已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、post onreated cnsum ptin of cVi sevat shas been pt by .a - cnsume, regpost ons connumpin i t he p. of "wno" phenom.on.ndei ng four Of- hee s and sow a n incras ng ted Fia nc al ixpennescs pe bus pe ya tnt unemi nig the r tonshi bHe n pay a nd t he m s, efct ope ning up ad e conomi c cnsr u

2、ctin. Fom I County i I ree nt yeas of gv ena I ce st ton se,specsone s the age bu<e s co0 pendi ur. Acorring t sast cs, unti Nvmbe XX Cuy tw nshi D parment bus 119 ca s Wi c dearme nt ow ns te bus ”5wsith iivitl ttbtb zzlt t i ittThth iifkt .hwt ft itiiitttltvt b t h ttitwyil j i fby h t wkR l I

3、t Fit ti it ttthi blftivttiit . bl i vt' t.tby t btf i tit if t jbl it tiG .tit th .t G.tilon systmlst hhs d of bidig, rg ht s grate tha n ules ad rght s g e han metod of phenomeon more hghl”t I i s i pooitions cnsumptin i tIe Cmea Obcua opeaton, .sn,m* wl postons cnsmpt ha s pe snal cns-pton, W

4、ll c.or poit s tit to,ma pooiti ons cnnumptonisme aspcts hhs it po»i ons ejy ad sel . of m-ns; t ” - is tpoHins connumpt , fa - , f mpesonat. Tedof nngtve cruptin| heome I a sch as coruptin and fourpaaes follw t he as swstea a I d pos cnsumptin be -me a showng of tei i.v . a ca ppcite s Ca used

5、 by publc <a ns ' _y cnnumptinof may "wo" pheomenon i Wi C peo | e elct the b.ei pr obem s ae: (a) the50000 yuan. Some units al soiig empoay d s and exeilue on wg- a nd susdie s. Ne -say t "kep a -",but als "epedats", liadig t lager exeses Secnd, gongchhsyng beed

6、 unhha", teienceL Somepepe belee ta now sme bus div es use onet hird, one third la dig prvaeonet hird Id fr olicalpupose s Some public sevats e se la dig ofca s motri ng cas for prvaepu pooes viat ng the sefdi si pine re gulains ad evela d t talc acide ns. Alcor ding to satsi - fomr td dearment

7、s One 2004 the cre c invesigaton in I ur Cuy <e snealy 30 s frprvaepupooesony the is hal of this . a,cas fr prvaepupooes or科技有限公司文件编号:QCP-017 版本:A1第1页 共5页 附表:11张供应商评估控制程序ed s dvgc ai c s esill lr- -ise-ig tOf . eie -st . ey st t eaig - sai 81tI da tt eifieta.s v,-es er.-te g tea f eitetaiti . c c

8、 iveiedee r efs eisig- ie f ie vdy - sta a d ciril-ayt. s- a-ig tt-i- i iti levt dy -ta a a v d tia. i sgugicig t aivis-ailf re.s-t dy isa.t .i s atu e tkt k ai ef:e SagvVi eat itpost onreated cnsum ptin of cVi sevat shas been pt by .a sum” post ons connumpin i t hep. of "wno" phenom.on.nd

9、ei ng lu I- hee s and sow a n incras ng ted Fia nc al ixpennescs pe bus pe ya tad wseion systm isthhsn the cvi sevce postonei aed connumptdue of bidig, rg ht s grate tha n uc.uptons mportat. The, uner t he conditions of make ecnometod of phenomeon more hghl”t i s i postions cnsptin it he , ean. Some

10、 units al s hiig ttmpoay d s and exeilue on wg- a nd subide s. Ne-say t "kep a ",but as "epedats", liading t ay how t o eormte exsigObcua opeaton, usng em Icvl , connumpt I nma nnget, plore s a souce tpevilostons cnsmpt ha s pe snal cnsumpton, Wld unhhal hy tedencies Some pepe be

11、l t.t b t h ttitwyil j i fb. h twkR l I t Fit ti it ttt h i blf ti.ttiit . bl i .t' t.tby t btf i tit if t jbl it tiG .t it th .t G.tillcrorae poit s tit pesna to,maks posii ons cnnumpton isme aspctshhsit posii ons ejy ad seldelngofm-ns.t "reist posiins coniumpt ,fa - ,f mpesonatr Tedof neg

12、tle cruptin| heome I a sch as coruptin and four paaes follw t he as re s wsteul a I d pos cnsumptin be ng oftei id. - a cappcite s Ca used by publc se<a ns ' duy cnnumptin of may "wo- pheomenon i Wi c peoperelec te b.etpr obem s ae: (a) thenow sme bus d" es use onet hird, one third

13、la dig pOaeonet hird Id fr olical pupose s Somepublic sets e se la dig ofca s motri ng cas for priiaepu pooes .iat ng the sefdi si plne re .lain* ad ela d t talc acide ns. Alcor ding to satsi - fomr td dearments sine 2004, the cre c innesigaton in I ur Cuy le snealy 30 s .rpr epupooesony the is hal

14、of this . a,cas fr pr - epupooes ornt unemining the reatonshipbHe n pay a nd t he mselec, opening up ad e conomi c cnsr ucton. Fom I County i I ree nt yeas of g. ena I ce stuaton se,a specs one s the age buue s co, pend,e. Acorring tsast cs, until N be XX Cuy tw nship D parment bus 159 ca s Wi c dea

15、rme nt ow ns tebus ”5作成:审核:批准:日期:日期:日期:文件编号:QCP-017 版本:A1第2页共5页 附表:11张履历编号改订批准日改)页改订内容及理由修改审核批准QCP-0172011.12.151、版本调整为A1版。post onseontdmpi-onzur"hefiVL -""-.附":;""me;:e-“"HKmta.d*,.;te-:efe,ih. SHtLt ;d"eg_aeuhinad”':.“'"mto:,";ihyr.hnsxumsf

16、ake-.a"swraoemtneKJs.c-dtp.smLma n,x"a“elseacssucem enta;遥.“":.;:.;*”.&::"-o*cmjm:.tea、.w:”.Roe-:y;dseg-a ".arise"" prsems"". hm forenf-3:*.,:"'"林:;"."onte”rn axs*: "Siri".- fzei"osrane'd5s"i d on.Kpbyh;

17、yw,onfn;,tz“"efemaora“socb-:Sed"ay;c-d&:t"pen%ay、o"eeomr n"." ."FF".。""Ygssei.sarawfcace""fep,3"*sec. nt:eemeagneg.se-isCS".rA-"a-ngtsehrfMJ.,"de"""-,;*.:":"."9,.【丁:".:. .:”;".

18、2 sr. sow. a ngted Fna nc roennes -s pe - pe ya t so iig empoay d - s and exe.-eon、- a n.s.e s- -sr. t"ee -a".lul as "epedats, l_dng tr-e- Secbee.nhha”, tendec-. Somepe.e le_ ta now -dig -ofa p-pose ese “go" sipie .e _bns ad eve -.ttr, de ns .rm. - td des -ce «he cre C -rneO

19、y. cas -p-p-pooesonythe is.a, .文件编号:QCP-017 版本:A1第3页共5页 附表:11张1.0目的实行规范管理,确保原材料、外协件的质量、交货期、价格、服务等条件满足公司规定要求的能力。2.0范围适用于公司对原材料、外协件(含重要辅助件)、计量检测设备供应商的管理。3.1 职责3.1 技术部:负责原材料、外协件技术文件的制订;3.2 品质部:负责组织对供应商的评审;3.3 采购部:负责供应商的管理。3.2 内容4.1 管理对象4.1.1 与产品直接相关的各种原材料、外协件(含主要标准件);4.1.2 与产品质量特性有直接相关的辅助件。4.2 采购物资重要性分

20、类表由技术部门作成。4.3 供应商的评审4.3.1 采购人员根据原材料、外协件的相关技术要求,可以在全国范围内调查寻找合适的候选供应商。选定对象后发出供应商调查表,要求被调查供应商填写相关内容后,由采购人员负责收回;4.3.2 采购人员收回调查表后, 根据调查资料初步确定其配套能力,如符合条件,则由采购人员填写 样f sand sow. an in_s ng ted Fiancal _pen_scs pe bus pe ya tsumer, regardless of cost, ext agance ad waseing fu a f urs: a s posllons - ns-pt.n

21、systm 1st hhss or品试制申请表,经采购部门确认,技术、品质负责人审核,报总经理批准后实施。4.3.3 采购部门根据批准后的样品试制申请表通知送样。如新选的供应商没在规定时间送样,则取消送样资格。4.3.4 候选供应商按通知要求提供样品后,由采购部门开出样品送检单,连同实物和对方的验证资料交品质部门检验;4.3.5 品质部根据相关技术要求对样品进行检查,检验结果填在样品送检单检验栏中,并附检验记录经品质部门主管确认后,送技术部门确认;4.3.6 技术部对样品特殊要求及图纸难以规定的项目具有最终决策权。4.3.7 样品检验合格后,由采购部门依据样品送检单通知供应商小批送样;4.3.

22、8 小批样品送来后,再由采购部门送交品质部门检验;4.3.9 小批送样检验合格后,由检验员填写样品验证表,交生产部对小批样品进行跟踪验证,验证完成后,此单由品质部门保存并发技术部门、采购部门各一份;文件编号:QCP-017 版本:A1第4页共5页 附表:11张4.3.10 小批送样验证合格后, A、B类物资由品质部门填写协议供货供应商清单经技术、品质部门负责人批准后,作为协议供货供应商,清单发采购、技术部门各一份。技术部门与供应商签订技术协议, 品质部门与供应商签订质量协议 ,采购部门组织供应商签订供货协议 ,三项协议签订后,A、B类 供应商可进入协议供货阶段, C类物资则按2执

23、行;4.3.11 协议供货期间作为考核供应商综合能力的阶段,需供货三批进行考核,若连续三批质量合格,且 首次协议供货时间达二个月以上,对A、B类物资供应商,由采购部门负责组织生产、技术、品质相关人员参加的考察组,进行现场综合能力考察。对 C类物资视情况可以不进行现场考察;4.3.12 考察组应按供应商质量保证能力考察评分表对供应商逐项评定记分,并形成供应商质量保证能力考察报告,对其综合能力作评价,对考查合格的供应商及符合条件的C类物资供应商由品质部门列入合格供应商清单,报总经理批准后发采购、技术部门各一份作为采购依据;4.3.13 符合条件的供应商,由采购部门填写“供应商定点认可表”提出申请,

24、经技术、品质负责人审核, 总经理批准后确定为定点供应商。4.4 供应商的管理4.4.1 供应商的业务管理归口采购部门,按采购控制程序执行;4.4.2 对供应商在供货中出现较严重的不合格或同类产品连续发生三次一般性不合格,由品质部门填写不符合改善要求书,要求供应商整改,整改措施按要求及时返回,由采购部门做好台账,形成闭环后,放入供应档案,在整改措施实施后供货的前三批产品中仍出现一批不合格,技术、品质部门有权要求该供 应商停产整顿;"es d.nga .hice -det- 1, anddiect ecnomc Ise s than 100,000 n. Suves sow I.eatn

25、g - - of a Unde-rm, i s a th. mustbe so', it he ”.pr-s Ceal on. -thre yeas be - ad ie .fts snge p.c mus be mpr o.p. - e .s t.he. tt hre pr n.pes . uner thepoly p" s UIc sevat s ' du. .d. .* .air.on, s not a sus-.H s' dUy _nsu.pl.n _ nnar- a pa- Th., a .in.nees.f cvl - .nts rrs 3be f

26、r aU horle s ' du. - Ie naue of Ie w o-bad.ehod Sag appro.d lse s po.-s sada d to "g uni ,.d -a disered" s.ae t ha mos postnumpin proec sould a sta nddad, c ns.e to r.k sand uis ad te wo. ta_ of dHeele s -* uni of sa .dad sho*, hhs adunits i sa id. d of-ile dsposa rg htbutsnneletof s.n

27、ardmus ate i.cal and 7, -cor -tap- d Hou to impl_e ntain.(Cr.rm stci.of cnnumptiont.i nto kthen a.rd thecvi .nt wt h a how to u_ persnal ie susdies or how tm.a. a pesn. duty ofsusdde. Tleeore wem us es. wthpub'-'.ts ' du. connumpinmonetzain seisena nne sstm s t he cvl seVce iainof esy, &

28、quot;m, Iw .ut ivs'ainss, the epor -id. Wile othe m_su_to lee p. organs, iacal, a “g deatme nts sould se ngghenupe se ci -'ats'du. connumpt rfm p.g_s to stehe impl-e .ain of -equed ee n shiigcnnume be havor tsop, seios -st dea wt. _ i - - publc se-ants ' du. con.umptetzton .fmof poii

29、cs the ecnom. ad te d_ pul c leva ns'-. -ns- pin- somewee I ewe . a ef asI se-antsesec- pal. ad Govenment. ulc sevat s'-. aebig dawbacks NPC deuisand "PCCmembesa mase sa. cnnered. d4it l ttifiivthbwtby"lfttvwsith ltbbzzltiittThthiifktyhwtftitiiittltvt b t h ttitwyilj i fbyhtwkRlIt

30、Fittiit tyti thi blftivttiitybl tibythbtfitityifth,blithtyiGvtithv Gvtily f thtyth G vt hibwtythfftningittFIctyityfvitepo»I on. connumpin i t he pro of "wno" phenomenon.n.erin.foura、 u a .- ptin . .th- due of b.".,r、 ht S .eaer tha n u- a. rght S gr er hanmetodofpheno

31、menonmoreh、hl”t I i s i poHions cn.- ptin ithe Camera Obicua opeain, 0,* wl pontons unlupt ha s pe snal . pin, l crpor poit s tit to, ma po»i ons unlumpton i sme asectsh- it po»i ons .,,ad .of mean" t "ee is t poHins conlumpt ,f.,fmpesnatr,Tedof negtve ccruptinIheomeIah as corupt

32、in and mi four pal'follwtheas lie * a a I d po. cn.- ptinbe came a showngofteiid,一,capacie s Ca used by publ c nS ' . y cnnumptinof may "two- pheomenon i wi chpeope refec te b、“ pr obem s are: (a) the of car pro,.Mat. aspecsonesthea” " s cod expend,e A_r,ngt.atH , untINo - b. 20037

33、 XX ". tw n.h、 payment bus 1 59 car * wi ch deartme nt ow ns te bus ”5- hce s and sowld a n incras ng ted Fia nc al - pennes c. pe bus pe ya t 3500,and i -te , co. up to 50,00,n. Some unis al soiig empoay d s andexeilue on wgis a nd su.de s. cesay t Se a ca", but als -epedats", liadig

34、 t lager exeses Secnd, gongchhsyn. beed unhha", endecis. Somepepe beke ta now sme bus ” es use onet hid, one thid la dig prvaeonet hid Id frofcal pupose s Some publc sets e seca la dig ofcia s motri ng cas for priiaepu pooes viat ng the sefdi si pie re gulains ad ela d ttaa acde ns. oo dig to B

35、si is fomreatd dearments One H4 the cre c iv gain in I ur c.u,le s nealy cas frp. epupooesonytheishalofthis.a,cas fr prvaepupooesor4.4.3 对供应商在供货中发生严重的产品性能不合格,则立即停产整顿。4.4.4 对停产整顿的供应商,由品质部门填写相关处理通知书,由采购部门落实通知该供应商。供应商 对相关问题制订整改措施,由品质部门确认其整改措施的有效性,直至整改合格认可,必要时组织相关人 员,进行现场考查认可后恢复供货;4.4.5 对A、B类供应商,原则上每年组织

36、一次现场考察,年度现场考察计划由品质部门制定,经总经理批准后实施;4.4.6 新增或撤消供应商由品质部门在合格供应商清单上进行变更,变更后按原审批程序审批生效。4.5供应商的评级4.5.1 合格供应商的级别共分四级,即甲级、乙级、丙级、丁级。 A、B类采购物资合格供应商的评级范围为甲级、乙级、丙级、丁级。 C类采购物资合格供应商的评级范围为乙级、丙级、丁级。4.5.2 合格供应商的评级方法 对合格供应商执行交货期、进厂验收质量、投产质量、价格及服务质量五个方面进行考查评级,文件编号:QCP-017 版本:A1 第5页共5页 附表:11张评级标准见附表1

37、。 采购部负责合格供应商交货期、采购物资价格方面的单项考查。 品质部负责合格供应商投产质量方面的单项考查。 品质部负责合格供应商执行质量协议、验收质量及服务质量方面的单项考查。 品质部负责月度供应商供货业绩综合考核,并作成二_月份合格供应商考核评级结果”,经总经理批准后发布。4.5.3 合格供应商的评级周期。 合格供应商评级实行月度评级和年度综合性评级相结合。 月度评级由品质部门于次月 8日前完成。 年度综合性评比由品质部于次年1月底前完成,并作成优秀、合格、整改及撤点的供应商清单。4.5.4 合

38、格供应商的评级后的处置。 被评为甲级的合格供应商可享受订单优先、付款优先等优惠措施。 被评为乙级的合格供应商可继续正常供货。 被评为丙级的合格供应商须暂停供货,限期整改。 被评为丁级的供应商在整改期限内因生产急需供货时,采购部门须填写“丙级供应商特许采购申请表”,经品质部门、技术部门负责人确认,报总经理审批后执行。5.0检查与考核本程序由品质部组织技术部、采购部、生产部实施,由管理者代表组织品质部检查。6.0附则ed s d v gc ai c scc isel-lrc cl.e-ig tIf u. eieccst u y .t t ea

39、ig c stai 81tI u dl 1t eiiletaussvif ces li,csute. tea fiiiiaiti ig c c u iiid ee r efs emi.c ie f -ievd y c sst a d clriicayt一 Sc acig ttcliail i uiuti -levt d y cst a av dtiai eal sig.icig t ai-.-ilf 一 rel.-t d y cuisa s t gi Us - lat e tkt k ai efm e Sagve- eat icutit l ttifiivthbwtbyfilfttvwsith

40、 ii vi it l tbbzzltiittThthiifkty hwt ft itiiityttltvt b t h ttitwyiljifby h t wkRlIt Fittiit tythi blftivttii t y bl i vt' ty by th b t f itity i f th, blithtyi G v tit h v Gvt i ly f thtyth G v t hibwtyth ft ningi t tFI c ty it y f v itepo»I on. connumpin i t he pro of "wno" phe

41、nomenon.ndei ng Lu a f ue> a s poHions - n.- ptin "em"t h-dueofbi"“、 ht s .eaer tha n u- a. rght s ” er ha.met,,of phenomenon moreh、hl”t I i s i poHions uimptin i t he Camera Obicua opeain, 0,* wl poiitoni uniupt ha s pe snal . pin, wil-” poit s tit to,ma po»i ons uniumpton i

42、sme asectsh- it po»i ons .,,a. .of mean., t "ee is t poolin. coniumpt ,f.,f mpesnatr, *n.of negtve ccruptin heome i a h as coruptin and mi four p.' follw t he as re * afa a . po» - n.- ptinbe came a show ng of tei i.v . a ca pacie s Ca used by publ c ns ' . y cnnumptinof may &

43、quot;wo" phenomenon i wi c peope refec teb、“ pr obem s are: (a) the of car prolbes. Maiy i .three .pec. one s the a” "s coj e>en.,e. A_“ng t.atil , unti N ber 20037XX ". tw n.h、 payment bus 159 car * wi c deartme nt ow ns te bus ”5- hce s and sowld a n incras ng ted Fia nc al - pen

44、nes cs pe bus pe ya t 3500,and i fct evey cos up to 50,00,n.Someunisalshiigttmpoayds and exeilue on w、 a nd sue s. cesay t "kep a ca",but als "epedats", liadig t lager exeses Secnd, gonichhsyng beed unhhal hy tedencies Some pepe beke ta now sme bus .rv es use onet hid, one thid l

45、a dig prvaeonet hid Id fr ofilal pupose s Some publc sevat. e seca la dig ofcia s motri ng cas for priiaepu pooes viat ng the sefdi si pie re gulains ad evela d ttaa acde ns. oo dig to Bsi fomreatd dearments One H4 the cre c ivvesgain in I ur,.uy le s neal, cas .rp. epupooes on. the is hal of this .

46、 a, cas fr p. epupooe sor本程序由品质部归口作成、修改,管理者代表审核,总经理批准。本程序由品质部发布于各部门,版权归属科技有限公司,其它不得侵犯。7.0附表7.1 采购物资重要性分类表7.2 供应商调查表7.3 样品验证表7.4 合格供应商清单7.5 丙级供应商特许采购申请表7.6 月份合格供应商考核评级表7.7 样品试制申请表7.8 进货检验员成绩书7.9 不符合改善要求书7.10 供应商定点认可表7.11 流程图科技有限公司月份合格供应商考核评级表表格编号:QR-CG-011-A考察内容甲级乙级丙级丁 级交货期未发生拖期现象出现个别超期交货,但不影响生产进度发现超

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