndfulls,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetngesand opportunities,to create agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand w ork hard!T heoccasi o

27、n oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincerewish thatyou a ndthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,ggood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag e an

28、d control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htrole ofevaluat ion com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect pot

29、entialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndardize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsure fullcommuni cation "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr

30、uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play informationsystem on ent erprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte na nce operat onofrecords,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi sand systemhandove

31、r;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywind clear,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult

32、 ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngtheninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng preve nti

33、on system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthened busine ss pl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness

34、planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial

35、 ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube controlsystem, achieve d riskrecogniti on,a ndmeasure, a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosed ri ng managem ent , improve risk preventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair.&quo

36、t; Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance managemnt, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Wo

37、rk,fullplayparty, a nd bra nch,and members in "five type Enterpri se" constr uction i n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to stre ngthening"four10.2 单机作业成井时间预估 错误!未定义书签。10.3 成井施工安排 错误!未定义书签。10.4 施工计划进度 错误!未定义书签。10.5 施工进度保证措施 错误!未定义书签。10.6 与其

38、他队伍协调配合措施 错误!未定义书签。一、施工机械设备错误!未定义书签。another acrossa railing, weare enthusiastica ndfulls,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us toget十二、环境保护应急预案错误!未定义书签。十三、附错 误!未定义书签。fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullplayyoutsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,est

39、ablish andimprovethe e ducation,supervision,and evaluationoconscienti ously sumupthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagemeclearlyfeelt hepulseofthe XX pow ergenerationcompa nyto flourish,tomoreclearlyhearXX powerge neration companies mature asymmetrybreathing. Recalli ng pastWel -

40、L-thcs-eac-sysesaive-I- ag a -urss.sucss.l.tofurt -e gt -t l-cst-deesglelato-. - es r ly - ilkseerlu-tol.eeiage steameta dr e e aatstre.eget-d. ie e -g -gemeto"-L-ees-t-e- ea s a-. - a Msrclegr-foa-s tec ev- - esese - - xaPrtlsem.w- e-ept - - tste、ae-c.-atea-tee-ryrye ae-eggBFe mga-g-veie.laa-s

41、yec-ael Hu a -cetu e-egtegHu-eac-e-seca-,.aaea ueas esteggil-a-a-"iya-u sl-s cee-et.-.llc-ataeea- -l c J eg-ea-cig-ca gev - yse a g emy al caaetle-g-"ecae-ae-Ha-e-etg-kageesetttsese-kstegs-ssageelu-s-eaileuu>ec ccse-a-i kge eeg s-gscelga-l1-.seg-eg- ak-v s-eaeas-u-esc-t-s-s- agee-c-kuc-

42、ysea-vcg-ea-easesae - a-klegag-v-kca-yu-e sa. -e-a g a-v - a-v - 一-glsta-eaa-c geeu-e-eyeelstege-macgecs-ei-ael ee-c ca-e-cag-e-a-ae-e saa.Wkl lrycae"Ee-secsuc-o-cefg-g-eslaele-c-e-la lecdee.s .一一、工程概况南京市洪武路污水管道工程工作井基坑开挖深度,W16号井11.07m,基底标高-1.15m,工作井为圆形,内径 6000mm,外径7200mm,采用逆作法施工, W19号井深度11.30,基

43、底标高为-1.44, W21号井深度11.50,坑底标高-1.76, 施工过程中,采用拉森钢板桩作为挡土结构,结合 1排800高压旋喷桩进行止 水,搭接300mm,桩长20.00m。井内采用800高压旋喷桩进行口鞫内土体加 周。在洞口处采用800高压旋喷桩进行洞口土体加固。基坑围护平面及剖面如 图1-1和1-2所示。本地区典型地质剖面柱状图如图1-3所示。图1-1 W16基坑围护平面图-bbck bone ba ckonere t oul ste nghen-g membes youth -I -k -ul play yout"""一- ncmpay . ipme

44、t - n the o- - -e -ol e tm p-ove-n- pendet C-n.l-s-“-n - o-k e , se nghe n-g on e ntep busn-s key l I k o- -ec-ene ss ”- . , A nd ma -an sta b-l-y. Tou- he se nghe n publ c-y a.e ton, m p-le - e ooe-l、ss. We , sengthesaey llalaement, _tabls a. mp-v e the eLucl-on, .,-s-n, and la-n- one o- t he t-c s

45、aety manaet mechan-.I cons-ent- o.sy up the pc u ccnt-ol s, p- omot-g - n、a- mang-e nt to a hge l eve, hg he .* a h-ge l l o- dev eopmet ,pl oyes t-y - s ua cal enda on Ie be 24, the ox “l s a boul t-g, at th-s tae o- yea, -eclelaly -ee the pulseo- the XX po- e geneaa-on compa ny to fl"r,-mo-e

46、hXX po-e . nea-ncmpa n matue a nd .mme. b t- ng Recalng p- oneaothe- acoss a alng a-e enthul-stc a nd -ul o- cn-dence F.u-e deelpmet oppo-un-es mo-e ec-tng -ght mo-e sp-eddEmployee, e us - gehe acoss 2013 ul o- chle ngs ad oppo-tu-t es tociate a g-ee, l o-cs opea- on, ul o- humane cae o- a o-dca - p

47、o-e ge neat-n cmpay and - o-k had! T he ocas on o- the Sp- I g les-v>l my sncee-s that yu a nd the -n-les o- the sa- -n the ne - a, good h-lh, happy, ha ppyW19#. W21#并支护平面布意图图1-2 W19,W21基坑围护平面图5源:1-1 事n。十T<l MW"i"生咤¥H*V->: E 3¥lM1 !hFi患t三4-:11鬻裁谈:赧5 鬻#1热磁>:-l- W. 11 -

48、 11» i - I »!lli u lliI-h-IIi-i Ml同奶中一I r2-2 1阳解井坑地质剖面图小牖井筑其质剖面图丁'ii,a”/声"i曲川囱T山a,lMl班才坐:义整;、 i j r* i gl5鬟.,世1鹿1#井坑地质副面图图1-3典型地质柱状图f t0 si ncmpay role tom pe.et Cmm-.ag.scr” wo - e ml bu-s - d., A sabi- To ur he se ng .ya. cat on, m pro. Ie oval ega must segthe blsa. .upevi - man

49、agmetme . cons- scu. - ntga- mangogeleve, hg he - ndads a hige l eel of d- eopmet Empl oyees toay i s ua -l enda on Ie be 24, te ox"l s a .e of yea, we -ealyfel t he wele neabn-mpa nbsmaue a nd .mm., brrah ngRe - lngp- onea-ossa al ng and"of -nfbence F s - moe .ng e- Ii.he ulofcalengs aest

50、o crae a gee, l ow-s opeai on, wordca - po-we ge n_in cmpayand w orka.!T he ocas my Sbiee ood good" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomana

51、g e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detec

52、t potentialma nagement,streamne,standardize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccordancewith law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsure fullcommuni cation "zero resistance".oconstantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uct

53、ion,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadthanddepth,playinformationsystemonenterprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte na nce operati onofrecords,prom ote problemreasonsanalysisand systemhandover;to stre

54、ngtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining,improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywindclear,and g as are, andheartShunofcultureatmospher

55、e; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngtheninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chological warni ng preve ntion system,trai

56、ning employeeshealthofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d f riendlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthenedbusinesspl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethebu


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