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1、2018-2019年抚顺市新抚区西十路小学校三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案 一、我会选一选(选择题)1 . Let ' s.A . seeingB . to seeC. see2.选出与句子相符的图片。()Touch your nose.3. The knife is the right.A. on B. beside C. in4. The are on the table.A. giftsB. gift5. This is red egg.A. aB. anC. /6. at the bird, please. A. LookB. Look at C. Clean7. I have

2、 a .A. pencil B. ruler C. eraser8. 你想问问对方叫什么,你应该说: A. What's your name?B. My name is Li Ming.9. A: What would you like?B:A. Sure. Here you areB. I'd like bread.10. 读单词找出不同类的一项()A、 bookB、bagC、this11. 当你把东西给对方时,说 A. How are you ? B. Here you are C. Here are you12. .你让对方看你的 T恤衫,可以说: A . Look at

3、 my T-shirt.B. Look at my skirt.C. This is my T-shirt.13. -Hello, Im Hao Tian.A. Hi, I ' m Linda.B. I' m fine, thanks.C. Good morning.14 . It's guitar.A. milkB. myC. plane15 .选出正确的单词。()十A. oneB. ten二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16 .给下列单词分类。(把单词前的数字写在横线上)(1) book (2) bird (3) ear (4) red (5) panda(6) blu

4、e grandmother (8) nose (9) dog (10) schoolbag(11) cat(12) father (13) green (14) mouth (15) pencil(16) mother (17) yellow (18) brother (19) pen (20) hand文具颜色动物身体部位亲人17 .给下列字母排序。Jj Vv Qq Ee Ll Oo Uu Ii Tt Kk18. be动词填空1 .Hello, I Mary. My nose small.2 .Peter tall. His mouth big.3 .you thin? Yes, I.4 .

5、My eyes small, but my face big.5 .His ears small, his face round.19. -a cat?-Yes,20. Read and write (读一读,填入适当的内容完成句子)It is They are It hasa tree,big.some branches,long.many leaves, green.a trunk,big and brown.21. .把所给的单词重新排列,使之成为完整的句子,并写出汉语意思。1. you are how today2. this is what3. a It desk is22.看图回答

6、下列问题。1. When is your birthday?2. When is your birthday?3. When is your birthday?4. When is your birthday?23 .正确抄写下列字母。口 14/724 .将下列单词归类。white nose bag pencil black red pen face brown mouth eraser yellow blue eye1 .文具用品类:2 .身体部位类:3 .颜色类:25. John正在给Mike看他的家庭聚会的照片,请将他们的对话进行排序。A. She's a doctor.B. I

7、s this your brother, Tom?C. Look, this is my father.D. That's me.E. And this is my mother.F. No, it isn't.G. He's a driver.正确的顺序:()()(三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.给下列单词选择相应的图片。连线(1) milk(3) bread(4) -fish(5) 2ice(7) juice(81 bck第6页,共7页27 .将问句与答句连线配对。 Good afternoon, Danny. Hello, children. Is this y

8、our cake?28 .连线。A. Yes, it is.B. Hello, Mr. Wang.C. Good afternoon, Alice.(1)penA九(2)presentB岁的(3)nineC是的(4)oldD礼物(5)yesE钢笔29.选择正确的答案,连线。(1) Good morning.(2) 2) Nice to meet,you .(3) 3) How are you?(4) Let ' s paint!(5) I have a yellow pencil.30.选择合适的答语并连线。1. Hello, I'm Sam.2. How are you?3.

9、 Goodbye.4. Good morning.5. Hello, Lingling.A Great!B Fine,thank you.C Good morning.D Me too.E Nice to meet you,too.A. Byebye.B. Hi, Sam.C. I'm fine, thank you.D. Hello, Daming.E. Good morning.四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31.英汉互译(1)男孩(2)女士(3)你的(4)下午(5)很好(6) what(7) is(8) and(9) 9) name110) how32.默写单词。)多少()玩具()机

10、器人()80 (33 .翻译下列句子)70 () 30(1)那是什么?(2)表演成一只猴子。(3)看!那是一只有趣的小鸟。(4)跟着我。34 . body35 .翻译词组1 .我的爷爷 2 .你的姐姐3 .高个子父亲4 .矮个子母亲5 .两个胖婴儿6 .一个瘦老师五、我是小法官(判断题)36 .仔细辨别下列各组字母的大小写是(V否(X )完全一致。)(1)MIKEmike()(2)ANam()(3)eggEGE()(4)FAMfan()(5) bfe BFE ()(6) bee BEE)(7) BED bad)(8) BHI bhi)(9) AAG aag)(10) bae BAE37.根据课

11、文内容.判断对,正确画错误画(1) Jenny lives in China.() Bob is Jenny S brother.()(3) Jennys father is a businessman.()(4) Jennys mother is a doctor.()(5) Lynn is Jennys sister.()38.圈出错误的选项。!ImLinda.(4)What' syouname?(5)Is heryoursister?39., 判断 单词 与身体 部 位

12、 是否六、阅读理解40.阅读并选择I have a happy family. My father is a policeman(警察).He is tall. He likes to play basketball. My mother is ateacher. She likes to watch TV and read books.I am a student. I am a boy. I am short. We like to eat noodles. We are a happy family.1. I have a family.()A big B small C happy2 My father isnt ( _A a teacherB a policemanC tall3 I m a bo( y.)A thin B shortC tall4 My mother likes . ()A playing basketballB reading booksC singing5 We like to _. ()A play basketballB watch TVC eat noodles41阅读理解。Tom: Hi, Mary, Nice to meet you.Mary: Nice to meet you, too.To


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