



1、非谓语动词综合练习100题1. The great hall was crowded with many people,(in elude) many childre n(seat) on their parents' laps.2. It ' s said that the Olympic Games _(hold) in Brazil in 2016 willcover more eve nts tha n any other Olympics did.3. There(be) no rain for a long time, most of the crops in th

2、is areadied from lack ing water.4. Yesterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, (make)him a millio naire over ni ght.5. In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in thefire-stricke n areas moved out(escape ; burn)6. Taking this medici ne, if(continue) , wi

3、ll of course do goodto his health.7. The little boy still needs the (remain) 20 dollars to do withsome thi ngs(remai n; settle).8. (con sider) his age, the little boy read quite well.9. from the appearanee, it is very peaceful; but in fact, a war willbreak out soon .(judge)10. Tom enjoys(play) baske

4、tball on Sun day afternoons,doesn' t he ?Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys(dan ce).11. His letter,(address) to the wrong nu mber, reached melate.12. The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned tothe earth on February 1,2003,(kill) all seve n astr on auts aboard.

5、13. There are lots of places of in terest(n eed; repair) inour city.14. What caused the party to be put off Tom sthein vitati on s.(delay, send)15. I was afraid(talk) back to my customers because I was afraidof(lose) them.16. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but(enjoy)the flo

6、w ing of the smog around me.17. Is Tom a good talker No, he n ever speaks to me uni ess(ask)for someth ing ?18. I can ' t get my car _(run) on cold mornings, so I have to try(fill) the radiator with some hot water.19. The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls(fly)in all di

7、recti ons before he was sent(sleep) by his wife.20. Whe n we got back from the cin ema, we found the lamp(bur n) on butthe door(shut).21. We found the stude nts seated at tables and had their eyes(fix) onthe sce ne of the launch of Shen zhou V spaceship.22. A doctor can expect(call) at any hour of t

8、he day or ni ght.23. The boy often gives a satisfactoryanswer to the teacher ' s question,(thi nk) just aminute. So he ' s usually the teacher ' s pet.24. The policema n came up to the Ion ely house with the door(ope n),(sta nd)there for a while and the n en tered it.25. I(drive) along t

9、he quiet road at forty miles an hour, and the nan old man sudde nlystarted to cross the road in front of me.26. Mr. Smith was muchsurprised to find the watch he had had(repair)was no where tobe see n.27. What did the librarian (forbid;take) out of the library ?28. Mum,why do you give meso muchpopcor

10、n (kill)thebori ng time.29. What Yang Liwei wan ted to do whe n he got out of the spaceship was41. Whatdo you think of the plan It ' s easier said than (carry)out.42. Many bus in essme n atte nded the Boao Forum (博鳌论坛)because they knew what(share) the joy with all the Chin ese.30. When she was a

11、lone at home, Mary n eeded a frie nd with whom(play) with.31. (see) the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree (frighten ) out of life.32. The competitor n ever dreamed of there(be) a cha nee for him towin the first prizein the 100-meter race.33. (except) everything to go wrong in advanee,

12、and you won t feelquite so bad whe nit does.34. You(be to take) part in the party on time.Sorry, I was delayed by the accide nt.(compare) with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn' t seem high at all.36. (dress) in her best suit, the girl tried to make herself(no tice) at the

13、party.37. The matter(relate) to your study surely requires(deal)with carefully.38. Her(not come) back made her pare nts worried a lot.39. Everythi ng(take) in to con siderati on, they believed themselvesmore and retur nedto their positi ons.40. He moved away from his parents and missed them too much

14、 to enjoy the (excite) lifein New York.(get) from the forum.43. There was a famous pers on at the party whom every one would like(in troduce)to themselves.44. Were you at home last Sun day ?Yeah! I devoted the whole day to(review) the Englishgrammar.45. Once(catch; steal) at the shop, you will be di

15、smissedimmediately.46. Prices of daily goods(buy) through a computer can be lower tha nstore prices.47. The summer vacati on(be) over, Joh n returned to school from hishometow n.48. (suppose) she can ' t come, who will do the work ?49. Is there anything you want from tow n?No, thank you. But I w

16、ould like to get those letters (mail).50. After the guestsleft, she spe nt as much time as she could(tidy)up the rooms.51. There(be) no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.52. The policema n rushed in to the room on ly (find) an old lady lyi ngon the ground.53. The boy lay on the gr

17、ound, his eyes (close)and his hands(tremble).54. Each of them got up early(hope) to catch the early bus.55. How pleased the Emperor was(hear) what the cheats said!56. We should preve nt pollutio nhappily.(live)am busy now, so I can't helpthe mach in e.(fix)58. Jane camevery close (win) a gold me

18、dal for Britain in the Olympics.59. The boy seated himself in the corner with his back to hisfather.(turn)60. -Bythe way, when did you get your bedroom -Lastweek.(pa int)61. He likes, but he does n't liketoday because it is toocold.(swim)62. The no vel is saidinto many Ian guages.(tra nslate)63.

19、 I'm exam ining the compositi on he has just fini shedthe possiblemistakes in it.(correct)64. They would not allow himacross the en emy lin e.(risk, go)65. He spe nt as much time as he couldthe child.(teach)66. Mrs Gree n(en ter) the room, a letter was laid on the ground.67. They set out(search)

20、for the(lost)boy.she(hear) her mother had come, her face lit up.69. They arrived at their uni versity very late,(find) the gate closelyshut70. -Do you have anything more(type), sir -No. You can have a restor do someth ing else.71. The man ager promised to keep me(inform) of how our bus in ess wasgoi

21、ng on.72. With a lot of difficult problems, the man ager felt worried allthe time.(settle)73. Will thosethe childre n from abroad come to the headmaster'soffice(teach)74. Afterfor the job, you will be required to take a Ian guagetest.(i nterview)75 . They apologized for their(able) to atte nd th

22、e meeti ng.(expose)to nu clear radiati on, eve n for a short time, may produce varia nts(变异体)of genes in huma n bodies.77. Chi na became the 143 rd member of the World Trade Orga ni zati on on December11,2001, thus(realize) its 15-year wish to join the global tradebody.78. Tomlooked at Jenny, tears

23、(fill)his eyes, and shouted out the words(hide) in his heart for years.79. Which will you enjoy(spe nd) your vacati on, traveli ng abroad orworki ng in the coun tryside?80. -Will you please tell us how you can seize the robbers?-1will spend a whole week(lock) in your room to wait for theircoming.81.

24、 I regret (inform)you that they are unable to cometo your weddingtomorrow.82. He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone (no tice).83. He spoke in such a high voice as(hear) out in the street.84. As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools mustbe s

25、et up in every tow n(have) 50 households or more.85. The buildi ng project(carry out) n ext year is, I think, noteasy(complete)in time.86. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel I thought it wason this corner, but I seem to(make) a mistake.87. -Here's a new pair of shoes for

26、you.-Thank you, but there's no n eed(buy)a new pair for me.worried the boy most was his(allow) to visit his father inthe hospital.89. Everythi ng(take)i nto con siderati on, they ought to have ano thercha nee.90. The officials discussed the pla n that they would like to see (carry out) the n ext

27、 mon th.91. .Europea n football is played in 80 coun tries ,(make)it the mostpopular sport in the world.92. .The purpose of new tech no logiesis to make life easier,(make)it more difficult.93. Joh n was made(wash)the truck for a week as a puni shme nt.94. Most of the people(in vite) to the party wer

28、e famous scie ntists.95. The path in the park looked beautiful, (cover) with(fall) leaves.96. From the dates(mark) on the gold coin, it is con formed that it was made five hun dred years ago.97. You will find the word "psychology"(list)underdictio nary.98. (see)from the moon ,our earth(cov

29、er)seve nty perce nt of its surface, appear as a"P" in your,with water“ blue ball ”.99. In the past , people used(thi nk) that the moon was too far away(reach).But now it is possible for man (get)there by spaceship.100. (save)time and labour, cartoo ni stsgen erally draw the handsof their

30、characters with only 3 fin gers and a thumb.An swers:1. including; seated 2. to be held 3. being 4. to make 5. to escape beingbur ned 6. Continued7. rema ining; rema ining to be settled 8. Con sideri ng9. Judg ing10.play ing; is to dance11. having been addressed 12. Killing13. needing to be repaired 14.delay ing sending15. to talk; losi ng 16. enjoy 17. Asked 18. running; filli ng 19. flyi ng;to sleep 20. bur ning; shut21. fixed 22. to be called 23. hav ing thought 24. ope n; stood 25. wasdriv in


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