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1、满分(24%)3PART ONE (30%)DireCti on: In this Part Of the test, there are 10 questi ons. Foreach questi on, you Will have 5 Segme nts. The Segme nts are in mixed order. Drag them into right order to make a complete Senten ce.题目1部分正确获得分中的分Drag the Segme nts into right order to make a complete sentence.in

2、 North AmeriCa, work abse nce are related toXdepressi on, accord ing to some estimatesUP toX40% Of disability ClaimS forX正确答案是:in North AmeriCa,UP to40% of disability CIaimS forwork abse nce are related todepressi on, accord ing to some estimates题目2部分正确获得分中的分4Drag the Segme nts into right order to m

3、ake a complete sentence.We welcome this report ' S emphasis tackling this PUbIiC health CriSiSXthat PhySiCia ns Play in on the vital roleXr 我不知道P反馈正确答案是:We welcomethis report ' S emphasisOn the vital rolethat PhySiCia ns Play intackling this PUbIiC health CriSiS题目3from differe nt backgro Und

4、SXto lear n and thrive in a Cha nging worldXwho have dedicated themselvesXWe greatly admire the teachersXto help ing ChiIdre n正确答案是:We greatly admire the teachersWho have dedicated themselvesto help ing ChiIdre nfrom differe nt backgro UndSto lear n and thrive in a Cha nging world题目43 IDrag the Segm

5、e nts into right order to make a complete sentence, thinking about how to PrOVideXa lot of time a better future fora typical Tiger MUm SPe ndsXher OnIy child正确答案是:a typical Tiger MUm SPe ndsa lot of timethinking about how to PrOVide a better future forher only child题目5部分正确获得分中的分3is more IikeXren ti

6、ng accessXOWning One OUtrightXto a book tha nthe tran SaCti onX正确答案是:the tran SaCti on is more like ren ti ng access to a book tha nOWning one OUtright题目6不正确获得分中的分are merely UPgradeSXto grasp that new goodsXof exist ing onesXmore subtly,XStatiStiCians SOmetimeS fail正确答案是:more subtly,StatiStiCians So

7、metimeS fail to grasp that new goods are merely UPgradeS of exist ing ones题目7不正确获得分中的分a good many yearsXin adva nce of the people who are liv ing in itXmaterial ProgreSS has racedXthat the world itself isXso far ahead of men tal and SPiritUaI PrOgreSS我不知道反馈 正确答案是:material PrOgreSS has raced so far a

8、head of men tal and SPiritUaI PrOgreSS that the world itself is a good many years in adva nce of the people who are liv ing in it题目8部分正确获得分中的分3 Idomin atedXin 2006 the list WaSXby 84 compa niesfrom the four BRlC coun tries including 44 from ChinaaIOne我不知道2反馈正确答案是:in 2006 the IiSt WaSdomin atedby 84

9、compa niesfrom the four BRlC coun triesincluding 44 from ChinaaIOne题目9正确获得分中的分adapti ng to local CirCUmSta nces mea ns recog nizing thatemerg in g-world Con SUmerS are an odd mixture of ignorance and SOPhiStiCati on我不知道P题目10 不正确获得分中的分3disaster relief funding,Xmitigate the risk of liv ing off the Ian

10、dXadva nces in agricultural tech no logy,Xas WeIl as the Safety net OfXcrop in SUra nce, SUbSidieS andXr 我不知道反馈正确答案是:adva nces in agricultural tech no logy, as well as the Safety net of crop in SUra nce, SUbSidieS and disaster relief funding, mitigate the risk of liv ing off the Iand题目11部分正确获得分中的分PA

11、RT TWo (20%)DireCtion:In this Part Of the test, you Will have 5 short paragraphs.Re-arra nge them (by dragg ing) so that they are in right order and thus make a complete passage. The 3rd ParagraPh has bee n Iabeled for you.ThiS Pattern is OCCUrring throughout the industrializedworld. EVendevelop ing

12、n ati ons are facingin CreaS ingtech no IOgiCalUnemployment as transnationalcompanies build state-of-the-arthigh-techPrOdUCtionfacilities,lettinggo millionsof CheaPlaborers who Can no Ionger COmPete With the cost efficiency, quality control, and SPeed of delivery achieved by automated manufacturing.

13、X(3) Corporate IeaderS and main Stream econo mists tell US that the rising Un employme nt figures represe nt ShOrt-term "adjustme nts" to POWerfUI market-drivenforces that are SPeeding the global economy in a new directi on. They hold out the PrOmiSe of an excit ing newworld Of high-tech a

14、utomated ProdUCti on, boo ming global commerce, and Un PreCede nted material abundan ce. Millio ns of work ing people rema in SkePtical.In the Un ited States, Fort Une magaz ine found thatcorporatio ns are elim in ati ng more tha n 2 millio n jobs annu ally.While some new jobs are being Created in t

15、he US economy, they arein the low-pay ing SeCtOrS and are usually temporary.XMore than 800 millionhuman beings are now Unemployed orUnderemployed in the world. That figure is likely to rise SharPIy between nowand the turn of the Century as millions of new entrants into the workforce find themselves

16、WithOUt jobs.XA tech no Iogy revoluti on is fast replac ing huma nbeings With mach ines in virtually every SeCtOr and industry in the global economy. Already, millions of WOrkerS have been Permanently eliminated from the economic process, and whole work CategOrieS and job assignments have shrunk, be

17、en restructured, or disappeared. Global Unemployment has now reached its highest level SinCe the great depression of the 1930s.XWith CUrre ntSUrVeyS show ing that less tha n five PerCe nt ofComPa nies around the world have eve n beg Un the tran Siti On to the new mach ine culture, massive Un employm

18、e nt of a kind n ever before experie need SeemS all but in evitable in the COming decades. RefIeCting on the Significance of the transition taking place, the disti nguished Nobel IaUreate econo mist Wasilly Leon tief Warned that With the introductionof inCreaSinglySOPhiStiCated computers, "Ther

19、ole of humans as the most important factor of PrOdUCtion is bound to diminish in the Same Way that the role of horses in agricultural PrOdUCtion WaS first diminiShed and theneliminatedby thein troducti on of tractors."r 我不知道PPP5 I反馈正确答案是:A tech no Iogy revoluti on is fast replac ing huma nbeing

20、s With mach ines in virtually every SeCtOr and industry in the global economy. Already, millions of WOrkerS have been Permanently eliminated from the economic process, and Whole Work CategOrieS and job assignments have shrunk, been restructured, or disappeared. Global Unemployment has now reached it

21、s highest level since the great depression of the 1930s.More than 800 million human beings are now unemployed or underemployed in the world. That figure is likely to rise sharply between now and the turn of the century as millions of new entrants into the workforce find themselves without jobs.(3) C

22、orporate leaders and mainstream economists tell us that the rising unemployment figures represent short-term "adjustments" to powerful market-driven forces that are speeding the global economy in a new direction. They hold out the promise of an exciting new world of high-tech automated pro

23、duction, booming global commerce, and unprecedented material abundance. Millions of working people remain skeptical. In the United States, Fortune magazine found that corporations are eliminating more than 2 million jobs annually.While some new jobs are being created in the US economy, they are in t

24、he low-paying sectors and are usually temporary.This pattern is occurring throughout the industrialized world. Even developing nations are facing increasing technological unemployment as transnational companies build state-of-the-art high-tech production facilities, letting go millions of cheap labo

25、rers who can no longer compete with the cost efficiency, quality control, and speed of delivery achieved by automated manufacturing.With current surveys showing that less than five percent of companies around the world have even begun the transition to the new machine culture, massive unemployment o

26、f a kind never before experienced seems all but inevitable in the coming decades. Reflecting on the significance of the transition taking place, the distinguished Nobel laureate economist Wasilly Leontief warned that with the introduction of increasingly sophisticated computers, "The role of hu

27、mans as the most important factor of production is bound to diminish in the same way that the role of horses in agricultural production was first diminished and then eliminated by the introduction of tractors."题目 12部分正确 获得分中的分标记此题qaid=1988619&qO题干4 IPART THREE (20%)DireCtion: In this Part O

28、f the test, you Will have a PaSSage With10 miss ing words/expressi ons. Choose ONE word/expressi on from the box below and drag your ChOiCe to its place.In a world Where many traditional forms of work are ever Changing, good academic qualificati on S al one will no Ion ger guara ntee work.ThiS is Pa

29、rtIy because of the tran Sie nce of many con temporary forms of work. It is X because there are many more people With academic qualifications.AS the of work Changes, educationitself isbecoming one of the world ' S biggest industries.It has been estimated that education and training now XSiX Per

30、Cent of world GDP. The United Nations PrediCtS that in the next thirty years more people will be looking for qualifications in educationtha n SinCe the beg inning of CiViIiZati on. ThiS has profo Und賈 for the sorts of education people need, and for the 汽 of thequalificatio nsthey receive. One emerge

31、 nt issue is academicinflation. QUaIifiCations are a form of CUrrency. Their value isrelated to the PreVaiIi ng excha nge rate for employme nt or higher educati on.奖 all CUrre ncies, they Can in flate Whe n there are toomanyin relation to the opportUnitiesX. Two or three A-IeVeIS onceXa Uni VerSity

32、place: the baseli ne for many COUrSeS is now much higher. A first degree once guaranteed a job: the baseline is now a master ' S degree or even a PhD. ThiS is a StrUCtUraI problem for all educati on systems, and it may compo UndX the nu mber of peoplein formal educatio n con ti nues to in crease

33、. WhateVer other issues it raises, one *is already clear. ACademiC qualificationsalone areno Ion ger eno ugh. In CreaS in gly, employers and OtherS emphasize the need for the qualities and aptitudes WhiCh academic qualifications are not desig ned to PrOdUCe POWerS of creativity, of com muni Cati on,

34、 of adaptability, and social skills.SeCUred accoUnt for as nature value availableimplicationsalso likeconSeqUenceSeCUredaCCO Untforasn aturevalue536210availableimplicatio nsalsolikec on SeqUe nce反馈The correct answer is:PART THREE (20%)Direction: In this part of the test, you will have a passage with

35、10 missing words/expressions. Choose ONE word/expression from the box below and drag your choice to its place.In a world where many traditional forms of work are ever changing, good academic qualifications alone will no longer guarantee work.This is partly because of the transience of many contempor

36、ary forms of work. It is also because there are many more people with academic qualifications. As the natureof work changes, education itself is becoming one of the world's biggest industries.It has been estimated that education and training now account for six per cent of world GDP. The United Nations predicts that in th


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