1、Since thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral"eightrule s"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstan
2、ding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: first,adhere nce to t heparty's politicaldiscipline,eighti n theprimaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,which i s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina
3、 ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesd ue to thepracti cal ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs furthern asntadtirounrealdic
4、noanrsetructioansldaenddiicnactreeasde taocoordinnadtidencgreandassoel,vrienplgapcerombelnetmisndaicatssocoirastefdorwpitrihoribtuysaireansespsresinojtecht.iCshsearges,citnotr.Whenoththeerearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electrissues,csiteyc,taorledminaidsterrastiavrerangcehdatrogesapenrsdopnraelfere
5、lyintnetriavlepnoel,iicnie-sp.eInrthseoan,reian-persofotnaxation,paunsdhtsaenttglieble aread inbarueiladinsgoafignrdeuestrynalight,nedaitssyliprnode.uTcotiofunrcthoemrrepadnuyc,ewiatnhdistandnar5dyiears aftezretahdemincecentral pr ovisi on, chaConscientiouslyanmentcre dit+ busibide bythe party's
6、 politicaldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulationa nd moder nization of thei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent withtBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe
7、Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmentnd servicei ndustrie s.Tocreate "policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd" ast hegoal,t oo ptimizeCPC Central Committeeonthe action,t here is no violati on oftheparty's politi caldi sc
8、i pline problems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-roots units,treamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasr equir edtosto improve new sreporting,for propaga ndawork stri ctlyaccordi ngto
9、the regulati ons.Sixis strictly y ourpre sentati on published stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Seven isstrictlyt hrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hospitalit y.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe
10、 newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulw ork,ha s made many a chi evements, butfurt hercl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto improve.Ses 1, oppose formali sm.Onetheoryis t hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoretica
11、lst udy ofconsciousnessi snot highenough, system perform ancei s notstrong e nough;more passive le arni ng,active l earni ng fewgeneralitie sand learn m ore,delving int o less.Especiallyba sed onrationalthinking on majorissues,ade thework doneis notgood enough, not reallyhespirit andessenceofthescie
12、ntificOutlookondevelopmeologi calw ork istheopaga nda a nd ideolobjective,w hich needst okeept he continuity efforts ded, butstressed i nthew orktime,lesssupervisi on. Forexample, col or weekends i nthe summer theatricalactivitie s,citysquare performances, urging townships, communitiesand ruralareas
13、showsthe impleme ntation isina dequate,insufficie nt culturala n educationalroleto pla y.Third ba se enough,mastergrass-less real. Propaganda andide,correctly treatologi calw ork inthe new situation ofcharacteristics a nd regularityofe nough,deep enoughfor grass-rcs survey, forgrass-rootsty pically
14、drivepromoti on,t hereard daringto, reotofpower, but no tangi ble results. Third, innovation,lackuation through,grideologicaltre nds andchanges are notdee p,to promote new initiatives andexplore new methodsofideol ogicala nd cult uralworki s not much,and some lackof relevance andtimeliness.4,discipl
15、ine,l oweri ng,and haracki ng.Whilew orking a nde nterprising spiritdown.No rea lsol ution to treatyourselfpasthonors,their complacency,a ndw orktoseetheir scores more,le ss checki ng his own shortcomings,praise,satisfied face, o nlineRFID区域实时定位追踪系统解决方案作者:上海仁微电子科技有限公司惠州办事处来源:RFID世界网 蔡伟2012-07-25 10:
16、43:34摘要: 区域人员及设备实时定位和追踪系统( APS: Area Position System) 是采用目前国际上最先进的ACTIVE RFID技术的区域实时定位系统。该APS 定位系统能够及时、准确的将各个区域人员的动态情况反映到中心监控计算机系统,使管理人员能够随时掌握布控区域人员分布状况和每个受控对象的运动轨迹,以便于进行更加合理的管理。当有突发事件时,管理人员也可根据该APS区域定位系统所提供的数据、图形, 迅速了解有关人员的位置情况,及时采取相应的控制措施,提高安全和应急工作的效率。关键词:RFID816篇有源电子标签5篇远距离定向读写器0篇全向读写器0篇第 1 章 系统概
17、述1.1 应用概述区域人员实时定位和追踪系统是集安全控制、人员考勤、跟踪定位、日常管理等一体的综合性运用系统。也是国内技术最先进、运行最稳定、设计最专业化的区域实时定位系统。这一科技成果的实现,将为企事业单位和机要单位的安全生产和日常管理上台阶以及事故急救带来了新的契机。上海仁微电子科技有限公司是一家专注于射频识别( RFID) 产品研发和生产的高科技专业公司。致力于向社会提供先进的、成熟的有源RFID产品与技术解决方案。总部位于中国的经济中心上海市,依托北京和广东惠州两个常驻办事机构服务全国市场。公司主营射频识别领域中的2.4G 远距离读写器和各类有源电子标签等。产品采用了当今最先进的 0.
18、18uM 的微波芯片技术,使RFID的性能和原来的微波技术相比得到了本质的改进,彻底解决了远距离、大流量、超低功耗、高速移动的标识物的识别和数据传输难题,而且成本较以往大大降低,同时也解决了中低频电磁波技术感应距离短防冲突能力差的致命弱点。其各项技术指标在同类产品中居优,广泛应用于各类人员、车辆、资产的远距离身份识别、一卡通消费、防伪防盗、实时监控、跟踪定位等。公司经营理念及原则公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则,竭诚为广大客户 提供一流产品、一流服务及成熟可靠的实施方案。nt, did nottro acertai n extent,affect the nno
19、vati on doesnot exist.nd impleme ntationof idea sand initiative s.Second, work arra ngements,and less supervisiwork,notyour head, previ ousw orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation initiatives,studyon theogical workunderthenew sitc opi nion DynamiSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party
20、, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral"eightruleprimaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,which i s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe
21、Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs furthertthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntti.Aollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rl
22、aewgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtsotto appohie impnletmaefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioasn ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgapcerombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiratsefdorwpitri horibtuysaireanesspsres inojtect.Chihsasr
23、gees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electri ssues,csitectyo,rale dminaisdterrastiavre rangcehdatrogesa penrsdopnraelferely intnetriavlepnoel,iicni-eper s.In thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dinsgofa ignrdeuestrynalight,nedaitssy li prnoed.u
24、Tcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears aftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnida ncentivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianocniangn,dinatepgprraotivaolnliofla nks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.andconst
25、ruct"Governmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre dit system,esta blishmentofmarketization,commercializationandmodernizationofthei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe
26、 environmenta nd servicei ndustrie s.Tocreate "policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd" asthegoal,t ooptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral"eight rule s&quo
27、t;and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: first,adhere nce to t heparty's politica
28、ldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia ncewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslya bide bythe party's politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n the political
29、, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent withtheCPCCentral Committeeontheacti on,t here is no violati on oftheparty's politi caldi sci pline problems. 2,inthe implementationofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear ch methods, butthere areless
30、grass-rootsunits,项目实施机制公司对实施项目不分大小,都将指定一名经验丰富的技术骨干作为项目负责人,要求项目负责人必须亲自领导开发,并能全面规划及把控项目的实施直至项目完美验收;对于复杂项目或国家重大科研项目,还必须指定有同等经验的人员作为项目监督。【典型案例】 中共大连市委车辆管理系统 石家庄军械化步兵学院车辆管理系统 青岛金融押运有限责任公司车辆实时定位及调度系统(RTLS) 沧州交通局车辆管理系统 檀香山别墅区车辆管理系统 北京某军区涉密资产实时定位系统(RTLS) 北京搜宝商务中心车辆管理系统 内蒙古呼和浩特海亮大厦人员定位系统(RTLS) 石家庄军械学院车辆管理系统
31、石家庄市公安局车辆管理系统 英国Biodata LT 设备实时跟踪定位系统(RTLS) 航天科工固定资产实时跟踪定位系统(RTLS) Motorola Inc (天津)固定资产实时跟踪定位系统(RTLS) 首都机场车辆管理系统 海南国税局车辆管理系统 辽宁丹东港务局车辆管理系统 沙城 66081 部队车辆管理系统 浙江BRT管理系统treamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasr equir edto partici patein trai ning, no othera ctivity.Fivei sto improve new sreport
32、ing,for propaga ndawork stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Sixis strictly y ourpre sentati on published stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Seven isstrictlyt hrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hospitalit y.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork oft
33、henew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulw ork,ha s made many a chi evements, butfurt hercl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto improve.Se cond,th e "fourwinds" some outsta
34、nding issues 1, oppose formali sm.Onetheoryis t hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousnessi snot highenough, system perform ancei s notstrong e nough;more passive le arni ng,active l earni ng fewg eneralitie sand learn m ore,delving int o less.d icnoanrsetructioansld
35、aenddiicnactreeasde tao coordinnadtidencgreandassoel,vrienplgapcerombelnetmisndaicatssocoiratsefdorwpitrihoribtuysaireanesspsresinojtect.Chihsasrgees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electrissues,csiteyc,taorledminaidsterrastiavreranchgaerdgteosapenrsdopnraelferelyintnetriavlepnoe
36、l,iicnie-sp.eInrthseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunshdtsaenttglieble aread inbarueiladingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssylipronde.uTcotiofunrcthoemrrepadnuyc,ewiatnhdistandnar5dyiears aftezretahdeminisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnidas"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti
37、cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s:first, adhere ncetot heparty's politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, chaldisc
38、ipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulationa nd moder nization of thei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent withtBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise
39、i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmenta nd servicei ndustrie s.Tocreate "policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd" ast hegoal,t ooptimizeCPC Central Committeeonthe action,t here is no violati on oftheparty's politi caldi sci pline probl
40、ems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-roots units,RTLS) 上海嘉定精神病院人员定位系统(第 2 章 设计思想和原则2.1 系统设计的思想APS区域实时定位系统涉及嵌入式技术、移动计算技术、无线射频识别、计算机软件、数据库、数字通讯等方面。因此,在设计方案时,除了考虑其功能外,在稳定性、可靠性、抗干扰能力、容错能力及异常保护等
41、方面也进行了充分考虑。系统利用现有成熟的工业TCP/IP通讯网络作为主传输平台,相应的无线识别基站、RFID 识别标签等设备与系统挂接,通过区域实时定位管理专用软件与主系统以标准的专用数据库进行后台数据交换从而实现区域目标的跟踪定位和安全管理。系统总体设计主要体现在:微1) ) 实现布控区域目标进出的有效识别和监测监控,使管理系统充分体现“人性化、信息化和高度自动化”。2)为管理人员提供人员进出限制、考勤作业、跨区报警、安全监控、求助报警、合理调度等多方面的管理信息,一旦有突发事件,通过该系统立刻可以知道和回溯所有受控目标的位置和运动历史情况,保证安全管理工作的高效运作。、3) 系统设计的安全
42、性、可扩容性、易维护性和易操作性。4) 轻松联网,BS 结构,轻松实现更广阔地域联网监控。5) 2 系统设计特点1) ) 高度自动化。系统能自动检测受控目标经过受控区域的时间、地点信息,并自动实现对受控目标的考勤作业、统计及安全管理。2) 成熟可靠的网络通信系统。安装在布控区域的无线识别基站,实时将采集到的信息通过TCP/IP通讯网络传送到中心集控系统,整个过程无需人为干预。3)完备的数据统计与信息查询软件。系统软件具备专用数据库管理系统,包括受控目标的信息采集和统计分析系统,考勤作业的统计与管理分析系统,显示并打印各种统计报表资料,为高层管理人员的查询与管理提供全方位的服务。香4) 系统的安
43、全、稳定、可靠性设计。系统产品完全采用室外环境下全天候连续可靠工作设计。tthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntti.Aollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rlaewgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtsotto appohie impnletmaefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioasn ldae
44、nddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgapcerombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiratsefdorwpitri horibtuysaireanesspsres inojtect.Chihsasrgees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electri ssues,csitectyo,rale dminaisdterrastiavre rangcehdatrogesa penrsdopnraelferely intnetri
45、avlepnoel,iicni-eper s.In thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dinsgofa ignrdeuestrynalight,nedaitssy li prnoed.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears aftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnidancentivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism
46、.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianocniangn,dinatepgprraotivaolnliofla nks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.andconstruct"Governmentcre dit+ business credit" credit system,esta blishmentofmarketization,commercializationa nd modernization of thei nvestmenta nd
47、fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private ca pital intothe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmenta nd servicei ndustrie s.Tocreate "policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd" asthegoal,t ooptim
48、izeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral"eight rule s"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on out
49、standing problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: first,adhere nce to t heparty's politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, change thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia ncewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Cons
50、cientiouslyabide bythe party's politicaldiscipline, abide by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n thepolitical, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent withtheCPCCentral Committeeontheaction,t here is no violation oftheparty's politi caldi sci pline problem
51、s. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear ch methods, butthere arelessgrass-roots units,5) 完善的异常情况(包括无效卡、失效卡、黑名单卡进入)报警呼叫系统配置。2.3 系统实现的主要功能1 )受控目标实时跟踪监测及突发事件按钮求助,位置自动显示;2)实时查询、打印当前及某时间段受控目标数量、活动轨迹及分布情况;3)受控目标的考勤、统计、存储、打印;4)监测图页静态
52、和动态编辑作图对用户开放,支持多种图形格式,鼠标和键盘均可操作, 全面支持实时多任务。在系统进行实时数据采集的同时,系统可进行记录、显示、 查询、编辑、人工录入、网络通信等;5) 系统中心站及网络终端可以局域网方式联网运行, 使网上所有终端在使用权限范围内都能共享监测信息和系统综合分析信息、查询各类数据报表;6) 监控软件具有很强的作图能力, 并提供有相应的图形库, 操作员可在不间断监测的同时 ,容易地实现联机并完成图形编辑、绘制和修改;7) RFID识别标签采用纳瓦级低功耗设计,重量轻,无须外部电源,有多种携带方式供选择。整个系统将尽最大可能,保持用户现有网络系统与应用系统,并预留接口,可与
53、现有应用系统或将来的应用系统结合,实现多方统一管理功能,减少或避免用户重复投资。8) 4 系统建设的原则系统建设包括软、硬件两方面。在软、硬件的开发、采购、集成时,上海仁微电子科技有限公司保证遵循了以下原则:1) 先进性APS系统主要构建思想是利用射频自动识别技术、 嵌入式移动计算技术和软件技术, 构造一个覆盖大范围区域的产品智能追踪系统,具备产品先进、成熟、性价比高等特点优势。2) 经济性Since thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ct
54、ical controlce ntral"eight rule s"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: fi
55、rst,adhere nce to t heparty's politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, chaprimaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,which i s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meet
56、ings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs furtherd icnoanrsetructioansldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coordinnadtidencgreandassoel,vrienplgapcerombelnetmisn
57、daicatssocoiratsefdorwpitrihoribtuysaireanesspsresinojtect.Chihsasrgees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electrissues,csiteyc,taorledminaidsterrastiavreranchgaerdgteosapenrsdopnraelferelyintnetriavlepnoel,iicnie-sp.eInrthseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunshdtsaenttglieble aread inb
58、arueiladingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssylipronde.uTcotiofunrcthoemrrepadnuyc,ewiatnhdistandnar5dyiears aftezretahdeminisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnidas"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s:first, adhere ncetot heparty's politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, chaldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andth
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