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1、精品文档备课日期201 年 月 日上课时间 201年 月 日课题Unit1. Could I change my life warm-up and listening总第一课时教学 目标1.The students will be able to ask for and give advice本课第课2.Expressions and sentence patterns at asking for advice.课型:Listening3. The Ss will be able to listen and converse the listening.重点The useful express

2、ions of asking for and giving advice教具:The tape难点To use the expressions教学环节与内咨(预习 展示反馈)方法指导与拓展评 价Step1.Warm-upActivity 1 1. Lead-in: Finish the questionnaire to test whether you need to make a change.How many habits do you have that you dort like?How often are you afraid of making plans?How often do

3、 you complain about your life?2. Discuss with your partner and tell what else is included in the duties of each position mentioned above.3. DiscussionHere are some instructions on how to make a change. Put the steps into a proper order. C-E-A-D-B Step2. Listening and speaking A I need to change my u

4、nhealthy life 1. Pre-listening Predicting:Get students to learn some new words:Changeunhealthysuggest exerciseAspectsituationbunchchallengingHave to idea / find out / do sports / start withMake a plan / outdoor/ say goodbye to /Look at two persons of Part1 and ask: which picture best represent Micha

5、el? Can you guess?Then play the tape, get students to listen to the listening materia and try to get the answers .2.While listeningLearn theuseful expressions of asking for and giving advice.Learn the newwords.Key words strategy:Get students to put down the key words while listening to the tape.Prac

6、ticing the dialogue:Imitate the tone and the tune of the tape and read after the tape.3.Post-listeningUseful expressions :Asking for and giving advice :We often ask for advice when we are unsure what to do.When we give advice, we often try to put ourselves in the other persorns place.Do you have any

7、 suggestions, Jane?What plan do you suggest?It s a good idea.I suggest you find out which aspects need changing.Maybe you should join them.How about I make a plan for you?B What plan do you suggest?1. Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer.2. Listen again and complete the conversation

8、 with the sentences in the box. Then read it loud.3. Practice the conversation strategy.4. Language focus:You look a little bit worried.See/ hear/ feel/ watch/ taste / look系动词,后跟形容词A little bit/ a little/ a bit / a bit ofThe voice of dolphins sounds wonderful.What s wrong with you?What s the matter

9、with you?/ Is something bothering you?Listen and find out the useful expressions of asking for and giving advice.Make a dialogue according to the situation5. TaskWork with a partner. Role-play the following situations.6. Conclusion7. HomeworkRecite the new words. / complete the Ssbooks/ preview the

10、next lesson教 学 反 思备课日期201年 月 日上课时间201 年 月日课题Unit1. Could I change my life -Reading and writing总课时教学目标1. to learn some new words and expressions本课第课时2. to improve the Ssf reading and writing skills课型:Reading and writing3. to learn something about American credit system重点Ss are able to get the detaile

11、d information by putting down the key words/ write a speech教具:Multi-media难点Learn to give a speech教学环节匕内容(预习 展示反馈)方法指导与拓展 评价Passage 1 Homeless to HarvardStep 1 Lead-inActivity :DiscussionLet students say something about Harvard as possible as they car Do you know Liz Murray? Let s read her story.Step

12、 2 New wordsHomeless drug death inspire universityImpossible succeed eventually gentlemanHonordeeply anymorestepBe addicted to / even though / at the age of./Step 3 Reading1.SkimmingRead the passage quickly and complete the Task 12. Scanning ( grasp the keys sentences)Read again and choose the best

13、answers .Qs :bbc3. Practice4. IntensivingRead the whole passage intensively.5. Language focusBe addicted to . 后接名词或动名词/ be used to doing /payattention to .WordsGroup workMany teenagers are addicted to computer games.The thief was addicted to gambling .Even though接已经发生的事/ even if表示假设,不能用来描述已经发 生的事实Ev

14、en though he knows it, he ll not let out the secret.Even if it rains tomorrow , I will stay at home .It's a great honor to .I am delighted to have the opportunity to.I'd like to thank you for inviting me to.Pass away/ pass by/ pass along / pass downNo longer with us / go to ones last home/St

15、ep4 ConclusionUnderlineWhat moved you most in Liz's story? Find more information about her and share it with the class.Step6 HomeworkRecite the new words/ read the passage loud/ complete the tasks usefulexpressions inthe passage.writingIndividualworkin books / preview the next lessonPassage 2 Co

16、uld I change my life?Step 1 Lead-inDo you want to change your life? Do you know how to do it? Let's read the following speech .Step 2 New wordsTowards knock somebody energy visionPush overcome difficulty grade brainCommit to / wake up / get sth. done /In the way / wake up/ as long asStep 3 Readi

17、ngI.SkimmingRead the passage quickly and match the words with their explanations . impact - influence , or have an effect on 2.Scanning ( grasp the keys sentences)Read again and choose the best answers .Qs :bcb3.PracticeWork with a partner. Discuss and answer the following questionsbased on passage

18、B.What did Liz do when she wanted to go to school?What can you learn from Liz?4.IntensivingRead the whole passage intensively.5.Language focusAs long as / as soon as / as far as /As long as my friends stay with me, I feel full of power.We walked as far as the river.As So far as I know, that is highl

19、y unlikely.What if 如果 将会是怎么样?Why so many people can t commit to what they are doing?Overcome all the difficultiesIn the way / on the way / by the way It s impossible to avoid difficulties in the way. Lose one s way / make your way to Step4 ConclusionUse an outlineutWriters sometimes use questions to

20、 draw audience attention. Read Liz's speech and find where the strategy is used.Step 5 writingThe following is the structure of passage B. Learn how Liz arranges her speech, and make an outline for your own speech abc the changes you want to make.An outline is a way to organize your ideas logica

21、lly and clearly.Basic structure of a speech1. introduction2. body3. conclusionTask: write a speech based on the outline yo ve made in Activity 8 Step6 HomeworkRecite the new words/ read the passage loud/ complete the task in books/ wHte an e-mail / preview the next lesson教学反思备课日期201 年 月 日 上课时间201 年

22、月日课题Unitl. Could I change my lifegrammar and Real life skills总课时教学目标1. to know the four sentence types本课第课时2. to learn how to give a speech课型:Real life skills3. to be careful in clothes and behavior重点grasp the four sentence types教具:Multi-media难点List the important things about giving a speech教学环节匕内容(

23、预习 展示反馈)方法指导与拓展 评价GrammarStepl句子的用途分类所谓用途分类是指,根据句子的意思,句子的语言功能和作用是什么,然后将其归类。按这种方法,所有的英语句子可以分成四个种类:1) 陈述句(Declarative Sentence )陈述句是用来说明事实、看法,描述动作状态,阐明道理、原因,等等。这是日常生活中见得最多的一种句子。它在表达意思 上有两种形式,即肯定句形式和否定句形式。例如: Chinese is one of the major languages in the world.中文是世界主要语言之一。It is not an easy job to learn

24、English well .学好英语不是件易事。She is doing her term paper .她在写学期论文。2) 疑问句(Interrogative Sentence )疑问句是用来提出问题的,按其所提出的小同问题可分为以卜四种:A) 一般疑问句(General Question)一般疑问句是就某件事或某种情况的"是与否"提问。因此,它的回答不是"Yes"就是"No"回答时所用的句子可以是完整句,也可以是省略句。另一方面,凡是疑问句一般说来都应该是倒装语序。例如:-Are youa student ? -Yes, I a

25、m a student . -Do you like dancing ? -Yes, I do .B)特殊疑问句(Special Question)特殊疑问句是对某件事或某种情况的某一方卸的具体内谷提风 就需要使用相应的特殊疑问词如:时间(When)、地点(Where)、原因(Why)、方式(How)、人物(Who)、名称(What),等等。C)选择疑问句(Alternative Question )选择疑问句可以对句子中的任何成分设置 选择问题,选择部分由连词or连接。它貌似一般疑问句,其实两者有区别,因为回答这种文句日既不能用"Yes"也不能用"No”,而是需

26、要回答人说出具体的选择。另外, 连词or之前的部分读升调, 其后的部分读降调。 例如:-Is your sister or brother goingfour sentencetypesabroad ? -My brother is .(选择主语)-是你的妹妹还是弟弟要出国?-我弟弟。D)反意疑问句(Disjunctive Question )当说话人对某种情况不甚有把握,或需 进一步证实时,便可使用反意疑问句。反意疑问句的构成分两部分。第一部分是一个 完整的陈述句;第二部分是一个简单疑问句。第一部分若是肯定形式,第二部分则用 否定形式;第一部分若是否定形式,第二部分则用肯定形式。还必须要保持

27、前后两部 分在时态、情态动词等方面的一致性。例如: She is a college student , isn't she咖是学生,对不对?He cannot speak French , can he碘不会说法语是不是?3)祁使句(Imperative Sentence ) 祈使句往往是用来表示说话人的请求、命令、要求、建议,等等。祈使句的主语常被省略,因为这个主语很明确地是听话人"you"。当然,有时为了强调或表示某种感情,句子也会带上主语。祈使句的谓语用动词原形;它的否定形式是句首用Don't +动词原形,或是 Not to +动词原形。例如: Bequiet , please !(大家)请安静。Stand up ! 起立! Don't smoke in the office . 请不要在办公室吸烟。Don't be standing in the rain .别站在雨里。Not to be careless whe


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