



1、Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 三年如F册章节Module 2, Unit 2课名That man is short.学习目标1 .能够听读、理解 fat, thin, tall, short, big, small;2 .能够使用 This/Thatis fat/thin/tall/short/big/small.描述图片;3 .能够了解Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd的发音和书写。重难点能够使用 This/Thatis fat/thin/tall/short/big/small.描述图片教学划、节/步骤学生活动

2、教师活动设计意图复习动物1.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhang!Ss: Panda, monkey, elephant tiger, lion.1.T: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. Today we ,are going to learn Module 2, unit 2.Last time, our friends went to the zoo. What animals did they see?(复习 monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, panda)通过回顾旧知,复习 单词 monkey, panda

3、 等, 为本课使用形谷词big, fat等来描述动物形体特 征做好铺垫。i1.Ss看图回答。1. T: Where are our friends now? Look at this picture.S1: They are in the park.Where are they?S2: They are talking aboutT: What are they talking about? Lets watch thetwo men and twovideo.monkeys.T:(呈现高矮两个人的图片)S: This man is tall.Look at this man, he is t

4、all.通过比较图片中小That man is short.(引导学生使用tall描述)丑的高矮,进一步强化对This monkey is small andAnd the other man is short.形容词tall与short的学thin.(引导学生使用short描述)习;通过比较两只猴子课文学习That other monkey is bigT: Look at the monkeys.的身体特征,引导学生在and fat.This monkey is small and thin.对比中理解small与big,The other monkey is big and fat.fa

5、t与thin的不同。通过听读、模仿,进一步内化2.看图片,拼读tall, short;2. T:(手持词卡)谛言、纠正语音语调。big, small; fat, thin。Look at these two girls.拼读 tall, short。Look at these two balls.拼读 big, small。Look at these two men.拼读 fat, thin。3. Watch the video and read3. T: Let's watch the video again.the text.Please read with the compute

6、r.训练巩固1 .观察图片。读:big, small, fat, thin, tall, short.51: This panda is .52: This panda is .2 .观看视频。Understand this” and that”.看图描述。55: This is a panda.That is a dog.1. T: You did a good job.The pandas look different.Have Ss read the words: big, small, fat, thin, tall, short.3 .看图描述。(1) This boy is sho

7、rt. That teacher is tall.(2) This mouse is small. That dog is big.(3) This monkey is thin. That elephant is fat.4 .学习字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd02. T: Good job. We said This panda is .: But sometimes we say That .” Now, let's watch a video.(引导学生做动作,区分this与that)T: Look at the picture.(引导学生描述图片) This is a pa

8、nda.That is a dog.3. T: Now look at these pictures.(1) This boy is short.That teacher is tall.(2) What animals can you see?What can you say?(3) Where are they?What can they see?4. T: Are you tired? Do you want to sing a song?(播放视频)(1) Sing with students.通过引导学生描述 熊猫,练习形容词的使 用;通过观看视频、描述 图片,引导学生区分this

9、与that并结合形容词进 行口语表达;通过观看字 母的视频、观察字母在字 母表中的位置、判断字母 字形、进行chant练习等 巩固字母的学习。出示26字母图、了解字母位置。了解字母位置。(2)观看视频,书空字母。(3)判断字母字形正误。(4)观看视频,了解A isfor .Ss: A/B/C/D is for .(5) chant。(2)播放字母书写的视频。 带领学生用手指书空。(3)字母字形判断练习。(4)播放视频,引导学生了解 A is for . T: What is A/B/C/D for?(5)字母ad, ab, at的发音组合练习。 ad, ad, ad, ad, ad, ad,

10、Pat, Pat, Pat, Dad, Dad, Dad, Pat is my Dad.ab, ab, ab, cab, cab, cab, c-ab, cab, l-ab, lab, t-ab, tab.at, at, at, A cat and a rat. The cat chases the rat. The rat is mad.尝试应用Ss: I see .Ss review the words.S1: Aa is big and fat.Bb is small and thin.T:(出示 Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd 图片)What can you see?(出示 fat, thin, big, small, tall, short)Can you use these words to describe the lette rs 你能用这些词来形容一下字母吗?通过复习字母和本 课所学的形容词,为学生 使用形容词描述字母图 片做好铺垫。.布置作业1 .模仿


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