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1、1. field 田2. river 河;江3. grass 草4. cow奶牛5. sheep 绵羊6. goat ill 羊7. goose(geese)鹅8. feed(fed)饲养;喂养9. give(gave)给10. pick(picked)摘11. few极少;几乎没有12. a few 儿(个、条)1 . on the farm 在农场上 4 . cut4期BHbf 翼他了别的巨14.if如果2.in the field在田地里5. feed the animals 喂养动物11.if you want如果你想的话13.look lovely看上去很可爱5. milk(milk

2、ed)挤奶6. ride(rode)骑7. tnkp/tcck、花群邓世昌纪念小学六年级上册英语期末复习资料Class Name No.Unit 1 What are those farmers doing?一、单词及造句。The farmer is working in the field.I see many lovely ducks on the river.They are cutting grass to feed the animals. Uncle Lin is milking the cow on the farm now. There are a few sheep on t

3、he mountain. There were some goats by the river before. The geese eat rice and give us meat.Every day Linda feeds the goose after class. We give rice to the chickens and ducks. He picks apples from the trees.I have few postcards, I should buy some.We need a few stamps.Do you have other pens in your

4、bag? You can drink some tea if you want.3. fruit trees 果树6. so many things 很多东西9. plant trees 栽树lO.pick some apples from the trees 从树上摘些苹果12 . give something to somebody 把某物给某人8, grow vegetables 种蔬菜14.on the river在河上 三、重点句型1. What are those farmers doing?那些农民正在干什么?They are cutting grass to feed the

5、animals.他们正在割草喂动物。2. Do you have any other animals on the farm?你们在农场上有其他动物吗?Yes, we do. We have a few goats and pigs.是的,我们有。我们有少量的山羊和猪。3. You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want.要是你想要苹果或橙 子的话 可以从树上摘一些。4. There are fruit trees in this field.这块地里种 了 果树。Unit 2 A country life is a

6、 healthy life、单词及造句。1. country 农村I like living in the countiy2. life 生活I prefer country life, because it is very healthy.3. grandparent 祖父(母)夕 卜 祖父(母)My grandparents likes walking in the garden after dinner.4. am上午I go to school at 7:50 a.m. every day.Can you milk the cow?Xiaoling rode a bike to sch

7、ool after breakfast yesterday.It takes me two hours to do my homework.8.still仍然Its 11:00 p.m., but I still have much work to do.9. help. with.在(方面)帮助Your mum is tired, please help her with housework.(方面) 帮助 He often helped his dad wash clothes two years ago.10. helpdo在-11. air空气12. healthy 健康的13. bu

8、sy繁忙的14. plenty of 大量的We need clean air and fresh food.A country life is a healthy life.I donft like the busy city life.There are plenty of fruits on the table.Fresh air is important to us.It takes Jim 20 minutes to go to the park.15. fresh新鲜的16. minute 分钟 二、词组1. live in the country 住在乡下 2. wake up

9、酉星来 3. milk the4. ride a bike 骑自行车 5.plenty of 量的;充分的6. plenty of7. more than.超过,多余.9. finish my homework 做完作业cow给奶牛挤奶exercise充分的锻炼8. have much work to do彳艮多活要干IO.after school 放学后 11. feed the chickens 喂鸡13. help my parents with housework 帮父母做家务15. get home 至U家 16. clean air 洁净的空气18 . healthy工ife健康的

10、生活12. feel tired 感到累14. every day 每天17. fresh food新鲜的食物三、重点句型1. It takes me about 40 minutes to ride to shcooL我花了 大约 40 分钟骑车到学校。2. There are 48 pupils and only one classroom.只有一个教室和 48 个学生。3. We must all learn together.我们所有人必须一起学习。4. When I get home after school, there is still much work to do.当我放学回

11、到家,仍然有很多工作要做。5. After I finish my homework, I feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.完 成作业之后,我喂鸡和帮助我的父母做其他的家务。7. So I think a country life is a healthy life.所以我认为乡村生活是健 康的生活。Unit 3 Where are you from?A city life is a busy life.There are 36 students in our class.New York is the ca

12、pital of the USA.America is far away from China.6.1 am always very busy but I never feel tired, because I have plenty of exercise, clean air and fresh food every day.我通常非常忙但是我从不感觉累,因为我每天做大量的 运动,呼吸洁净 空气和吃新鲜的食物。一、单词及造句。1. city城市2. student 学生3. New York 纽约4. America美国;美洲5. quiet安静的6. cheap便宜的7. modern现

13、代化的8. noisy嘈杂的9. wide宽阔的10. crowded 拥挤的11. hotel酒店;宾馆 c r c -w»b 4- f i1r1This is a quiet and wide street.I think things in Guangzhou are cheap.Shanghai is a big and modern city.The streets are noisy and dirty.This is a wide and quiet street.There are many people in the classroom. It is crowded

14、.The hotel is clean and comfortable.The bed is comfortable and soft.15. was是 (am, is的过去式) was a student ten years ago.16. be born 出生17. expensive 昂贵的18. street 彳圭了道19. supermarket 超市20. traffic 交通二、词组1. a new student 新生3. in New York 在纽约5.in the city在城市里一、单词和造句。1 .postcard 明信片13. heavy 拥挤的; 大量的 Ever

15、y morning the traffic in Guangzhou is heavy14. slow 慢;缓慢的The woman is old and slow.Miss WeiLu Xun was born in Shaoxing in 1881.The bag is too expensive, I can*t buy it.The streets are crowded and noisy.My grandmother vjent shopping in the supermarket The traffic in Beij ing is slow and heavy.2. a bi

16、g and modern city 一个大和现代化的城市4.cheap things便宜的东西6.tall buildings高大的建筑8 . crowded streets 拥挤的街道7. modern buildings 现代的建筑10. comfortable weather 舒适 的天气9. a large supermarket 一个大超市三、重点句型1. Where are you from?你来自哪里?Pm from New York in America.我来自美国的纽约。2.1 was born there我在那里出生。3. Do you like living in the

17、 city?你喜欢在城市里生活吗? Yes, Ido.是的,我喜欢。/No, Idont不,我不喜欢。4. Whafs New York like?纽约怎么样?Its a big and modem city, but its quite noisy.Is是一个现代化的大城市,但十分喧闹。5. Everything is very expensive in New York.在纽约任何东西都彳艮 昂贵。2.dirty 脏的3. afraid 害怕Unit 41 like the city very much.4. be afraid to害怕做某事 be afraid of害怕某物5. bec

18、ause 因为6. sell出售7. countryside 农村8. theatre 居U 院9. all day 整天10. miss 想念11. holiday 假 H12. different to 不同于13. outside外面;在外面 二、词组1 .different to-与不同This is a postcard from Paris.Your shoes are so dirty, you should brush them.It's dark outside, he!s afraid.Donft be afraid to go outside.I am afrai

19、d of tigers.I like playing basketball, because it is fun.My uncle sells many kinds of toys.In the countryside I can play with the animals.The theatre is modern and clean.I can play games all day during summer holiday.I miss my friends very much.Everyone likes holidays.Chinese food is different to th

20、e western food.It is sunny outside, lefs have a picnic in the park.2.be afraid to 害怕做某事 3.at night 晚上5.much more多得多 6.at home在家里8. can, t wait to-迫不及待要干某事一、单词和造句。1. health 健康2. matter 事情3. ill病的4. stomachache 肚子疼5. eat (ate)吃6. hear (heard)听到 I'm sorry to hear that.7. hour小时8. give (gave)给9. che

21、ck-up 检查10. take月艮(药)11. medicine 药12. time13. toothache 牙疼14. candy 糖果15. brush 刷16. twice 两次17. broken 断了 的18. finger 手指19. rest 休息20. take a rest 休息21. wear (wore)穿22. headache 头疼23. can(could)能够24. fever 发烧25. maybe 可能26. go (went)去27. careful 小心的9. get back home 回到家 10.lots of 很多11 go outside 夕

22、卜出12. wide streets宽阔的街道13.heavy traffic拥挤的交通14.all my friends我所有的朋友三、重点句型1. Its very different to our home on the farm.它和我们在农场里的家彳艮不同。2. The traffic is very heavy and the streets are crowded and dirty.交通很繁忙,街道拥挤肮脏。3. There is much more to do in the city than in the countryside.在城里可 以做的事情 比在农 场里 多多了。

23、4. Sometimes 4m afraid to go outside.有时我会害怕外出。5.1 can't wait to get back home and see all my friends.我迫不及待想回家看所有的朋友们。Unit 5 Whafs the matter with you?Health is very important to everyone.Whafs the matter?He is ill, so he goes to see a doctor.He ate too much and had a stomachache Xiaoling ate too

24、 much bad food so he is so fat.听到这个我感到很难过I stayed in the hospital for four hours.Ben gives a book to me.The doctor gave him a check-up.The doctor asks me to take the medicine three times a day.Don*t eat too much candy, you will have a toothache.Brush your teeth twice a day, it's good for your te

25、eth.He has two broken legs.My finger is broken.You look so tired, you should take a good rest.Kate wore wet clothes yesterday, so she has a cold.I have a headache, I should go to the hospital.Ben could climb the tree when he was a little boy.If you have a fever, you should take some medicine.He is n

26、ot in, maybe he goes to the library.My cousin went skating with his good friends last weekend.Be careful when you cross the road.B窜落 He fell from the bike. His leg was broken.1. What9s the matter with you?你怎么 了? 2. feel ill 觉得不舒服,觉得难受吃太多冰淇淋28. go(went)to the hospital去医院3. Tm sorry to hear that.太遗憾了。

27、5. see a doctor 看医生7. ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事9. be careful小心;当心丹痛1 l.have(had) a stomachache 肚子痛;13. have(had) an earache 耳朵痛15. have(had) a headache 头痛17. give(gave) sb. a check-up 给某人体检19. brush(brushed) one's teeth 刷牙21. drink(drank) plenty of water 喝大量的水23. eat(ate) too much candy 吃太多糖果27.

28、 eat(ate) too much ice cream4. plenty of大量的6. too much太多一8. three times a day 一天三次10. be well soon (身体)很快好起来12. have(had) a toothache 牙痛14.have(had) a cold 感冒16. have(had) a fever 发烧18. take(took) the medicine 吃药20.take(took) a rest 休息一下22. eat (ate) some bad food 吃变质的食物24. fall(fell) from the bike从

29、自行车上摔下来29. in good health = healthy健康状况好;身体好三、重点句型1. Whafs the matter with you?你怎么 了? I feel ill.我觉得不舒服。2. He gave me a check-up and asked me to take this medicine three times a day for one week.他给 我做了检查,叫我一天吃三次这药,连续吃一个星期。3. You should be careful.你应该小心点。4. Your health is very important.你的健康很重要。一、单词和

30、造句。1. secret 秘密2. simple简单的3. least最少(小)4. at least 至少diet节食;限食1.1 think youll be well soon.我认为你很快会好的。Unit 6 The secret to good healthDo you know the secret to good health?The question is too simple.He has least food in his class.I do my homework for at least two hours every day. A good diet is impo

31、rtant.6. keep a good diet 保持一个良好的饮食习惯 Everyone should keep a good diet.7. less 较少的 Eat more vegetables and drink less Coke.8. oily 多油的;油腻的 Oily food is bad for our health.9. finally 最后土也 Finally he knows how to get to the theatre.10. smile 微笑;微笑; 笑容 Tim smiles a lot./ Tim has a smile on his face.11.

32、 even 甚至 Even he is 80 years old , he can run fast. 二、词组I. the secret to good health 健康的秘密3. the next day 第二天 at least 至少5. each night每个晚上7. stay(stayed) healthy 保持健康9. have(had) a smile on one*s face 面带笑容2. keep(kept) a good diet保持良好的饮食4.oilyfood油质的食物6. the most important thing 最重要的事情8. healthy lif

33、e健康的生活10. take(took) plenty of exercise 多锻炼身体12 . worry (worried) too much 过于担心IL keep(kept) fit 健身13. eat(ate) more vegetables and less meat 多吃蔬菜和少吃肉14. get(got) plenty of sleep 多休息重要的事是要开心。一、单词和造句。1. experience 经验;经历2. yesterday 昨天3. do, does (did)助动词4. buy (bought)买5. angry生气的;愤怒的 come (came) 来8.

34、 poor可怜的9. last最近的;上一个的;10. year 年11. meet (met)遇见;聚集12. see (saw)看见;明白13. read (read)读14. have, has(had)有二、词组14. do(did)my homework 做作业 买了一双新运动鞋17. last night 昨晚19. last year 去年21. last Saturday 上周六23. no / not at all 一点也不25 . It was so much fun.彳H女子玩o三、重点句型1. Mr Li is not a doctor or a nurse.李先生不是

35、医生也不是护士。2. He says you can do some simple things to stay healthy.他说你可以做一些简单的事情来保持健康。3. He never worries too much and always has a smile on his face.他从不过虑, 脸上,总是带着笑 容。4. Mr Li thinks the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy.李先生认为健康生活最Unit 7 What did you do yesterday?Do you have any

36、working experiences?Yesterday I didn*t go to school because I was ill.(没实际意义)Did you get up early this morning?Ben bought some apples in the supermarket last week. My father was angry because I ate too much oily food. Last month she came to Hong Kong with her parents.7. no/not. at all 一,点者It was no

37、fun at all.Poor Ben, he fell from the bike.上一个 Last Saturday, I made a toy plane.Next year, I will go to Canada with my families.My daughter met her friend on the street this afternoon.I didnft see a film yesterday.Every night I read a storybook on the bed.1. go(went) shopping 去购物2. go(went) to the

38、countryside 去乡村3. play (played) basketball 打篮球4. clean(cleaned)my room5. come(came) home late.晚回家6. help(helped) others 帮助别人7. meet(met) my friends 见朋友8. eat(ate) at a restaurant 在餐馆吃饭ride (rode) a bike 骑自行车see (saw) a film 看电影Jiaming had some wonderful presents11. have(had) a party with my friends

39、和朋友开派对12. read(read)a story book 看故事书13. stay(stayed) at home 呆在家里15. buy(bought) a new pair of sport shoes16. Children Day 儿童节18. last month 上个月20. last weekend 上一个周末22. all day 一整天24. after class 卜课后 二、重占句刑1. What did you do yesterday ?你昨天做什么 了 ?I went shopping with my mother.我和妈妈去购物了。2. It was so

40、 much fun,很好玩。一、单词和造句。1. Disneyland 迪士尼乐园2. Mickey Mouse 米老鼠3. Donald Duck 唐老鸭4. later 后来5. feel(felt)感觉,觉得6. sit(sat)坐7. are(were)是8. until 直到9. better 更好10. surprised 惊讶的11. trip 旅游12. say(said)I. on our first day在我们的第一天3.one's first visit to某人第一次去5. feel(felt)ill 感觉生病了7. feel(felt) better 感觉好

41、些了9. take (took) someone to ,带某人去IL have(had) lunch together 一起吃午饭 13. write(wrote) a diary 写日 t己,2. the next day 第二天4.a little too much 太多了 一 点6. play(played) volleyball 打排球8. take(took) a photo 照相10. go (went) on a trip to 去一旅游12 . talk (talked) about 谈论It was no fun at all. 一点都不好玩。3. Where did yo

42、u go yes terday?你昨天去 了 明B 里?I stayed at home all day.我一整天都呆在家里。Unit 8 A trip to Hong KongI went to Disneyland last summer holiday.I like Mickey Mouse.Donald Duck is very lovely.Later I went to the supermarket and bought some rice.I felt better after I took some medicine.We sat by the fire and sang s

43、ongs last night.They were in England when they were young.He watched TV until his father came back home.If you work harder, you can learn English better.I was surprised because I didn't know they came here too.Ben and I went on a trip to Hong Kong.Sam said he wanted to travel in France.三、重点句型1.

44、Last weekend my mother, Ben and I went on a trip to Hong Kong.上个周末我的妈妈、本和我去香港旅游。2. He was very excited because it was his first visit to the island.他很激动因为这是他第一次到访(香港)岛。3. On our first day my cousin took us to Disneyland.第一天我表哥带我们去了迪士尼。4. Ben sat with me until I felt better.木和我一起坐着,直到我感觉好点。5.1 was ve

45、ry surprised because I didn't know they came to Hong Kong.我很惊讶,因为我不知道他们也来了香港。Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then?一、单词和造句。1. back then 当时;过去那个 口寸候 I was a good girl back then.2. polite 有礼貌的Linda is a quiet and polite girl.3. surf浏览4. Internet 因特网Every day my father surfs the Internet in the study.

46、 Were you a fat and short boy?5. surf the Internet 上网6. fat肥胖的The girl often cried when he was 5 years old.My hair was very long then.I always kept the hair short when I was a little girl. Children all like watching cartoons.2. when you were five years old 你五岁的时候4. a good girl 一个乖女孩6. surf(surfed) t

47、he Internet 上网8. read(read)books 读书10. watch(watched) cartoons 看卡通12. of ten cry(cried)经常哭14 eat (ate) vegetables 吃蔬菜7. cry 哭8. then当时9. keep(kept)保持10. cartoon 卡通二、词组1. back then 那时候3. keep (kept) one's hair short 留短发5. play(played) with toys 玩玩具7. smile(smiled) a lot 喜欢笑/经常笑9. eat(ate)candy 吃糖

48、果11. draw (drew) cartoons 画卡通13. watch(watched) TV 看电视三、重点句型1. My hair was very long then, wasn't it?那时我的头发很长哦,是不是? Yes, it was.是的,它 是。2. Before, you liked long hair very much, but now you always keep it short.以前你很喜欢长头发,但是现在你总是留短发。3. Was a good girl back then?我那时是个乖女孩吧?Yes, you were.是的,你是。4. Whe

49、n you were five, you were quiet and polite. But now you are.你五岁的时候很文静很有礼貌,但是现在,一、单词和造句。l.ago之前Unit 10 Then and now2. village村子;村庄3. nearby 附近4. far away 遥远5. office办公室6. store 商店7. department store8. mostTen years ago, I was a lovely baby.This is a small and old village in Sichuan.There is a nearby

50、shop.My home is far away, I should take a bus.My dad is still in his office.There is only one small store in the village.二、词组1 .before then在那之前3. live(lived) in a small village 住在小村庄5. famous for 因一而出名2. walk(walked) to school 走路去上 学4. live(lived) a hard life 生活艰苦6. more than 多于8. far awav 遥远7. most

51、 of the people 大部分的人9. take the bus乘公共汽车三、重点句型百货公司 I went shopping in the department store last weekend. Most of the people like Jack Zhou, because he sings well.1. Before then, Ben lived in England and life was very different.在那之前,本居住在英国,生活很不同。2. His home was nearby so he walked to school every day

52、.他的家就在附近,所以他每天都走路上学。3. The city has many people, cars and tall buildings.城市里有很多人,很多汽车和高楼大厦。4. It has more than 1000 pupils.学校里有超过 1500 个学生。5. On the bus, he sees people going to work in modern office buildings and department stores.在公 共汽车上,他看到人们去现代化的办公楼和百货商店里工作。Unit 111 like Spring Festival best1. t

53、heir他(她它)们的2. each other 互相3. gift礼物4. lucky幸运的5. lucky money 压岁钱6. wish愿望8. Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节、单词和造句。Their dog is really lovely.We are friends, so we should help each other.My mother brought a gift to me.You are a lucky child.I was very happy because I got much lucky money.Wish you a happy New

54、 Year.Chinese people like eating jiaozi during Spring Festival.Mid-autumn Festival is usually in September or October.9. mooncake 月饼10. moon J 亮 People eat mooncakes and watch the moon at Mid-autumn Festival.11. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节12. dragon 龙13. zongzi 粽子14. race 比赛 People eat zongzi and watch

55、 dragon boat races at Dragon Boat Festival.16. festival 节日17. Spring Festival 春节18. during 当;在.期间19. sound听起来mountain大山;山脉二、词组15. Chongyang Festival 重阳节 Chongyang Festival is an important festival in China.What's your favourite festival?I like Spring Festival best.I will visit my family and have

56、 a dinner during Spring Festival.The news sounds great.People like climbing the mountain.2. each other 彼止匕4. Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节6. It sounds great听起来很棒8. lucky money 压岁钱10. Chongyang Festival 重阳节I. no school不用上学3. Spring Festival 春节5. in January or February 在一月或者二月7. during the Spring Festival 在春节期间9. Mid-autumn


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