



1、春节英语作文200字左右带翻译时光飞逝,转眼间又是一个春节。如何一篇带有译文的春节英语 作文呢?下面是 给大家整理的春节英语作文 200字左右带翻译,供 你参考!春节英语作文200字左右带翻译篇1Every time when we all celebrate Spring Festival have grandpa's grandmother has been to there. Whenever we go back later, grandma and grandpa is my first ask the final exam grades this semester.

2、 As long as I could get to the front of the grade three, they will be sent to me "scholarship", this is a kind of one kind of affirmation to my grades! Next, we will to all relatives, neighbors door, happy New Year, get a red envelope, this also is a year before the Spring Festival

3、 is the most happy thing to me. First of all, we came to the great grandfather's house.I the great grandfather, this year is the 89 - year - old age. How, long life, right? Just into the father's house door, and I will feel a "warm". Why ah? Many bai! You see, my br

4、other, uncle, grandpa, aunt. Best wishes to give great grandfather too. It seems we're late. After visiting great grandfather, we have to go to the other elders home New Year.All in all, the end of the day, I will have a lot of lucky money.每次过春节的时候我们都得到爷爷奶奶那儿去过。每当我们回去以后,爷爷奶奶第一个问的便是我本学期期末考试的成

5、绩。只要我能 考到年级前三名,他们便会发给我“奖学金”,这也算是一种对我学 习成绩的一种肯定吧!接下来,我们便要到各个亲戚、邻居家窜门、 拜年、领红包了,这也是每年过春节是令我最开心的事。首先,我们 来到了太爷家。我的这位太爷,今年已经是89岁的高龄了。怎么样, 很长寿吧?刚进老太爷家的大门,我便感觉到一股“暖风”扑面而来。 为什么呀?人多呗!你瞧,我的舅爷、几位叔叔、大爷爷、姑奶奶 ……都来给太爷拜年了。看来,我们来得晚了点。拜访 过太爷后,我们有去了其他几位长辈家拜年。总之,一天下来,我就 会有很多的压岁钱。春节英语作文200字左右带翻译篇2Sp

6、ring Festival gala show debut, but let me the deepest memory or sketch "dreamland" Alicia trains and magic.Sketch has started, I am a loyal fan of sketch sat in front of the television, staring eyes watching the sketch. Story goes like this: a tricking people are prepared to defrau

7、d a old man of five hundred thousand, but has been kept in touch with old grandpa tingting today is out of sight. They found that an old lady great aunt li tingting's voice very like, then find great aunt li tingting instead. But not willing to great aunt lianyway. They will use all means gr

8、eat aunt li persuasion, great aunt li also taught how to deceive. Finally, great aunt li successfully cheated the old man's money, but to play by their own bank card, so great aunt li pretended to go home looking for a card. At this moment, a policeman came in to thiscriminal gang indiscrimi

9、nately. Originally, great aunt li is a police officer, just hide in the company, wait, nab them.春晚的节目一一亮相,但让我记忆最深刻的还是小品天网恢恢 和魔术幻境。小品开始了,我这个忠实的小品迷坐在电视机前,目不转睛的欣 赏着小品。故事是这样的:一个专门骗人的公司准备骗取一位老爷爷 的五十万,但是一直和老爷爷保持联系的婷婷今天却不见踪影。他们发现,一位老太太李婶学婷婷的声音非常像,于是便找李婶代替婷婷。 但李婶死活不愿意。俩人用尽所有手段将李婶说服,还教李婶如何骗 人。最后,李婶成功骗取了老爷爷的钱

10、财,但打到了自己的银行卡上, 于是李婶假装回家找卡。这时,一位警察走了进来将这个犯罪团伙一 网打尽。原来,李婶是一位警察,只是隐藏在公司里,等待时机,把 他们捉拿归案。春节英语作文200字左右带翻译篇3Thirty night, every family reunion dinner, everyone out, to make their own speciality, with a big table. The family happily eating dinner together, watching the Spring Festival gala, waiting for the

11、New Year bell tolled set off firecrackers. I can not wait to take on early fireworks and firecrackers came downstairs, point a "red land", listen to "bang" sound, "landmine" red turned up, sometimes yellow, green, and sometimes can be good-lookin

12、g. Stopped all of a sudden, "red land", "crash" soon "crash" rang too funny.The New Year's bell ringing, dad picked up a long hang ok firecrackers, lit, "chip, marble" in deafening firecrackers ushered in the New Year.On

13、 the first day, I get up and busy to the elders at home New Year, received the money, ha ha, this year's harvest is not small, is the year of the ox cow, what should I have to going to the New Year's money to spend. Home early to have a New Year call, the daddy also go to the New Year, everyone happy meeting said that the "New Year&


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