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1、英语口语注意点所谓tentative 语气,字面上的意思就是试探性的语气,也就是不要把话说死,给自己留一点余地。注意tentative 不等于uncertain的语气,注意和maybe这种语气区分开来。比如多用 seem, appear, sound, look这样的词。例如.This is wrong 改成 This seems to be wrong.We don't have other option 改成 It seems we don't have other option.反正在下结论的时候(哪怕明明是很确定的事情),记得加一个seems, appears , 语气

2、没那么生硬。另外,描述一个东西,就算是明显已经知道很好,也要说looks good, sounds good, 而不是It's good.以下还要注意的几点1)不要总是说maybe这种垃圾话,如果确定性比较大的情况下,用 probably(实在不行改成seem也好)比较例一Maybe this is right This is probably right.例二Could we have a better way to do it?Maybe(maybef尔妹).Probably.中国人滥用maybe不管什么情况都用 maybe给人一种毫无把握的感觉。在表 示很有可能的时候,老外都用

3、probably。 maybe是比较不确定。纸牌屋里 Peter Russo和他家乡的人说关闭了船厂,但是他有一项新的法案maybe可以让他们重新获得工作,结果这个 maybe惹怒了他家乡人。如果想表示“我很可能是错的"用I'm probably wrong.2)给别人提供建议时,不要用should ,也不要you'd better ,而是用It would be better比较This design should be changed.It would be better if we can change the design.3)表示一件事希望你做,但是不强求时

4、,用 It would be nice/great 而不是I need you to xxx, I hope you xxxx, could you?I hope you can come today.You need to come today.Could you come today?11 would be nice/great if you can come today.(隐含的意思是 still OK ifyou can't make it.)再举个例子比较Can you bring some wine to the party?It would be nice/great i

5、f you can bring some wine to the party.4)问别人你要东西/信息时,用May I have.? 而不要Could you give me?比较例一What's your name?May I have your name?例二Could you send me the drawing today?May I have the drawing today?例三 血战钢锯岭里,法官要老 Doss把那封信给他,他是说 May I have the letter ?而不是 Could you give me the letter?例四问别人有没有时间Cou

6、ld I have a minute/moment of your time?(非常非常礼貌,销售员问法)Do you have a minute/moment?(一般礼貌,同事朋友之问问法)例五 你比如你想独处一下,比如想打个私人电话,要别人回避一下。Could you come out?Could I have a moment(for myself)?5)问别人是否可以做一件事时,用 Is it possible that. 比Could you . 更礼貌比较例一Could you change the design?Is it possible for you to change t

7、he design?例二Could you call me tomorrow?Is it possible for you to call tomorrow?6)请别人帮忙做一件事时,在前面加(by) any chance ,意思是如果有时间/有 机会,很委婉。By any chance, could you help check the data?有时间可不可以帮忙看看数据?7)指责别人时候,用现在进行时比一般现在时要更委婉。比较你很没耐心/强词夺理/无理取闹You are impatient/argumentative/unreasonableYou are being impatient

8、/argumentative/unreasonable说前者会得罪很多人,因为你用一个are就把别人完全说死了,正常的说法是用being ,这样表示某时某刻这个人处于的状态,不表示你把他彻底说死。8)表达要求时多用进行时。比较We need to do this as soon as possibleWe need to be doing this as soon as possible.老外普遍用后者用的多纸牌屋里,Clair的母亲对她的一帮朋友说我们要支持Clair ,说的就是Weshould be supporting her, 而不是 We should support her.以上两

9、种情况中,如果不用进行时,就有表示永久去做这件事的意思,用进行时 就可以委婉表示我们会进入这种状况,不是永久的。9)用 would like 代替 want 吧中国人用want比较多,但是want稍微带要求的意思,用 would like就委婉一 点。我想要和你开个会。I want to have a meeting with you. I'd like to have a meeting with you.10)用过去式表示一种委婉语气口语中经常用过去式表示一种委婉语气,比如I wanted, Ithought, I was thinking, I was wondering, I

10、was hoping其实说话留下余地,因为这是表示过去的状态,没有说明现在的状况,从而形成一种委婉。很多 人误以为thought就是“以为”用来表示过去的错误想法,其实不是,只是表示 过去的状况,不一定是和现在相反。thought 一样可以理解成“认为”.11)慎用 pleaseplease有时候稍微带一点要求命令的语气,特别是在给客户或者老板写邮件请 求某件事,把please替换成疑问句。比较例一Please reply to me by today.Could you reply to me by today?而以下情况下用please就没问题,因为有let mePlease let me

11、 know your feedback.12)用let, allow 更礼貌比较例一Please tell me your feedback.Please let me know your feedback.例二I want to make a proposalPlease allow me to make a proposal.13)不要不分场合乱用screw, suck 这些非正式用语。我专门写过一篇文章讨论,吐槽鲁豫在节目中用 screw up这个词If you screw this up, you will not have a second chance.14)由于客观上导致做不到,

12、not able to 代替cannotSorry I can't come to the party today since I'll need to work very late.Sorry I'm not able to come to the party today since I'll need to work very late.15)给need加将来时,更加委婉。比较You need to buy a new machine if this one doesn't workYou'll need to buy a new machi

13、ne if this one doesn't work.16)美国人特别喜欢用I guess代替I think表达委婉的语气。比较例一I think we'll leave now.I guess we'll leave now.例二I think we can do better.I guess we can do better.17)用 I'm good 代替 no中国习惯yes or no式的思维。但是有些场合回答no未免有点唐突,美国人一 般用I'm good来婉拒(帮助或者好意),等于说I'm feeling good/I'm

14、satisfied and don't need anything.Would you care for some coffee? I'm good. Thank you.18) 指责别人用 You are better than that.指出另U人错误的时候, 般不说 you are wrong/careless/weak, 般说 you are better than that ,这是非常常见而且礼貌的说法。19)某些负面情况下用have difficulty 代替can't ,委婉把责任推向自己这 边I can't trust you.I have di

15、fficulty trusting you.I don't understand your question.I have difficulty understanding your question.20)委婉命令别人做某事,用it might be a good idea比please 要礼貌萨 利机长里空姐要求乘客把安全带系上,说的是It might be a good idea to fasten your seat belt.21)给别人讲题的时候 不要说"Do you understand?",要问"Does this makesense?&q

16、uot;。上课的时候不要说"Which part don't you understand?",可以说"Where did Ilose you?"。22)到非英言吾国家冏别人能否英文常JUHIS句式 Can you speak English?在别人IS起来像是“你就不能英文嘀? ” 而不是“你懂不懂英文”?正碓的用法是:Do you speak English?23)对方告诉你一件事情,你想回答“我知道”的时候,不要说I know.要说I see多使用redress修饰语,通过 modification, additions减弱表达的程度。在现

17、实生活中,有以下几种情况需要bald expression1 cases of great urgency and desperations在异常紧急的情况下Help!Just give me a more week !Watch out!2attention-getters used in conversations在演讲过程中,演讲者尝试引起观众的注意Listen, I've got an idea that.Look, the point is this 3imperatives 祈使语气Give money(beggars in india)Excuse meAccept my

18、 thanksForgive me又如表达恳求:Entreatydon't forget us! Send me a postcard!这里同时需要注意的是:紧急情景中的表达也需要do, please 修饰sometimes urgency is expressed with positive /negative politeness hedgeDo:Do go first.Please:Please, come in .4 task-oriented为完成具体任务合作服务的对话Give me another 1000.Lend me a hand here.5 teasing and

19、 joking常见在熟人之间开玩笑,使用不会有冒犯别人的风险Without the risk of offending6 speaker conveys that he does care about addressee , sympathetic advice or warnings说话者关心听者而说的话,同理心驱使下给出的建议与警告Careful! He is a dangerous man.7 Welcome, greet and farewells;Take care of yourself./Be good./Have fun.8主动提供.OffersHave some more c

20、akes.Don't bother. I'll clean it up.9表达自己不介意,减少对方顾虑Don t worry about me(Feel free to get on with your business and don't worry about offendingme )日常生活大部分时间里,面对工作上的同事,伙伴,有接触不熟悉的人,我们都需要用redress,表示我们在意对方的感受,利益,需求: 1 Joke and tease:例如面对对方无意的faux pas 失礼“We ate too many beans tonight, didn'

21、;t we? ”God you're too farty tonight.这时候你可以通过joking 玩笑表示你注意到了但不会在意2借助反意疑问旬,把听者带入你说话的情境中,Use tag question, drag addressee as a participate into the conversation"You know?" "See what I mean" "Isn't it?"3通过夸张,体现你对你们所谈论事物话题的兴趣,与对方交谈的兴趣 exaggerate (interest, approval

22、, sympathy)e.g.What a Fantastic garden you haveHow absolutely(marvelous , extraordinary, incredible, devastating)4使用群体内部的称呼,表明你和对方立场一致 use in-group identity maker e.g.Help me with this bag here, honey/buddy/mate5通过token agreement (虚假同意,出于礼貌意义上),巧妙的纠正对方的话, 提出反对避免与对方观点对立,引起不愉快或争执“Yes, but ” -So is thi

23、s permanent?-Yeah, it's permanent-permanent until I get married again.-That's where you live,Florida.-That's where I was born.6含糊表达自己的观点,除非你很清楚对方的立场与态度(详见第3点)Hedge this extreme, make opinion safely vague, unless speaker know addressee's option on the subjectI really sort of think/hop

24、e/wonder“ Really beautiful, in a way ”“I Kind of want”Soften suggestion/criticizing/complaining弱化建议/批评/抱怨的表达强度“You really should sort of try harder.”-What' s the matter?-Well, my husband sort of, never does anything, you know7少用“ I ”和“ you”多用we来表达“我”或”你”Merge I and you into a inclusive“we”“ Ok n

25、ow, let's stop the chatter and get in with our little essay.”-Give us a break. (I want a break. )-Let's stop for a bite. (I want a bite ,let's stop.)I 用复数 “ we' 代替,the nature of corporation sole or the jural accomplishments of high office.(在商业中)“we”的表达集中了几方力量的共同声音想法,例如:We cannot acce

26、pt responsibility./trace your cheque.We feel regret to inform you.We feel obliged to warn you that 需要注意“ you”在英语表达打招呼或引起注意(hail/attention-getter )中 的 rudeness ,Excuse me, sir/miss/you.Hey, mate/mister/you.Replace I and you by indefinite (guys/one/you alls/some one)You shouldn ' t do things like

27、that- one shouldn ' t do things like that.Ok, folks/you guys/ guys, let ' s get on with it.8 巧用 here/this proximal demonstratives 以及 there/that dismal demonstratives8.1 如果想要拉近距离:切换叙述角度,站在对方角度上进行叙述Point- of -view operations : Taking the role of the other point of view in usage of come, 多使用com

28、e而不是go“ Do you want to go/come with me to the movies ”Go: distance and less participationCome: participation and cooperations多使用 this /here (to increase involvement and empathy)This is a lovely party.This/here is a man I could trust.8.2 point-of-view distancing:某些场合需要改变时态等表达拉远对话双方的距离。Tense:Manipulat

29、e the expression of tense to provide distancing in time.“I have been/was wondering wether you could do me a little favor.其中现在完成时have been相比was过去式制造了更少的距离感但在需要距离感的情景下会显得不合适。有时需借助 unstressed auxiliary “did ”I did wonder whether you might Place : use distal markers (that, there)convey social emotionsAn

30、ger: get that cat out of house.Distance: that pub is a den of iniquity.(Said when passing by.)9 (视情况)在请求前先致歉Admit the impingement:“I' m sure you must be very busy, but. ”“I know this is a bore.but. ”“I would like to ask you a big favor.”“I hope this isn ' t going to bother you too much. ”Beg

31、 forgiveness:“Excuse me, but ”“I'm sorry to bother you ”“I beg your indulgence ”Indicate reluctance:“I normally wouldn ' t ask you this, but ”“I don ' t want to bother/interrupt you, but ”“I hesitate to trouble you, but.”10 在表达请求时,多用 if you don't mind, if I mayask you, if you'll

32、forget my asking.11 巧用 It - Impersonalize speaker and addressee, 使用 passive and circumstantial voices说话者不想让听者感觉到被提出的建议、要求压迫,于是找一个中介agent,比如最常见“it ”,或者是包括说话者本身的一个对象,以及话听起来像是说给其他人听的,或只是不仅仅是addressee 0Avoiding pronouns "I” and “you”“It is necessary to ”It would be desirable if(With that agent dele

33、ted.)I regret that -It is regretted thatI would appreciate that -It would be appreciated ifI expect-It is expected thatIf you can.-If it is possible12 Understate 弱化,说话者不把话说透说全(providing less information而让听者自己去推测其中的含义“John is hardly a genius. ”(Hardly means only just.此处意为 Not at all )注意的是这里一般需要backgr

34、ound info背景信息去理解句意,推断话语背后的含义比如说对一个人的评价“ he' s all right ”可能是潜在批评(an understated criticism )暗示 “I think he ' s awful也可能是潜在赞美 (an understated compliment )暗示 “I think he's fabulous13 与 understate 相对的 overstate: exaggerate the scale which is higher than the actual state of affairsConvey an a

35、pology:“I tried to call a hundred times, but there was never any answer.”Convey criticisms:“You never do the washing up.”“Why are you always smoking? ”14 Use tautology.使用同义赘述Make an excuse:War is war.(战争就是这样)Or criticism:Your clothes belong where your clothes belong.15 Use contradiction句意矛盾Convey a

36、criticism or complaint:-Are you upset about that?-Well, Yes or no-Well, I am or I am not16 Use rhetorical questions反问/设问“ How many times do I have to tell you ? " (Too many)“What can I say ? ” (Nothing, its so bad.)17 over-generalize.过度概括Generalized advice mayserve as a criticism, with the weig

37、ht of tradition.He who laughs last laughs most.A penny is a penny earned.Reference:Brown. P, and Levinson, S. C. (2014). Politeness: some universals in language usage. UK: Cambridge University Press.18 .服务别人时开场白What can I do for you?What can I get for you?May I help you?打扰到别人时Excuse me.I'm so so

38、rry.(常用于你真的冒犯到别人时)遇见人时开场白/问候语How's going there!Hey. How are you!回复I'm good.最常见(因地区而异)Pretty good.可接回一个 how are you.朋友之间可以直接 What's up对喊一句。让人站住Wait a minute.Pullover now!(听见了自求多福吧)反正别用 Give me stop!等一会One second.(英语里1s意味着很长的一段时间)I'll be right back.当我没说Nevermind.表示不用了I'm good, than

39、k you.表示惊讶What the XX !That's ridiculous!表示好笑That's hilarious !That's so funny!表示喜爱某个事物It's so cute!表示知道了OkI see.I gotcha.表示赞同观点ExactlyAbsolutelyDefinitelyYou said it(此处因有观海暴漫一张)表示赞同建议Let's do this.Sounds like a plan.Sure, why not?表示想要什么Can I have some (常用于购物,点菜)表示想让人当程序员(误)Just

40、do IT.词穷必备LikeWhich is(可以和like连用)You know.Kind of.Something like that.(一句 You know something like that is kind of可以为你拖足思考时间 )对美国人的称呼Buddy哥们Dude伙计Man/Lady帅哥/美女Nigga仅谈话双方肤色均为黑色时使用前面加My可以提升亲密度一些用语可能在美式英语里叫法不同比如洗手间叫 Restroom或bathroomsub有潜水艇面包的意思也有地铁的意思波士顿地铁不叫地铁,叫 the T。统称一般叫 metro.一般骂人不用狗屎,用牛屎。New York可

41、能指纽约州,New York City 才是纽约市。洛杉矶是LA,读作挨雷Ellay。Smoke free 不是免费烟雾,而是禁烟。还有美式英语会把单词中间的t发成n或d的音,比如 wader , innerface。还有连读时t+y发tch的音,比如 gotcha。Go to +地点/事物并不一定仅仅表示去go to hospital 去看病go to restroom 去上厕所go to bed 去睡觉有些常见的中式英语是被接受的,Long time no see.No money no talk.Mid or feed (瑞文中单不给就送)Once bit, twice shy.Good

42、 good study day day up(伟大的华人英语圈)Are you ok? (你还好吗?脑补雷总)有些则不可以,Don't forget your thing.I'm very like xxWhat's wrong with you ?(你 Y有病吧?)再说一些常见的网络用语吧lol = laugh out loud. 大笑,并不是英雄联盟lmao= laugh my ass off. 笑的屁股掉了(有分割为Roflmao= rolling on the floor laugh my ass off.笑的在地上打滚把屁股笑掉了。Rofl mao然后配个毛爷

43、爷的图调侃的)Brb= be right backAfk = away from keyboardty= thank youyall = you allyr= yourNope= noYep=Yup = yesIMO=In my opinionNvm=NevermindAdidas= all day I dream about sex推荐一个网站urban dictionary ,能让你找到很多通俗短语的意思和一些梗,别被人骂了也不知道1 9.1.和美国人打交道,初次见面和不熟的情况下永远也不要问太隐私的问题,比如:"How old are you?""Are y

44、ou married?""Where do you live?""What do you pay for rent?""Do you believe in God?""Why aren't you married?" / "Do you want to get married?"2 .对于美国人来说,“ how are you ”就跟中国人的“吃了吗” 一样,是用来寒暄的,对方 说出这句话时并不是真的想问你的近况。正确不'范:“Good. You?Pretty good

45、.“That' s good. ”3 .在美国洗手间不要说成 W(M者toilet ,应该用bathroom替代。4 .语调也会影响句子想要表达的情绪,比如陈述句一般用降调表示肯定,用升调时表示不肯定、惊讶、委婉、安慰、鼓励等感情,有时候表示质疑或者反驳。e.g.I was wrong. ()我错了,表示承认自己的错误I was wrong? (/)我错了吗?表示质疑,有一股火药味5 .当有人问"Do you mind if I sit here?" 时,不介意的话要回答no not really not atall o6 .当有人用"what's

46、 up"和你打招呼时最常见的回答应该是"nothing "、"nothing much "或者"nothing new ”。7 .美国人说you are amazing, great或者wonderful时并不是都在夸你,有时候只是一种 礼貌。委婉语气1) I 'm good教科书上教我们用No, thank you来表达礼貌的拒绝。但实际上不管怎么样,直 接说No会有听起来有点唐突。美国人一般用I'm good来婉拒(帮助或者好意),等于说I'm feeling good/I'm satisfied and don't need anything.英国人虽然不这样用,但是受到美国文化的冲击,都懂是什么意思。纸牌屋的例子,女主就是表达,我不想做了(I'm satisfied) 。日常生活中,很多场合都可以用到。比如:在酒店吃早餐,服务员问要不要咖啡,老外会这样说-Would you like some coffee? - I'm goo


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