已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、初一下词组句型Module 11 wait for buses = wait for a bus等公共汽车            take a bus /train /plane/ ship 乘公交车/ 火车/飞机/船2 stand on the Great Wall of China站在长城上3 have a good/ great time  = be happy= play happily玩得开心4 lie in the sun / on the beach躺在阳光下/

2、 在沙滩上enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 enjoy the sun and the sea享受阳光和海洋5 take photos of 给拍照片6 . talk to /with sb 和人谈天 talk about sth 谈论 talk on the phone 在电话里谈天7 a lot =very much 非常,修饰V, 放在V后 a lot of = lots of 许多 +n very 很,非常, +adj 和 adv 8 shop for =go shopping for = buy 买9. look at 看 listen to 听 say to 对说 10

3、. take to sw. 把带到某地   take away 拿走 take sth with sb 某人随身带某物 take out 拿出来11. at this moment= now 此时此刻 (现在进行时)12.in the same place   在相同的地方 13have a drink 喝一杯 14 go to the opera 去听歌剧  15put on your clothes=get dressed 穿衣服 put it /them on 把它们穿上 16 call home  给家里打电话 &#

4、160; call sb. = phone sb. (直接加人)17 write to sb. 给某人写信 18 watch a ballet 看芭蕾19. leave work 下班       be at work 上班  go to work 去上班   He is at work. = He is working . 不能说: I am at shopping . (×)20 greetings from 来自的问候      21. see yo

5、u soon /later 稍后见22 the Forbidden City紫禁城 23. do taijiquan,打太极拳   do yangge 扭秧歌24. What are you doing? 你正在干什么? 25. What is she doing?她在干什么?26 What are the others doing? 其他人在干什么?Module 21. at Spring Festival 在春节 on New Years Day 在元旦on Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 on Spring Festivals Eve 在除夕夜 Fa

6、ther Christmas 圣诞老人2. get ready for 为做准备         3. clean the house 打扫房子  4 cook the/ a meal 做饭  5 learn a dragon dance 学舞龙 6 make lanterns / dumplings 做灯笼/包饺子7 sweep the floor 扫地 sweep away bad luck 扫走坏运   8. paint red 把涂成红色 9 decorat

7、e with 用装饰 10 have a haircut = cut ones hair剪头发 and then 然后 11 at noon / night / midnight 在中午/晚上/午夜     at night = in the evening 在晚上12 a girl called Lingling 一个叫做玲玲的女孩  13 play fireworks  放烟花(pl.) 14 bring us good luck 带给我们好运 15all the year round =all year 一整

8、年 16paper cuts 剪纸17 want to do= would like to do 想干 want to be a / an 想成为一个 18 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种 19 一些 a little+u a few +c some +cu 很少 little + u few +c pl.20 Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?21 Whats happening? 正在发生什么?22 What does it mean? 它什么意思?  It means 它意味着 What do you mean? 你什么意思?Whats t

9、he meaning of ? 的意思是什么? mean 动词v meaning 名词n 23 We dont clean the house for a few days. 我们好几天不打扫房子。 Module 3 一般将来时:将要发生的动作,结构:be going to do1.have a piano/swimming lesson 上一节钢琴/游泳课 2.check my email  查收我的邮件 3.revise for my test为考试而复习 revise English 复习英语4.have a picnic 郊游  5 .stay in bed

10、0; 呆在床上 stay at home 6. go to a party 参加聚会 7.get up early / late 起床早/ 迟 ( adv)8. at the weekend 在周末 on weekdays 在工作日9. in the morning 在早上 on Sunday morning在周日早上10 at home 在家里 at a friends home 在一个朋友家11.walk up the Great Wall 爬长城  12. look forward to (doing) sth. 期待(做) (这里to是介词)13.take the plane

11、 to Beijing=go to Beijing by plane=fly to Beijing乘飞机去北京14 make friends with sb. (和人) 交朋友  15. plan to do = make a plan to do计划干 16. stay in a hotel 呆在宾馆17 go shopping / sightseeing /boating / swimming /fishing 去购物/观光/划船/游泳/钓鱼18 do some shopping /sightseeing / cleaning / reading /washing 购物/观光/打

12、扫/阅读/洗衣19. My parents have some friends there.我的父母在那里有一些朋友。20. How do you get from Shantou to Xiamen?      你怎么样从上海到厦门? By bus.21. Why + 一般疑问句?用because来回答.    so 和because 不能一起使用 Module 4一般将来时:将要发生的动作,结构:will do =be going to do There be 句型的将来时:There will be

13、 +n = There is / are going to be +n. 将要有1 life in the future 在未来的生活 2 by email 通过电子邮件的方式3 Im (not) sure 我(不)确定4 study/stay at home 呆在家里/在家学习 study English学英语 study / learn hard努力学习5 on every desk 在每张桌子上 every + 单数n6 in ten years 十年后 (将来时) 7 get warm 变暖8 strong wind(s) 大风 9 heavy rain 大雨(n)

14、 rain heavily/hard 雨下得(v)10 use to do sth. 用去做 (v) write with chalk 用粉笔写(介词, 后置 )11 a piece of chalk一支粉笔  chalku12do the dull jobs / work 做枯燥的工作 jobc work u13 on a farm 在农场 in a factory在工厂 in an office在办公室 14 work 3 days a week 每周工作3天 15 go (out) for a walk (出)去散步16 on TV / the computer /

15、the radio / the phone/ the Internet 在电视/电脑/收音机/电话/网上 17 have lot of free time 有许多空闲的时间 be free 有空 句子1 There will be a computer on every desk. 在每张桌子上将要有一台电脑。(存在有)Everyone will have a computer . 每个人将要有一台电脑。(所属有)There will be bad weather in spring . 春天将有坏天气。2 Will there be schools in the future? 将来将要有学

16、校吗?Yes, there will . No , there wont .3 Will everyone send their homework by email?每个人将要通过电邮发送他们的作业吗?Yes , they will . No , they wont. 5 Planes will be very large so flying will be very cheap. 飞机将很大,所以坐飞机将很便宜 flying是动名词,作主语,作单三。6 It will be hot all year. 一年到头天气都将很热。7. In my dream school there w

17、ont be any teachers. 在我的梦想学校里将没有任何老师。 8. will V原   They will play football. 他们将踢足球。 (v)will   be形容词adj     It will be cool in autumn. 秋天天气将是凉快的。(adj)  There will be名词n  There will be rain tomorrow. 明天将有雨。(n)  It will rain tomorrow . 明天将下雨(v) It

18、will be rainy tomorrow. 明天将是有雨的。(adj)Module 51 in the east / west / south/north of China 在在中国的东西南北 in East China 在华东2 five meters long / wide /high(tall) 三米长/宽/高3 on the River Cam 在康河上 on the coast 在海岸线上4 be famous for 以而闻名 5 an old city 一个古老的城市Beijing is famous for the Great Wall. 北京以长城而闻名6 seven m

19、illion 七百万        millions of  Americans 数百万美国人3 7 look up a word in a dictionary 在字典里查找单词8 travel around the world 环球旅行9 something to eat / drink 吃的/ 喝的东西 不定代词定语后置,做单三something good 好东西 a good thing 一件好东西 10 the answer/ key / ticket to 的答案/钥匙/ 票11 in ones han

20、d 在某人手上句子1 Shanghai is hotter than Hong Kong. 上海比香港热。 (比较级 er)2Whats the population of Shanghai? 上海的人口是多少? =How many people are there in Shanghai? 形容人口多用 big 或 large 3 Whats the capital of the UK? 英国的首都哪里?4 Shanghai has 13 million people.  上海有一千三百万人=There are 13 million people in Shanghai.

21、 =The population of Shanghai is 13 million 5 Whats the weather like?  /   Hows the weather? 天气如何?6 Its never very hot in summer or very cold in winter. 夏天从来不热,冬天不冷。7 比较的内容要一致。 Linglings hair is longer than Bettys (hair). 玲玲的头发比Betty的要长。 Lingling has longer hair than Betty. 玲玲有比Be

22、tty更长的头发。错误表达:Linglings hair is longer than Betty ×语法 :比较级前加 :much = a lot ,even , a little , 原级前加: very(非常) , so(这么), too(太), quite(相当) , Module 6 1 Chinese people中国人民 2 more popular than比更流行,受欢迎3 be good at (doing) sth = do well in (doing) sth 擅长(干) be good / bad for 对有益4 leave (A) for B (离开A

23、)动身去B 5 every Saturday 在每周六 (every前不加介词)6 be late for school / work 上学/上班迟到 7 get to = arrive at / in = reach 到达 where, here , there , home 前不加介词 get to school 到学校  get home/there/here 到家8 sit in front of the blackboard 坐在黑板前 behind the other students 坐在其他学生后面at the back of the classroom在教室后面9

24、speak slowly and loudly 说得慢而响亮 hear clearly 听得清楚 learn English well学好英语 work hard努力学习(adv修饰v,放在v后)10 more than = over 多于 11 take / show sb. around 带人参观地方句子 1 Running is more boring than swimming.跑步比游泳更无聊2 whats wrong with?=whats the matter with? 怎么了?3 Its difficult for old people to learn English. 对

25、于老人来说学英语是困难的。4 He needs to learn English quickly.   就划线部分提问How does he need to learn English?5 I dont like to be late. 我不喜欢迟到。 Revision A1 this week / this weekend 本周(末) 2 in / on the street 在街上 3 sit at the table坐在桌旁 4think about / of 考虑 5 tell sb a story 给讲故事 6 at the end of 在的结尾 7 fill

26、with 用装满 8 have a big meal大吃一顿 9 play with 和/用玩 10 need to do sth需要做某事11 at a bus stop 在公交车站 12 live a happy life 过着幸福的生活13 be / look like. 像/看起来像 介词,像, 要与be 和 look连用like to do / doing sth 动词,喜欢,单独使用Module 7 1 by  直接加交通工具by bike/ bus/ train on foot 步行, 提问用how2 on a bus / train/ ship /plane 在公交车

27、/火车/船/飞机上 in a car / taxi在小汽车/出租车里(除了bus和 taxi ,其余都用on)3 by plane= on a plane =by air  乘飞机(介词短语,表示方式,要后置)go to Beijing by plane =take a plane to Beijing=fly to Beijing 乘飞机去北京4 go to Beijing on foot = walk to Beijing 走路去北京5 to 是介词,表示方向 go to /come to /fly to / run to / walk to / swim to / drive

28、to / ride to /travel to / get to 去 / 来 /飞到 / 跑向 / 走向 /游向 / 开向 /汽向 /旅行去 / 到达6 be close to = be next to = be near 离近be far from离远7 in 8 minutes 在八分钟之后 将来时 8 nine and a half hours 九个半小时9 the best way to do 干最好的方式 10 how to do it 怎样做 what to do 做什么11 look the same 看起来一样 be the same with与相同 (same 前一定要有th

29、e) be different from与不同11 speak to / talk to / say to / listen to 说语言 / 谈话 /说具体内容 / 听 12 most people 大多数人 13 a map of China一张中国地图14 take to 带去 15 on ones / the way to 在去的路上 bringto带来 on my way to school在我上学的路上 take sth with sb某人随身带某物 on the way home在回家的路上16 say something about 说说 17 how long 多长时间 ho

30、w far 多远距离 how much+u多少(钱) how often隔多久一次 how many + pl 多少 how soon将来多久之后,回答用in18. It takes sb some time to do sth 某人花多长时间做某事。 句子 1 How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学?I go to school by bike . 我骑自行车去上学。2 l like apples better than pears. 比起梨,我更喜欢苹果。3 I like dogs best of all the animals .=My favourite ani

31、mal is dogs. 所有动物中我最喜欢狗。4 The cheapest way is by bus.  最便宜的方式是乘公交车    不能说:By bus is the cheapest way.×5. Who has the longest journey? 谁有着最远的路程?6 Tony is taller than any other boy in his class. Tony比班上的任何男孩都高any other+单数 =Tony is the tallest boy in his class. Tony是班上最高的男孩(最高级

32、-est)7 Tony is one of the tallest boys. Tony是班上最高的男孩之一(one of +复数pl和最高级)8比较级用the的情况:两个里面更样的一个Tony is the taller of the two boys. 这两个男孩里Tony 是更高的。Module 8 1过去的时间短语:(1) two years ago 两年前 (2)this morning 今天早上(3)last night = yesterday evening 昨晚 (4)in the past在过去(5)just now = a moment ago 刚才 (6)the next

33、 day /year第二天/ 年(注:在英语里,今天早上是过去时,今天下午是将来时。)2 at first /last 最初/ 最后 3 be born (in) 出生(于)4 Whats the name of 的名字是什么? 5 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好  6 be angry / strict with对生气/ 严格7 a pond with fish in it 里面有鱼的池塘 (介词,带有) 8 between and 在和之间 9 one day 有一天 (将来时或过去时) both and 和 10 go back to = return to

34、回到去11 one the other一个另一个 12 make a mistake 犯错误句子 1 When and where were you born? 你何时何地出生?I was born in Jinhua in 1993. 我1993年出生在金华。2 Whats the name of? 的名字是什么?3 what is she like? 她是怎样的人?(问性格) 4 what does she look like? 她长大怎样?(问外貌)5 What does she like? 她喜欢什么? What does she like doing ? 她喜欢干什么?6. Ther

35、e are lots of things to do.MODULE 91. once upon a time= long , long ago 很久以前 2. live in the forest 住在森林里3. decide (not )to do sth. 决定(不)做某事decide to be a / an 决定成为一个 want to be a / an 想成为一个 4. go for a ride / walk 去兜风/散步       5. pick flowers 摘花   pick up

36、 捡起某物 pick it/ them up6. be/get lost 迷路 lose ones life丧命7. look around sb.(介宾)环顾四周     look around her/me /him look for寻找 look after 照顾 look out of 从看出去8. hurry to = go toin a hurry 急忙去某地He hurried to school without having breakfast. 他没吃早饭匆忙去学校9. knock on / at the door 敲门11 three

37、 bowls with some nice food in them里面有可口食物的三个碗12 enter = go into 进入13 finish all the food吃完所有食物 all his friends他所以朋友 finish (doing) sth.   完成(做)某事14 eat up 吃完 15 rush out of 冲出jump out of 跳下hurry out of 匆忙冲出16 try to do sth. 尽力做某事        try it/ them on 试穿

38、 be tired 累的 区别:try尝试的过去式 tried 17 be asleep(形容词)= be sleeping(动词)18 .be in pieces 成了碎片 19 point at / to 指着20 be around sb. 在某人周围 be with sb 和某人一起21climb the hill爬山 22 again and again 一再,再三23 begin with. 以开始    24 at the beginning /end of    在的开始/结尾25. answer the door / tele

39、phone 开门 / 接电话26. change into 变成 27There was / lived a girl called / named Betty.(住着)有一个叫做Betty的女孩28 whats the date today? 今天几号?What day is it today? 今天星期几?29讲故事的顺序:First Next Then FinallyModule101 Teachers Day 教师节 2 Mothers Day 母亲节 New Years Day    Childrens Day 儿童节 National Day 国庆节

40、Womens Day 妇女节 May /Labour Day 劳动节3 play chess 下棋 4 go away 走开;离开5 at the age of 12 = at 12 在12岁时 6 start / finish school 开始/完成学业7 move to 搬到 8 be interested in 对感兴趣9 one of the most famous writers in the world  世界上最著名的作家之一10 in the middle of 在的中间 11 a group of 一群 12 from one place to another从一

41、个地方到另一个地方13十二个月份:January   February   March   April   May  June   July   August  September  October   November    December14 英语人称顺序:你, 他/她, 我  (I 放在最后) 15 be in colour彩色的 in red 穿着红色的衣服16 Did you

42、 ride a bike to school when you were a boy? Yes, I did. 当你是一个男孩的时候,你骑车去上学吗?17 He did his homework yesterday.  He didnt do his homework yesterday.  Did he do his homework yesterday?    Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.    Module 111. a national hero 一个民族英雄 pl. heroe

43、s 2 work on 从事3 from 1905 to 1909 从1905年到19092. 4 the latest news u 最新消息 a piece of news 一条消息5 a few days ago 几天前   11 years later 11年后6 go around = orbit 绕运行7 短语:a / the 5-year-old boy 一个/这个五岁的男孩 (放在名词前,作定语,) 句子:- The boy is 5 years old. 这个男孩五岁。(放在be后,作表语)8 land safely 安全着陆 9 the third co

44、untry 第三个国家(序数词前要加the)10 join the army 参军 11people on Earth 地球上的人(介词短语作短语,后置)12 wave to sb. 向某人挥手 13 go through 从内部穿过(深林,城市,窗户等)   go across 从表面穿过(马路) 14 show his skill as an engineer 展示他作为一名工程师的才能15 work as a teacher 作为老师工作 16 a sick man一个病人 不能说a ill man (×) ill是表语形容词,不能作定语The man is

45、 sick / ill.这个男的生病了。17 open a hospital/ a company开办医院/ 公司句子1 What do you think of ? How do you like ?你认为怎么样?2 What did he do ? 他是做什么的? He was a teacher. 他是一个老师。3 Why didnt you go to school yesterday? 你昨天为什么不去上学?4 He died in 1919. 他1919年去世。(die, dead, death)5 The rain lasted a week. 这场雨持续(v)了一个星期。

46、60; last 上一个 last Wednesday, last night, last year6 He trained for five years. 他训练了五年。   for + 一段时间  , 提问用how long 多长时间7What happened (to you)? (你)发生什么事了?Module 12 1 meet sb at the airport 在机场接某人    2 go / come back to 回到去/来3 read the newspaper 看报纸  in th

47、e newspaper 在报纸上纸,新闻 u paper a piece of news/ paper一则新闻 / 一张纸报纸ca newspaper 4 fly home = go home by plane 坐飞机回家5 go on holiday 去度假 be on holiday在度假 6 on the same day 在同一天7 say hello to sb.  向某人问好   say sorry/ goodbye to sb. 向某人道歉/告别8 stay there for 2 days 在那里度过了2天spend 2 days there 不能

48、说spend for 2 days (×)1 What are you going to do on holiday? 假期里你们将要去干什么?we are going to Los Angeles.我们将去洛杉矶。2 I went there two years ago.我两年前去过那里。3 How long did it take to get there?到那里花了多长时间? 句型:It takes sb some time to do sth 某人花多长时间做某事。 4 Where did you go? 你去过哪里?5 How long did you spend ther

49、e? 你在那里度过了多长时间?6 I hope you are well . 我希望你身体安好。(用于信的开头, well 是adj)7 Im on holiday in London with my friend. 我和我的朋友在伦敦度假。8 Jenny didnt buy anything.= Jenny bought nothing. 珍妮什么也没有买。语法 一 :加介词to的双宾语动词        结构give sb sth = give sth to sb 把某物给某人1 give给 2 show拿某物给某人看 3 bri

50、ng 带来 4 hand.递给 5 lend借 6 teach 教 7 pass递 8 return.还给 9 send送给某人 10 sell卖给 加介词for的 双宾语动词  结构:make sb sth = make sth for sb make / buy /cook /read sth for sb 为人制作/买/烧/读书/准备二 1 对sorry 的回答 It doesnt matter .=Thats OK =Thats all right. =Never mind没关系 2 不用谢 Youre welcome.=Thats OK =Thats all right.=

51、Not at all.= Dont mention it.= Its a / my pleasure.3 好的 OK = All right.三 a lot =very much 非常,修饰V, 放在V后 a lot of = lots of 许多 +n very 很,非常, +adj 和 adv I have lots of books. The books are very good . I like them very much.一些 a little+u a few +c some + cu 很少 little + u few +c pl.四 形容词adj的用法: + 名词n. 作定语

52、 放在Be 后,作表语 eg. Mr Li is a good teacher. He is kind to us. 副词 adv的用法: 放在v后 + adj adv He reads English loudly. (修饰动词read) He is really / very angry. (修饰形容词angry) He reads English really loudly. (修饰副词loudly)形容词adj + ly = 副词adv slowslowly loudloudly clear clearly good well speak slowly and loudly 说得慢而响

53、亮 hear clearly 听得清楚 learn English well学好英语 work hard努力学习 good adj. 好的 a good teacher The teacher is good. well adj. 身体好 He is well. adv. 好,修饰动词 sing well hard adj 困难的 ,硬的 Its hard to say这很难说 adv 努力地 既可以作adj也可以作adv的词:earlylisten,look 听,看(强调动作) hear,see 听见,看见(强调结果)I listened carefully but I heard noth

54、ing. 我仔细听, 但什么也没听到。五 go shopping / sightseeing /boating / swimming /fishing 去购物/观光/划船/游泳/钓鱼do some shopping /sightseeing / cleaning / reading /washing 购物/观光/打扫/阅读/5年后 5 years later =after 5 years (过去时) in 5 years (将来时 提问用how soon)5年前 5 years ago tall和high的区别 人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,用tall,风筝,飞机等用high,建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。 get to = arrive at / in = reach 到达 wher


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