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1、Unit 7Will people have robots?Language Goal【语言目标】Make predictions:in this unit,students imagine what the future will be like and make predictions.Knowledge Goals【知识目标】Key Wordspaper,pollution,future,pollute,environment,planet,earth,plant,part,peace,sea,sky,apartment,space,human,dangerous,already,fac

2、tory,believe,disagree,shape,fall,inside,possible,impossible,side,probably,during,holiday,wordKey Phrasesin the future,in great danger,live on the earth,play a part,space station,help with sth.,over and over again,get bored,the same as,hundreds of,fall down,look for,look like,wake upKey Sentences1.Do

3、 you think there will be robots in people's homes?Yes,there will.I think every home will have a robot.2Will people use money in 100 years?No,they won't.Everything will be free.Key Grammar1.will构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。2There be句型的一般将来时。3more,less,fewer的用法。Ability Goals【能力目标】Use the structure

4、 "willv.(原形)" and "There will be" to make predictions and describe their future life.Moral Goals【情感目标】Cultivate students' passion for study and future life.Teaching Time【课时】Five periodsPeriod 1Section A(1a2d)Period 2Section A(Grammar Focus3c)Period 3Section B(1a1e)Period 4Sec

5、tion B (2a2e)Period 5Section B (3aSelf Check)本单元围绕“谈论未来”及“提出问题”这两个话题,设计了相关的活动,从听、说、读、写四个方面,帮助学生掌握运用本单元的重点语法“一般将来时表示猜测”的用法,对学生三种时态的运用能力进行综合训练,帮助学生形成创造性地运用所学三种时态的能力。第一课时Section A(1a2d)Teaching Goals【教学目标】Key words:paper,pollution,prediction,future,pollute,environment,planet,earth,plant,partKey phrases

6、:make predictions,live to be 200 years old,in 100 years,free time,on computers,go to school,in great danger,live on the earth,play a part inKey sentences:1.Will people use money in 100 years?2.People will live to be 200 years old.3.There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great dange

7、r.Teaching Key Points【教学重点】The vocabulary:paper,future,pollute,pollution,environment,part,in 100 years,in great danger,play a part inTarget language:Will people use money in 100 years?No,they won't.Everything will be free.Will people live to be 200 years old?Yes,they will.What's your predict

8、ion about the future?I think there will be more pollution.Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】1.will构成一般将来时态的句式。2.“There be”sentence structure in future tense.3.more,fewer,less的用法。4.How to make predictions.Teaching Aids【教学工具】An English textbook,a tape recorder,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1

9、Leading inGreetings.Welcome to Unit 7.Please turn to Page 49.In this unit,we'll make predictions aboun you guess what will happen in 100 years?Collect students' answers and say something about their predictions.For example,I think people will live to be 200 years old.With the development of

10、technology,people will get healthier food and better medical care.Step 2PretaskPage 49,1a.1Look at the picture:How will the world be different 100 years from now?We're going to talk about sth. in 100 years.2Read each prediction to the class.Explain the new vocabulary.3Read the instructions.Make

11、sure Ss know what they should do.4Do it by themselves.5Talk about the answers with the class.Explain:一般将来时态构成:will/be going to动词原形Page 49,1c.1Pay attention to the dialogue.2Read the dialogue fluently.3Pair-work.Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample.4Ask several pairs to share the

12、ir conversations to the class.Step 3WhiletaskPage 49,1b.1Practice reading the six predictions.2Read the instructions to Ss.Circle the things you hear on the recording.3Play the tape twice.4Play the tape a third time.At the same time,check the answers.Page 50,2a & 2b.1Read the predictions.2Read t

13、he instructions and point out the sample answer.3Play the tape twice.Ss circle the word they hear in each sentence:more,less,fewer.4Check the answers.学生探究:less,fewer的区别。Step 4PosttaskPage 50,2c.1Point to the example in the box.Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation to the class.2Look at Activity

14、 2a and 2b.Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions in 2a and 2b.3Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.Page 50,2d.1Have Ss scan the conversation in 2d.2Lead Ss to practice reading the conversation.3Make Ss roleplay the conversation.In this part,student A

15、will be Nick.Student B will be Jill.As they talk,move around to monitor their work.Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.4Choose a pair of students to present the conversation to the class.Step 5Homework1Make predictions about yourself in 10 years.Write down 5 sentences.2Go over the new

16、words.3Do the exercises on Page 45 in students' book.Board Design板书设计Unit 7Will people have robots?The first periodSection A(1a2d)1Key vocabulary:paper,pollution,pollute,future,environment,planet,earth,plant,part,make predictions,live to be 200 years old,in 100 years,free time,in great danger,pl

17、ay a part in2Sentences:sb.will do sth.There will be sth.sb.won't do sth.Will there be sth.?Will sb.do sth.?Yes,there will./No,there won't.第二课时Section A(GF3c)Teaching Goals【教学目标】Key words & phrases:peace,sea,sky,world peace,the same as,in the futureKey sentences:1.What will the future be

18、like?2.Will there be world peace?Teaching Key Points【教学重点】The vocabulary:peace,sea,sky,in the futureTarget language:What will the future be like?Cities will be more polluted.And there will be fewer trees.Will people use money in 100 years?No,they won't.Everything will be free.Will there be world

19、 peace?Yes,I hope so.Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】1.will构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。2.There be句型的一般将来时。3.How to make predictions about the future.Teaching Aids【教学工具】An English textbook,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Leading in1Greetings and free talk.2Check their homework.Ask two or thre

20、e Ss to speak out what they write down.Step 2PretaskPage 51,Grammar Focus.1Ask Ss to say the statements and responses in the grammar box.2Make summaries about“will”,“more”,“fewer”and“less”Step 3WhiletaskPage 51,3a.1Call students' attention to 3a.Make sure they each know the differences of“more”,

21、“less”and“fewer”in use.2Ss complete the task in 3a.Fill in the blanks with more,less or fewer in the five sentences.3Check the answers.Page 51,3b.1Call students' attention to 3b.Read the instructions to the class,and then make Ss look through the contents before the blank lines.2Group-work:Ss di

22、scuss the four statements in groups.Then complete the predictions with what they think will happen.Write down the results on the lines.Pay attention to the Adverbial of Time.3Choose 2 or 3 groups to present the results.Teacher makes some comments.Step 4PosttaskPage 51,3c.Draw a picture of what you t

23、hink a city in the future will be like.Then describe it to the class.You can follow the example sentences:I think there will be more tall buildings,and there will be fewer cars and more buses.Step 5Homework1Imagine what changes will take place in your hometown in 10 years.Write down 5 sentences to d

24、escribe it to the class.2Do the exercises on Page 46 in students' book.Board Design板书设计Unit 7Will people have robots?The second periodSection A(GF3c)1Key vocabulary:peace,sea,sky,world peace,the same as,in the future2Target language:A:What will the future be like?B:Cities will be more polluted.A

25、nd there will be fewer trees.A:Will there be world peace?B:Yes,I hope so.第三课时Section B(1a1e)Teaching Goals【教学目标】Key words & phrases:astronaut,apartment,rocket,space,space station,computer programmer,in an apartment,in a house,in the countryKey sentences:I live in an apartment across the street f

26、rom here.Teaching Key Points【教学重点】The vocabulary:apartment,space,space station,in an apartmentTarget language:Where do you live?I live in an apartment.Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】Talk about your or others' life now,10 years ago and 10 years from now.Teaching Aids【教学工具】An English textbook,a ta

27、pe recorder,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Leading in1Greetings.2Say yourselves:five years ago,today and in five years.3Check the homework.Step 2PretaskPage 52,1a.1Look at the form and read the headings to the class.Make sure the Ss know what they mean.2Read the list of seven words.Expl

28、ain the new words.3Write each word in the correct column.Check the answers.Page 52,1b.1Read the words already written in the chart.2Group-work:Think about what we learned before.Write some words in the chart above.Divide the class into groups of four,let them have a competition.Step 3WhiletaskPage 5

29、2,1c.1Look at the picturen you guess what we'll listen?Talk about them.2Read the instructions.We'll listen to 3 conversations.Number the pictures 13.3Play the tape twice.Check the answers.Page 52,1d.This activity is easy,I think.For we know the conversations are talking about Alexis 10 years

30、 ago,today and in 10 years.1Read the instructions.2Pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box.3Play the tape and correct the answers.Step 4PosttaskPage 52,1e.1Read the instructions.2Pair-work.One is Alexis,one is Joe.3Point out the example in the sample dialogue.Read it to the Ss.4Talk

31、about Joe's life now,ten years ago and in ten years.5Ask some pairs of Ss to say their dialogues.Step 5Homework1Go over the words.2Review the grammar box.3Do the exercises on Page 47 in students' book.Board Design板书设计Unit 7Will people have robots?The third periodSection B(1a1e)1Key vocabular

32、y:astronaut,apartment,rocket,space station,computer programmer,in an apartment2Target language:A:Where do you live?B:I live in an apartment.第四课时Section B(2a2e)Teaching Goals【教学目标】Key words:human,servant,dangerous,already,factory,believe,disagree,even,shape,fall,inside,possible,impossible,sideKey phr

33、ases:over and over again,hundreds of,fall down,look for,the same as,be able to,wake up,disagree with,get boredKey sentences:1.However,some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people,it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.2.Some scientists believe that t

34、here will be more robots in the future.However,they agree it may take hundreds of years.Teaching Key Points【教学重点】The vocabulary:human,dangerous,already,believe,disagree,even,shape,inside,fall,possible,impossible,side,over and over again,hundreds of,fall down,look for,wake up,disagree withTarget lang

35、uage:Will robots think like humans in the future?What will robots be like in the future?Do you think you will have your own robot?Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】Talk about robots in the future freely.Make predictions about robots in the future.Teaching Aids【教学工具】An English textbook,CAI or courseware

36、.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Leading in1Greetings.2Ask two Ss to say sth. about Joe.3Check the homework.Step 2PretaskPage 53,2a.Call students' attention to 2a.Read the heading to the class.Then work in pairs.Tell each other what you know about robots.What do they look like and what can they do?Lea

37、ve Ss 510 minutes.Then choose a pair to present their discussion.Page 53,2b.1Project some pictures of robots.Ask Ss to talk about them.2Project these new words on the screen or write them on the board and teach the new words.Ask Ss to repeat them again and again.Make sure everyone knows their meanin

38、gs.human n人;dangerous adj.有危险的;already adv.已经;factory n工厂;believe v相信;disagree v不同意;even adv.甚至;shape n形状;fall v跌倒;inside adv.& prep.在里面;possible adj.可能的;impossible adj.不可能的;side n一方(的意见、态度、立场);over and over again 多次,反复地;hundreds of许多,大量;fall down 跌倒;look for寻找;disagree with 不同意3Read the instruc

39、tions to the class.Give Ss 5 minutes to read the passage,tick out the new words.Ask students to put a mark in contents that are unfamiliar to them.Then lead Ss to learn the passage sentence by sentence.Explain the new words during this procedure.Pay attention to the key words and phrases.4Ss match e

40、ach paragraph with the question it discusses.5Check the answers.6Reading practice.Step 3WhiletaskPage 54,2c.1Make Ss read the article again quickly.Before that,Ss look through the four sentences.Skip it when meeting a blank line.2Ss complete the task individually.3Choose 1 or 2 students to present t

41、he answers.4Check the answers.Practice reading.Page 54,2d.1Call students' attention to 2d.2Look at the picture and scan the passage for the main idea.3Fill in the blanks in this paragraph with words from the article in 2b.4Choose 2 or 3 Ss to give the answers.5Check the answers together.Step 4Po

42、sttaskPage 54,2e.1Choose a student to read the instructions to the class.2Pair-work.Discuss with your partner about the following questions:(1)What kinds of animals might robots look like in the future?(2)What do you think these robots will be able to do?Write down your ideas in the chart.3Choose 2

43、or 3 Ss to read their answers out.4Make short comments on what the students wrote.Step 5Homework1Go over the article on Page 53.Practice reading it.2What ways do you think a robot will help you and your family in the future.Write your ideas.3Do the exercises on Page 48 in students' book.Board De

44、sign板书设计Unit 7Will people have robots?The fourth periodSection B(2a2e)1Words:human,servant,dangerous,already,factory,believe,disagree,even,shape,fall,inside,possible,impossible,side2Phrases:over and over again,hundreds of,fall down,look for,the same as,be able to,wake up,disagree with,get bored3Sent

45、ences:Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.We never know what will happen in the future!第五课时Section B(3aSelf Check)Teaching Goals【教学目标】Key words & phrases:probably,during,holiday,word,take a holiday,free time activity,fly up into the sky,during the week,smart clot

46、hes,on the weekendKey sentences:1.In 20 years,I think I'll be a newspaper reporter.2.I think students won't need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meanings of words.Teaching Key Points【教学重点】The vocabulary:probably,during,holiday,word,take a holiday,during the weekTarget languag

47、e:In 20 years,I think I'll be a newspaper reporter.I think students won't need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meanings of words.Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】Write a composition about your life 20 years from now.Teaching Aids【教学工具】An English textbook,CAI or courseware.Teaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Leading in1Greetings.2Check the homework.Step 2PretaskPage 55,3a.1Call students' attention to 3a.Say,Let's focus on 3a.It's a passage about Jill's answer to the question“What will your life be like in the


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