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1、一、名词、主谓一致练习1名词B1. I opened the letter and it contained _. A. a important information B. important information C. the important informations D. an important informationB2. Plastics _ many other materials. A. has taken place of B. has taken the place of C. are in place of D. is instead ofA3. The stude

2、nts were doing their _ when the teacher came in. A. homework B. homeworks C. lesson D. houseworksA4. We went to Professor Lis yesterday. He gave us_ A. some advice B. advices C. an advice D. some advicesC5. What _ theyve got! No wonder they are very happy. A. a good news B. quite a few news C. good

3、news D. little newsC6. His _ is gray but he is in_ _. A. hair, a good health B. hairs, good healthy C. hair, good health D. hairs, a good healthyB7. I hope you had_ _ . Are you tired? A. a good travel B. good trip C. a good traveling D. a good journeyB8. Much _ _ to fight against pollution. A. have

4、been done B. has been done C. had been done D. has doneD9. You could get _ _ here, I think. A. a work B. works C. job D. a jobC10. What_ _! Lets go swimming. A. a fine weather B. fine day C. a fine day D. bad weatherC11. You have made_ _. You should be more careful. A. a lot of mistake B. a great de

5、al of mistakes C. a large number of mistakes D. few mistake A12. My sister has_ _. A. a piece of jewelry B. a jewelry C. a little of jewels D. a bit jewelry C13. Before we moved into the new house, we bought many _ _. A. furnitures B. furniture C. pieces of furniture D. pieces of furnituresA14. She

6、always wears beautiful _ _. A. clothes B. cloth C. dress D. clothingsB15. _ _is made of_ _. A. Glass, glasses B. A glass, glass C. A glass, glasses D. Glasses, glassesA16. Tables are made of_ _. A. wood B. woods C. wooden D. some woodsD17. Bring me _ _, please. I want to have a look at this photo. A

7、. lamp B. light C. a glass D. a lightC18. Oh, John. _ _ you gave us! A. How a pleasant surprise B. How pleasant surprise C. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant SurpriseD19. I like reading. It is _ _ to me. A. happy B. delight C. pleasure D. a pleasureC20. What _ _ ! We were wet all over. A. he

8、avy rain B. heavy rains C. a heavy rain D. big rainB21. We used to play _ when we were young. A. in the sand B. in the sands C. on the sand D. on the sandsB22. Will you have a little_ _? A. more fishes B. more fish C. much fishes D. fishesA23. It is _ _ for growing wheat. A. a good country B. the co

9、untry C. very good country D. countriesB24. There _ _in my class. Which of them do you want to see? A. is John B. are three Johns C. are the Johns D. is the JohnD25. There _ _on the table. A. is two bowls of rice B. is two bowl of rice C. are two bowls of rices D. are two bowls of rice A26. The whol

10、e box of matches _ _ wet. we cant light any one. A. is B. are C. was D. were D27. There _ _ some _ _ in the woods. A. is, deer B. are, deers C. is, deers D. are, deerA28. A cow has four_ _. A. stomachs B. stomaches C. heads D. eyesC29. He is a careless man. Three _ _ lost by him. A. keies has been B

11、. keys has been C. keys have been D. keys had beenA30. There _ _ on the wall. They are very beautiful. A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photosB31. The_ _of the cottage were covered with _ _ A. roofs, leafs B. roofs, leaves C. rooves,leafs D. rooves, leavesD32. We should clean _ _ twi

12、ce a day. A. our tooth B. our tooths C. teeth D. our teethA33. They come from Switzerland. They are all_ _. A. Swiss B. Swede C. Swisses D. SwissmanC34. Zhang Lin and Zhang Hong are_ _. They are _ _. A. steps-brothers, lookers-on B. step-brother, men doctors C. step-brothers, grown-ups D. sisters, w

13、oman doctorsA35. I wonder whose bicycle it is. It might be my_ _ A. neighbours B. neighbours C. neighbour D. dear neighbourA36. Where are _ _ rest rooms? They are on the second floor. A. women s B. womans C. women D. womensB37. After climbing for two hours, we were glad to take _ rest. A. a few minu

14、tes B. a few minutes C. few minutess D. few minutesD38. Do you know _ _ standing at the gate? A. the girls name B. the name of the girls C. these girls names D. the name of the girl B39. The woman over there is _ _ mother. A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Marys C. Julias and Marys D. Julias and Mary C

15、40. His work is better than_ _. A. anyone B. anyone else C. anyone elses D. anyones elseB41. This postcard is sent by _ _. A. a friend of my father B. a friend of my fathers C. my father friend D. my father friendsB42. That little daughter of _ _ is really a dear. A. your brother B. your brothers C.

16、 her D. yourD43. This is not your shirt, but_ _. A. your brother B. yours brothers C. your brothers shirt D. your brothersB44. I bought this coat at the _ _ around the corner. A. tailor B. tailors C. tailors D. tailorsA45. I stayed at _ _ yesterday, for he was badly ill. A. Xiao Wangs B. Wangs home

17、C. the Wangs D. home of Wang练习2主谓一致中的语法上的一致C46Our friend _ _ arrivedHe is now in Room 301 Ahad Bhave Chas Dwill haveB47Vegetables sold at this shop _ _ usually fresh Ais Bare Cwere DwasD48Tom _ a lot of beautful paintings Ahave Bhad Cpossess DhasA49There _ _ some meat on this platePlease help yourse

18、lf Ais Bare Cwas DisntB50It is on the table that_ _ two bowls of rice Ais Bare Chas DhaveC51. To say something _ _ one thing,to do it _ _ another A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is D. are, areD52. Making tests _ _ a way to find out answers to questions. A. are B. has been C. were D. isA53. Whether he c

19、omes or not _ _ matter too much. A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt D. haventB54. What you told me _ _ correct. A. were B. is C. has been D. areD55. What he left me_ but a few old books. A. is B. was C. have D. areD56. She and I _ _ classmates when we were at college. A. am B. was C. are D. wereA57. Spellin

20、g and pronunciation _ _ his main trouble. A. is B. are C. takes D. bringsC58. Both Tom and Mary _ _ the exam. A. has passed B. have past C. have passed D. had passedA59. The bread and the butter _ _ on sale. A. are B. is being C. is D. wereA60. The singer and dancer _ _ our party this evening. A. is

21、 to attend B. are going to attend C. is about to attend D. were to attendC61. Only a knife and fork _ _ on the table. There is nothing else. A. are B. are left C. is D. wasD62. A cart and horse _ _ in the distance. They were very happy. A. were B. had seen C. were seen D. was seenA63. Truth and hone

22、sty _ _the policy. A. was B. were C. is D. areA64. Many a boy and many a girl _ there. A. have been B. have gone C. has been D. has heen toA65. During the Second World War, every man, woman and every child in that town_ _killed. A. were B. have been C. was D. had beenA66. There _ _ no bus here. Dont

23、 wait! A. is B. are C. have D. hasD67. Between tile two buildings _ _ a hospital. A. are B. stand C. has D. standsD68. There are not any _ _ on the road. A. car B. bus C. cart D. trucksB69. Here _ _ an old lady. A. come B. comes C. has come D. areB70. Mary, along with her parents, _ _ to Paris. A. h

24、ave moved B. has moved C. are moving D. have been movingC71. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons, _ _ to arrive on the evening flight A. are B. are going C. is D. will beA72. He, like you and Xiao Li _ _ to the concert. A. was invited B. were invited to go C. are inviting D. is to inviteD

25、73. Nobody but Smith and John _ _ in the laboratory yesterday. A. are B. had been C. were D. wasC74. Every picture except these two _ _. A. is sold B. have sold C. has been sold D. were soldC75. The factory, including its machines, _ _burnt last night. A. were B. had been C. was D. has beenA76. When

26、 each person_ _, they must show their tickets. A. comes in B. come in C. are coming in D. cameD77. Each of the dictionaries _ _ very useful. You can take any of them. A. are B. is of C. are of D. isA78. The boys and girls each _ _ their own books. They are reading attentively. A. have B. buys C. has

27、 D. buyB79. Here are two dictionaries. Either (one) _ _ useful. A. was B. is C. are D. hasC80. Either of the books _ _ mine. A. is belong to B. is of C. is D. wereA81. Look, the light is on. Someone _ _ in that room. A. is B. are C. come D. wentD82. Nothing _ _. Dont worry. A. has been happened B. h

28、appen C. have happened D. has happenedC83. Few _ such clothes. The boss has to throw them away. A. likes B. is like C. like D. are likingC84. Those who _ to go please sign their names here. A. wanted B. wants C. want D. will wantA85. Keep cool is the first of the rules that _ to be remembered in an

29、accident. A. is B. was C. were D. areD86. Her clothes _ nearly worn out. A. are B. were C. has D. isC87. This pair of trousers _ too long for me. Please show me another. A. are B. were C. is D. wasC88. There _ plenty of rain this year. A. are B. was C. is D. hasB89. 70 percent of the people present

30、_ teachers. A. is B. are C. are coming from D. belong toC90. A number of their products_ put on exhibition. A. has been B. is C. have been D. areB91. The price of all these books _twenty dollars. A. are B. is C. each are D. each isA92. One of the things she wrote about _ life on a small farm at the

31、beginning of the century. A. is B. were C. are D. wasC93. Unfortunately, two of the boys _ by snakes. A. has been bit B. have bit C. have been bit D. are bitA94. There _ a kind of tree in our garden which flowers once in every two years. A. is B. are C. has D. has beenB95. Some new types of bus _ on

32、 show. A. is B. are C. has D. have练习3意义上的一致和就近一致A96. Ten minutes _ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A. is B. are C. is like D. seemsC97. Twenty dollors _ what he needs. A. was B. were C. is D. has beenC98. The United Nations_ a resolution. A. has past B. has passed C. have passed D. has

33、 throughA99. The Arabian Nights _ a very interesting storybook. A. is B. are C. has been D. had beenB100. The New York Times _ a wide circulation. A. is B. has C. are D. haveC101. The Philippines _ in the Pacific Ocean. A. is B. belong to C. are D. liesB102. Mathematics _ a very important subject. A

34、, are B. is C. were D. wasD103. His mathematics _ weak. A. is B. seems C. was D. areA104. An iron works _now. A. is being buit B. are being buit C. has built D. had been builtB105. Every means _ tried to improve teaching and learning. A. has B. has been C. have D. wereC106. The police _ searching fo

35、r a tall clark man with long hair. A. is B. has been C. are D. had beenD107. The Chinese people _ brave and hard-working. A. is B. was C. has been D. areA108. The Chinese people _ a brave and hard-working one. A. is B. are C. have been D. wereB109. The equipment for the factory_ A. are being shipped

36、 B. has been shipped C. have been shipped D. had shippedC110. A lot of jewelry _ stolen in that shop last night. A. were B. had C. was D. haveD111. Food here is cheaper than Britains; clothing, on the other hand, _ _dearer. A. are B. was C. were D. isB112. My family _ _wonderful. They do all they ca

37、n for me. I don t know any other family who would do so much. A. is B. are C. was D. wereA113. My family _ not a big one. A. is B. are C. was D. wereC114. The football team _ baths now. A. has B. is having C. are having D. haveD115. The team_ at the bottom of the third division. A. were B. was C. ar

38、e D. isA116. Not all food_ good to eat. A. is B. are C. was D. wereC117. All children _ ice cream. A. liked B. like to take C. like D. like to haveD118. The population of the earth _ increasing very fast. A. are B. have been C. had been D. isC119. One third of the population here _ workers. A. was B

39、. were C. are D. isC120. None of the money _ mine. A. are B. belong to C. is D. wasA121. None of them _ a good singer. A. is B. are C. have been D. has beenB122. None of them _ teachers. A. is B. are. C. was D. wereA123. None of the students_ seen the film. A. have B. had C. was D. wereD124. Most of

40、 the wood _ to make furniture. A. were used B. have been used C. had been used D.was usedB125. Most of them _ young doctors. A. is B. are C. was D. have beenB126. Some _ sports, others like music. A. likes B. like C. liked D. is likingC127. Some of the time _ already passed. A. have B. have been C. has D. has beenC128. He has given away many books. _ there any left? A. Is B. Has C. Are D. HaveD129. He has drunk much wine. _ there any left in the bottle? A. Have B. Has C. Are D. IsB130. Half of the stories _ interesting. A. is


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