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1、第一季 第九集黑色警报病患大量涌入医院没有足够的医疗资源进行治疗一般的急诊室每年平均会遇到五次黑色警报洛杉矶天使纪念医院每年会遇到三百次黑色警报带薪停职度假两个月Two months suspended vacation with pay.这太荒谬了This is absurd.-还有更糟的事 -比如- There are worse things. - Like what?无薪停职两个月Two months suspended without pay.就因为你让那个孩子整晚跟着你吗And all because you let that kid follow you around all n

2、ight?他们说我应该通知囊性纤维化学会Well, they said - I should have called C.F.S.你为什么没通知Why didn't you?他只是个担心妈妈的好孩子Well, he's a good kid who was worried about his mom.你是个好人You're a good man.这是我要去的地方That's where I'll be.但首先我要和吉娜·佩雷洛一起值一天班First I got to spend - a whole shift with Gina Perello

3、,在我离开期间 被派来管理医院的母夜叉the Hag they're sending to run this place. .while I'm gone.泰勒医生Dr. Taylor?你到底是哪位Who the hell are you?母夜叉The Hag.我妻子在哪里Where's my wife?我儿子在哪里Where's my son?弗兰克 你尽量别动Frank, - you have to try not to move.我告诉他我不想先获救I told him I didn't want to go first.我家人在哪里Where&#

4、39;s my family?预计到达时间E.T.A.?至少三分钟Three minutes out.欧文先生Mr. Irving?他们马上就到 但你需要保持冷静They'll be here soon, but you need to calm down.我告诉他们不要先救我I told them not to take me first.什么情况What do we have?我已经通知手术室了I've called the O.R.小格思里医生马上就到Guthrie Junior is on his way down.他们有交代患者病情吗Did they say what

5、's coming in?没有 只说马上就到No, just be out here, stat.还有警方护送Police escort?什么情况What is it?是入室谋杀It's a home invasion.送来的是妈妈和儿子This is the mom and the son now.父亲已经在中♥央♥抢救区了Father's in Center Stage.生命体征稳定Vitals are stable.注射10毫克吗♥啡♥10 of morphine, pleas

6、e.刀差一点就扎到心脏了The knife barely missed his heart.没有心包穿孔真是个奇迹Miracle he made it here without perforating the pericardium.真要多谢歹徒手下留情We have them to thank for that.在看到这家人化险为夷之前 没人愿意离开Nobody here wants to leave until they see this family survive.把刀固定好把他转移到楼上Let's stabilize the knife and transport upsta

7、irs.防止在路上发生血管局部缩窄We don't need it nicking a vessel en route.男性 十七岁17-year-old male.约六米高摔下 右脚变形20-foot fall. Deformity to left foot.有可能髋关节脱臼Probable hip dislocation.面部多处挫伤及撕裂Multiple bruises and lacerations to his face.从哪里摔下来的Fell from where?从二楼跳下来Jumped from the second story.女性 42岁42-year-old-fe

8、male.右臂上端皮肤及肌肉有十五厘米15-centimeter full-thickness laceration involving muscle-全层撕裂伤 -皮特- to the right proximal arm. - Pete?!妈妈 妈妈 你没事吧Mom! Mom, are you okay?!我没事 我没事I'm okay, I'm okay!等一下 等等 妈妈Wait, wait, wait, mom!-皮特 - 你妈妈有人救治 孩子- Pete! - Your mom's in good hands, son.我们得推你进去We got to ge

9、t you inside.我父亲怎么样 求你告诉我How's my father? Please!你父亲在里面 我不清楚他的状况Your father's inside. I don't know his status.这孩子靠手臂把自己拖到邻居家求救This kid pulled himself by his arms to the neighbor's house.他救了全家人He saved them all.请你告诉我弗兰克还活着Please tell me that Frank is alive.好的 搬动他时 动作要轻Okay, when we mo

10、ve him, let's move him nice and easy.千万不能撞倒 大家注意No bumps, people. No bumps.-皮特 -那是我父亲吗- Pete! - Is that my father?我的天啊Oh, my God!弗兰克 请不要动Frank, please don't move.我儿子没事吧Is my son okay?他们正在全力救治你儿子They're taking good care of him.凯伦Karen?!我没事 我没事I'm okay. I'm okay.弗兰克Oh, Frank!她没被绑住

11、听我口令 一 二 三She's not attached. On me. One, two, three.检查创伤Trauma labs, please?二 三 现在就搬.two, three. Move him now.杰西 把便携X光拿来Jesse, gonna need a portable X-ray over here.马上送到Flying in.-孩子 别动 -你的髋关节脱臼了- Son, stay still. - You've got a dislocated hip.雷顿医生 测那条腿的脉搏Dr. Leighton, pulse-check that leg.

12、这里可以测到脉搏I've got a pulse here.下面摸不到脉搏I don't have a pulse down here.-糟糕 -出了什么事- Damn it. - What does that mean?-开始 -准备好了 拍吧- Go. - Clear. Shoot it.好的 现在转移他Okay, we're moving him now.小心点Careful.但是But.妈妈 请让我先看看他们Mom! Please let me see them first.没时间了 我们要转移了No time. We have to move.让他们见一面吧L

13、et them see each other.这不是你的病人 没时间见了This is not your patient. There's no time.有时间的There is time.弗兰克 你要极其缓慢地转过头Frank, - turn your head very slowly.看到了吗Okay?我爱你I - I love you.爸爸 我爱你Dad, I love you.你救了我们 孩子You saved us, kiddo.我们会没事的We're gonna be okay now.我爱你们两个I love you both.慢慢转 好的 慢点转 走吧Slow

14、ly. - okay, slowly, let's go.-糟了 -出了什么事- Damn it! - What's happening?测不到脉搏了I don't have a pulse!好了 皮内达医生 开始心脏按压Okay, Dr. Pineda, start compressions.-退后 退后 -过来了 过来了- Back, back, back. - Coming in, coming in.-快穿上手术隔离衣 -弗兰克- Gown up, gown up. - Frank?!我父亲怎么了What's happening to my father

15、?谁告诉我一下啊Someone say something!你要在这里做手术吗You're gonna do that down here?这也是没有办法We have no choice now.测不到脉搏 我们要查看伤口Pulseless in the E.D. We have to explore the wound.也许是胸部受伤May be a thoracic injury.杰西Jesse.好了 现在开始吧Okay, we should do this now.皮特 在你跳下来的时候Pete, your hip was knocked out of its socket你的

16、髋关节被撞脱臼了when you jumped, all right?我们要矫正它We're gonna have to straighten it.他 他会痛吗Is that - is that gonna hurt him?我们会给他用药We'll give him some medication.-马里奥 能过来帮忙吗 -插管- Mario, can you help over there, please? - Line in.艾米 七毫克安♥非♥他♥命♥Amy, 7 amphetam

17、ine.是的 医生Yes, doctor.大家准备好了吗Okay, everybody ready?一One.妈妈 我害怕Mom, mom, I'm scared.二Two.三Three.死的是哪一个Which one's dead?有医护人员说你杀死了一个One of the medics said that you killed one.壮的还是瘦的Was it the big guy or the small guy?长官 能等我丈夫做完手术我们再聊吗Sir, can we wait until my husband is out of surgery to do thi

18、s?我需要一份证词 女士Well, I have to get a statement, ma'am.壮的 瘦子被拘留了The big guy. - the small one was in custody.壮的拿了枪The big guy was the one with the gun.把我们分开的也是他The one who separated us.医生 这样接受审问会对他有影响吗Doctor, is - is - is he okay to be interviewed like this?雷顿医生已经准许了Dr. Leighton signed off on it.你说你们

19、被分开了Now, you said you were separated.所以你是这样被带到楼上的吗Is that how you ended up upstairs?是的 楼上洗手间Yeah. Upstairs bathroom.你能告诉我发生了什么吗Can you walk me through what happened?他用绳子捆住了我的手脚He tied my wrists and ankles with rope.然后他把我的头一把摁住镜子上Then he slammed my head into the mirror.他让我别动 我照做了He said to stay put,

20、and I did.很久之后For a long time.太久了 是我等得太久了Too long. I - I waited for too long.如果我早点跳下来If I had just jumped earlier.这都是我的错It's all my fault.怎么会是你的错All your fault?!皮特 你救了我们Pete, you saved us.如果我早点跳下去 爸爸就不会If I had jumped sooner, dad would have never been -别说了 你别说了Stop. Stop it right now.你妈妈是对的 你是个英

21、雄Your mom's right, son. You're a hero.现在休息一下吧 好吗I think it's a good time for a break, don't you?好 我待会再来Yeah. I'll come back.你比我想象的要年轻You're younger than I expected.抹抹维他命C 勤运动Vitamin "C" Cream and exercise.我也试着运动过 没什么效果I tried exercise once. It didn't take.听着 我知道

22、你害怕我把这里搞乱Look, I know you're worried that I'm gonna burn this place down,但我知道该怎么做But I know the job.我去年在萨克拉门托干过I did it in Sacramento last year那时他们的主任也被炒了鱿鱼when they booted their guy.我没被炒 我是带薪停职I wasn't booted. Paid leave.好吧 反正差不多Well, to-may-to, to-mah-to.你别担心就行了The point is, don't

23、worry.在你回来之前 我会好好看着这里的I'm gonna take good care of the place till you get back.为什么董事会就这么喜欢你Why does the board like you so much?潜规则Handies.耶鲁的工商管理硕士 读过哥大医学院MBA from Yale, Columbia Med School,在哈佛大学麻省总医院接受过管理培训and Admin Training at Mass Gen.你一说潜规则我就懂了You had me at "Handies."-这里什么情况 -27岁 男性

24、- What do we have here? - 27-year-old male.瞳孔反应正常 酒精中毒 神志昏迷Good pupil reactivity, intoxicated and unconscious.在去墨西哥结婚的路上On his way to his wedding in Mexico,这蠢货和他五个朋友在机场喝醉了this idiot and five of his friends got drunk at the airport误了航♥班♥and got thrown off their flight.其他人呢Where

25、are the others?拘留所 除了这位Jail, except for this one.我酒量好一些I have a stronger constitution.真厉害 他吃了别的东西吗Impressive. Has he had anything else?就龙舌兰 我们搞砸了Just tequila. We screwed up.你也觉得吗You think?我在这都能闻到他身上的酒气Ooh. I can smell him from here.你好 我是佩雷洛医生 急诊主任Hello. I'm Dr. Perello, Director of the E.R.警官 你们

26、去休息室吧Officers, why don't you head to the break room,喝杯咖啡 休息室在哪Have some coffee - where is the break room?趁你还在问一句 有必要把他绑起来吗Uh, before you go, are these restraints really necessary?先生 麻烦退后Sir, step back, please.为什么Why should I?-因为这样 -因为这样- That's why. - That's why.洗手间Bathroom?佩雷洛医生 这两位是Dr.

27、 Perello, uh, say hello to.我们优秀的.Two of our fine.到现在都不记得我们的名字Still don't know our names.你是雷顿医生 对吧You're Dr. Leighton, right?-是 -关系户- Yeah. - The nepotist.-关系户 -放轻松 只是玩笑话- Nepotist? - Relax, I'm kidding.好吧 半玩笑话 你父亲是董事会的Well, half-kidding. Your father is on the board. Heh.你是洛伦森医生吧And you&#

28、39;re Dr. Lorenson?你俩上厕所也一起吗You two go to the bathroom together too?-什么意思 -我只是在想- Excuse me? - Well, I was just wondering为什么有两名住院医师围着一个醉汉why I've got two residents on one drunk.分开行动吧Divide and conquer.继续参观吗Continue the tour?流血时伴有疼痛吗Uh, was the bleeding accompanied by pain?他喉咙痛He had a sore throa

29、t,所以他过去一周处于发声休息的状态so he's been on vocal rest for the past week.直到今天Until today.期间没唱过歌♥吗No singing at all?没有唱过歌♥ 也没说过话No singing and no speaking.这是演员的惯例It's common practice among performers.靠手写交流A lot of writing notes.他今天为什么唱 嗓子不痛了吗Why did he sing today? Was the sore thr

30、oat gone?他们在排练一场非常特别的演出They are in rehearsals for a very special performance届时南非总统和美国总统for the Presidents of South Africa and the United States会亲临华特迪士尼音乐厅现场at Walt Disney Concert Hall.我看了新闻 你是狮子王剧团的吗I read about that. You're in "The Lion King"?是的 巡演剧团In the touring company, yes.他演木法沙He

31、 is Mufasa.我怎么了皮内达医生 你有诊断结果了吗Dr. Pineda, - do you have a diagnosis yet?肿胀部分限制了视野It's hard to see through the swelling.我们要做CT扫描We'll need a C.T. Scan.我认为你喉咙里有脓肿I believe there's an abscess in your throat.像是一个装满水的气球It's like a balloon filled with fluid.你能治好他吗Can you make him better?唱歌&

32、amp;hearts;呢照了片子后 我们会了解得更清楚We'll know more - after we take some pictures.皮内达医生 别等检查后再做判断Uh, Dr. Pineda, never wait for a test to form an opinion.机器不会诊断病患Machines don't diagnose patients.得靠我们We do.现在我慢慢地把刀拔♥出♥来♥Now I'm gonna slowly pull the knife out在将韧带归位

33、时While you return the ligament to its place,注意别碰到神经 抽吸watch for the nerve. Suction.他怎么样了How's he doing?训练有素He's well-trained.每个步骤都处理的很好Doesn't waste a step.我是说患者情况怎么样I meant the patient.当然Of course.那一刀刺得可相当危险啊That knife tore him up pretty good.好像是刺中了脾脏和肺Sounds like it hit the spleen, a l

34、ung,还有肝脏上方and the top of the liver.他能活下来简直就是个奇迹It's a miracle he's alive at all.琳恩 给我讲讲Tell me something, Leanne.你怎么跟科尔搭上线的How did you break through to Cole?你说什么呢What do you mean?你们好像有某种关系Well, you seem to have made a connection.我们没有关系We don't have a connection.我能看得出他喜欢你Well, I can see h

35、e likes you.我真的很希望他能成功 琳恩I really want this to work out for him, Leanne.我只是I just.我只是想找出解决方法I'm just trying to find a way in.我原以为你能给我些建议I thought maybe you had some advice for me.我也想帮你 罗利 但是I wish I could help you, Rollie, but.除了工作关系之外other than a working relationship,我真的根本就不了解他I don't reall

36、y know him at all.男性 68岁 转移性黑素瘤68-year-old male with metastatic melanoma.今天做了化疗 儿子发现他晕倒在家Had chemo today. Found down at home by his son.低血压87/58Low B.P. - 87/58.体温38.2摄氏度 脉搏微弱Temp 100.8, pulse is thready.爸 我就在这儿 别担心Dad? I'm right here, okay?劳伦森医生 这边可能需要你Gonna need you over here, Dr. Lorenson.把他送

37、到七号♥床Let's get him to Bed 7.听我口令 一二三On my count. One, two, three.小心 他有老年痴呆Be - be careful. He has dementia.-很容易感到害怕 -明白- He freaks easily. - Got it.我们会照顾他的We'll take care of him.劳伦森医生 通报情况Dr. Lorenson, walk me through this.呼吸道无损伤 脉搏微弱Airway's intact. Pulse weak and thready.呼吸音

38、Breath sounds贯穿弥漫性杂音diffuse crackles throughout.毛细血管再充盈情况很差Cap refill poorly perfused.可能是肺炎败血症Probable sepsis pneumonia.他的体液状况如何What's his fluid status?下腔静脉塌陷 极度脱水I.V.C. collapsed. He's extremely dehydrated.进不去 静脉过于扁平No access. Veins are flat.你有什么打算What's your plan?快想 血压在下降Quickly - B.P.

39、 is dropping.败血症治疗 输液 注射广谱抗生素Sepsis protocol - fluids, broad-spectrum antibiotics.如有必要注射升压药Pressors if it gets that far.很好 接下来呢Good. Next.静脉注射两升大开口的生理盐水2 liters wide open into each I.V.麻烦准备好左旋去甲肾上腺素Levophed ready to go, please.没问题 医生You got it, doctor.他没事吧Is he okay?血压正在恢复Blood pressure's improv

40、ing.他已经稳定下来了He's stable.劳伦斯径直走到前排座位Lawrence walked right into the orchestra seats,夺过那女孩的手♥机♥ 正好接着唱took the girl's cell phone, and kept right on singing.他把手♥机♥砸向了菲尔 那只新来的土狼He just tossed it right to Phil, that new Hyena.那是狼群逃窜中首次伤亡事故That was the fir

41、st casualty of their stampede.大家好啊 我是洛里斯医生Hi, everyone. I'm Dr. Rorish.抱歉 在创伤一室通常只允许一位探望者Sorry, but we normally don't allow more than one visitor in Trauma 1这些都是劳伦斯的演员同事These are Lawrence's castmates.我能理解 但规定就是这样的I understand, but it's policy.麻烦你们到外面等着 好吗Do you mind waiting outside,

42、please?好 当然Yes. Yes, of course.-劳伦斯 我们就在外面 -好的- Lawrence, we'll be right outside. - Yep.多谢了Thanks.福尔斯先生 你有Mr. Falls, you have -一个很大的扁桃体周围脓肿a large peritonsillar abscess.你的喉咙深处有严重感染It's a severe infection deep inside your throat.肿胀已经蔓延到了声带And the swelling of it has spread to the vocal cords.你

43、能给他开点什么药吗Is there medication you can give him?类固醇和抗生素可能有帮助Steroids and antibiotics will help,但得先把脓放出来But it needs to be drained.那样能治好吗And will that fix it?这是阻止感染的唯一方法It's the only way to stop the infection.还能唱歌♥吗术后几小时后才能确定你的声音是否受损We won't know about your voice for a couple of hour

44、s.但是劳伦斯 你得明白But, lawrence, you need to understand that这是一台非常精密复杂的手术this is an extremely delicate procedure.脓肿部分位于声带和颈动脉之间The abscess is wedged between the vocal cords and the carotid artery,颈动脉是大脑的主要供血源which is the main source of blood to the brain.什么意思What does that mean?把它想象成一颗葡萄干Think of it like

45、- like a raisin夹在花生酱三明治里inside a peanut-butter sandwich.我们需要把针♥刺♥进葡萄干We need to get the needle inside the raisin.但困难之处在于 我们不能碰到花生酱But the trick is, we can't touch the peanut butter.不行No.求你了 劳伦斯Please, Lawrence.问题是我们没有多少时间了The problem is there's not much time.脓肿随时都有可能爆裂T

46、he abscess could burst at any moment,脓液将感染喉咙flooding the throat with infection.劳伦斯 我知道你担心自己会失声Lawrence, I understand you're worried about losing your voice.但我的首要任务是确保你能保住性命But it's my first job to make sure you don't lose your life.对我丈夫而言 声音和性命同等重要For my husband, they are one and the sam

47、e.分诊护士请到备用护士站来Triage nurse to overflow nursing station.分诊护士请到备用护士站来Triage nurse to overflow nursing station.你好 我是雷顿医生 你是Hi, I'm Dr. Leighton, and you are -瑞秋 亚伦的未婚妻 他醒过来了吗Rachel, Aaron's fiancee. Is he sober yet?他睡着了He's sleeping it off.瑞秋 我跟你说过 他会没事的Rachel, I told you - he's gonna b

48、e fine.闭嘴 我都不知道你为什么要跟着过来Shut up. I don't even know why you're here.他不是家属 所以He's not family, right, so.你也不是家属 瑞秋 所以You're not family yet either, Rachel, so.我们星期天就要结婚了We're getting married on Sunday.我能见见他吗Can I see him?抱歉 现在还不可以Unfortunately, you can't just yet.-等他醒来后警&hear

49、ts;察♥要找他谈话 -警♥察♥- The police want to talk to him when he wakes up. - Police?他们从飞机上被扔到了柏油马路上They were thrown off an airplane on the tarmac.其他人已经被关押了The other guys are in jail.你们这些蠢货就不可以安安分分坐两小时飞机You idiots couldn't make it through a two-hour flight不惹是生非吗without ge

50、tting hammered?很快就会完事的This is all going to work out.真的吗 马特Really, Matt?两天后我们就要在墨西哥结婚了We're getting married in Mexico in two days.可参加婚礼的人有一半都进监狱了Half the wedding party is in jail,而我未婚夫还处于昏迷中And my fiance is unconscious.这怎么能没事呢How exactly is that gonna work out?去年狮子王来洛杉矶时我去看了I saw "The Lion K

51、ing" when it came to L.A. last year.你当时演了吗Were you in the show?去了 他演了十七年了He was. And the 17 years before that.劳伦斯从一开始就演的木法沙Lawrence has been Mufasa since the very beginning.他演的越来越好And he gets better every year.我看过四场你的演出 劳伦斯I've seen you perform four times, Lawrence.每次你来洛杉矶我都带儿子去看I brought m

52、y son to see you every time you came to L.A.第一次看的时候The first time we came to see the show,他求我几个月 让我给他买♥♥一只宠物狮子he begged for a pet lion for months.最后So finally,我丈夫把我们家可怜的狗带去做美容了my husband took our poor dog to the groomer.不会吧No.一只非常乖巧的拉布拉多And one very tolerant labradoodle就这样变成了我家

53、专属的木法沙became our very own Mufasa.你儿子现在多大了How old is he now, your son?医生 没事吧Doctor? Is everything okay?都好 我一会儿就来Yes, of course it is. Uh, I'll be right back.马拉娅 做一下术前准备好吗Malaya, can you prep the procedure, please?今晚病人真多A lot of patients here tonight.我一会儿就来 你们不用担心I'll be right back. You're

54、 in good hands.我从医院回家的时候When I came home from the hospital,警♥察♥给了我一个箱子there was a - a box from the police.里面是我们的私人物品With all of our personal effects.里面有那张.那张CDAnd among the items was. That cd.狮子王原声专辑"The Lion King" cast recording.我们听了We must have listened to it,大概有几千遍

55、了oh, maybe a few thousand times.后来它不见了And then it got lost.肯定在那次事故中丢了The accident must have shook it loose.有时我觉得我在受惩罚 但我不知道原因Sometimes I think I'm being punished, and I don't know why.认真听Listen to me closely.狮子王片头曲 The Circle Of LifeNants ingonyama bagithi babaIngonyama我还在努力记唱词I'm still

56、working on the lyrics.保罗 你怎么在这儿 你应该在店里Paul, why are you here? You should be at the store.我五岁时保罗叔叔死了Uncle Paul died when I was 5.他们在富勒顿开了家女装店They owned a woman's-clothing store in Fullerton.二十年前的事了20 years ago.我得去店里了I have to get to the store now.爸爸 爸爸 是我 是杰里米Dad, dad, dad. It's me. It's Jeremy.躺下吧Now lay down.是我的错 我忘了把他的收音机带来了It's my fault. I - I forgot his radio.音乐能安抚


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