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1、英语:Module 7Time offUnit 1教案(1)(外研版八年级下)Unit 1 She asked if I was practising too much.学习目标基础目标:1.掌握本课的重点单词和短语;2.能了解并正确使用直接引语与间接引语。发展目标: 以谈论“旅游经历”为话题展开教学活动,要求学生掌握大量语言基础知识的同时,在旅游体验中轻松学习直接引语与间接引语的转变。教学重点和难点1Its so quiet! I can hardly hear the traffic in the streets and no one is shouting. (公园)真是很安静! 我几乎

2、听不到街上的车辆声,也没人在大声叫喊。 1)hardly副词,意思是“几乎不”,是个否定词。如: Im so tired, I can hardly walk! 我太累了,我几乎走不动了。 It was dark. We could hardly see anything. 天黑了,我们几乎什么也看不到。 2)traffic意思是“交通”。归纳:(1) traffic 用作不可数名词。e.g. There is too much traffic on the road. 这条路上行人车辆太多了。There is too much traffic in the street. People ar

3、e leaving work. 街上交通繁忙,人们正在下班。2I can even hear the birds singing! 我们甚至可以听到鸟在唱歌。 hear sb doing sth 意为“听见某人在做某事”;hear sb. do sth. 表示“ 听见某人做某事”。如: Can you _ in the next room?你能听见隔壁房间有人在唱歌吗?4Lets walk around the lake, cross the bridge and climb up to Baita. 让我们绕着湖边走,然后穿过小桥,登上白塔。 cross意思是“横过、通过”,相当于walk

4、go across。如:cross the road / street横过马路,cross the bridge 过桥cross the river 过河e.g. The boy crossed the street himself. 那男孩自己横穿马路。联想:(1) across常作介词用,表示“横穿,穿过”,常与street, road, river, bridge连用,指在某一物体表面进行从一边到另一边的动作。cross = go across。e.g. She _ the bridge. 她走过了那座桥。(2) through是指从立体空间穿过。e.g. We _ the door.

5、我们穿过这幢门。5The air is very clear today, so well see the whole park from up there. 今天空气非常清新,所以从塔上我们将会看见整个公园。 whole意思是“所有的,完整的”,归纳:后面一般只能跟可数名词的单数形式。并位于冠词、指示代词、物主代词及名词所有格之后。 e.g. The whole class was quiet. 全班都安静了。 We enjoyed ourselves the whole day. (= We enjoyed ourselves all the day.) 我们整天都玩得很开心。6She a

6、sked if I was practicing too much. 她问我是否练得太多。 too much 意为“太多”,在句中修饰前面的动词。如:He drank too much and was ill the next day. 他喝得太多了,第二天就病了。too much还可接不可数名词,注意和much too的区分,much too后接形容词。如:Be careful. There is _ on the road.小心点。路上有很多雨水。 The shoes are _ . 这鞋子简直太脏了。7. She asked me what was the matter.(注意语序)8.

7、 I told her not to worry. She told me to look after myself. 我告诉她不要担心。她叫我要照看好自己。 tell sb. not to do sth. 表示“告诉某人不要做某事”;tell sb. to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”。She told me _ and _ soon.她叫我休息一下,快点好起来。课前预习:1、在对话中划出下列的词汇,hardly, cross, whole ,traffic并注上中文,学读单词,你会读那几个_2.、试着朗读对话,在不会读的下面打,查字典并注出音标或问同学和老师,再试着读几遍,仍不会读

8、的词有:_.3、自主探究: 划出对话中含有宾语从句的句子并写下来:1._2._3._4._4、通过预习,你在那些方面有疑问?_自主巩固一、单词拼写1. The boy is _ (不工作) at the moment, I think hes ill again.2. She can _ (几乎不) answer the questions on the blackboard.3. Teacher Li told him the _ (完整的) story. 4. I can do it _ (自己).5. He often _ (打电话) you, but there is no one a

9、t homer.6. Dont run _ (穿过) the street when the _ (交通) are busy.二、选择填空( )1. I often hear the boy _ next room. A. sing B. singing C. to sing( )2. Pass me my glasses. I can _ read the newspaper without them. A. really B. clearly C. hardly ( )3. Please read the dialogue, _ . A. whole the class B. the wh

10、ole class C. the all class( )4. Sorry, I have _ homework to do . A. much too B. too much C. too many( )5. She asked mum _ worry about me, she can look after herself. A. dont B. not to C. to not( )6. The young man asked Mr Li _ he lived. A. where B. that C. if( )7. The teacher asked me _. A. where do

11、 I come from B. what did I like bestC. if I could speak Chinese ( )8. The city streets are full of _.so you must be careful. A. peoples B. traffics C. traffic三、完成句子1.过桥,向右转,你就会看见工厂在左边。_, and turn right. Youll see the factory on the left.2.他说他们已经到达了山顶。He said _ the top of the mountain.3.妈妈叫他当心别迷了路。Mo

12、ther asked him _ and _ get lost.语法归纳:间接引语中时态的变化A 语法分析通常情况下,主句谓语动词为一般过去时,从句要用过去的相应时态。具体变化如下:1)一般现在时 一般过去时“The boy likes collecting dolls very much.” Lily said. Lily said that the boy liked collecting dolls very much.2)现在进行时 过去进行时“ We are climbing up to the village.” David said. David said that they were climbing up to the village.3)一般将来时 过去将来时“I will catch up with you soon.” My sister said to me. My sister told me that she would catch up with us soon. 4)现在完成时 过去完成时Miss Li said, “I have already sent you many stamps.” Miss Li said that she had already sent himher many stamps.其中过去将来时和过去


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