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1、【2017年初TtR季课程】第八讲It s raining!适用学科英语适用年级初一适用区域使用人教版教材地区课时时长(分钟)1课时/60分钟知识点1 .课本重点语言点学习。2 .如何谈论天气3 .现在进行时态教学目标知识:1.课本重点语言点学习。2.描述天气,学习现在进行时态。方法:讲练测结合,掌握重点词汇及语言点的用法,会在句中灵活运用。能力:1.掌握课本语言点,能够在英语句子当中灵活运用。2.描述并谈论天气,能够自己表达对天气的喜好并说明原因;能用现在进行时态描述正在发生的事情,进行简单写作。教学重点1 .课本重点词汇学习。2 .重点语言点学习。3 .学习现在进行时态描述正在发生的事情,

2、进行简单写作。4 .描述能够描述并谈论天气。教学难点正确使用描述天气的形容词;some。 others与 one - the other用法教学过程一、课堂导入教师引导学生谈论下本地的天气,就当月中晴天,雨天,阴天或者雪天等都分别持续了多少天呢?、复习预习把下列名词变成形容词:rain snowfog ice【答案】rainy snowy cloudycloudsunwindfoggy icysunny windy三、知识讲解知识点1单元知识梳理1.询问天气情况用语;2词汇:1)词形变换:名词-的形容词;2) it、and的用法。3 词汇辨析:some。others 与 one- the ot

3、her4复习现在进行时态。知识点2重点知识精讲put on 与 wear 辨析;1. Its cloudy多云【考查点 】一 it 为代词,在句中作主语,表示 “天气 ” 。此外,it 可以指 “时间、距离”等。应注意的是,it 在句中有时可以不翻译成中文。根据上下文去理解和翻译。It is cold today. 今天很冷。 What time is it now? 现在几点了?It s about 5 kilometers from my home htoe tschool. 从我家到学校大约 5 千米。【考查点】二cloudy形容词,意为 多云的”,它是由名词cloud(云)加后缀-y构

4、成的形容词。表示天 气的这类单词还有:rain雨-rainy下雨的;snow雪snowy下雪的;wind风-windy多风的;sun 太阳sunny晴朗的;fog雾-foggy多雾的。2. How ' s it going近来可好?考查点 】本句是询问对方处境或事情进展如何的习惯用语,相当于汉语中的 “境况如何? ”“一切还好吗?”后面可以跟介词短语 with sb./sth.,可与How is everything?互换。如:How is it going with Mary ' s study?勺学习情况最近怎么样?3. Can I take a message for h

5、im? 要我给他捎口信吗?【考查点 】当接电话的人发现对方要找的人不在时,常用此语。message 为可数名词,意为“消息;信息”,take a message for sb意为 给某人捎口信”。常用短语还有:give sb. a messaged肖口信给某人;leave a message 留 口信。I ' m sorry, she is out right now. Can I take a message不起,她这会出去了。我可以捎个口信吗?Would you like to leave a message?你想留个口 信吗?4. some- others 与 onethe ot

6、her 用法辨析【考查点】some- others*些.另外一些.onerhe other 一个.另一个(两者之间)如:Boys are on the playground,some are playing basketball,the others are playing football.(男孩们都在操场上,一些正在打篮球,其余的正在踢足球)There are two bags on the shelf,one is red,the other is blue.架子上有两只包,一只是红色的,另一只是蓝色的。5. put on 与 wear 辨析【考查点】put on穿上(动作),wear穿

7、着(状态) 如:Tom is putting on his coat now.6. I m also visiting some of my old friend豉也在拜访我的一些老朋友。【考查点】some of意为“中的一些",of后可以接代词宾格形式;of后接名词时,名词前通常有定 冠词、指示代词或者形容词性的物主代词修饰。如:Some of them are happy.他们当中有些人是幸福的。Some of the/these apples are greens 些苹果中的些事绿的。7. My family and I are on a vacation in the mou

8、ntains. 我和我的家人正在山里度假。【考查点】一句中的and连接两个并列主语,谓语动词用复数;但当and连接的并列主语是一个人、 事物或者概念时,谓语动词用单数。如:Zhang Tao and I are both students张涛和我都是学生。The writer and teacher is coming. 那位作家兼教师要来。【考查点 】二 on (a) vacation 意为 “在度假 ” ,相当于on (a) holiday。 go on a vacation 表示 “去度假 ” 。如:Mr. Green wants to go on a beach vacation格林先

9、生想要进行一次沙滩度假。8. One girl is skating on a river and a man is taking a photo of a snowman.【考查点 】一 one girl 中的 one 意为 “一个 ; 唯一 ” ,强调数量,而后面a man 中的 a 不强调数量。如:I have only one sister. She is a teache战只有一个姐姐。她是一位教师。【考查点 】二 take a photo 为固定短语,意为 “拍照;照相” ,相当于 take photos.如: Take a photo of sb./sth. 意为“给某人/某物拍

10、照”They are taking photos of the panda.他们在给那只熊猫拍照。拓 展 】与 take 相关短语:take a bus乘公共汽车take a vacation 休假take a walk 散步take some exercise 锻炼身体知识点 3 语法讲解与练习 : 天气的表达How s the weather in Shanghai? 上海的天气怎么样?【考查点】一 HoW s the weather?是用来询问天气状况的常用句式,也可以用What' s the weather like?来表示,答语常为It ' s + adj.W词),在

11、句末可以加上 介词+地点/时间”等短语。如: How s the weather in Beijing? =What s the weather like in Beijing?北京的天气怎么样?It ' s cloud侈云【考查点】二weather为不可数名词,天气",不能与不定冠词a/an连用。其同音异形词是whether(是 否)。fine weather 晴天cloudy weather 阴天weather forecast 天气预报What bad weather! 多么糟糕的天气啊!展】 谈论天气的常用句子1. 询问天气:What's the weathe

12、r like today?今天天气怎么样?What's the weather like in winter in Beijing? 北京冬天天气怎么样What's it like outside today? 今天外面天气怎么样?How is the weather tomorrow? 明天的天气怎么样?What's the weather going to be tomorrow?明天天气怎样?Do you like the weather here?你喜欢这儿的天气吗?What do you think of the weather here?你觉得这儿的天气怎么

13、样Which seasons do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?What's your favorite season?你最喜欢哪个季节?2. 谈论好天气:What a nice day! 多好的天气呀!What great weather we're having today!今天天气真好!It's a beautiful/lovely day. 今天是个好天气。It's Sunny. 是晴天。It's cool/warm/pleasant. 天气很凉爽/温暖 /舒适。Lovely weather,isn't it? 天气真好

14、,是吗?Fine day,isn't it? 今天是个好天气,是吧?3. 谈论不好的天气:The weather is terrible. 天气真糟糕。The weather forecast says it isn't good.天气预报说今天天气不好。4. 谈论气温:What's the temperature?温度是多少?It will get warmer as the day goes by. 天气会一天天地变暖和。Spring is warm. 春天是温暖的。It's a warm day. 是温暖的天气。It's warmer than y

15、esterday. (今天)比昨天暖和。How hot is it outside? 外面有多热?It's so hot/cold. 是如此的热/冷。The temperature will drop below zero. 气温将降到零度以下。It's two below zero. 零下二度。It's seven degrees below zer o 今天是零下七度。(摄氏)。5. 谈论雨天:As long as it doesn't rain. 只要不下雨就行。It's going to be cloudy tomorrow. 明天将是阴天。It

16、 looks like rain. 看起来要下雨。I guess it's going to rain. 我想要下雨了。The paper says it might rain this evening.报纸说今天傍晚可能要下雨。It's wet and cloudy. 天气潮湿阴沉。It's rainy and wet. 天下雨并且潮湿。Oh,the rain is coming down. 呕,雨已经下下来了。It's drizzling/sprinkling outside. 外面在下毛毛雨。6. 谈论刮风:I think there will be a

17、strong wind. 我想可能要刮大风了。Today's a windy day. 今天外面刮大风。It's a windy day. 刮风了。It's blowing hard. 风刮得很大。7. 谈论雪天:It's rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy/wet/dry. 今天是雨天/阴天 /刮风 /下雪 /潮湿 /干燥。I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall. 我恐怕天不会冷的下雪。It's starting to snow outside. 外面开始下雪了。

18、It's snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。8. 谈论雾天:It's very foggy. 雾很大。The fog is beginning to lift. 正在收雾。四、例题精析【例题 1 】【 题干 】 How is it going?.A. It s great B. You are welcome C. Thanks a lot.A【解析】由问句进来情况怎样? ”可知答语只有"It ' s great故选A2】 I ll go to France for a holiday next month.Great! !A. Good luck

19、 B. Best wishes C. Glad to see you again D. Have a good timeDGood luck 祝你好运“ ” ; Best wishes 最美好的祝福“” Glad to see you again 再次见到你很高 “兴” Have a good time 玩的开心“ ”表达了对对方度假的美好祝福。顾答案选D 。3】题干 】 My parents often tell me too much junk food because itsA. not eating B. not to eat C. eating D. to eatB考查了固定句型te

20、ll sb not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事,故选 B4】bad for my health.t 题干 】 We can t do listening practice today, for Miss Zhang-recordersdtoaepsenD句意:我们今天不能做听力练习了,因为赵老师的录音机出问题了。 表示机器等工作、运转要用work ,故选D【例题 5 】【题干 】 It s Father s Day today. ? Yes. Let s buy a gift for Dad.A. isn t itB. doesn t it C. isn t heD. doesn

21、 t heA【解析】本题考查反意疑问句的用法。根据 前肯后否;前否后肯”的原则,由it ' s 可知反意疑问句应 该用isn t it故答案选A。五、课堂运用【基础】 单项选择1. Everyonehaving a good time.A. am B. is C. are2. is the weather like?A. How B. What C. Which1.15 it going?A. How B. What C. Where1.16 Jeff going for his vacation (彳段期)?A. How B. What C. Where5. What you whe

22、n ifs raining?A. do - do B. are doing C. did - do6. The game looks. I want to have a try.A. fun B. cool C. boring7. How's the weather there?/hi on the beachA. Not bad B. 11' s snow. C. It s hot8. Is he? No, he's in the water.A. swims, fishing B. swiming, running C. swimming, walking9. I

23、like the weather there. Its always.A. sunny B. snowing C. funny10. I like taking. It s much fun.A. photos B. pictures C. medicine11. Thank you forus.A. helping B. to help C. help12. It's windy and cold, so he is wearing a scarf his neck(子).A. around B. on C. with13. It sin spring and it sin summ

24、er.A. warm, cool B. hot, cold C. warm, hot14. Uncle Tom is a writer. He isa book.A. writting B. writing C. writeing.15. many people here on vacationA. They ,re B. There are C. There is16. How much is it? Five yuan.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand's17. It's a nice.A. weather B. photo C. d

25、ay18. What Lucy and Lily?A. is doing B. are doing C.does - do19. Kate is English, fm American.A. a, an B. / / C. an, a20. That terrible.A. look B. hears C. sounds16-20ABBBC【答案】1-5BBACB 6-10ACBAA 11-15AAABB【巩固】词语运用1. He looks very cool when he w his sunglasses.2. The children enjoy(play) soccer after

26、 class.1.1 love to watch monkeys(climb) trees.1.5 he(go) home at five every afternoon.5. How about some beef ? ( have )6. Don t (put)the books on floor. It s dirty .7. There some money in the box. Whose is it ?8. Look! Tom(play) ping pong with his friends, and they (have) a good time.9. My father us

27、ually (watch) TV on weekends, but now he(read) at home.10. Tell him (call) me this afternoon. He often (call) me.1.wears2. playing3.climb4.goes 5.having 6.put7.is8.is playing, are having 9.watches, is reading 10. to call, calls【拔高】连词成句1 . weather, is, the, how2 . it, how, going,is3 .take, can, messa

28、ge, I, for, a, him_4 .am , a, learning, I, lot5 .the, I, by, am, pool, sitting?6. Studying, are, hard, you7. not, phone, is, working, my8. is, weather, windy, the, snowy, and9. of, man, is ,a, a, a, photo, snowman, taking10. rainy, the, are ,rainy, doing, in, what, weather, rainy?【答案】I.How is the we

29、ather?2 .How is it going?3 .Can I take a message for him?4.1 am learning a lot.1.1 am sitting by the pool.6 .Are you studying hard?7 .My phone isn ' t working.8 .The weather is windy and snowy.9 . A man is taking a photo of a snowman.10 .What are you doing in the rainy weather?六、课后作业完形填空mother i

30、s 8 happy. " 9()1. A. Teachers ' Day C. Women s Day( )2. A. to give B. give()3. A. have B. has()4. A. how to buy B. what to()5. A. card B. ideas()6. A. withB. atToday is March 7th, and tomorrow is 1. Dally wants 2 her mother something.Dally 3 10 dollars. She is thinking about 4. She thinks

31、and thinks. Then she has an 5. “I can buy a card 6 my dear mother. " Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful cardHere is a card foH yo u, MiShe 7 some words on it. She shows it to her mother and says,Dally. " She sayy. is 10, too.B. Christmas ' DayD. Womans' DayC. givingD.

32、 to haveC. isD. buysbuy C. how buy it D. what buyC. hourD. ideaC. ofD. for( )7. A. writes B. reads()8. A. much B. very()9. A. Come onC. I buy a card for you()10. A. sad B. happyC. hears D. saysC. realD. certainB. It ' s March 7th todayD. Thank youC. tallD. angry阅读理解I'm Bruce. I like nature(自然),so I sent to university(大学)and worked hard at gardening. I became a gardener in a park. I love my job. I like the outdoor life not sitting at a desk for me, though sometimes it is a bit lonely. I have to spend the whole day in the park a


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