



1、高一必修二英语 课型:新授课 编制:周清月 定稿:陈慧 审核:陈妹 使用时间:第十五周 编号:01Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 第二课(Reading)班级 姓名 座号 评价第二课时(Reading)【学习目标】1.To learn some words and phrases related to “health”:broken,cold,diets, injury, flu ,healthy, catch a cold, get flu, take exercise.2. To improve the reading skill.3. To le

2、arn how to give advice about “Healthy Habits”.【重难点提示】 培养和树立学生健康的生活观念。【学习步骤】 l Pre-reading1,Review and learn some words about health. 2,Learn some words and phrases about the text.l While-readingStep1.fast-reading.Read Zhou Kai (1) and Zhou Kai (2) & match the main ideas of them.Zhou Kai (1)A. Zh

3、ou Kai has a healthy lifestyle.Zhou Kai (2)B. Zhou Kais mother cares about him very much.Step2.Careful-reading 1Read Zhou Kai (1) and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).(Tips: Pay attention to the sentencesdetailed information , key words and phrases in the reading.)1.Zhou Kais moth

4、er is anxious because he is going out to play basketball in the rain without a jacket. ( ) 2. Zhou Kais mother thinks he will catch a bad cold. ( )3. Zhou Kais mother asks him to at least wear a T-shirt . ( ) 4. Zhou Kai didn't follow his mothers advice. ( )Step 3Careful-reading 2Read Zhou Kai (

5、2) and choose the correct answers.1. Zhou Kais family _. (a) avoid eating too much fat or sugar (b) eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and meat(c) eat too much fruit and meat.2. Zhou Kai _. (a) sometimes gets colds and flu (b) seldom gets colds or flu(c) always gets cold and flu3. A week ago, Zhou Kai _

6、 (a) caught a cold (b) injured his arm (c) had a toothache4. Two years ago, Zhou Kai _ while playing football. (a) hurt his leg (b) hurt his arm (c) had a fever5. Zhou Kai describes himself as _ (a) crazy (b) someone who loves football (c) someone who is unhealthyStep 4 Careful-reading 3Read the who

7、le passage again and fill in the blanks with proper words(读整篇文章并选用正确的词语填空。). One day, when my mother saw me _(head) towards the front door without a jacket_, she eyed me anxiously and asked me to put on my jacket. I had to do what I was told. My mother always makes sure we eat _(health) .We eat fres

8、h fruit,vegetables and fish instead of fat, sugar and sweets. So I never have to diet .I _(rare) get colds, and Im very fit _ I take a lot of exercise . I dont often get things like flu either. But two years ago. I broke my arm while_( play) football. The _ (injure) was quite painful . Now you can s

9、ee from_ Ive said , Im a normal kind of boy. But there is one thing I have to tell you , Im crazy_ football.l Post-readingDiscuss and give advice about “Healthy Habits” You can discuss with the following key words and phrases. (以下是关键词和短语).1. Food: healthy food ,vegetables, fruits, eggsjunk food ,ice

10、 cream, fast food, fried chicken, 2. Sleep: enough sleep ,8 hours ;stay up3.Exercise:take exercise , running, playing ballsstay indoor , play computer games4. Mind: be happy , smile ;be angry , sad5. .l Summary: 1. In the class, we have learnt he new words: broken,cold,diets, injury, flu (Influenza)

11、,healthy, catch a cold, get flu, take exercise, 2. Learn something about Zhoukais healthy habits.3. Learn how to give advice about “Healthy Habits”.l Homework:1. Write a passage about “How to Keep Healthy” .2.Try to retell Zhou Kais story after class.学习体会: 通过这次的公开课,我感受到要上好一节课,如下环节不可忽视: 1、课

12、前做好充分的准备。老师要深入钻研授课内容,注重研究教材教法,注重把知识和能力既深入浅出又扎扎实实的传授给学生,注重研究教材教法,注重把知识和能力既深入浅出又扎扎实实的传授给学生。 2、让学生成为课堂的主体。学生是学习的主人,是学习的主体。教学中只有充分调动学生认知的,心理的,生理的,情感的,行为的等方面的因素,让学生进入一种自主的学习境界,才能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,融自己的主见于主动发展中。为了让学生更好的发挥他们的主体作用,把他们的被动学习变为主动参与。 3、情景教学设计。为了能够让学生在课堂上能有所收获,在课堂设计上也尽量从学生的实际水平出发,设计一节学生能接受的情

13、景教学场景。 4、教学过程中注重个别差异学生的英语水平是参差不齐,既要比较全面地照顾各个层次的学生,运用小组合作的教学模式比较恰当。每一小组都安排有一至两个英语水平相对好点儿的同学,这样在合作的过程中,可以激发那些英语水平相对比较好的同学的兴趣,同时也让他们起带头的作用,以一带一或以一带二,本人积极创造机会让每一个同学在课堂上都能用英语进行对话,体验到说英语的乐趣。从而慢慢地提高全体学生的学习英语的积极性。 通过上这次的公开课,我发现自己有很多不足的地方,比如黑板的板书应该进行更加有效地利用起来;语法填空是重点,可以在给学生更多的操练时间等等。课后学习组织了评课活动,我给各

14、位老师自述教学设计和思路,由本校老师和各兄弟学校老师积极给予指导性的点评和建议,给予我更多专业性的指导和帮助,希望能帮助我有更大的成长。老师们一致认为 在教学中如果能把学生的学习主动性和积极性发挥好的话,我们的教学将会起到事半功倍的作用,教师教得轻松,学生学得愉快人品好的人,自带光芒,无论走到哪里,总会熠熠生辉。人活着,谁都会有烦恼,每天都有烦恼,最重要的是你不理会烦恼,烦恼自然就没有了!因此,朋友们,最好的活法,就只要记住这两句话:烦恼天天有,不捡自然无!当你不开心的时候,想想自己还剩下多少天可以折腾,还有多少时间够你作践。你开心,这一天过了;不开心,一天也过了。想明白了,你就再也不会生气了。当你烦恼的时候,想想人生就是减法,见一面少一面,活一天就少一天,还有什么好烦恼的呢,不忘人恩,不念人过,不思人非,不计人怨。不缺谁,不少谁,对得起良心就好。当你忧伤的时候,想想生活就是一场路过,赤条条来,赤条条去,带不来一丝尘土


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