



1、difficult,nothating ; bl uepri nts, notrhetori c;w ordsa nd simple, but full oflove,truth,passion,entreprene urialpa ssi on.Organization's tr ust,more a bility toyou, fullyaffirmed the moral and other qual ities.Therefore,we must always maintai_I. _ >I 1 一一 > 一 > - - . IL consci ously f

2、romitselfdo up,fromsmalldoup, frommasses mostproblem grabbe d,realdo loveforpeople by DealquotesLiDazha o'scla ssic"iron speci alise i n upl ifting ble nd wit hthe arti cle"gave everyone,withaview on how to dow ell undert henew situation of tow nship a ndvillage l eadersinspireand hel

3、p, a nd alsosharewith y ou.Ag oodplay to cre ateiron shouldersstrongarms,to assumethe burde n be pa sse d;only specific qua lities,willit be possible i nspecific areasto createa worl d.Inmyview ,villagechiefsinthe newsit uation, wemustfirst havefive basicquality.Oneambiti on is t opionee r."Who

4、 is handsome." People only high-minded can stimulate theflowofmomentumtobecome brave ad socialresponsibility, a nd ouri dealtree rooted i nthe hardw ork ofthesoil, withindomita blespirit,indomitabl e courageto ope nupa ne w si tuation ofvillagesand tow ns. Tohavea feeling ofclosene sstothe se c

5、ond." he pe opl e andcountr y."Ourbusine ssfoundati on in the people's bloodi nthe pe ople pow er pe ople.Advanced decisions ofthe party ca drestot hefeeling s ofthe people is aneter naltheme.Fa nZhong-ya n,cal led "first,ande njoy comfortaboutot hers",Zheng Banqiao' s al

6、sowrotea " a Chai lay listeni ngtothe rustli ng ofbamboo,t hesuspecti ssuffering. Cao County official s, littlemy, atotaltur->.I - I I- -.一_I ->>I. . I. I -I - . I- L 一. I . II 一 . 一 一 一 一 一 一.- ._ III, I _ . _ I 一 I_|_ .1 _ L. - . I L I 一_ - - - . 一. - - - - -.一 _ _ I 一 “一. . |_ |_ I

7、,1 |_ 一一 .一 .一. . _ _ _ _d 一 I 一partment, and rightforpeople by with,and Le eforpeople byconspiracy to.Three withthefameofmind. "Nonblish a corre ctviewpointon power, position andvalues andi ng .50 km,also redand likehundre dsofthousandsoftheKMTmnt on to collectavarietyofnewspa persa ndmagazine

8、s,and then race againsttimetopore ovend persistent, be comequieta nd powerful.T ownshipa ndvill ageparty "leaders",within t heirrespectivejurisdictions, pol iticalstabilitya nd e conomi cand social dev elopmentissues, decisions a nd orientation depe ndst oa large extentbe causeofyour.Every

9、body i n villagechiefsand thepositions,both thetrust ofthemsses,t hen off."Old offeudalofficialeven ha s so feeli ngs, al one weis to" se rving "for pur posesof people serva nt does? wemoreshoul d always hol dwith on peopleof deepfeeli ngs, heart De partment masse s ofleadi ngvisite d

10、 tea,care masses ofemotions thought s com plained,alway sinsi sted put masse sof interests puti nfirst,一 -. .一1 - . . 1.1. II- - - . II. .1. L. . II -I.II. L _ I. . Lcipation in“好习惯伴我成长”养成教育 主题活动方案陈吴乡初级中学政教处onfereolearn,t olearnata ny time.Tocontinuouslyexpao dabbleindge notonly tohave knowledgeto r

11、ationalanalysis.T his on re quirementswe,not onlyto learning natingwit houtthoughtto - - esn'twork,the new approaoversha dow ,thinkingwit houtlearni- . - L. II_-ow , n ngw ou earn n ch woul dnot" sit uation,the reason, tng is perilous."WewanttofostertI- > _11.1- - . . . he character

12、he keyisthatmany peopleknowthat copyiof advancingwith thetimes, forgeang other people's i deas, mechahaveanythi ngtofearin ts oftraditionalconceptsthe reform and innovaticceleratiordertodo i nvestigations,inve L. . 一 一perience, newide as,developing newprogrammesastigations isthe r . . Ioadto hea

13、ven,God diI - -一 一nd Maveri ck,a newapproasposes ofthe basolve problse.Towa ntsto realheard trutems,speed up development.Eh,and justicetotrspecially in implementsuperiuth,andget trutorpp olicyspiritof process inthe,both implementation,a ndcannotmechanically,t oto extraordi naryof courage anddevesion

14、, andmasse s heart,w ith masse swith discussioneveryone caref problem,liste ning theyorofspirit aofcalls,understand l ocalreality condtheynedup, ongconspiracytobreakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci seinnovati on oflift,develofwisdom,especiallyon massesmosthope,a.I .1 . opedoutdev elopme nt works of,and

15、grassndmosturgent, a-root swelcomesofndmostworries,and mostcomplained of hot,a nd difficulties andf ocusproblem,moreto active research,ca ughtnot put. Daretoinnovate,in ourworkdifficult,nothating ; bl uepri nts, notrhetori c;w ordsa nd simple, but full oflove,truth,passion,entreprene urialpa ssi on.

16、Organization's tr ust,more a bility toyou, fullyaffirmed the moral and other qual ities.Therefore,we must always maintai_I. _ >I 1 一一 > 一 > - - . IL alquotesLiDazha o'scla ssic"iron speci alise i n upl ifting ble nd wit hthe arti cle"gave everyone,withaview on how to dow e

17、ll undert henew situati on of tow nship a ndv illage l eadersinspireand hel p, a nd alsosharewith y ou.Ag oodplay to cre ateiron shouldd socialresponsibility, a nd ouri dealtree rooted i nthe hardw ork ofthesoil, withindomita blespirit,indomitabl e courageto ope nupa ne w si tuation ofvillagesand to

18、w ns. Tohavea feeling ofclosene sstothe se cond."T he pe opl e andcountr y."Ourbusine ssfoundati->.I - I I-.一_I ->>I. . I.I -I - . I- L 一. I . II 一 . 一 一 一 一 一 一.- ._ III, I_ , _ I 一 一 Jen be pa sse d;only specific qua lities,willit be possible i nspecific areasto createa worl d.I

19、nmyview ,villagechiefsinthe newsituation,wemustfirsthavefivebasicquality.Oneambiti on is t opionee r."Who is handsome." People only high-minded can stimulate theflowofmomentumtobecome brave anthe pe ople pow er pe ople.Advanced decisions ofthe party ca drestot hefeeling s ofthe people is a

20、neter naltheme.Fa nZhong-ya n,cal led "first,ande njoy comfortaboutot hers",Zheng Banqiao' s alsowrotea "a Chailay listeni ngtothe rustli ng ofbamboo,t hesuspecti ssuffering. Cao County official s, littlemy, atotaltur一I _ .1 - L. - . I L I 一_ - - - .一. - 一.一 _ _ I 一 “一. . |_ |_ I

21、,1 |_ 一.一 . . _ _ _ _d 一 I 一 nd persistent, be comequieta nd powerful.T ownshipa ndvill ageparty "leaders",within t heirrespectivejurisdictions, pol iticalstabilitya nd e conomi cand social dev elopmentissues, decisions a nd orientation depe ndst oa large extentbe causeofyour.Everybody i n

22、 villagechiefsand thepositions,both thetrust ofthemasses,t hen off."Old offeudalofficialeven ha s so feeli ngs, al one weis to" se rving "for pur posesof people serva nt does? wem ore shoul d always hol dwith on peopleof deepfeeli ngs, heart De partment masse s ofleadi ngvisite d tea,

23、care masses ofemotions thought s com plained,alway sinsi sted put masse sof interests puti nfirst,一 -. .一1 - . . 1.1- - . II. .1. L. . II -I.II. L _ I. . Lconsci ously fromitselfdo up,fromsmalldoup, frommasses mostcare,and mostdirectly,and most realityofinterestsproblem grabbe d,realdo loveforpeople

24、 by Department, a nd rightforpeople by wit h,and Le eforpeople by conspiracy to.T hree witht hefameofmind. "Non-indifferentnot i nsist your dream, without serenity notg o far."Asce nsion to fame ismorality,i s thesublimati onofthe soul.AsTownshi p andvillage, besureto maintain anormalstate

25、 ofmind,establish a corre ctviewpoint on power, position andvalues and Outl ook, a sfameis light like water,dependi ng .50 km,also redand like hundre dsofthousa ndsofthe KMTmilitarycombat,buthe went on tocollecta variety of newspa persa ndmagazi nes,and then race againsttimetopore over.As l ongasthe

26、 studyofmind,itisnot nece ssarytocometothe l ibrary,workshops, intothe village s, pe opl e learne dfarming techniques,probl em -solvingmethods,participation in“好习惯伴我成长”养成教育主题活动方案行为形成习惯,习惯决定品质,品质决定命运。养成教育做起来不可能轰轰烈烈,但是它的质量确关系到学生们将来的生存和发展,我校将在养成教育中,少一些空谈,多一些落实,少一些指责,多一些培养,从点滴做起,用我们的心血,来完成由量变到质变的飞跃。本学年,

27、我们将从细节抓起,从现在做起,扎实有效地开展“好习惯伴我成长”养成教育主题活动。一、养成教育主要内容1 、养成良好的纪律习惯。2、养成良好的卫生习惯。3、养成良好的文明习惯。二、养成教育的实施步骤:(一)计划准备阶段学年初,学校根据教育教学工作的需要及学生的特点,制定切实可行的活动计划及活动方案,确定活动的主题、内容、培养目标及活动程序。(二)宣传发动阶段1 、召开全体教师会。提高教师认识,在思想上统一。2、召开学生动员会。学习“好习惯伴我成长”养成教育主题活动的意义和主要内容及标准。3、发致学生家长的一封信。让家长了解学生养成教育的内容,在认识上与教师保持一致,并与学校做好配合,以取得教育学

28、生的最佳效果。(三)分步实施、强化培养阶段养成教育主题活动之一:学生良好纪律习惯的培养所谓纪律习惯,指:学生在学校学习过程中,被多次反复、练习、强化而巩固下来的自动化了的心理操作方式。现今的中学生、尤其是农村初级中学的学生,绝大多数没有或根本就不清楚良好的纪律习惯应该是怎样的以及怎样去养成。所以,我们主要要解决两个大问题:一是中学生应具onfere nces,learne d superi ors polici es;re ports,y ou can lear ntode alwith probl ems, art,just wantedtolearn,t olearnata ny time

29、.To continuouslyexpa ndthe scope ofthestudy.T he complexitya nd compre hensivene ss ofourwork ,decide dto notonly dow ewant to be "professi onals",or if"generalists", to dabbleindifferentareasof knowledge.Masteryofknowle dge notonly t ohave knowle dgeto rationalanaly sis.T his on

30、 re quirement swe,not onlyto learning national ofroute, a nd a ppr oach, andpolicy, alsotolearning national oflegal, andregulations; notonlytowith politi calthe oryarmed mind,al so to wit heconomic theory gui dew ork; notonlytoreadhistor y,also to read history; not onlytoa bsorptionSM of mirror,also

31、 t ogetsis ofroa d; notonly to fromlocallearn, al sotot ooutsidel earn; notonly to to books lear n,also to fieldst udy lear n.Therefore, Iwouldencourageyou,and moretotheoutside world whe n Ihave timetotake a l ookat,take astroll, outsidedevel opment s, learn other people's developmenta pproach,

32、andthe n come ba cktogui deourwork.Se cond,difficult,nothating ; bl uepri nts, notrhetori c;w ordsa nd simple, but full oflove,truth,passion,entreprene urialpa ssi on.Organization's tr ust,more a bility toyou, fullyaffirmed the moral and other qual ities.Therefore,we must always maintai_I. _ >

33、;I 1 一一 > 一 > - - . IL alquotesLiDazha o'scla ssic"iron speci alise i n upl ifting ble nd wit hthe arti cle"gave everyone,withaview on how to dow ell undert henew situation of tow nship a ndvillage l eadersinspireand hel p, a nd alsos harewith y ou.Ag oodplay to cre ateiron shoul

34、dd socialresponsibility, a nd ouri dealtree rooted i nthe hardw ork ofthesoil, withindomita blespirit,indomitabl e courageto ope nupa ne w si tuation ofvillagesand tow ns. Tohavea feeling ofclosene sstothe se cond."T he pe opl e andcountr y."Ourbusine ssfoundati->.I - I I-.一_I ->>

35、I. . I.I -I - . I- L 一. I . II 一 . 一 一 一 一 一 一.- ._ III, I_ , _ I 一 一 Jen be pa sse d;only specific qualities,willit be possible i nspecific areasto createa worl d.Inmyview ,villagechiefsinthe newsituation,wemustfirsthavefivebasicquality.Oneambiti on is t opionee r."Who is handsome." Peopl

36、e only high-minded can stimulate theflowofmomentumtobecome brave anthe pe ople pow er pe ople.Advanced decisions ofthe party ca drestot hefeeling s ofthe people is aneter naltheme.Fa nZhong-ya n,cal led "first,ande njoy comfortaboutot hers",Zheng Banqiao' s alsowrotea " a Chai lay

37、 listeni ngtothe rustli ng ofbamboo,t hesuspecti ssuffering. Cao County official s, littlemy, atotaltur一I _ .1 - L. - . I L I 一_ - - - .一. - I. _ _ 一 “一. . |_ |_ I ,1 |_ 一.一 . . _ _ _ _d 一 一 _ _ I 一nd persistent, be comequieta nd powerful.T ownshipa ndvill ageparty "leaders",within t heirr

38、espectivejurisdictions, pol iticalstabilitya nd e conomi cand social dev elopmentissues, de cisionsa nd orientation depe ndst oa large extentbe causeofyour.Everybody i n villagechiefsand thepositions,both thetrust ofthemasses,t hen off."Old offeudalofficialeven ha s so feeli ngs, al one weis to

39、" se rving "for pur posesof people serva nt does? wemoreshoul d always hol dwith on peopleof deepfeeli ngs, heart De partment masse s ofleadi ngvisite d tea,care masses ofemotions thought s com plained,alway sinsi sted put masse sof interests puti nfirst,一 -. .一1 - . . 1.1- - . II. .1. L.

40、. II -I.II. L _ I. . Lconsci ously fromitselfdo up,fromsmalldoup, frommasses mostcare,and mostdirectly,and most realityofinterestsproblem grabbe d,realdo loveforpeople by Department, a nd rightforpeople by wit h,and Le eforpeople by conspiracy to.T hree witht hefameofmind. "Non-indifferentnot i

41、 nsist your dream, without serenity notg o far."Asce nsion to fame ismorality,i s thesublimati onofthe soul.AsTownshi p andvillage, besureto maintain anormalstate ofmind,establish a corre ctviewpoint on power, position andvalues and Outl ook, a sfameis light like water,dependnig .50 km,also red

42、and like hundre dsofthousa ndsofthe KMTmilitarycombat,buthe went on tocollecta variety of newspa persa ndmagazi nes, a nd then race againsttimetopore over.As l ongasthe studyofmind,itisnot nece ssarytocometothe l ibrary,workshops, intothe village s, pe opl e learne dfarming techniques,probl em -solv

43、ingmethods,participation in备那些良好的纪律习惯?二是如何培养这些良好的纪律习惯?一)中学生应具备的良好纪律习惯内容及考核标准:作为基础教育的重要阶段,对于初中生来说,总体要培养以下良好的纪律习惯:1 、学习纪律学生来到学校最重要的就是学做人和学习文化知识,而学习文化知识就需要有一个良好的纪律来保证,所以养成良好的学习纪律习惯非常重要.(学习纪律包括早读,课堂纪律 ).考核标准 :1 )预铃响之前要进教室,准备好上课所用的书籍等用品。2)上课不接老师话茬、起哄、不尊重老师、顶撞、漫骂老师。3)上课(自习)不交头接耳、不说笑打闹;不做小动作;不看与本节课无关读物。4)

44、不在课堂内书写或传递纸条、严格遵守纪律,及时配合老师完成学习任务。2 、课间纪律课间休息时大家也要自觉遵守纪律,保持良好的课间纪律才能让大家有一个良好的休息环境.考核标准 :1 )不在在楼内玩耍、追跑、打闹、吹口哨、串班,不到其他同学座位乱翻、坐课桌,不向窗外扔东西。2)不在教室或走廊里聚众玩耍或二人搂在一起。3)不经允许不离开校园,见到老师要主动问好。4)严格遵守午睡纪律,不在教室内大声喧哗、闹怪声等。5)上下楼梯要靠右慢行,不得拥挤、推拉、搞笑,以免发生事故.6)不能随意跨越草坪、践踏花草,不怕墙,不在楼上随意吐口水,乱扔东西。7)爱护公物,爱护花草。8)节约用水,及时关闭说龙头。onfe

45、re nces,learne d superi ors polici es;re ports,y ou can lear ntode alwith probl ems, art,just wantedtolearn,t olearnata ny time.To continuouslyexpa ndthe scope ofthestudy.T he complexitya nd compre hensivene ss ofourwork ,decidedtonotonly do wewant to be "professi onals",or if"general

46、ists", to dabbleindifferentareasof knowledge.Masteryofknowledge notonly t ohave knowle dgeto rationalanaly sis.T his on re quirement swe,not onlyto learning national ofroute, a nd a ppr oach, andpolicy, alsotolearning national oflegal, andregulations; notonlytowith politi calthe oryarmed mind,a

47、l so to wit heconomic theory gui dew ork; notonlytoreadhistor y,also to read history; not onlytoa bsorptionSM of mirror,also t ogetsis ofroa d; notonly to fromlocallearn, al sotot ooutsidel earn; notonlytoto books lear n,also to fieldst udy lear n.Therefore, Iwouldencourageyou,and moretotheoutside w

48、orld whe n Ihave timetotake a l ookat,take astroll, outsidedevel opment s, lear n other people's developmenta pproach, andthe n come ba cktogui deourwork.Se cond,difficult,nothating ; bl uepri nts, notrhetori c;w ordsa nd simple, but full oflove,truth,passion,entreprene urialpa ssi on.Take thiso

49、pportunity,myinspirationalquotesLiDazha o'scla ssic"iron speci alise i n upl ifting ble nd wit hthe arti cle"gave everyone,withaview on how to dow ell undert henew situati on of tow nship a ndv illage l eadersinspireand hel p, a nd alsosharewith y ou.Ag oodplay to cre ateiron shoulders

50、strongarms,to assumethe burden be pa sse d;only specific qua lities,willit be possible i nspecific areasto createa worl d.Inmyview ,villagechiefsinthe newsituation,wemustfirsthavefivebasicquality.Oneambiti on is t opionee r."Who is handsome." People only high-minded can stimulate theflowof

51、momentumtobecome brave a nd persistent, be comequieta nd powerful.T ownshipa ndvill ageparty "leaders",within t heirrespectivejurisdictions, pol iticalstabilitya nd e conomi cand social dev elopmentissues, decisions a nd orientation depe ndst oa large extentbe causeofyour.Everybody i n vil

52、lagechiefsand thepositions,both thetrust ofthemasses,t heOrganization's tr ust,more a bility toyou, fullyaffirmed the moral and other qual ities.Therefore,we must always maintain the histori cal missi on a nd socialresponsibility, a nd ouri dealtree rooted i nthe hardw ork ofthesoil, withindomit

53、a blespirit,indomitabl e courageto ope nupa ne w si tuation ofvillagesand tow ns. Tohavea feeling ofclosene sstothe se cond."T he pe opl e andcountr y."Ourbusine ssfoundati on in the people's bloodi nthe pe ople pow er pe ople.Advanced decisions ofthe party ca drestot hefeeling s ofthe

54、 people is aneter naltheme.Fa nZhong-ya n,cal led "first,ande njoy comfortaboutot hers",Zheng Banqiao' s alsowrotea "a Chailay listeni ngtothe rustli ng ofbamboo,t hesuspecti ssuffering. Cao County official s, littlemy, atotaltur n off."Old offeudalofficialeven ha s so feeli

55、ngs, al one weis to" se rving "for pur posesof people serva nt does? wem ore shoul d always hol dwith on peopleof deepfeeli ngs, heart De partment masse s ofleadi ngvisite d tea,care masses ofemotions thought s com plained,alway sinsi sted put masse sof interests puti nfirst,consci ously f

56、romitselfdo up,fromsmalldoup, frommasses mostcare,and mostdirectly,and most realityofinterestsproblem grabbe d,realdo loveforpeople by Department, a nd rightforpeople by wit h,and Le eforpeople by conspiracy to.T hree witht hefameofmind. "Non-indifferentnot i nsist your dream, without serenity

57、notg o far."Asce nsion to fame ismorality,i s thesublimati onofthe soul.AsTownshi p andvillage, besureto maintain anormalstate ofmind,establish a corre ctviewpoint on power, position andvalues and Outl ook, a sfameis light like water,dependi ng .50 km,also reda nd like hundre dsofthousa ndsofthe KMTmilitarycombat,buthe went on tocollecta variety of newspa persa ndmagazi nes,and then race againstti


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