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1、会计专业英语课程教学大纲课程代码:ACCO2029课程性质:专业选修课程授课对象:财务管理等专业开课学期:春总学时:36学时学分:2学分讲课学时:36学时实验学时:0学时实践学时:0学时指定教材:胡锦祥,程燕飞,会计英语第二版,南开大学出版社,2011年参考书目:1. 会计英语,刘建华主编,清华大学出版社,2009年07月2. 基础会计,龚菊明主编,复旦大学出版社,2015年7月3. 审计学,陈志强主编,苏州大学出版社,2002年8月4. Introductory Financial Accounting and Reporting, Smith, Barry P., Open Univers

2、ity Press»2010-125. Auditing Concepts and Applications: A Risk Analysis Approach,Larry F. Konrath, South-Western Pub6. Financial Analysis and Decision Making , David E. VanceMcGraw-Hill, 2002-127. 商务英语阅读,李小飞等主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2005年12月教学目的:会计专业英语课程以企业财会活动为主线,深入浅出地介绍会计基本概念,在此基 础上帮助学生了解会计核算程序,编制会计分录,阅

3、读会计报表,掌握财务分析指标,以及 了解企业组织形式,管理会计及审计等方面的基础知识。课程以中英双语讲授,辅以各类练 刃,包括案例分析、小组讨论、课堂演示、阶段测试等,帮助学生初步使用英语来阅读和交 流会计专业的基础知识与相关理论,逐步提高阅读英语会计文献和使用英语处理常规会计业 务的能力。第一章:Introduction to accounting 会计简介课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:了解会计的定义,基本假设和原则,初步了解财务报表的构成。要求掌握相关 的英文词汇、表达及运用。第二节:auditing standards and professional ethics 审计准则与审计职业道

4、德、审计准则:auditing principles了解审计准则。二、职业道德:professional ethics了解审计的职业道德,包括独立性要求等。思考题:1. What are the contents of auditing professional standards?2. What' s the meaning of independence? Why is it important for an auditor?第三节:types of auditing and auditing procedures 审计类型与审计程序一、审计类型:types of audits了解

5、审计的类型,包括外部审计、内部审计和政府审计。二、审计风险:audit risk了解风险导向型审计的含义,了解审计风险的组成。三、审计方法:audit procedures了解审计的主要流程及方法。思考题:1. What is the difference between internal audit and external audit?2. What is risk-oriented audit? What' s the meaning of audit risk?3. How to implement control test?4. What does control risk

6、include?第四节:audit opinions and audit report审计意见与审计报告、审计意见:audit opinions掌握审计意见的类型,初步掌握发表审计意见的方法。二、审计报告:audit report阅读完整的审计报告,熟悉审计报告的形式和内容。思考题:1. What are five groups of audit report?2. How to express audit opinion?3. In which situation will uncertainties occur?4. In which scenario will the accountan

7、t express an audit opinion of disclaimer?第十四章:Forms of business企业组织形式课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:了解三种企业组织形式的定义、区分和特点。要求掌握相关的英文词汇、表达 及运用。第一节:brief introduction of single proprietorship, partnership and corporation 企业组织形式简介一个体经营、合伙与公司一、简介:brief introduction了解个体经营、合伙和公司三种企业形式的含义和特点二、比较:comparisons比较三种形式的异同,分析三种形式的利

8、弊。思考题:1. Define proprietorship and partnership.2. Summarize the di fference between single proprietorship, partnership and corporation.第二节:Group discussion小组讨论与讲演一.课堂小组讨论:group discussion and presentationSuppose you have a sum of money and want to establish a business. Considering the amount of mone

9、y, features of the business and the nature of the industry, explain in details which form of the business you will choose. Give the reason.第十五章:Introduction to managerial accounting 管理会计简介课时:2周,共4课时教学内容:了解管理会计的基本概念以及与财务会计的区别和联系。要求掌握相关的英文 词汇、表达及运用。第一节:manager i a I account i ng and financial account

10、i ng 管理会计与财务会计一、管理会计和财务会计:definition of managerial accounting and financial accounting掌握管理会计的定义和作用。二、管理会计与财务会计的区别:di fference between managerial accounting and finaneici 1 accounting掌握管理会计与财务会计的主要区别。思考题:1. What' s the difference between managerial accounting and financial accounting?2. What does

11、 managerial accounting deal with?第二节:manager i a I account i ng and decision making 管理会计与决策一、管理会计常用的分析工具:analysis approaches of managerial accounting 了解管理会计常用的分析方法及作用。二、几种方法:a couple of analysis methods初步掌握预算、本量利分析、成本性态分析、经济订购量模型等常用方法的意义和作用。 思考题:1. What is budgeting?2. What' s the meaning of cos

12、t-volume-profit analysis?3. What' s the difference between fixed cost and variable cost?第三节:managerial costing concepts 成本的概念第一节:成本的概念一、生产成本的构成:components of production cost了解产品生产成本的构成,包括原料、人工和制造费用。二、期间费用的构成:components of period expenses了解和区分管理费用、财务费用和销售费用。思考题:1、What does manufacturing overhead

13、include?2、What * s the difference between manufacturing overhead and general administrative expenses?考核方式:闭卷考试第一节:Definition of accounting, users and classification of accounting, accounting assumption and principles,会计的定义、使用者、分类及会计假设与会计准 则一、会计的定义:definition of accounting掌握会计的定义,地位和作用。二、会计的使用者和分类:us

14、ers and classification of accounting了解会计信息的使用者可分为两类:外部使用者和内部使用者。了解两类会计信息的区 别。三、会计假设与基本原则:accounting assumption and principles 掌握会计的四个基本假设,明确各自的含义和作用。思考题:1. What are the assumptions of accounting?2. How many types of accounting are there? What are they?3. Who are the users of accounting information?

15、What' s the difference between internal users and external users?第二节:Financial statements 财务报表简介.会计报表的含义:definition of financial statements掌握会计报表的定义和作用二.会计报表的主要内容:components of financial statements初步了解会计报表的主要构成,知道会计报表(financial statements)和会计报告 (annual report)的区别。思考题:1. What are the components o

16、f financial statements?2. What information does a balance sheet contain?3. What' s the difference between financial statements and financial report?第二章: Account i ng e I ements & account i ng equat i on 会计要素及会计等式 课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:掌握会计要素的分类及会计等式的内容和原理。要求掌握相关的英文词汇、表 达及运用。第一节:Account i ng e I eme

17、nts 会计要素一、会计要素:accounting elements掌握会计要素的定义和作用。二、会计要素的分类:classification of accounting elements了解会计要素的分类,了解握每一种会计要素的含义,属性以及各要素下常用的会计科目 思考题:Define accountingelements. How many groups can it be classified into?What are includedin assets?What are includedin 1iabi1i ties?What are includedin owner' s

18、equity?Which financial statement will revenues and expenses be disclosed?第二节:Account i ng equat i on 会计等式一、会计等式的原理和应用:theory and application of accounting equation 掌握会计等式的含义,原理和应用思考题:1. What * s the accounting equation?2. What' s the function of accounting equation?第三章:Recording business transac

19、tions 交易记录课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:学习复式记账的方法及基本运用。要求掌握相关的英文词汇、表达及运用。第一节:recording business transactions企业交易的会计录入一、账户的建立:opening-up of accounts了解账户的分类,掌握常用的基本会计科目。二、T 型账户:T-account了解T型账户的结构、作用,了解账户和科目的区别与联系。并会建立相关账户。思考题:1. What is an account? What is it used for?2. How many categories is a chart of account div

20、ided into? Give examples for each type.3. Illustrate the structure of the T-account.第二节:Double-entry system复式记账法、复式记账的定义,原理与运用:definition, theory and application of double-entry booking-keeping掌握复式记账的定义,原理与方法,运用复式记账的方法做简单的会计分录。思考题:1. Explain the rule of debit and credit and provide examples.2. Give

21、an example of a transaction that will affect two assets accounts.第四章:Journals, ledgers and trial balance日记账、分类账及试算平衡表课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:掌握日记账、分类账的记账方法及试算平衡表的编制。要求掌握相关的英文词 汇、表达及运用。第一节:Journals日记账一、日记账的定义与形式:definition and forms of journals掌握日记账的定义,分类和基本形式。二、日记账的方法:procedures of journal-making掌握日记账的基本程序与步

22、骤。三、练习:exercises用日记账记录会计基本业务。思考题:1. What' s the definition of journals?2. How to make journals?第二节:Ledgers分类账一、分类账和过账:ledgers and posting掌握分类账的定义和过账的基本方法。思考题:1. What' s the definition of the ledger?2. What are the steps of posting,第三节:Trial balance试算平衡表一、试算平衡表:trial balance了解试算平衡表的定义和作用。思考题:

23、1. What' s the function of a trial balance?第五章: Comp I et i on of the account i ng cycle 会计循环课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:了解会计循环的基本步骤,学习调账和结账。要求掌握相关的英文词汇、表达 及运用第一节:adjusting entry调整分录一、调整分录:adjusting entry了解并掌握调整分录的编制,重点掌握预付和预收的调整第二节:closing entry结账分录一、结账分录:closing entry了解并掌握结账分录的编制。思考题:1. What is the account

24、ing cycle?2. What is adjusting and why is it needed for the end of the period?3. How many steps are involved in closing? What are they?第六章:Assets - Current assents I资产-流动资产I课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:了解流动资产定义、分类,重点掌握现金和短期投资业务的会计处理。要求掌 握相关英文词汇、表达及运用。第一节:definition of current assets流动资产的定义一、流动资产及其常用的会计科目:current

25、assets and related accounts掌握流动资产的定义及分类,掌握常用的会计科目。思考题:1. What' s the meaning of current assets?2. How many categories are assets divided into?第二节:current assets accounts流动资产的常用科目一、现金:cash掌握现金的定义,学会编制有关现金业务的分录。二、短期投资:short-term investments掌握短期投资的定义,学会编制有关短期投资业务的分录。思考题:1. Why is cash always listed

26、 first in the balance sheet?2. What do both sides of the Short-term Investment for trading securities record?第七章:Assets - Current assets II资产-流动资产II课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:掌握应收账款、预付款项和存货的会计处理。要求掌握相关的英文词汇、表达 及运用。第一节:应收账款 Accounts receivables、应收账款:accounts receivables了解应收账款的产生,学会编制有关应收账款业务的分录。二、坏账:bad debts了解坏

27、账产生的原因,掌握坏账的会计处理方法,了解账龄分析的方法。思考题:1. What effect does the provision for bad debts have on account receivable balance?2. Describe three basic methods to estimate uncollectible accounts.3. What' s the meaning of 2/10, n/30?第二节:存货Inventory一、存货的定义:definition of inventory了解存货的定义及特点。二 实地盘存制和永续盘存制:perpe

28、tual inventory system and period inventory system 掌握实地盘存制和永续盘存制的区别,了解存货计价的几种方法。思考题:1. Explain the difference of the two systems of inventory keeping.2. What * s meaning of FIFO and LIFO?第八章:Fixed assets & intangible assets固定资产及无形资产课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:学习固定资产和无形资产的定义及主要相关业务的会计处理。要求掌握相关的 英文词汇、表达及运用。第一节:

29、fixed assets固定资产一、固定资产的定义和作用:definition of fixed assets掌握固定资产的定义和作用,掌握常用的会计科目。二、固定资产的获得:acquisition of fixes assets了解固定资产以历史成本入账。三、固定资产的折旧:depreciation of fixed assets了解折旧的含义,掌握常用的几种折旧方法,并会编制分录。思考题:1. What' s depreciation? What is an asset' s useful life?2. What are the book value and salvag

30、e value of the fixed assets?第二节:intangible assets无形资产、 无形资产的定义:definition of intangible assets 掌握无形资产的定义和特点,了解常见的无形资产类型。无形资产的会计处理:accounting treatments of intangible assets了解无形资产的会计处理,编制简单的会计分录。思考题:1. How are intangible assets acquired?2. Give some examples of intangible assets. 第九章:Liabilities and

31、owner's equity负债及所有者权益课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:掌握负债及所有者权益的定义、相关账户及基本经济业务的会计处理。要求掌 握相关英文词汇、表达及运用。第一节:Liabilities 负债一、流动负债:current liabilities了解流动负债的定义和常用科目,编制有关会计分录。二、长期负债:long-term liabilities了解长期负债的定义和常用科日,编制有关会计分录。思考题:1. What ways arc notes payable different from accounts payable?2. What is the purpose

32、of long-term loans made?第二节:Owner' s equity所有者权益% 所有者权益及其常用科目:owner * s equity and related accounts了解所有者权益的定义和常用科目,编制有关会计分录。思考题:1. How are retained earnings calculated?2. What' s the meaning of paid-in capital?第十章:Revenue, expenses and profit收入、费用及利润课时:1周,共2课时教学内容:了解收入和费用的确认及利润的形成。要求掌握相关的英文词

33、汇、表达及运用. 第一节:Revenue收入了解收入的定义和分类,编制与收入业务相关的简单会计分录。第二节:Expenses费用了解费用的定义和分类,编制与费用业务相关的简单会计分录。第三节:Profit利润了解利润的定义和分类,编制与利润业务相关的简单会计分录。思考题:1. What' s the relationship of revenue, expense and profit?2. How are expenses classified? Give examples.3. Explain the Income Summary account.第章:Financial stat

34、ements 财务报表课时:2周,共4课时。教学内容:了解财务报表的基本内容,格式和作用。要求掌握相关的英文词汇、表达及运 用。第节:Brief introduction of financial statements 财务报表简介一、会计报表的含义及与会计年报的区别:definition of financial statements and the difference from annual report掌握会计报表的构成,作用和信息使用者,了解与会计年报的区别。思考题:1. What are the components of financial statements?2. What&

35、#39; s the difference between financial statements and financial report?第二节:Ba I ance sheet资产负债表.资产负债表的定义:definition of the balance sheet了解资产负债表的定义和作用。二. 资产负债表的结构及主要内容:structure and contents of a balance sheet 了解资产负债表的结构及主要内容。思考题:1. What' s the function of the balance sheet?2. What are the basic

36、 three parts of the balance sheet?第三节:Income statement利润表.利润表的定义:definition of the income statement了解利润表的定义和作用二.利润表的结构及主要内容:structure and contents of an income statement了解利润表的结构及主要内容思考题:1. Whatf s the function of the income statement?2. What items does an income statement include?第四节:Case study案例分析、案例分析:case study - a listed company in Australia通过分析澳大利亚上市公司PRANA的年报,加深对会计报表的认识和理解。思考题:1. What are the main components of the financial report?2. What * s the difference between


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