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1、I. 对画线部分提问、1. They bought a new bike yesterday.2. She is a nurse .3. She is my teacher.4. He bought the red one .5. It is my coat .6. I am looking for my sister .7. I get up at six .8. I am from Hubei .9. I went to school late because I got up late.10. It is windy .11. I am getting on well with it.1

2、2. My bag is _red .13. The book is Li Hua ' s14. I like math best.15. They are five yuan .16. I wash it twice a week .17. He will be back in four days .18. I didn ' t come to class yestebdayause I was ill.II.选择题()19. Excuse me is the n earest bookshop ?Go down the street and turn left at the

3、 second corner?A. howB. whatC. where D. who()20.is a ticker for the film Hacker He?About forty yua n .A. How old B. How many C. How much D. How often()21. are you going? I ' m going to the library.A. WhoB. WhichC. WhatD. Where()22. It ' s a nice car.have you been in it?Just to Shan ghai.A. H

4、ow much B. How soon C. How long D. How far()23.? It ' s eight.A. What day is itB. What ' s five and threeC. How old are youD. What ' s your teleph one nu mber()24.? I ' ve got a headache and a cough.A. What ' s your troubleB. What ' s wrong with itC. Can I help youD. How are

5、you()25.tea did you have?Two cups.A. How manyB. How muchC. How soonD. Which()26.shall we meet in the park?What about half past eight?A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD., Which()27.a year does your school have sports meeti ngs?Twice a year.A. How ofte n B. How soon C. How long D. How many times ( )28.?The one b

6、ehi nd the tree.A. Whose girlB. Who' s that girlC. Which girlD. Where ' s the girl()29.are you going to be in the future?I want to be a pers on- Yang Liwei.A. How , likeB. How , as()30.will your father be back?.A How longB how ofte nC. What , like D. What , asC How soonD How wide川就划线部分提冋。31.

7、 He often has lunch in the factory.he ofte nlun ch?32. They will come back in a month.will they come back?33. He hurt his leg last Sunday .he hurt his leg?34. I got up at _s!x this morning.youup this morning?35. They were drawing a horse when I came in.theywhe n I came in?36. I did n't go to sch

8、ool because I had a bad cold.you go to school?37. You'd better take the Nq 3 bus.busI better take?38. He's feeling well.he feeli ng?39. The girl in a red coat is my sister.is your sister?40. He comes to China once a year.heto China?41. He goes to see his grandma ( twice a week )对括号部分提问)?42.

9、My father goes to work by car.(改为特殊疑问句 )?43. It take ( 15 mi nutes) for a ferry to cross the river.(对括号部分提问 )44. You can dial ( 110 ) to call the police.(对括号部分提问) can you dial to call the police45. Ted put his bag in the desk .(改为特殊疑问句 )Ted in the desk?46. The students ( went camping ) last week.对括号

10、部分提问)?47. 3 and 9 is 12.改为特殊疑问句)?48. Diogenes came from ( Greece ).对括号部分提问)Diogenes ?49. The way to keep fit is ( to eat food and take morn exercise).对括号部分提问)the way to?50. We Ian ded (on an un explored pla net ).(对括号部分提问)you land ?参考答案What did they buy yesterday? 2. What is she? 3. Who is she? 4. W

11、hich one did he buy? 5. Whose coat is it? 6. Who do you looki ng for? 7. When do get up? 8. Where are you from? 9. Why are you late? 10. What is the weather like today? 11. How are you get o n with it? 12. What color is your bag? 13. Whose bag is it? 14.What subject do you like best? 15. How much ar

12、e they? 16. How often do you wash it? 17. How soon will he be back? 18. Whydidn ' you come to class yesterday?19-24 CCDDBA 25-30 ABACCC31. Where does have 32. How soon 33. When did; hurt 34. What time did; get 35. What were; doi ng 36. Why did n't 37. Which ; had 38. How is 39. Which girl 40 . How often does come. 41. How often does he go to see his grandma? 42.How does your father go to work ? 43. How long does


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