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1、source of iicoiie iwrcentase of totalParents rari-iinw jM? Pellaivship 廿SzhiilarshipStudent Chinese SludentsTask: You are required to talk about the followi ng survey result about the in come of Chin ese stude nts and America n stude nts. Give your ideas and an alyses.Pa rtIIInterv iew(3 mi nutes)No

2、w you see an advertiseme nt for a hotel.LiFREE UPGRADE Falls Side RoomWWWOAKESHOTEL, C OMBONUS - Two Welcome Coe:Mails $20 Dining Credit at ApplebeesGourmet Dinner for two at Award winningStea Ik and Seafood HouBe Remingtons af Niagara Four wine tastings for two m Niagara on the Lake Chocolate facto

3、ry toor for two* Jinw JUBLLI r£j CNAN _iL vi'ITHLlUI NuFiCL.二和也二匚:I打离H心ISUlUilt ANu UU>£2LI IWords for refere nee: gourmet getaway:美食之旅 di ning credit: 餐饮代金券Task:Suppose youwork at the information desk in this hotel.Be prepared to answer questions from a person interested in theserv

4、ice advertised.Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about thereas ons for not using social media. Give your ideas and an alyses.Part I (2) Prese ntation(3 min utes)PartRea so ns for Not U 引 ng Social Medki11(2)(3 min utes)In terviewNow you see an advertiseme nt for a job

5、as a medical tran scripti oni st.Earn up to $25000 a year as a Medical Transcriptionist!No experie nee is n eeded. Work thehours you choose. Train at home inyour spare time. The medical profession needs skilled transcriptionist.So ifyou can type, or are willing to learn, we can train you to work at

6、home doing medical tran scripti ons from tapes dictated by doctors. Get free in formati on!At-Home professi on Corp.Please call 1-800-475-0100Task:Suppose you are a HR man ager of At-Home professi on Corp.Part I Prese ntati on(3 min utes)Be prepared to an swer questi ons from a pers on who is in ter

7、ested in this job.Task: You are required to talk about the following survey result about the nu mber of stude nts hav ing psychologicalproblems. Give your ideas andan alyses.Part5-fi 7-1314-1617-19the nuiber of students ha vinepsychological probltyisagp groupIn terview(3 mi nutes)Now you see an adve

8、rtiseme nt for a cruise tour.'91 / 9sasAieue pue seapinoA 劭!9 sqojnosai jo uoqdiunsuoo pue uone|ndod tiqpuods P|jom eq; inoqe i|nsoAqajns 6ui/v0|0j eq; inoqe01 pejinboaje no人:丄(sainuiiu g)uo!囘 uosaid(t7)1 pedi 1 E T n W 1 L、广1V1SAH3W!pmn pieoqdiq?凶乙$ nuog即叫 n)c uga jd 35n"疋P 9510己 +86 NONAi

9、*oqduiA$ jieisAjQ pjeoq uo ud(9 o)"山辺训uaqqijt?o sq; jo siuoq:6ui|ies pajnjes-j皿回6od SS3U1IJ AdviN3ndO3 6UIUIO A4iepDdS 人JlVLMm训门d内CO -AaVlNdlndOO uids luriujaj'C pud 小屁cujolp '甜u忖0UJJ 口8|辭人廿乜Lha桝门diAICO + :Aofug86e>|oedno eq; ui poisaoiu! si oq/v uosjad e 11104 suoqsonb8/vsue 01 paje

10、dajd eg |8Aeji 8Ae/ M8N j。sqtuQLU 购s e aie noA asoddns:丄ueiepeueg : a VO ::心° pjeoqdiqs 曾融 加/ :巳i6leu |AeJiaAeM/vau “mmm £LL£七乙6勺巾oueiuo I oiuojoi Aeg gOLSNCimiOS HAVUl ncmsia jq nojsimo V13AVy丄 3AVMM3N创囲Qarui山|紳剧丄ijrx讥陽EUTCXO i|E PgSJ pJQ 2HLJ1 虹皿理 虹!匸:迎.*3? OL :D聲即£ pQ|OJ31>

11、CD AXCdn?02鸭 p »LlD thJIpJVq pj? *JJH3Kjc a白rue pipui du d&pvn uhairiS 生时珥蹴詔山如曲 卵 diAusdiaxi ofqrop '也引加 g R和环軀it目 luo aarujsdbtJAQAuoeh电1IO 丑已寸 I岸S 鼻P!X pue? sajj 0卩0 pmFipeH £出甘<昏JsBuiabs sasiruo igisAjqPart - (4)-nferview(3 minuses)wQr-d spAndisEworEpopuwEs'nOMVnn03»

12、匚mpitiork Qf sossNow you see a posfer abou二ransportafion means.on*" CARPOOL MsPUBLrt-RAN 空 Y OR£S3 WO 妻 Cars ownershipwBEensivR 90s s二电 drive 占sn壬 every day.Wordscarpoo蚩>Task-呈lGTDW 昊 CD愛etsy meane paying fogas 8< Dark, hgDnanaklsLIarwe ITPaa'K deprMson 巳 carscE岂口 commute32 3_s u

13、 7 g2_Dns Of gas/week H 3SQCarpool 4 学需Qtt 頁 peof>lE * onlyS25 eachwear SH-FT FRsCMtNvneFSIlip Bpub-icsnspodauon G saMe©242aKEscmm commute savL nE二 ey-喘二 f 4 educK your CHbLMl tootprint Big dties ? Washington, s 刼re programs5FiheF downbwi coresEJ enamge bdefhipSuppose you are a social worker

14、.Be prepared to answer questions from a person interested in knowing the adva ntages of carpool, public tran sit and bikes.Part I Prese ntati on(3 min utes)Task:You are required to talk about the following illustration. Give your account on the cha nge of how Chin ese watched videos from 2021to 2021

15、 and comme nt on the graph.Par t IIInterviewNow you see an advertiseme nt for a brand of shampoo.Sanara ShampooYou' II notice how kind new Sanara is to your hair. See it. Feed it.Sanara s naturally derived formulations bring out the shine and the smooth ness in your hair, leav ing it man ageable

16、 and healthy. You won ' t actually see how Sanara is kind to the environment, but it ' nice to know that the whole range is biodegra dable, so it doesn' pollute water or soil. And naturally, the packaging is recyclable.Task:Suppose you are a salespers on.A customer comes to ask you for i

17、nformation about your product. Be prepared to an swer his or her questi ons.Part I (6)Prese ntation (3 mi nutes)Task:You are required to talk about the followi ng illustrati on. Give your acco unt on the left-behind and migrant children in China and comment on the graph.MigrntcMlidren.as %oftvta urb

18、an children. 2021 0-19,9 20.卜29.9 30.0-39.9 Part II (6)In terview(3 min utes)Now you see a poster of the Alibaba GroupOnlin# Travel衢宝网C2C onbnemarketplaceCicud computingr)d daamanagemem天範 rriALi.conB2C nmineshoppingpkitform聚刻算/» rvmIBGroupshoppingplatlnrmAdvertisinQ NdtrCirkaSmart TV OSVlGtSlK

19、OSAlibaba Groun阿里巴巴卑丙;ile&KkconiShoppingsewrhengineE-commerce EcosystemDigitalEnKirtirinnifii:AmlidwiAlipa* com Thir(l-pnrt>' paymcrit plattorrnJ暮bn co ilGlobal B2Be-ccmmercepianormServicesMobil*ApplicationsAli expressGlcbctlconsuiner& marketplaceVBVFPR. iti -i R'?H*-(; om in ercw

20、pllfnrmLogisticsInte-metCommiun i 匚吕 tiondLeft-behind childrenr is % of total nual children, 2021 G-19.9 2aD-29.9 血43久9 袒049.9 知册Source: Sthodof SdciDkgyand Populjtian Studies, Remin Univenity oFChiniTask:Suppose you are a staff of the Alibaba Group.Be prepared to an swer questi ons from a foreig n

21、frie nd who is in terested in lear ning about this compa ny.Part I (7) Prese ntati on(3 mi nu tes)Task:You are required to talk about the following survey result about people ' s attitude towards remarriage, and give your ideas and an alyses.Women More Likely to Say (*No Thanks When it Comes to

22、RemarriageWomen More Likely to Say uNo Thanks'- Whfito RemarriagoQ: yn 卵朋f f- mb i rs 卩毗r prg仇陶do yen irav id fnnrriE4/c4jai'n Rggou iL -ir.ttcrrjei?gqqicr ae j/as Tiof sureou il'j.M tc 理 inc rried c.ya'Worrein网Pa rtIIIn terview(3 min utes)Now you see an advertiseme nt for an Africa

23、n tour.AN ENTIRE1Y LUXURIOUS EXPERIENCE Tick off 14 Africa Bucket List ItemsM< 1JL N J HH S i2 DAYSUS $44,5( X)per person., sharingFJUIlENTS .KIL IWLLYhdidias ire world's most luxurious train voyage, celuxe accommodations, and uutlinlic ejtp6rierice$.Nexf Depcrturer 28 September 2P JZ* P/ease

24、 enqiuire.GowayE“ i ird? vvc: ci miWe know Africa., contact your agent or1.800.245.0920 or visit goway /c2cTask:Suppose you are a salespers on in charge of this tour.Be prepared to answer questions from a customer who is interested in the tour package advertised.Part I (8)Prese ntati on(3 mi nutes)T

25、ask: You are required to talk about the followi ng survey result about thecrude oil prices. Give your ideas and an alyses.Crude oil prices120 -JIUSD per barrelBrent116.43 Jun 19, 2021-49.09% (-56,66) -72 36% annual137days2021Brent-WTIWords for refere nee:Brent: (Brent Crude)布伦特原油价格WTI: (West Texas I

26、n termediate)西德克萨斯中质油价格以上两个原油交易所的即期合约价格被视作国际原油价格的基准价(3 min utes)Part II (8) In terviewNow you see an advertiseme nt.Walch Body WashWalch Body Wash contains cleansing extract from plants which is 100% natural to strengthen your skin while cleansing. Contains pure botanicals to clea nse your body gen

27、tly; while classic fragra nee to make you charm ing and fasci nati ng.Task:Suppose you are a salespers on.A customer comes to ask you for information about your product. Be prepared to an swer his or her questi ons.Part I (9)Prese ntation(3 min utes)Task: You are required to talk about the following

28、 survey result about theco un tries that provide the best job opport un ities for young people, and give your ideas and an alyses.Wl噸IClear US lead on job opportunities for young people; EU and China in a close second and thirdWhich countiy or countries, if anyr do you think provide the best job opp

29、ortunities for young people today?¥oulh 虫iiirgp 尽迸lp»5 WRJChinflSouth KoeaBrazilIndiaHussraTurteyOtierMcneon'L know石氓re创申ws? GJtoM 阳册婕SourcB: hfsn?罰 r» L 曲 ouf OrgantstionWords for Refere nee: un emp: un employed 失业率N/A:未知PART II (9)In terview(3 min utes)Now you see a product in troducti on.Model: HWM130-0677Super capacity for 10kg,more wash ing.Buzzer sound can be adjusted, wash ing more convenient.Computer con trol, accommodate to people ' s concept of consumptio


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