



1、复习课学案 新郑市苑陵中学九年级英语 刘俊红 Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks【学 习 目 标 】1. 巩固和正确运用一些动词短语。2. 能进行简单的有关志愿工作的对话。【学习重、难点】 1 重点短语及句子。 2 “not onlybut also”的用法。【学 习 方 法 】1. Memorizing and Q-A way.2. Doing some exercises.【学 习 过 程 】Step 1. Memorize the key words Step 2. Find out and memorize the following pha

2、ses.1打扫某物 clean sth. up2清洁日 clean-up day3推迟某物 put sth. off4推迟做某事 put off doing sth.5给某人打电话 call sb. up6张贴/ 挂起/ 搭建某物 put sth. up 7建立,创立 set sth. up8是某人的家园 be home to sb.9分发/发放某物 hand/ give sth. out10把某物很好地利用 put sth. to good use11想出某物 think sth. up/ come up with sth.12使某人高兴 cheer sb. up 13自愿某人的时间做某事

3、volunteer ones time to do sth.14某物用完 sth. run out 某人用完某物 sb. run out of sth.15与某人相像 take after / look like sb.16与某人相似 be similar to sb.17要某物 ask for sth.18开设家长热线 set up a call-in center for parents19结果很好 work out fine20修理某物 fix sth. up21用装满 fill-with- 被装满 be filled with/ be full of22帮助某人解决困难 help sb

4、. out23无家可归的人 homeless people24赠送某物给某人 give sth. away to sb.25一张某人的照片 a photo of sb.26给某人的生活带来欢乐 fill my life with pleasure27我的一个朋友 a friend of mine28接电话 answer the telephone29去给某人那某物 fetch/ get sth. for sb.30的广告 an advertisement for-31我想要参加学校志愿工程。 I would like/ want to join the school volunteer pro

5、ject.32你认为我能/ 应该做那种志愿工作。 What kind of volunteer work do you think I can/should do?33当一名志愿者很棒。 Being a volunteer is good/great. Step 3. Ask some students to say sth.Step 4. Consolidate the usage of “not onlybut also” “not only but also” 前后_. 连接两个主语时,谓语动词_. 连接两个句子时,not only后的句子要用_语序.即Not only + 助动词/ 情

6、态动词/ be + 主语 + 小试牛刀: Not only _study well, but he often helps others.A.he does, but B. he is, but also C. does he, but D.is he,but Step 5. Do some exercises( ) 1.Not only the students but also the teacher .A.is running B.are running C.run D.is run( ) 2.Luy looks unhappy today ,letsgive her this pres

7、ent . A. to cheer her up B.cheer her up C.cheer up her D.to cheer up her.( ) 3.Not only do his work,but finish it on time. A.you should ;you should B. should you; should youC. should you;you should D. you should ; should yo( )4.Be quiet please,class.Im going to your test papers so that you can corre

8、ct your mistakes. A. hand in B. hand out C.hand to D. hand over( )5.He has put off the museum because his mothers birthday party is only two days from now.A. visits B .visit C. visiting D. to visit( )6.Edison his own lab with the money he made A. set up B. start C. put up D. A and B( )7. What do you

9、 think _do? A. do I B. I should C. should I D. me doing( )8.The work isnt difficult. _! Well finish it soon. A. Clean up B. Cheer up C. Set up D. Get up 补全对话,一空一个句子 A:Good morning! This is the school volunteer project. _? B: Yes. Id like to join your school volunteer project. A:_? B: Im not sure. A: _?B: I like playing soccer.A: _?B: Id love to. I think I can help coach the soccer team well. _?A: At 8:00 Tomorrow. B: Ill b


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