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1、toguarantee s and improve d liveli hood, construction m ore hig h ecologi calvitality ha ppi nessof cit y. La styear,we carryout "three -three"a ctivitiesasa "thre e-thr ee" spe ciale ducation importa nt,finde ducation andeffective platformtofacilitatethe combi nationofwork.Refer

2、encethisa good practices, provi ncia l,and municipalde cided in "tw olearna do" lear ninge ducation int he carrie d out "five che ck fiveprom oting",the CountyDistri ct units toi nsiste d put"two learn a do"lear ning education and "five che ck fiveprom oting"

3、organi cfusion,andcomm ona dvance,do onepl an layout, and one organizati on impl ementation,put carried out "two lear n ado"situati on,a nd"five checkfive promoti ng"situation as partyworkeval uationofimporta ntContent,a san im portanta spectofmutualevaluation on party members,te

4、sti ng as a n importa nt basis forlea ding bodi es and lea ding cadres' performanceand gui dethe broa d massesof party membersand cadresto study educationopens uptothemain economi cand social devel opment.At present ,the overallsmoothe conomic operati onin ourcity, but downward pressureis stillh

5、ig h,face d anumberof challe ngesa ndtests. Mea nwhile,coincide s witht hecit y,Countyandtownshi pparty committeesthi syeargeneralel ectionyear,how to r eally chooseloyal, clea nand servesa s agood cadre, ir on discipli neofGe neralFeng Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun, swapped out Powerfulgoodsit uation,is area

6、l testforallofus. Generalwork on "two" to st udythe effectofeducationinspection,if thetrueserie sof partyrul esand Constit utionspeakswell and truly becomea qualified party member,naturallywe ca ndeal with a dvance andretreat left turn treatment,properorgani zationalarrangeme nts andsel ec

7、tion, proper treatment ofpersonal interests.o put carried out"two le arna do" learni ng educati on w ithdo reform devel opme ntstabl ethe work combine d up,and seri ously do Centerw ork,and dailyandjobcombi ned up, a nd g uarantee s improvelivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,

8、andcompletedthetask combinethe party'sfine styl e,carryforwardt hetraditional Chinese virtues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCa nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to the spiritual heights oftheC

9、ommunists.Fourtodevotion,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Official Communistduty.To fulfilltheparty's purpose,mai ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeri ng andenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthewell -offextra practice,make contributions.The incentivefuncti

10、 on of party organi zationsatalll evelsshould givefullplayto adva ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe times,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding a s an opportunitytoawardin recognition ofa numberofoutstandin

11、g party members'advanced grass-rootsparty organizati ons, outstanding partyworkers,and putthe pioneertThird,the"reform" efforts forexample, besuretochangeinto.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,ifit doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goesthroughthe motions.To

12、 stre ngthe n theconsci ousnessof problemsa nd insiste d on problem-oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep investigation into change,modification.Acheckedswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose d to focus on soluti on offuzzy

13、ideal sand beli efswaver,consci ousness,purpose ofthe party weaksense,honestyandself-di scipli neaware nessis notstrong ,depresse d,sixissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleadingcadres a bovet he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtothe prob

14、lems.Specifictoeverypartymembera nd every cadre,al sore quiresa com binationofact ual andcontroll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfin, peoplese e thing s,see ,with theirow nsprobl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying a solidfoundation for furth

15、ercorre ctiveaction. Bto makechange.For che ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedre ctification Tai wan account, ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosi delearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse don put "twolear na do" learninge ducation rec

16、tificati onwit h graspparty ofmass linee ducation practi ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topic e ducation problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendlesscorre cted &

17、quot;fourwi nd", andregulati on masses si de of abuse s,ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsoluti on more completel y.Third,we m ust consolidate our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some partymembers whofocuson theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated公共场所从业人员卫生知识须知一、公共场所卫生法规,是指

18、国务院于1987 年 4 月 1 日发布的公共场所卫生管理条例,卫生部于2011 年 5 月 1 日起实施的 公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则, 以及与 条例 细则配套的公共场所卫生标准,1996 年 9 月 1 日正式实施。二、条例的制定和发布,使“创造良好的公共场所卫生条件,预防疾病,保障人体健康”公共场所的卫生管理工作纳入法制管理轨道,使公共场所建设和经营的卫生管理,有法可依,有章可循。每个经营者和个人都应遵守。条例中规定,公共场所分下列七类:1 、宾馆、饭店、旅店、招待所、车马店、咖啡馆、酒吧、茶座;2、公共浴室、理发店、美容店;3、影剧院、录像厅、游艺厅、舞厅、音乐厅;4、体育场、游泳场

19、、公园;5、展览馆、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆6、商场、书店;7、候诊室、候车室、公共交通工具。三、条例认定的7 类 28 种公共场所,应符合国家卫生标准和要求的项目共五种,分别为空气和微小气候(温度、湿度、风速);水质;采光和照明;噪声;顾客用具和卫生设施。四、条例中规定,公共场所经营单位必须取得“卫生许可证”后,再向工商行政部门申请登记,办理执照。公共场所的建设单位(包括新建、改建、扩建公共场所的选址和设计),必须经卫toguarantee s and improve d liveli hood, construction mmain economi cand social devel opm

20、ent.A livelihood,a nd promote social harmonycomore high ecologipresent ,the overallsmooth bine dup,andcompletedtcalvitality ha ppi nessof cit y. La styear,we carryout "three一-.-.一 -一一.一 - Iconomic operatihetask combinein ourcity, butdownward-three"activitiesasa "thre e-thr ee" sp

21、e ciale ducation importaI I- . II-.pressureis stillhig h,face d anumberof challe ngesa ndtests. Mea nwhile,coincide s withthecit y,Countyandtownshieally chooseloyal,cided in "tws agoodout PowerfulgoodsitCountyDistri ct units toiuation,is areal testforall_L. _ - .>II .1JL >_arna- .I -ducat

22、i on w ithdo reform devel生监督部门进行预防性卫生审查,发给“建设项目卫生许可证”和开业经营的“卫生许可证”,方可开业经营。五、 公共场所的主管部门和经营单位必须在企业内部开展自身卫生管理工作,把贯彻 条例 工作纳入企业服务质量的重要手段,促使公共场所经营单位不断改善和提高公共场所卫生质量。( 1 )建立卫生责任制度,配备专(兼)职管理人员;(2)建立卫生责任制度,任务落实到人;(3)从业人员持证(健康证、卫生知识培训合格证)上岗,坚持无职业禁忌症者上岗;(4)经营单位取得“卫生许可证”后, 方可向工商部门登记,办理营业执照;( 5)经营单位发生了危害健康事故,应妥善处

23、理,并及时报卫生监督部门。六、违反公共场所卫生条例的经营单位和个人,发生以下情节和事实应依法爱到处罚:(1 )卫生质量不合格而继续营业;( 2)从业人员未获得“健康合格证”,而从事直接为顾客服务的工作;(3)拒绝卫生监督员实施卫生监督的;(4)未获得“卫生许可证”擅自营业。七、 公共场所危害健康事故包括:微小气候或空气质量不符合卫生标准所致的虚脱休克;生活饮用水遭受污染所致传染性疾病、皮肤病;意外事故所致的一氧化碳、氨气、氯气、消毒杀虫剂等中毒。八、公共场所有下列基础卫生要求:(1 )室内空气清洁。采取自然通风或机械通风的措施保证室内通风换气。(2)温度、湿ectificationand st

24、rengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecompletesystem,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati ona nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besur eto pr omoteeff iciency."Tw

25、o" education, noton education educati onal, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,win

26、ni ngfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducationas promote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developm entfirstpri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new normal, consciouslypractice linefive big devel

27、 opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,value s,vigorouslycarryforward the spiritofJiaoYul u, Hong qiCanalspirita ndspirit of per sistence,honestyin politics, strictstatesman,stickt othe spiritual heights ofthe Communist s. Fourto devoti on,as,do playa role in qualifyi ng. Offic

28、ialCommuni stdut y.Tofulfillthe party'spurpose,maintai nforthepe opl e themselve s,and de dicati on, devoti on, maintai npione er, pi oneering a nde nterprisi ng spirit,activeatthewell-offextra practice,make contributions.T he i nce ntive function of party organi zationsatalllev els should givef

29、ull playt o advanced m odels,establi sh are prese ntative, advanced a ndtypical of thetimes,and guide thebr oad massesof party memberstoemulate. Inhonorofthe 95anniversaryoffounding as an opportunitytoaward i n recogniti on ofanumber ofoutstanding party members'advanced grass-roots partyorganiza

30、ti ons, outsta ndi ng partyw orkers, andputthepioneertrees.in ordert osolve t hepr oblem, if it doe s not solvet heproblem,itwillform,goes throughthe motions.To strengthent heconsciousness of problemsand insistedon pr oblem -orie nted, problem-solvingle arni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep inve st

31、igationi ntochange ,modificati on.A checked swing. Learni ngeducati on programme for party-building in our cityactua lly proposed tofocus on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswaver,consci ousness,purpose ofthepartyweakse nse, honesty andself -disciplineawareness is not strong, depressed,six issues

32、 ofethical misconductstudycontentsspecific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleadingcadresa bove thecountylevelshallfocus on furt herrefinementto t he pr oblems.Spe cifictoeveryparty m emberand ev erycadre , alsore quire sa com bination ofactuala nd controlled, focused a nd really putyourself in, peo

33、plesee t hing s,see ,with theirow n spe cific一 I, _一 - . I, _ IL.II. > I-.一- . L. .1 .1 一 I, 一一 一 1_ _ LJ 一 一 一 一一-. - I L 一 .- -.一. 一一- - . I , - .一一. - I . I一 一 一 一. . LLI _ L. L - - - - I > 一 .II -一 -.一. - I 一I_ - 一- , .J 一 , _ 一J一 . 一 I , _ L 1- - - n IL. - - -一 .一 - I _ -.一一 -I II 一 一-.一一

34、- - 一.II - - -一一 . L 度、气流要适宜。在冬天、夏季采取措施保证室内温度、湿度、气流适宜,防止高温高湿和低温低湿对人体不良影响。有空气调节装置的公共场所,应合理使用,向客人提供温度、湿度适宜的人工环境。(3)采光照明良好。通过自然采光和人工照明达到卫生要求。(4)环境整洁安静,绿化环境,消除一切害虫孳生条件,并采取措施减少噪声污染。(5)建立健全卫生制度。把日常的卫生工作列入岗位责任制的内容,建立卫生质量评比考核制度、消毒制度、体检制度、卫生培训制度和疫情报告制度等。( 6)卫生设施完好。卫生设施包括洗、消毒、通风换气、供水、供暖、供冷设备等均符合卫生要求,并使用运转正常。(

35、7)从业人员无职业禁忌症,直接为顾客服务的从业人员(包括临时工),每年必须进行一次健康体检。(8)从业人员有良好的卫生习惯。直接为顾客、旅客服务的人员要着装整齐、美观大方,要养成好的卫生习惯,做到勤洗手、勤理发、 勤洗澡、 勤剪指甲、勤换衣服。九、讲究个人卫生有益于防病和保健,服务工作接触面广,劳动强度大,接触的旅客来自各方,存在着传染病的传播因素,因此服务台人员必须养成良好的卫生习惯,做到上勤:饭前、便后、工作完毕都应彻底洗手;工作时不应吸烟、喝酒、吃零食;不对着别人打喷嚏、咳嗽、不随地吐痰。十、从业人员健康检查是保护工作人员、旅客、顾客身体健康的重要措施,公共场所的从业人员凡患有伤寒、痢疾

36、、 病毒性肝炎、ectificationand strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecompletesystem,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati ona nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besur eto pr

37、omoteefficiency."Two" education, noton education educati onal, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full&

38、quot;strategy layout,winni ngfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducation aspromote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new normal, consciouslypra

39、ctice linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,活动性肺结核、化脓性皮肤病或渗出性皮肤病及其它传染病者必须调离直接为顾客服务的工作岗位。治愈后方可恢复原工作。十一、 清洁一间客人使用过的房间,应按以下步骤进行清洁:( 1 )通风换气。服务员进入需要清洁的房间后,首先要拉开窗帘,打开窗户和门或空气调节器进行通风换气。(2)清除垃圾及更换垃圾袋。 ( 3)撤换客人使用过的物品,包括床单、被套、枕套、水杯、茶具等,更换一次性用品。(4)用专用抹布抹家具上的积尘,按照从上到下、从左

40、到右、从里到外的顺序,写字台、玻璃镜面、镜框、床头柜、窗台等等。(5)铺床过程中,撤完用过的卧具后,必须洗手再铺上干净、消毒的卧具。(6)卫生间的卫生。先清洁台面,再洗涤面盆、浴缸、便器,最后用专用抹布搽干面盆和浴缸,便器内倒入消毒剂,最后用抹地的专用抹布抹干地面。十二、 杯具及用品的消毒:公共场所要设立专门用于对杯具和生活用品消毒的场所。杯具的消毒应严格按照一清、二洗、 三消毒、四保洁的程序进行,用品的消毒多采用化学药剂浸泡消毒,在消毒前, 应清除掉用品中的污渍和杂物,消毒时要检查药品是否在有效期内,按照药品的使用方法,配置消毒液,并按规定的时间进行浸泡消毒。十三、仓库是存放已经洗涤好、干净

41、的床上用品的地方,因此要有防鼠、防蝇、防潮、防尘等措施;仓库要注意清洁,物品要摆放整齐;出库布草要做到先进后出。ectificationand strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshort ofthecompletesystem,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati ona nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,

42、t he"urge"workonthe lead,besur eto pr omoteeff iciency."Tw o" education, noton education educati onal, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,tot

43、ightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winni ngfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducationas promote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developm entfirstpri ority,a ctiveada pte

44、d e conomic development new normal, consciouslypractice linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,value s,vigorouslycarryforward the spiritofJiaoYul u, Hong qiCanalspirita ndspirit of per sistence,honestyin politics, strictstatesman,stickt othe spiritual heights

45、ofthe Communist s. Fourto devoti on,as,do playa role in qualifyi ng. OfficialCommuni stdut y.Tofulfillthe party'spurpose,maintai nforthepe opl e themselve s,and de dicati on, devoti on, maintai npione er, pi oneering a nde nterprisi ng spirit,activeatthewell-offextra practice,make contributions.

46、T he i nce ntive function of party organi zationsatalllev els should givefull playt o advanced m odels,establi sh are prese ntative, advanced a ndtypical of thetimes,and guide thebr oad massesof party memberstoemulate. Inhonorofthe 95anniversaryoffounding as an opportunitytoaward i n recogniti on of

47、anumber ofoutstanding party members'advanced grass-roots partyorganizati ons, outsta ndi ng partyw orkers, andputthepioneertrees.in ordert osolve t hepr oblem, if it doe s not solvet heproblem,itwillform,goes throughthe motions.To strengthent heconsciousness of problemsand insistedon pr oblem -o

48、rie nted, problem-solvingle arni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep inve stigationi ntochange ,modificati on.A checked swing. Learni ngeducati on programme for party-building in our cityactua lly proposed tofocus on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswaver,consci ousness,purpose ofthepartyweakse nse

49、, honesty andself -disciplineawareness is not strong, depressed,six issues ofethical misconductstudycontentsspecific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleadingcadresa bove thecountylevelshallfocus on furt herrefinementto t he pr oblems.Spe cifictoeveryparty m emberand ev erycadre , alsore quire sa com

50、 bination ofactuala nd controlled, focused a nd really putyourself in, peoplesee t hing s,see ,with theirow n spe cific一 I, _一 - . I, _ IL.II. > I-.一- . L. .1 .1 一 I, 一一 一 1_ _ LJ 一 一 一 一一-. - I L 一 .- -.一. 一一- - . I , - .一一. - I . I一 一 一 一. . LLI _ L. L - - - - I > 一 .II -一 -.一. - I 一I_ - 一-

51、, .J 一 , _ 一J一 . 一 I , _ L 1- - - n IL. - - -一 .一 - I _ -.一一 -I II 一 一-.一一- - 一.II - - -一一 . L 十四、游乐场所、游泳池卫生要求:(1 )游泳场所的通道及卫生设施应保持清洁元异味并应定期消毒。(2)为防止人工游泳池生长藻类,池中加入0.25-0.5mg/l 硫酸铜。 发现藻类时的最大加药量不应超过1.0mg/l 。 ( 3) 浸脚消毒池水的余氯含量应保持5-10mg/l , 须要 4 小时更换一次。儿童涉水池连续供给的新水中余氯浓度应保持0.3-0.5mg/l 。(4)人工游泳池在开放时间内应每日定时补

52、充新水,保证池水水质不良好的卫生状况。(5)严禁患有肝炎、心脏病、皮肤癣疹(包括脚癣)、重症砂眼、急性结膜炎、中耳炎、肠道传染病、精神病等患者和酗酒者进入人工游泳池游泳。(6)禁止出租游泳衣裤。十五、理发店、美容店的卫生要求:(1 )理发店应有健全的卫生制度,店内应有消毒设施或消毒间。(2)工作人员操作时应穿洁净的工作服,洁面时应戴口罩。(3)理发用大小围巾要经常清洗更换。( 4)脸巾应洁净,每客用后要清洗消毒。( 5)美容用工具、理发工具、胡刷宜用一次性用品。理发工具消毒宜采用无臭氧紫外线消毒。理发工具、美容工具、配备数量应满足消费周转所需。(6)理发、烫发、染发的毛巾及工具应该分开使用。(

53、8)必须备有供头癣等皮肤传染病顾客专用的理发工具并有明显标志,单独存放、(9)美容院工作人员在美容前双手必须清洗消毒,工作时还应带口罩。( 10)美容用唇膏、唇笔应做到一次性使用,一般美容店不得做创伤性美容术。( 11 )理发店ectificationand strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshortofthecompletesystem,paycloseattentiontosystemimplementation,really makethe partyorganizationandpartymem

54、bereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besureto pr omoteefficiency."Two"education,notoneducationeducational,notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom ot

55、eefficiency.Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinationadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winni ngfullbuilt societythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducation aspromote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerful powe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted

56、developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new normal, consciously practice linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,和美容店地下的碎发要及时清扫,保持室内清洁。理发和美容用工具应摆放整齐,做到操作台上和刀具等用具表面无碎发残留。ngthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespspirituststickar oundthe Center, serving theoverallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriented andprom oteefficiency.nni ngfullbuilt societythis ace ntraland workoverall, putcarriedoutlearnidworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulnew normal, consciouslypractice linefive bigdevel opment conce pt,effectivegr


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