1、合同编号 Con tract No.:签订日期 Date DD/MM/YY :买方:Buyer:卖方:维特根机械廊坊Seller: Wirtgen Machi nery Langfang Co., Ltd.设备名称、型号规格、数量及岀厂价格含增值税Descripti ons and Specificati ons of Equipme nt, Quan tities & Ex-Works Prices in elude VAT设备名称,型号规格Descripti on & Spec. ofEquipme nt单位Un it数量Qty出厂单价含增值税Unit EXW. VATIn
2、cl.出厂合计价含增值税Amou nt EXW. VAT Incl.合计Total.含税价合计大写Total Value of Equip. & VAT:注:不含代办运输及保险费用Note: Freight and in sura nee n ot in cluded交货日期年/月/日Date of Delivery: DD/MM/YY三、交方式及到站地点Means of Delivery and Desti n ati ons1买方自提 To be picked up by the Buyer:提货地点Pick up Place:中国河北省廊坊经济技术开发区2号路28区2号厂房Wor
3、kshop No.2. Plot 28, No.2 Road, Langfang Econo mic & Tech ni cal Developme nt Zone, Hebei, China2卖方代办运输及保险,运输及保险费用由买方承当the releva nt fees shall beTran sportati on and in sura nee to be arra n ged by the Seller andundertaken by the Buyer. 运输方式 Means of Transportation: 根据买方交货前通知执行。 W卡车 Truck 铁路 Ra
4、ilway 船 ShipWill be performed according to the Buyers note prior to delivery到站 Station of Destination : 收货人 Consignee: 地址 Address: Postal code: Tel: Fax: 四、代办运输费用及保险的款项由买方预付。卖方根据买方交货前通知估报费用,经买方认可并收到买方支付的 预付款项后办理相关运输及保险。Fees for freight and insurance should be paid by the Buyer in advance. The Seller
5、 will estimate the relevant fees after receipt of the Buyer ' s note , and handle the transportation and insurance only if the Buyer confirms and pays the relevantfees in advance. 货物保险单的“被保险人一栏应具买方名称。一旦途中出险, “被保险人应立即 或 向保险公 司 报损和提出索赔。卖方将不负责任何途中损失也不负责向保险公司提出索赔。卖方将根据需要积极配合买方 办理索赔事 宜。The Insurant s
6、hall be the Buyers name when the insurance form is completed. Onceaccidents takeplace, the Insurant shall immediately inform the insurance company via telephone or fax of losses and initiate claims. The Seller is neither responsible for any transit losses nor initiating any claims. The Seller will a
7、ctively do its best to assist the Buyer in the claims process when required.五、付款及期限 Payment and Terms1买方应在合同签字日起 内向卖方支付 %合同货款作为首期付款,即人民币 元。在卖方收到该首期付款时,本合同即生效。买方应于交货日期前 天支付剩余 %合同货款,即人民币 元。The Buyer shall pay % of the Contractual value, to the Seller as downpayment, within _ after the date of the Cont
8、ract. Upon the Seller ' s receipt of down payment, the Contract comes into force. _% balance shall be paid by the Buyer with days BEFORE THE DATE OF DELIVERY.2卖方代办运输时,买方应在接到卖方交货通知卖方应于交货日期前 天向买方发出交货通知后 日内向卖方预付运保费款。In case the Seller is to arrange transportation for the Buyer, the Buyer shall tran
9、sfer the fees of freight and insurance in advance within since the date of notification ofshipment from the Seller, the said notification of shipment shall be provided by the Seller to the Buyer withindaysprior to the DATE OF DELIVERY.3卖方应在交货日期或之前安排运输 如有 , 发运合同设备。 尽管如此 , 卖方在收到首期付款和 / 或预付的运 输和保险的费用 如
10、有 之前,有权拒绝发运。The Seller should perform delivery and transportation if required on or before the DATE OF DELIVERY. Notwithstanding the above, the Seller has the rightnot to deliver the ContractualEquipment before it receives the down payment and/or the prepaid freight and insurance fees if any. 后, 卖方有
11、权根据发运时的实际价格酌情调整本合同价格。本条的规定不影响卖方根据本合同所享有的其它补偿权利。If the Buyer could not make the payment within 30 days from the date of payment stipulated in the Contract, the Seller reserves the right to adjust the selling price based upon the exact price in effect at the time of shipment. The above provision shall
12、 not affect any other remedies entitled by the Seller under this Contract.5) 除本条第 4) 款规定外,合同价格一经双方确认,即不随市场价格的变动而变动。且买方无权以任何理由对合同价款进行扣留或要求抵销。Except for the provision of 4) of this Section, once the price is agreed by both parties, it will not change again according to the marketing price. Furthermore
13、, in no event shall the Buyer have the right to withhold the payment of the Contractual value or claim off-set.六、质量保证 Warranty:1) 卖方应在交货时随发运的合同设备提供质量保证书及指导正确使用和维修机器的技术文件。The Seller shall, completewith delivery, provide Quality Assurance Certification of the Contractual Equipment and technical docume
14、nts including operation and maintenance manual for guide of proper operation and proper maintenance.2) 卖方按其质量保证条例担保所提供的设备并无设计、材料和制造缺陷。质量保证期应以从廊坊实际发运 日期起十二个月 或者 1,000 运转小时,以先到者为准。The Seller warrants the Contractual Equipment sold by it is free from defects in design, material or workmanship according
15、 to the Seller ' s Warranty Policy. The period of Quality Warranty is twelve (12) months since the actual DATE OF DELIVERY ex Langfang factory or 1,000 operating hours whichever is earlier.七 风险转移或所有权保存 Transfer of Risk and Retention of Title1) 无论本合同第三条规定的交货方式如何,本合同设备的风险在合同设备离开卖方厂房时即转移给买方。The ris
16、k of Contractual Equipment shall pass to the Buyer upon the departure of the Contractual Equipment from theSeller ' s workshop, regardless of the means of delivery agreed in Section3 of this Contract.2) 在买方全额支付合同设备的总价款 (包括增值税 )之前,合同设备的合法所有权仍然归卖方所有。 The Seller shall be legally entitled to the ownership of the Contractual Equipment until the total value (including VAT) of the Contractual Equipment is paid in full.八、违约 Default1) 如果买方迟延支付任何到期款项,那么每迟延一周,买方应向卖方支付应付而未付款项的1作为迟延付款违约金。 如果买方迟延付款的期限超过 30 天,那么除支付迟延付款违约金外, 卖方还有权根据本合同第 五条 4 ) 之规定调整合同价款,或宣布解除本合同。In case the Bu
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