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1、一、主语一、主语1. During the 1980s, chinese folk music has become more and more popular.2. We often speak Japanese in class.3. Two-thirds of the students in this class are boy students.4. To see is to believe.5. Doing exercise is good for our health / does good to our health.6. The young should respect the

2、 old.7. Where we will go next week hasnt been decided.8. To master a foreign language is very important.9. Its no use crying over spilt milk.10. Its very difficult to give up smoking.11. It is disappointing that he refused my invitation to dinner.12. It was reported that Chinese Womens Badminton Tea

3、m had won the World Championship.二、谓语二、谓语1. Li Ping practises playing golf every morning.2. He takes good care of his sick grandma.3. You may turn to me for help /ask me for help.4.We are Senior Three students.三、表语三、表语1. Our English teacher is a Canadian.2. Is the exercise-book on the desk yours?3.

4、The traffic light turned green.4. The speech given by the professor / The professors speech was boring.5. His hobby is learning Chinese Kung Fu.6. Twelve divided by three is four.7. My job is to teach French.8. That cat must be in the sitting / living room.9. Time is up. Class is over.10. The truth

5、is that he has never been abroad to travel.四、宾语四、宾语1. Yesterday we went to see a wonderful concert.2. A heavy fog prevented him from attending the meeting on time.3. How many English novels do you have? I have 8.4. Yesterday he helped the old clean the room.5. He pretended not to hear what I had sai

6、d.6. Mary, who is three years old, enjoys dancing. Three-year old Mary enjoys dancing.7. I dont think he is fit for his job.8. Lend me a book, please!9. Last year the company sent us a few telephones.11. I think it best that you should do more pronunciation exercise.10. Yesterday he sent me a birthd

7、ay present.12. We make it a rule to get to the point once we begin to talk.13. He found it difficult to accustom himself to a new environment abroad.14. She thought it no use only remembering words and expressions without making sentences with them.五、宾语补足语五、宾语补足语1. Electricity can make a train run f

8、ast.2. They think the key to the exercise ( to be ) wrong.3. What you said just now made grandpa very angry.4. His parents named him Lan Yangyang.5. The painter painted his bedroom blue.6. In fact, teachers cant force students to learn English.7. I often hear her play the piano at home.8. The day be

9、fore yesterday I saw him playing basketball with his friends on the playground.9. I found Shenzhen changed greatly.10. We consider English as a useful tool for international communication.11. I found everything in the office in good order.12. Open the door and window to let the fresh air in.六、定语六、定语

10、1. China is a beautiful country.2. Who is the man talking with our English teacher?3. This is a car factory.4. His rapid progress in English made his father satisfied.5. More than 50 students took part in Li Yang Crazy English Summer Camp.6. You should follow the doctors advice to lose weight.7. Our

11、 head teacher is always the first to come and the last to leave the office.8. Our teaching building has just been decorated.9. He is reading an article about how to improve English writing.10. A noise outside made him look outside.11. Who is the man that is talking with our English teacher?七、状语七、状语1

12、. The earth moves around the sun very quickly.2. He has lived in Shanghai for many years.3. He is very happy to pass the Entrance Examination to College.4. She stood in front of the teachers desk, holding a book in her hand.5. Wait a minute.6. He learned to drive a car when he was only 3 years old.即

13、时练习( 主语+系动词+表语)v1、这台机器的情况良好、这台机器的情况良好v2、丝绸摸起来又软又滑、丝绸摸起来又软又滑v3、她似乎对这本书感兴趣。、她似乎对这本书感兴趣。v4、真相是她失踪了、真相是她失踪了v5、她长大后当了老师。、她长大后当了老师。v6、那个男人被证明是个贼、那个男人被证明是个贼v7、我希望你的梦想能成真。、我希望你的梦想能成真。v8、她没来上课的原因是因为她要照看她生、她没来上课的原因是因为她要照看她生 病的妈妈。病的妈妈。1. This machine is in good condition.2. The silk feels soft and smooth.3. Sh

14、e seemed interested in the book. It seemed that she was interested in the book.4. The truth is that she was lost.5. She became a teacher when she grew up. 6. The man proved ( to be ) a thief. The man turned out (to be )a thief. 7. I wish your dream come true.8. The reason why she didnt come to class

15、 is that she had to look after her sick mother.即时练习(主语即时练习(主语+谓语谓语(不及物动词)(不及物动词)1、太阳在照耀着。、太阳在照耀着。2、我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。、我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。3、他所讲的没有什么关系。、他所讲的没有什么关系。4、他们谈了半个小时。、他们谈了半个小时。5、这支笔书写流畅。、这支笔书写流畅。6、他们等了几个小时就是为了看见他们最喜爱的、他们等了几个小时就是为了看见他们最喜爱的明星。明星。7、1919年,北京爆发了年,北京爆发了“五四五四”运动。运动。8、在过去的十年里,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。、在过去的十年

16、里,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。9、铃声响了。(、铃声响了。(There)10、五年前我住在北京。、五年前我住在北京。1. The sun is shining brightly.2. All of us need to breathe, eat and drink. 3. What he said didnt matter much.4. They talked for half an hour.5. This pen writes smooth.6. They waited here for a few hours to see their favorite Yao Ming.7. The

17、May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.8. In the last ten years, great changes have taken place in our hometown.9. There goes the bell.10. I lived in Beijing 5 years ago.即时练习(主语即时练习(主语+谓语谓语(及物动词)(及物动词)+宾语宾语)v1、她微笑着表示感谢。、她微笑着表示感谢。v2、他拒绝帮他们的忙。、他拒绝帮他们的忙。v3、她承认犯了错误。、她承认犯了错误。v4、他们想查明谁打烂了窗户。、他们想

18、查明谁打烂了窗户。v5、医生已决定什么时候给病人做手术。、医生已决定什么时候给病人做手术。v6、我认为她今晚不会来了。、我认为她今晚不会来了。v7. 我们期待早日收到你的来信。我们期待早日收到你的来信。v8、当妈妈进来的时候,、当妈妈进来的时候,Tom假装在阅读。假装在阅读。v9、我忘记要在哪接她了。、我忘记要在哪接她了。1. She smiled to say thanks.2. He refused to help them. He refused to give them a hand.3. He admitted having made a mistake.4. They wanted

19、 to find out who had broken the window.5. The doctor has decided when to operate on the patient.6. I dont think she will come tonight.7. We expect to hear from you soon.8. Tom pretended to be reading when his mother came in.9. I forget where to pick him up.即时练习(主语即时练习(主语+谓语谓语(及物动词)(及物动词)+间接宾语间接宾语+直接

20、直接宾语)宾语)1、我想为他挑选一件合适的礼物。、我想为他挑选一件合适的礼物。2、太阳给了我们光和热。、太阳给了我们光和热。3、请在本周末把所借的书都还给图书馆。、请在本周末把所借的书都还给图书馆。4、医生治好了他的病。、医生治好了他的病。5、Tom 使使Mary 相信了他的诚实。相信了他的诚实。6、新式机器将会为你节省许多劳动。、新式机器将会为你节省许多劳动。7、他每天给我带些曲奇饼。、他每天给我带些曲奇饼。8、我愿为你做一切事情。、我愿为你做一切事情。1. I want to choose a suitable gift (直宾)直宾)for him .(间宾)(间宾)2. The Sun gives us (间宾)(间宾) light and heat (直宾)直宾).3. Please return the borrowed books (直宾)直宾) to the library (间宾)(间宾) at this weekend.4. The doctor has cured him (间宾)(间宾) of his illness (直宾)直宾).5. Tom convinced Mary of his honesty (直宾)直宾).即时练


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