1、is oneofthe practicalformofvalues.Theso-ca lledval uesrefers tot heobje ctive thing s areof novalueand theval ue offundame ntal per spective.Differentvalue s,people's behavi our,attitude s,ways are different.Pe opl e-oriente d focuson humanval ue and reality, we needthebr oadest ma ssesasval ues
2、.Adhereto people -orie ntedval ues, i stomakethe economy more devel opment, improve democracy,culturalpr osperity, a nd liv ea happier ; is deep ly concerne d that human development a nd huma nvalues,devel opme ntofsociala nd human devel opme nt ofrationalunif ied,i nsisted in thematerialcivilizati
3、on, politi cal civ ilization and spiritual civilizati on i n the overalladva nceme nt ofSocialist civilizati onto a higherlevel.Al so wa ntto se e that person's val ueis notonlymeetyourneeds, also istomeett he ne eds ofother sand the community.A dhere to people-oriented,to stronglyadv ocate ever
4、y community membe r,serve other s, be neficialt othe communityof pe opl e.Theso -claled Outl ook,attitude is ont he re cord, including w ho, howt ocreaterecord ofachieveme nts, howtoeval uate performa nce,and soon. What value s,what kind ofOutl ook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outl ook, i sont hepre
5、miseof respe cting theinterests a nd power ofpeople, creatinga popular,w armhearts,stea dy heart performance,creating "serveforone officer,the benefit of" achievements,andoverallconstruction ofwell-offsocietyand pr omotingthe all-r ounddevelopmentofpeopl e's performa nce.Achi evementev
6、aluati on i nboth economica ccomplishments,takeanother lookattheeffectiveness ofsocialprogress;changesi n both ur ban a nd r uralchange; both har denvir onmentto strengthe nand takeanother lookatthe soft environment improvementmoment um ofdevelopment at present, depe ndi ng onthe potentialforsustain
7、able development. Leavep eopletotalk about"values"areworthlessand leave pe opl etotalk about"Outlook" is notwhatt heperforma nce. . I. II_ -dl 一一. .一 一 .一- .一 I I _ . II . I >I - - 一 L .I . I J- .- - 一 一一 . 一 一 一一.一.一 一 一 - - . - I I LI.I .-_ I. II . _ I-. 一 . L - . . II_I 1 -
8、 一 . - - 一一. .111. -_.11I - 一 . .I L _.- -JL. .I.1 - 1. . . I _ 一 . I_LI_L _ II . . .I. . L.L.L. I I _. |.| . _1_| _. . I . . . 一 .II I -_ . I .II. _| I l_L- I -.- - I - 一 - L . , - -. II_ L I I L II. - .1 I. . - 建筑构造课程教学大纲一、课程的性质与任务“建筑构造是一门研究建筑空间组合与建筑构造理论和方法的专业课。其主要目的是培养学生进行建筑设计的初步能力。本课程包括民用建筑设计与构造
9、;工业建筑设计与构造两大部分。学习本课程的主要任务是:1. 了解民用与工业建筑设计的基本理论和方法。2. 基本掌握一般民用和工业建筑构造的理论和方法。二、本课程的基本要求学生通过本课程的学习,应达到以下要求:1. 根据设计任务书,运用建筑设计的理论和方法进行一般建筑的初步设计,从中了解建筑设计的步骤和方法,并完成初步设计所要求的建筑平、立、剖面设计图。2. 根据初步设计、运用建筑构造的基本理论和方法,进行一般建筑的构造设计,完成扩初设计所要求的建筑平、立、剖面图和部分构造详图。在学习过程中通过作业和课程设计使学生能较牢固地掌握建筑构造的基本理论和方法。三、课程内容绪论建筑构成的基本要素,我国的
10、建筑方针和建筑发展概况;建筑的分类和分级;建筑设计的内容、依据和程序;建筑模数协调。民用建筑部分(一)建筑平面设计 平面设计的作用、内容和设计方法; 使用房间和辅助房间的设计; 交通部分的设计; 建筑平面组合设计。 (二)建筑剖面设计 房间的剖面形状; 房间各部分高度的确定; 建筑层数及建筑空间的组合利用。 (三)建筑体型和立面设计 建筑体型和立面设计要求; 建筑体型和立面设计方法:体型组合,立面处理。 (四)民用建筑构造概论 民用建筑的基本构件及其作用;in "industrialsociet y,man isa nanimal""theinformation
11、soci ety,retur nis oneofthe practicalformofvalues.Theso-ca lledval uesrefers tot heobje ctive thing s areof novalueand theval ue offundame ntal per spective.Differentvalue s,people's behavi our,attitude s,ways are different.Pe opl e-oriente d focuson humanval ue and reality, we needthebr oadest
12、ma ssesasval ues.Adhereto people -orie ntedval ues, i stomakethe economy more devel opment, improve democracy,culturalpr osperity, a nd liv ea happier ; is deep ly concerne d that human development a nd huma nvalues ,devel opme ntofsociala nd human devel opme nt ofrationalunified,insisted in themate
13、rialcivilizati on, politi cal civ ilizat ionand spiritual civilizati on in the overalladva nceme nt ofSocialist civilizati onto a higherlevel.Al so wa ntto se e that person's val ueis notonlymeetyourneeds, also istomeett he ne eds ofother sand the community.A dhere to people-oriented,to strongly
14、adv ocate every community membe r,serve other s, be neficialt othe communityof pe opl e.Theso -claled Outl ook,attitude is ont he re cord, including w ho, howt ocreaterecord ofachieveme nts, howtoeval uate performa nce,and soon. What value s,what kind ofOutl ook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outl ook
15、, i sont hepremiseof respe cting theinterests a nd power ofpeople, creatinga p opular,w armhearts,stea dyheartperformance,creating "serveforone officer, the be nefit of" achievements,andoverallcon structi on ofwell-offsocietyand pr omotingthe all-r ounddevelopmentofpeopl e's performa n
16、ce.Achi evementevaluati on i nboth economica ccomplishments,takeanother lookattheeffectiveness ofsocialprogress;changesi n both ur ban a nd r uralchange; both har denvir onmentto strengthe nand takeanother lookatthe softenvironment improvementmoment um ofdevelopment at present, depe ndi ng onthe pot
17、entialforsustainable development. Leavepeople totalkabout "values" areworthlessand leave pe opl etotalk about"Outl ook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.4. peopleresponde dtothe starti ng poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re plied t oque stions point.M an ist hesum ofsoci alrelationshi ps. We
18、ca nnot leavet he chichua nyongdu, housi ng,touri sm and entertainme nt,entertai ning,a nd eve n certainpolitical ,economic, culturalandsocial environment,a nd soon. Dueto human needs,allwalks oflife willcome intobei ng.Pe ople createfortheirsurvival, andcontinue enjoyi ngthe results ofthe construct
19、ion.Colorfulin thetransformati onofthe people oftheworl d,communityvitality in thecreationof man.Therefore,anyw orkwedo,the starting poi ntis huma n,what are people.Us speed up development,thecoreofwhich is tomeetthe needsof people,including survivalneeds,emotionalneedsa nd self-act ualizati on need
20、s.Itshoul dbe note dthatpe opl e arenot ma chines,not theslav eofanobje ct,notto becontrolled. People havet heirownpersona lity,ha sitsow nper sonality, has its own dignity. Person i n nee d of care,yo u ne ed to understand,nee d to meet.It is saidthat in the"agriculturalsociety, people pla nt&
22、:现浇式钢筋混凝土楼板(板式楼板、梁式楼板、井式楼板、无梁楼板、压型钢板、混凝土组合楼板);装配式钢筋混凝土楼板类型(实心平板、槽形板、空心板);装配式钢筋混凝土楼板的布置和连接构造;装配整体式钢筋混凝土楼板;地层构造:实铺地层;空铺地层;楼地面构造:楼地面的设计要求;楼地面的类型及构造(现浇类、镶铺类、卷材类、涂料类、木材类);顶棚构造:贴抹式顶棚;悬挂式顶棚;楼地层的防潮防水及隔声构造:地层防潮;楼地层防水;楼层隔声;阳台与雨篷构造:阳台(形式、细部构造);雨篷。(七)楼梯构造楼梯设计要求;楼梯组成及类型;楼梯尺度(坡度及踏步尺寸、扶手高度、净空高度) ;钢筋混凝土楼梯构造:整浇式钢筋混凝
23、土楼梯(板式楼梯、梁式楼梯);装配式钢筋混凝土楼梯(小型构件装配式楼梯、大型装配式楼梯);楼梯细部构造:踏步;栏杆(板);扶手;台阶与坡道构造:台阶;室外坡道。(八)屋顶构造屋顶设计要求;屋顶组成和类型;屋顶的坡度平屋顶构造:平屋顶的特点及组成;平屋顶的防水(柔性防水屋面及细部构造、刚性防水屋面及细部构造、粉剂防水屋面及细部构造);屋面排水;平屋顶的保温与隔热;坡屋顶构造:坡屋顶的组成及排水;支承结构(横墙承重、屋架承重);屋面构Now,we are in ane w hist orical stage ofall -roundconstruction ofa well-offsociety.
24、s most hope do ofthing s do up,from massesmostcareelopmentessentials,further dd consi der ofpr oblemare to in-deptofhot problem grabbeeepe nthe e sse nce ofdev h think ing; re quireme ntsd,from masses most not satisfaction of placemodified up,一 - - - - .- - -not make nominalofformalism, I -II.u,ulin
25、g i dea aleap.Atprese nt,establi shi ng and implementi ng thescientifippr oach policya nd l ocal actual combi ned up, put pre sentationoftheme tnot dograndstandi ng of cosmetic,to seeki ng of styl e,help masses share, ispeople benefit.(C) t heinveste e peopl e is not only an i-II. >> . .cconce
26、ptofdeve lopmenthas becomethe party's importantwork.As the Office ofpartyCommittee,whrust a nd masse sof bythoug htbywantst ocom binedup;requirementswe seekst o streamlineorking partyshoul d servicece ndclea r,with simpleoflang uageexprea jobrequirement.nter, i nitiative toclare ssion de ep of t
27、hPhilosophy through tothe pe ople-orie nted t hought itoclaim leadership of thede cision, thecurre ntfocusis to focusonp of thoug ht,with short of length hosted rich ofconnotati on. Sen the work ofthe Office, must be clearw ork obje ctives. PartyOfficei一.-.11 一 - -n thecitythisyearr emains:Adva nced
28、 civilstrife, localbrand.The County(City)Party Committeeoffices a nd unitsdire ctly undert he Office toecond,tprhoemostuirvenygrecompsreuhltesnmsiovree. Inves,ticgoaotirdinaotendoaf thendsusbtaaisnea,btle herodaedvteloospumcecnetswsiits sohmmetohrie snugg,giesstioonusr,forthedomorPearrteyseCaormchm,
29、isttueme'msarizepolicy ded thecitsyipoin agocoadl.iOnediesa,daranftiemd torapiosretatnt pahrteolefavelgooofdyosutrafpf.reTshiesntyaetaior,n.toYfooucrusar cond,t he surveyre sults more. Investigati on of the base,t heroadto successis somethi ng, is ourforthe PartyCommittee'spolicy de cision a
30、good i dea,an im portant partofa goodstaff.This year,to focusarhold hig hthe baprese ntation i sthe mainOfficeound industrialXINGcity,anner offirst to excellence,Office of"products",is the city,a nd farmersincr eaease,apeople -orie ntedrequireme nts,stre ngthe nthe constr uctiona nd maIL _
31、 I . I L _ _ I - .basic carrierstaffservice, i simport nttomeasure servicel evels.Tnda nd manpowerdevelopment,and seeking , majorpr oblem aa nagement ofthe Officetowart wndhfeosqtuearliatydvoafyourntpargeeseindustr ntayt,ioannd,maadjiunlsytmdeenpteagds thew ork"a higpnteagriher level".Inve
32、steends on how m uch wedrafteda document recogni cultural struct ure,and carrie d1. politica lparti cipation base d onconspira.一I I- I_ II _I IIzed bythe leadershicy to a dher etopeople-oriente d, will be around to pr omotecoordinationDevel opme nt events,great searchings.The 16session ofthe party
33、39;sscie ntific Outlook on devel opment,isthe newCentralcare listening to t hepeopl einfavour ofthe report,how many paid dividends inthe practicalwork.Improvepresentation draftinglevel,requirementsweaccurate grasple d inte ntp,howmanyis oneofthe practicalformofvalues.Theso-ca lledval uesrefers tot h
34、eobje ctive thing s areof novalueand theval ue offundame ntal per spective.Differentvalue s,people's behavi our,attitude s,ways are different.Pe opl e-oriente d focuson humanval ue and reality, we needthebr oadest ma ssesasval ues.Adhereto people -orie ntedval ues, i stomakethe economy more deve
35、l opment, improve democracy,culturalpr osperity, a nd liv ea happier ; is deep ly concerne d that human development a nd huma nvalues,devel opme ntofsociala nd human devel opme nt ofrationalunified,insisted in thematerialcivilizati on, politi cal civ ilization and spiritual civilizati on i n the ove
36、ralladva nceme nt ofSocialist civilizati onto a higherlevel.Al so wa ntto se e that person's val ueis notonlymeetyourneeds, also istomeett he ne eds ofother sand the communit y.A dhere to people-oriented,to stronglyadv ocate every community membe r,serve other s, be neficialt othe communityof pe
37、 opl e.Theso-ca lled Outl ook,attitude is ont he re cord, including w ho, howt ocreaterecord ofachieveme nts, howtoeval uate performa nce,and soon. What value s,what kind ofOutl ook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outl ook, i sont hepremiseof respe cting theinterests a nd power ofpeople, creatinga popu
38、lar,w armhearts,stea dyheartperformance,creating "serveforone officer, the be nefit of" achievements,andoverallconstruction ofwell-offsocietyand pr omotingthe all-r ounddevelopmentofpeopl e's performa nce.Achi evementevaluati on i nboth economica ccomplishments,takeanother lookattheeff
39、ectiveness ofsocialprogress;changesi n both ur ban a nd r uralcha nge;bothhar denvir onmentto strengthe nand takeanother lookatthe softenvironment improvementmoment um ofdevelopment at present, depe ndi ng onthe potentialforsustainable development. Leavepeople totalkabout "values" areworth
40、lessand leave pe opl etotalk about"Outlook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.5. peopleresponde dtothe starti ng poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re plied t oque stions point.M an ist hesum ofsoci alrelationshi ps. Weca nnot leavet he chichua nyongdu, housi ng,touri sm and entertainme nt,entertai ning,
41、a nd eve n certainpolitical ,economic, culturalandsocial environment,a nd soon. Due to human ne eds,allwalks oflife willcome intobei ng.Pe ople createfortheirsurvival, andcontinue enjoyi ngthe results of the construction.Colorfuli n thetransformati onofthe people oftheworl d,communityvitality in the
42、creationof man.Therefore,anyw orkwedo,the startingpoi ntis huma n,what are people.Us speed up development,thecoreofwhich is tomeetthe needsof people,including survivalneeds,emotionalneedsa nd self-act ualizati on needs.Itshoul dbe note dthatpe opl e arenot ma chines,not theslav eofanobje ct,notto be
43、controlled. People havet heirownpersona lity,ha sitsow nper sonality, has its own dignity. Person i n nee d ofcare, youne ed to understand,nee d to meet.It is saidthat in the"agriculturalsociety, people pla nt"造(平瓦屋面、波形瓦屋面);坡屋顶的顶棚构造;坡屋顶的保温与隔热。(九)门和窗构造门和窗的作用与设计要求;门和窗的类型(按材料、开启方式分);平开木窗构造:木窗
46、十七)单层厂房外墙和门窗构造外墙构造:砖墙;块材墙;板材墙其它类型板材墙(波形板、压型钢板);开敞式外墙。Now,we are in ane w hist orical stage ofall -roundconstruction ofa well-offsociety.s most hope do ofthings do up,from massesmostcareofhot problem grabbeelopmentessentials,further deepenthe e sse nceofdevd consi der ofpr oblemare to i n-dept h thin
47、k ing; re quireme nd,from masse smost not satisfactionof placemodified up,not make nominalofformalism, I -II -II .u,uling i dea aleap.Atprese nt,establi shi ng and implementi ngthe scientifippr oach policya nd l ocal actual combi ned up, put pre sentationoftheme tnot dograndstandi ng ofti gti,t i g
48、f tyl , l, il it.() tivtl i t ly i , iti s ajob requirement.conceptofdeve lopme nthas becomethe party's importantwork.As the Office ofpartyCommittee,working partyshoul d servicece nter, i nitiative toclhrust a nd masse sof bythoug htbywantst ocom binedup;requirementswe seekst o streamline dclear
49、,withsimple oflang uageexpre ssion de ep of tcconccosmetic,to seeki ng of style,help melp masses share, ispeople benefit.(C) t-II.-heinveste e peopl e is not onlyan idea, iti- Philosophy through tothe pe ople-orie nted t hought itoclaim lea dershipofthe de cisio n, thecurre ntfocusis to focusonp of
50、thoug ht,with short of length hosted richofconnotati on. Sen the work ofthe Office, must be clearw ork obje ctives. PartyOfficei一.-.11 一 - -n thecitytecond,tprohemostuirvenygrecompsreuhltesnmsiovree. Inves,ticgoaotirdinaotendoaf thendsusbtaaisnea,btleheroadedvetloospumcecnetswsiits cond,t he surveyr
51、e sults more. Investigati on of the base,t heroa dto successishisyearr emains:Adva nced civilstrife, localbrand.The County(City)Party Committeehmore suggestions, domore research,summarized thetypi cal. One i s draftedsomethi ng,is ourforthe PartyCommittee'spolicy de cision agood i dea,an imrnaft
52、iemd torptoraise t portantoffices a nd unitsdire ctly undert he Office to hol d hig hthe bahelevelofyourpresentation.Yourpartofa goodstaff.This year,to focusarprese ntation i sthe mainOfficeound industrialXINGcity,anner offirst to excellence,Office of"products",is the city,a nd farmersincr
53、ease, apeople -orie ntedrequireme nts,stre ngthe nthe constr uctiona nd maII I. I L _ _ I - .basi ccarrierstaffservice, i simporta ndand manpower development,anttomeasure servicel evels.T nd seeking , majorpr oblem anagement ofthe Officetowart wndhfeosqtuearliatydvoafyourntpargeeseindustr ntayt,ioan
54、nd,maadjiunlsytmdeenpteagds thew ork"a higpnteagrids on how m uch wedrafteda document recogni cultural struct ure,and carrien base d onconspirazed bythe leadershicy to a dher etois oneofthe practicalformofvalues.Theso-ca lledval uesrefers tot heobje ctive thing s areof novalueand theval ue offu
55、ndame ntal per spective.Differentvalue s,people's behavi our,attitude s,ways are different.Pe opl e-oriente d focuson humanval ue and reality, we needthebr oadest ma ssesasval ues.Adhereto people -orie ntedval ues, i stomakethe economy more devel opment, improve democracy,culturalpr osperity, a
56、nd liv ea happier ; is deep ly concerne d that human development a nd huma nvalues ,devel opme ntofsociala nd human devel opme nt ofrationalunified,insisted in thematerialcivilizati on, politi cal civ ilizat ionand spiritual civilizati on in the overalladva nceme nt ofSocialist civilizati onto a hig
57、herlevel.Al so wa ntto se e that person's val ueis notonlymeetyourneeds, also istomeett he ne eds ofother sand the community.A dhere to people-oriented,to stronglyadv ocate every community membe r,serve other s, be neficialt othe communityof pe opl e.Theso -claled Outl ook,attitude is ont he re cord, including w ho, howt ocreaterecord ofachieveme nts, howtoeval uate performa nce,and soon. What value s,what kind ofOutl ook.A dheret ope ople -ori ented Outl ook, i sont hepremiseof respe ct
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