



1、.Teamwork 团队合作dialogue 1Andy: hi, betty!嘿,贝蒂!Betty: hi, andy, how are you finding your new job?嘿,安迪,你的新工作怎么样?A: pretty good. My colleagues seem alright. So far everything is great.很好.我的同事都不错,到如今为止一切都挺好的.B: that's nice. What do they have you doing over there?那不错,你在那边做什么?A: well, I work in the mar

2、keting department. The corporate culture is totally different from my last employer. Before, when I was assigned a task, I was totally on my own but here most of the work is done in teams. Everyone works very closely with each other.哦,我在市场营销部工作,这里的企业文化和我以前的公司截然不同.以前我分配到任务后,就只靠一个人来完成,但是在这里,大多数的工作都是在团

3、队里完成的.所有人都要和其别人亲密合作.B: that' s really good. It's very important to feel like you are part of the team at work.那真的很好,感觉自己是团队的一份子很重要.A: indeed. Team work is highly valued in this new company. I like our boss too. He is easy to get along with treats everybody with respect and appreciation. He&#

4、39;s highly respected by all his employees.确实.这家公司特别注重团队合作.我也很喜欢我的老板,他很容易相处,尊重赏识每个人,所有的员工都很尊重他.B: that's great, that's good for a positive work environment and helps motivate employees. I wish my boss was like that.那样太棒了,这样的老板有利于创造一个积极的工作环境,并能鼓励员工.我希望我的老板也能那样.A: true, take my former supervis

5、or as an example. He was extremely controlling and overbearing. He always had to micromanage everything.是啊,那我以前的上司来说,他的控制欲就特别强.又非常专横,每一件小事他都要亲自插手过问.B: well, now you don't have to worry about that. This new place sounds really good.如今你就不必担忧了,这个新工作听起来真不错.A: yeah it is.是挺好的.dialogue 2Ellen: it seem

6、s the department still has some money left in the budget. Do you have any suggestions how to use it before the budget is renewed?看来我们部的预算还有结余,趁如今还没有重新预算,搞点活动吧,你有什么建议?Bob: what about renting a restaurant and treating the empployees to a nice dinner?我们租个餐馆,请大伙好好吃一顿吧.E: but we've done that many tim

7、es. We want something fresh this time.我们以前已经吃过很屡次了,这次来点新把戏.B: okay, let me think. What about a party-and-movie night? We can rearrange our reference room, invite a band to play some music, order in some food and watch a movie later.好吧,让我想想.来个聚会-电影之夜吧.我们可以装饰一下会议厅,请个乐队演奏音乐,点一些吃的,然后再看个电影.E: sounds like

8、 a good idea, but a band sounds too expensive.想法不错,但是请个乐队太贵了.B: well, we can ask people to make small contributions.那我们可以让大家再凑点钱.E: I don' t think so. I don't think people are going to like it if they have to pay to come. But we certainly can cut costs in other ways, such as make the party B

9、YOB.不好吧,要是花钱来,大家可能就没兴趣了.不过可以换个地方来节约开支,比方聚会BYOB.B: BYOB? What's that?BYOB?什么意思?E: bring your own beverage. We can provide food, but people have to bring their own drinks.自带饮料啊.我们来提供食物,但是大家要自己带喝的.B: so we're just going to have a party where they bring their own drinks and we just give them som

10、e snacks? I don't know how well that will go over.这样就只给大家食物,饮料还要自己带?我不知道大家会怎么想.E: maybe you have a point. How about having a party on a Friday afternoon? We'll stop early, order some pizza, and serve drinks. There'll be music but no band. Having the party in the office will make it cheaper and because it's the end of the w


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