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1、期末测试卷叶|时间|120分钟| |满分:1?0分题郎一 I二I I三四I五I I六I七 八I九|+| I十LI I总分I得分I I听力部分一 (2o分)曰I 1听句9,1选出能回答所听到向I 题的答篥区每出题1口分LT1共5 I分I) 丁 1 |A.YeS, i|t's | blUe.B| No, it'S his. | | 一CYes it is. 2|A.By ca匚 B | F&llowme. C .Thadkyou. 3 |. A.Yes, thdy Will. 1 BNo, they don't. C| No, they did|n't|.

2、| 一4 |A.In a village. B| In 2008. C l. I Ffom2008 to 2014. I 5 I . |A.I have a picdic. | B |. I weht shopping. Cl L I enjoyed I myself.一 二听五段小对话,根据对话内容选择I正确答T 案1(每小题11分,I共5 分)6 1Where is Cindy gbHg hoW? A I To Mr. Smith's I office. B I |. I To thel zdo. |C. tE the I hospital. 7 |What time is it?

3、 A |. |l2: . 15. B . 1ll: 145. I I I I I C , Il2: I 45. I I 8 . HoW dbes Jenny like_her vacation?AJ.She caM't stWnd it. B|:Shel likes it20 X 20verymuc r力1.(二.Sheddesn't mind it.9WhcsediCtionaryison t:he floc)r?AMis:s Brown's.B.i/lr. Browri's.CMs.Browni's. 10Whenis Halloweenin Nor

4、th/meTicai? AOnOctober31st.BOn 1Novemb)er 13th. C .On Decermber | 25th.、听对话,选才第正确J希(每小;遢1共5£卜)听好以J Mi:J可答第11121I11When is T(而s birtlhday/? ATlhis 1Fid;ay. E3.rNextMonday.c CNext Fricay.12Who will makea I)irthda、y cakeforT()ny's birthdy? AHis> mother.BHisgrandmotheh CHis fathe听第一一上变对话1回答第

5、13-15题13 .What does Jane'sfather do? AHe is 4n erigineer. E3JHeisapilot.CHe iss a s>cientij此.14Howcan Tony ask Jane's fatherquestsons? AB:/ email.B. By QQCBy pflone. 115WIhencan TonyaskJane's fathier questions? AAt 6()'clockin tl1e erenin9BAt 7 o'clockin themornirig. CkAt8 o&#

6、39;clock in theevening.四、听短文补全表格中所缺信息每空词数不限(每小题1分共5分)Wheres didHenrygo()n h()liday?T)_16. How w,as the weathier ini Sy(iney? Itwas_17.What did Henrydo on the beach?Heplayed beaci_18. What clid Mlikedo?He w/as ia _119. W/hatanimalsdidHenry s(ee inthezoo? He) sawl lots5 of _20andkangjaro()s.笔试部分(100分)

7、五、单项选择(每小题1分共15分) 21Sh*zhen is$ on_ coiastnearHong k)ng.It w<is_ srmallvilla(je manyyeairs aco.Aa;the 1Bthe;aC不填;不填Dthe; the 22The斤e arevisitors hewe curing thej surimer hoiday.AthoiusandBth)usandsCthoiusand ofDth)usandsof 2:3I_ Tianjinat 6:00Pm.three? da)/s ajo. AarrvedBgotCarrvedat Drea(;hed24I

8、t t.ikesmymotlieronehour_ t()wcrk. Awalk Bto walkCtowalkingDWclks :5Luke m(式hi1;PEmorlitorat the aiportL二5uncay evenng.AonBforCbyDin26There _ a sports meeting inour s:chool ne次t week.Awil hae Bisgoing tohav? Caregoing tobeDis goingto be 271_gr(泊t fin we had inYandu FarklastSunday!AHow BWhat CWhat aD

9、Hew a28Do you like l”:tenng t(o cointrymusic or roc火music?一_It brings 1 mepleasure.AYes, I (Io. ENo,Idon't. C(e music.DCountrymus>ic. 29Not ony m)parentsbutalso)myelde4sister _ a teach,e"isBareCan1 Dwere 30一Doesy yoiir sisiter iusuallygo to schoolby bike?、<es,thebikein front o)f thb b

10、uildingJ is.Amine BhisCyous Dhers;31-Jmis neverlatefor ;school, _?一Nohes used t()gettingtoscho)ol early.Ahas heBis he? Chesn'theDisri't he32一do you lke pandas?-Becau;e theyarevery/ cute. AWhat BWh)CWtiy DWhere33Sorr,,Tom. Y,ou _ mej a book yesterday,butI can'tfind it.-It'sOK.I d1on&#

11、39;t rneedit any more.AlenC bha】veleritCwil lend Dlent34John _theTVand helpedhismotlier wvith the housewoik. AturnedoffBheard fr)mCjoinedin Dloc)kedafter35Tm goingto the lab. Bye,、erry!一_, Jackie. I'llgo w八th y,ou.AI'm nlot sureBI con'tthink soCWait amilruteDHave aniceday六、完形填空(每小题1分共15分

12、)Bill and Cathywaned to goon ah holiday,Thychose aplac;e calledMahdives> (马尔代夫)nd,heydecdedto36 there for tv/o weeksin sprinJ, because they hiear(1 thattheweaithertheie w<出pierfect atthattime.Thy worked very h(ird forseveral_37.Finally,the)m made enoujh mloney forther drejam_38. But their trip

13、 was morelikea nig|htmareZE US梦)!Thep problenn _39 when the flghtwasputoff becaiuse o)f badweather.They co)uldrft leave_40 inight.They finallygoton theplane twelvehours later!Buthey_41fly to Maaldives becausethere was astorm. Theyhadto fly to ,he c;apital city _42 .Thejre theystay(d ina simallhotel

14、_43 the)airr)ort.Thehotewaas neI<t tothesea,butthe s;ea Mas_44dirtythaitheycouldn'tswim init. And the hotelswimming pool was fuill ofleaves!Thef food weas avful,一_45.For bn汨kf1st ttierewas_46)bread and nnilk!When the stormcam(j, they felt really _471Be(:ause ofthebad、weaher,the)/ had1 to J;ta

15、yfor _48 rlightinthesma川he)tel.Andtheyhad_4<)to (io. Itwaj5 sobori吗.Finally,they_5()in PMaldivesthree days later.Andsomeonetoldthern thw weather there had beenwonderful allthetime!36A.run Bwork Cstay,Dsee37A.miniitesBhours Cdays Dmonths38A.1trip E3jobCcollegeDcloties39A.finished Bjurnpe(Ccontinue

16、d【)began40A.afterBsince CuntiDfrom41A.needIn't EIcoudn'tCshouldn'tDwon't 42A.alre<mdy t5yetCstillDinstead43A.rtearBfrom1CacrossDnext44A.hardlyBmu(ch CsoDeno)ugh| 45A.alsoBeitherCtooDvery46A.()nlyBmany Cfew/ Dany,47Afull Bquiet Chappy D -terrible»48AetherBanc)therCmoe Dothers

17、/19A.somethinc1BanythingCnothingDeverything 50A.reachedBarrivedc CgotDmo、ved七、阅读理解(每小题2分共30分)ACoujh MedicineShak;e well befores usej.Take three timesa daiy after nteahs. Acults:2 teasp()onfils.Children:8一141 t(泊spoonul. CChildren:4一71/2teaspooriful.Notfor children below,theageof 4. Keep ira a coldpl

18、ace. UJsebefoe October, 2019.Joini usin a10kilome式er(countrywak onSuniday,Jura工TVMeetat theschooljateat 2:20n the afternoon.:Stronig shioespreerred.r於箕4Caill Jeff at73338888 ifyouwant to20 X 20knOw more.FAST F(ooQ OPEN HOURSWEEKEND1000A.M.11:00Pknow we car1-_ here.AeaCswim Dgoboatng 5,2totakepart in

19、 the outin(j onSunday.ABtaike yo)ur camera Cwecough miedic:ine :53If y,ou aare hungyoU _.1Acani't ge式anythinBcancallJeffon :733388813 Candb buy sorme f)od 1Dcan drink tw54Helen is nine yejarsold.Shecautake _a day. A1 teaspC15 teaspo(onfus D3 teme(Jicine .Acan beuseBcan't beuse(a after Octobe

20、r, 2019Dcanbe ,akein beforemeals BMr acity,andonesummerthey went tothecouholdayThey enoyed it verymuch becausOne day thy went for awalkearly intheman.Hei lived ona farm,andhe w/as sittinWEEKD/AY 800A1.M.一8:00P).M.P.M.51Fro)m the la;st si(川wet soimethingBfishYou'd b)ette一1_ i:you1 wantno)t goto s

21、cho()lar strong she)es t)tai:e thery at8:30a. n1. onSunday,ng fr)m the fast fo)od shopcarn goto thie fast food shopvo teaspoonfuls of coughmedicineght a1 badc cough.Sheshould)oonful B2 teaspoonfulsasp()onfuls 55The coughd bythechildirenaged 3Cneejdn'tshakeind f/Irs(Green lived ir1 a bigntry(乡村)f

22、o)r theire it、wasa quiet,clea1 place.mornlingandmetan oldg in:rontof his he)use.MrGre汨n asked hirn,“Do you lke t(o liveoldmar1 sai,d,“Yes,I_do.,MrGregood thingsabojt it?Theold iherek know eachother.They o:tencome anvisit them.And thiereareals(o lots> of (“Tha也$ int(?restingjndwha:arethebadthoiJgh

23、tfor a moment and then said,56MrandMrsGreen wentto the cooldmanBto spend1 their holiday,CDto see theirfriends 57countrybecmuse_. 1it vwas a farmCthwe w/erelotsof clclean 5)8Oneday,MrandMrsGreAearly inthemorningBeveningDafterlunch 519Thedo”here meansABI like tcsit in front o:myhouse Ca vvalkearl】y in

24、 ,he m°rning t)60Didthe)ld ntanikehe peope tohe did.BNohedidnt. Cj in this qluietplac汩?”-Theen aisked again,'What ae thamanansiwered,9Wellthepeopled visit me, anid I()ftego <andchildentiere" MIr Gieensaid,things?'he(old manWellthesamie thngs,really.untry.Ato s;ee theto see the q

25、uietplaceMrandMrsGreen enjoyede/as far from the city Bthereiildr(泊Ditwasquiet andentooka wailk_1after bre旧kfaist Cin theoldmansaicJ,“Yes,do.I lik;e tolivein this placeI like togo out foI like to livein the ctyc°me anid vi)sit hm?,AYesSometimeshe(jid, but sometimes hedidii't. DWedon,t kn)w.(

26、C A farm狗),andthe farmew needed tosell ,hemit inhisyard.Ashe was p>uttirg up thesignto hiim.Sir," he said,“Iwant toVell,力_said -he farme了,'thes>e dojusthave aook?isked thb boyhewhistled(吹口哨).“Here,outfrom】thedoghouse and fo)ur lttle(logsbec:amej exc;itedThen, the litte bo)y no)ticesma

27、llerIt movedslo1wly <md tried towant that one,” the bo)y said, pointng tosaild,“Yo)u'dbetter nct choosethadogand1 play with you like th冶e four(dogs.thewaist and roled uP(卷起)oncast onhiseg and aspejcialshoe九Hej sairuntoowellmyself, (andhe will ne汨d s>om(Theworld isfull,of peoplej who ne(ed

28、some61Hon may p>uppies did DollyhaveCFive.DOne.62Hod dieout?> AExcted.BDisspponteder'sdog,Doly,匕ad puppies(小.Hepainteda sign and piiti, a littleboy walked upbuyoneof yo)ur dogsogs Jare v,eryexpejnsive.CanIy.“Sure,saidthe -armer arldDolly!he c;alled. Dolly ranfollo)wed her.Theboyd another d

29、oig.That oie wascatch up)witfi theothers.“I0 the> littke do(j. Thie farmei.Hewillnever beabl(t to 1unThelittleboybent fromie leg ofhis trousers.He showed ad,“You see, sir. Idon"eonewh(o un(jerstands him】.onethatund(erstandsthern.j? ATw(o. BThiree.theboyfeelwhejn the dogs ranICSa(i. DUpset.63

30、Howd didthefarmier r(espond t)thethe(iogo the boy. BHeadvsedCHetoldthe 1)oy the dog was il. Dleave atonce. 64What do the unB起身C跳跃Dfollowings statem(*tsis triue?Aof thie dogs rmoveid slowlyprobably becausCN(othing wais wrongwiththeboyunderst.andthe lttle(dog.八、分共10分)W/u Yshua 16yeaChinese poetry诗)com

31、peititionin tPo(式ryConfererce on F由7th, 2017Shebec:ause ofher learningabout Chinese cuthehapplines)s broughit bythepoetry,performed(表现)w(ell inmariy parts,recailling(回忆)po(emsby k)okig at诵)poejmsaboit thej Chinese characerearly asFetb. 1st, when 'Nu recited aChintheyear. S')me(me s;aidthatWu

32、mus:havthan 2,000Chinesepoetry.The 1.8metert:boys cfioicej? AHesoldtheboynoto ch00slj that dog.Heasked tlie boy toderlinedwonds mean? A跪下弯腰65Whiichof theDo)lly w/as b)adl)/ ill.BOniee itslegj5 were weak.s le(g. DTl】e boy ddn't任务型阅读(每小题2roldstuclentfromShinghai won ahe siecond season ofhe ()hinesebeat other competitorsltureandworks.I enj0yWu 5;aid.In tlhe fiiial VVusucha ascompetitorssand paintings and recitin1g(背“Jii_力Jas mnanyas )ossible.Asesepoem ab)outthemonths ofe remen】bened at least moreall VSu s.aid that s)he keptyou


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