



1、乎没一i*3E + 迹等地未斑KH -布母钮就七者f乂亚 出台&_ VHtiaii: W, xll ttiiU womiin r>rc>l>aabiy d。ait TzOO"?4. Who will brult hcrr :tuuth-«- Siic will i4ak,c= » *8lkU. She wrillt>rc-ii 1t151-U. < Jti i>ie uJnwiy.C <7>n thu lufVC-率 55U She Jn£ks lo dQ !fi<Tim«zTA-c

2、.>rk 从有中历维屋I A- «-0三个泸.- j . irfl-U Tom.U_ Ut:匚p: u o>onlti .U tH,E201 v 年壬林市初中孚北水中考*美 W天 ML善为七见 <4* 甲亍阿I】工。分的- 海奇 120 力,在分工&环+-*&+二*朝警MN立33卡上 ,专咨千等土1仔等手咚1*2*聿.有. 班不在磔茬 R 若者.一户德先 0 -.2 . 4册卷二 4 da atbX# 石* -嘴加 工巨*ait犯* 也卡上 H 唐超 目依理总岳至务源勺3 .1忙±&* Aft ;铢IfJ市,拉0.5年并次也率

3、65;茎.在.在1收卡上各碘*答0E式机内作茎W . I7. Whuir。does iJncs gujri ujsiAsally t。4d 口 r»。%。17A. In d。辽-S. On the 6口-,S. MTtifoh dircctico ,门 tl*2 restroom ”?八. Cn tl、Q iri-LB- In th在 tfront-Q_ How ELih dkje占 OnrP rrtain 仲ay ifor (lie suif八.£ 36日-玉*XIO- Why =W1、F Lucry 昌* to play 蜜urrni雅了A- 5tve ji若 fciL

4、isy.B. St><?小&nF liko it-第二节工 听下由两百班双XJi舌后有,L十"*但* 巧i中垃;“的作近 x<h ,鼻 m 寸舌法和山.所第 一EKMt语.回件组1 1后】那12 "、«3不1 . M/tio mifelat &o *<*。等 yttsL-irdia?jAl _<Z1 Le3l£L .T- C?l-aric .N* llow 口ftoEi Mo亡国 Uiaurk 的1球>" tb« =ihu7A. .Wy金心 day,B- Onz a w«s

5、lt.而第 二依 K*寸*回普弗 13 , 出 14 和1.然 15 <|、些=3_ It's .hv _ livi:i«± 2* the maiJ;、to £。<O 立bv tlLik>-A. fl»l日-3"0iMl选 QU 通棹1 M 1 -Ar « « >12WHat in the mun wearing noW?A- Sportx tlotiitisA" tiirt_ 1 5. Wlicrc does tHc conversation 仁 1kle pla©。?L

6、o 费 Eb 钮 je c-Lu-b -ES Ijii 制 , :ssp"CBirt elutx.C_. l.n tin itLo, I is; In c lu.to1.CZH> 遍文田心醉.£ 与人趣工方兴 (> 玲)你和所至山 55篇上文 询福切所所翎的拉之内衣,选择正确的转奉黄义读两WI 航-Jim wont to a fiski shop to t»uy a Hsh for -一./V breakiNG13. luneii。dinner17. Why did Jim put up ttie fish?A_ 15ygMasu hu wunted

7、to gmell it-B fcj。疝ujeu tie wiinie<S to chat witli it-<?. 口0。a1_13q he 5Vmmiod to give it to the shopk-ccpw:r.1M ITovk did tt>c tioplco£pcr feel wtic?n licarinjyt JFin, scLid ho 日s Ellci1n旦 to tli。眄*"? U. Ex<ciy4I9. Whuri did Jim ttiinJc th。fi*>h 3Hx can宫h*TA.人工1 Hour RgdR.

8、Tixree! weok afgo.ZO.cz1 5。leaxn iiroxxl la。pasiiacYC7. Over three vwcok*s m暮2T.22.N3. _二诣运用 (4 NQ 力 JC J 恪项旌孑不(小展1分,於1。分,Srriiih are ULscd to tiding in Sh谨njhai riowrWe Hope more midi more tori>$,n fricndsi livisA- / ; aB. TTie ;历:nUh in 亡无 e govumrrwMit sent two pandas. Ruyi <lxic! £>

9、;in&din 塔 “ to Rugia 导针dsi”、4aaThu relstionHh ipA- both, and 2Rr Are thrweChinaZo* tHey ren-t. They're Uncleti. not only» but also keys. Jack?Rvi*>sia will bnr vioiscr than t>cfk>rr I thinksD, bertwoun:注ndA yours. Siim4N9_ Siudienls;' life shC3Uldxl*l jnt be afanout ijriidu

10、,- Ireu Um etiviliers. Idltc?O- yoursi Sarawjpchrtji nd wieJi tricnci arv ImpoririL roo.I ibii-nJk so.八out11. gi,5Hlb outd*Ef of 辞Ly、-D TXvu |>£>ir Gf toe k« * K « >I J. which13. huve bougheD. WIiai31. Hey. Au ruin.you li ke io s«? 7% 妙 计小 H aSiform witli me?« You i

11、neaji, the rui?w police story wits filrtied by Chen Mu&hunixT A. wH。I3-. whatC. wH0stls32. Jcnny. your new tape player Looks gT<?al_ O!h, it's not new. I it for three yeajs.A. buyliAve hadC- Im>ij&fit33. - WvswT eleaJi uir we liave today!-Vfs*. l-uok? A lot of s<dults nrc doimc

12、kun lit over there,A. HowB. Wftiat nC. How u34. JMew C'hinun 3fts 整u up in 1949.Evm-ry CJh*Ti=s« knows her 7O,h birthday is Octohwr 1+1A. inB. alR. on35. Herir could, you tell tiic?- He's myfrotri *Jher>NhiqnhA- wh。h© isHe whe-rc is h.<1J希彤如1* (珏小血1令*争3】0分o话;卜西班旦. 幸止武人愚,从狂小心所

13、给的 A,9、U- C g个选项中绘HVftMM选诙. VcsrK a右,1 理-=1=1;11七my 4口/ Hirilidjay with friendly in a - re*d tauruji t. Many iirri ved. ar I i e r at id %s sited. ou-tsicic= the nctvminBnEr A* I was 00 thic Foudidlc« « home? less- m-Etn omnzu; nuxr itic wid ,一 moncry. I IE hiim know Iha&y w3y uxsh(上见

14、能,w 1 rJt fkie. With hqiiitrK smite mn hqMho esY±<1 c*rs.Just tlhc?n =1 friC'T1 iii urri ve<3 通1、<! eullcrdl out, ikappy Hixtdhdn>!"' Elocrinjj:th© mjxn iuimiMl artela1舟IcctIsITisiuTi. i.F your hirthdety*" s""Virw/T I &uici. He walked smiltjd &qu

15、ot;+11 ”也GcIf ''HppyBirtlrMJ<iy!* I *a_s octready for wha< HuppenccJ tkkI. II。Iqm1Tllt c>ui u illtajr from. His dirtybiir Liricla、y it to TT1G s-;iyinB *i Itzrir rruin, 3k= lhn后,llwppy HirthtLiy *s *Tha & #O - 1 ejcpcctedA】houEii 1 T 1 deeply l>y tiis £LeiiHEros-iiy <

16、piin.g! moti'cy from a homelos-& maTi3,工-4infor n>e. I felt very uncomfortable:_ 42 1 |11口(1工1fThiinlcs, hn?t -T Loolcinclir<iztly iiiKu my cy-cs+ he Miidk%<> xoocl tc* nne_ Eveiry nigh J I always -citd. tip with a plcc tolc<rp and cnouti food toEnk。thi若1 lield out t¥ty t

17、hiund 虫3 thinking twi。*sayingT "TTiumk nqmiJ"J i vynis 0F10 c】,r rriyli tc* Ihow"伫寸=寸 poor 酒 y irmy 1 cl. w。Bl I Vf says 11_3,仁somc:,thiri1i。»9ri£i.r-c with 口th=rs- JF.r«jiri. tlTen l>ei I ollirri. help-c?*l fKople in ncetl o_ci<zi inz-sd中DTIU witli l£inkclnc

18、¥3!ii 耳cd .4与,!1理31<1n任 lovesitilJ K>y «?v«?r>- winery 】1 went.36,人.iwo floorsII. t w 0 floors CT. two floor 'k.i_J_ two-floor37a A.通*ky<l tk>rfl. lookedC'- fiziid tk>rr>. eorc H.r3H-人 down,H. alongCZ. %>ackD. uJhcd39. A. mriipluidyll. wlelyC5. hardlyDl

19、 Kimpljf4cl A. irrfcjuy title11 Lu<rlkyC. impoHteD. amazing4 I /V movedB. waa,C- was movingD_ ain mo*dd4N. A. ¥13B. AwU So11. Sirwjy4m. A. WiilJ,日一 in匚 WitllCTUftD. fora A. ffreutB. gruutd:C hudD worstA. fameEi. wrmthCT, d,i*t>eliod pow<=r< 浜3族(转村三.圜读理解共mo令阅读"FfiiA. 亡.”四输如文. 根据

20、短文内容. 从下列各小IK所给的 A胄B, C. D 四个选项中.选出M体符案【寻卜*4 N分.注30分)APcrtiaps the; only testLh.i 1 riiiembcr is the 55 1 got when 1was in high »chcxjl.Itie test waR the last one of the (erm. I ren>cml>er wairting riierv ousiy as my leficher Mr. Rihl gave out our papers emu after another It 曩 mi her dift

21、icult let- I hajr<l iliy 亡 la1ssimaites jetoadning (叹息 and t could guess by 1He g?roan ihnl the scores weren 1 liMking <jod.Mr Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red niuml>erx, circled to caCch al ten t ion, was my scores 55! I let my he131d go down, and covered th1c score up quick

22、ly- A 55 i& not som«lhtflg; ihM yow wanted yemi classmates to s«. "Thewere not very 悠小田 nonu of you pawned厂 Mr.Right ''The highest score m the ciakss wus.猫 5Sr"A S5. Thai's me! Suddenly didn't feel so bi4 1 hild the highest score. I wilsa HttJsrI waJMc-di home

23、 alonedlay with the low but higjiMy nwiher knew KhiiC I 草 &i赛cm itiai day and aked me 吕国 Koon as I got homcB -tHow did you do m yoixr testJr" *I go I 5S1H i xi* A frown (皱apf>cafcd on my moiher's face. L knew I haaid: io explaih at once. S+But Mum, I bi*d the hig.h.esit scare iti the

24、 cliisii,'1 Mid pri>udtya J-Yau fiiilec.k Diive:T' t«y mother r1pli.ed, "IBiit il,s tb« highest?* I LELs-ited.坚内J _ don91 care what scoresiiaui. you"Tbe importAul likingi* Mh hi&i you du! -* my nio-Lh-cr 笄ajd m a strong way.Foir year±F my motlier ialways in nh

25、0工 way. SJ>c didin't care what Qth仁rs did- only c-axcd what dj0 :mli 小珏tJ did itIgjiily. Mv motlier' ivurcLi luvc nide a big diHercnjLke to my Life.4ft. When did the y:st take plae?A_ At Lhu bciiminjE of thu term.后In ihu TTuddlc of the term.C. Al ihe halfway temi.U. Ai the end of tlhe ter

26、m.47P of tbe $nj£lcntK failed the test.A. Both曰.NoneC. AllD. NeitherI low dtd Oave*s rrK>rhirr when she knew his store?A. Shrt wu upwt.C She felt emhamis&ccl.B. She fell very happy, D She wiis really ecilvd.BDub«ii(迪 拜i科 a good pldjce to trairl to. "Fhere. yoo can find, many Ca

27、ll baaiifiiojjr., taste Ima of deheious tbcMl ajid ek.pn<mceLntemtingthifi, Have you ever been to this city? If you 挛 皿 D<tbai durmj£ ihrc Muniirncr holLy. you may see a spciil kind 口下萨,江4广:It is n drone (无人 岩L) . 1£ flies in the »ky by liselfl li is said that Dubai plai值 To use

28、 ehine-made droaes * a *1 4flying 工讦 3i in July,The drome Haxt is named HHunjg 184T A Chirtew company公司)made it_ TTbe city of Dub&i iJ start uwin恩 n in JuJy_ It will t>c itiu world* firAi pn«®eoigif drciHCT 3Gordin& u> Y*hoo News.rhe dreme taxi 05 fly up to 3.5CMJ iictrrN hih

29、. h c<m fly 也工出 loP5r 160 kilometers mhour, Il can Only take on<r 口.Hi»w Jo ta” nn EH¥ng IK4? You 但亡求笳 *PT> (F港用 fVFT> on *Ur pfcTiu Whon the ilrvncCouchTberv ix g ptlol m llw drwK.They will rraik® s*ure your trip , Mfr YouGom-«. you crh.'Emse the pl4ce you want t

30、o 1go W 前 iji Rm纪 rHFipi,on the gmimdl will twr wHtchirkjf it. &>n'i have to worry about 1D. ChineseD. In a novel.t>- Mu,kin*jcompajiyTC. Japouncst:A. Dubai'sB. AmcriaunBb Its biittery can keep around half ah hour D. The trip in it i叩't "C. In a sstory book.IB. The Spcciol

31、 TripU- The C?oinpiJteF C'oiraipaLnyA HuX mcAxi捷嫌或 5 Bf ( * * * 1Etiang 184* battery 包池)ean only keep about 30 miiiutcs. So it carnion lake you fUruher than 50 kilomyEWould you like to t&ke a trip in this flying drone"? Oan't wait. Let 's go!49. EI1 理mg, IR4 wuls made by Mn) 50,

32、 Which 6tatcmcrU陈述about EHang 1 is correct?A. There i& a pilot in ii.C. It can fly up to 4,500' ki1omc:tcrs.S I Where may we find ThU article?A. On th-e Internet. B. In a guide txHjk.52. WTiats ihe bct liiJc of the pasau?A_ The ExcHing. Vuc.ationC. The Drone TaxiCAxi eight-yar-ciId 后“I named

33、 Tina he<ird her parent MLiking ubout hur little broiher. All she knew was thmi: he was very sick and they hjd. na mt>r»cy. When she heard her icLad to her m.omx ''Only a mirucl-e 彳布竣)can save himn力 w"串 Tina wcnT to her bedruom nd imok iill her iTiEflcy uut of a snikall sandi

34、l c-artrfully. Then she mjide herway six blocks to the locul de莒等工。工(药店).i And what do you want?* akdl the ow崎er of die »torc.* |t、for my liulc brother*11 Titlh uoswered.rcailty, really sick and 1 wnt to buy a miracle!.Hi、immc is Mikv and lw i*i two years younger 让皿* nw. Now he somcrffiin baa g

35、rowl iusKle his head und my dad sjiya only a mtmete 启xi ave hiitlL1"*= r*We don't sell iTiirade bere« child. I"m 冬讣!! J lihe owner suid, mmiliiis .adly at Tinsfe.In itw 等tcre Inhere was ia wullTlrussucl i/ us.tomer. He us.ked Tina MWhat kid of nu-racle does: your brother i»cd

36、l?i,"* *1 don't know/r she replied. *He"s rirHy sick and my riiom ays he nedbs an operaima 1手术 J .But my cLid ciin'i puy fkk it, so 1 have hrcTuliE 二11 my rivoncy/'* *How Eu&h do you have?*' uskcdl the ttlhik'"One: dollar sui<d seven cents, hut L tr'注看 1

37、 gn送 rnoruj she axiswercd quickly, .what 营 ccaiACidencf (J-tl A1) smiled fhv etulq ''One doll&r and S4rven ctrnts the uxzict price of u miracle for a litile brofJicr. Tukc rnc to wticrv yem live. I want io :&ce your brotlicr arid nwel your parents,*TlMbt well-dressed man was, CJMrili

38、Loil AmitrcMn 口 (hnious doctor. Tlxe operacion wms completed without jnoiwy- TWo weelcfl I白 1bli Mike became well %5d was horeie again.Tima was happy. She knew exactly how nivcli the mirncc; emi <inc do IL向解 id s<rvcn ccni Eundl the fuilh (信念)of a little child.53. Wliy did Tina 唐。lo the drugst

39、ore?she wantedAvisit her brother B. sce a dortcir C- buy a micracIe S4_ Which of ioltowing;节 mat irudi iicemding IQ th勺 pass-agc ?A Thu operation wan heB . Tiju had less 2 dollajni.C; The owner of the drugstore couldn."t help TinaD. There? was somethin wrong, with MiJlc s hciixt.H. Mehs hone-si

40、53. Wlutt do you dlink of C arltOP Arm¥inina?ft 3 Ian:F fullk 1Hole Hi 二 FranJcrl<ri V irorimeTlt? W'Kat dlo you ucfuJilly m<rjjli7,Cl JH_ . J rlMraxi wc tix&ve two roiiiJi prc»tilems- Onu 巾母 thut rile rivcris are badly pollutexi. Tlic water ia very cliirty63Oh_ ttnc other ii

41、累 ih?ic ktie trets Ln tfw moLLiitains arc 星fewer axfeci fewer.I ieliem : 11 ir-ucr. We Kkiould <i<» mjiti匚由tnig to nrsilfejp tlie: ri&y E Kzlduiier midi tine m-ounta.ari.=* >jjizc:n.cr.A. IV界 ssubuuil our ghnol life.fl. W<r*re bifivin a mew prujeev 仃?yn#雷。,口I*1*'T ircr Ji

42、9;rt 114 f fjrara-u c:wii 1 join you?15. Vh-ul Ts Lthe othr cm。17hb炉rajik: Helm; Frsuik.: Hcleii:Vuu &*eAnd ncjulYWe 至huJd -iklso plnn +no>re creea-.Ycs- E-vcryone is supposed to tielp miike h sttccti Hoirfrctown.iFrilinJk: 1wilti you. IT very tiinc y tx>uLd pluy it. purl.H-cIc-n r后苫E-nulJ

43、c : W>1> noi'? Wu】uce专才 I * Take 41.vlionEL心£&3,Fid we、h口”Id *ix>p litturmH into the rivera zid ykuLxii LtlDffTlmc/art you tcflE soira- of th。irobfclems you Fve seen? Ii *j< Hhout tiow to prof cd:ih 口 «r iiv i ron me rt i.63.五.语学到l空t珏小用1分.产1口有)四奖 F tfti为1.女.在空白处土向入 I 个苗

44、3 £内口 叫皿砧号内 单 间rvj lE«b,由大ihcT,CTTiity yrtT?;I dLi'uv4± i± 12lx.i lk>Tlit广 田01_1 OTllI Had tO work :« nihl.,、:匚 lulu tiight, I got 齿 tel-epkiHsrie caTViiEtiArcd ihtre at 2:30 am, «nly bunu”城 wg ciuka Lngjlc ligjit in. Ilcx»r windk>vvL So 工 &lked up fi

45、nd knock:ed at ttiu dk>or.fcBJusii a I'iljHiLiiwJ. an1困My rod a weak, voice. Aftier a long time, ttw doorC $t<incili in Irons of me. TJext to her u null. tx»M.cvpcTiM. ajfkd a B-mn 11 wc>mjMjn.Quickly I lomJk. H<zt box. to Ilie 仁小丁 nriU iIteti gtumpcl to ho< lier_ 号h七 ku;p,me

46、. h-Wht5n we got in nh= c-:trr h-tac? ake5dLyou dinvc me throiigli ih仝 hlecits1厂沙"7O 一 ii 'n to«> late now,"" I fiedl.'| -dofi*t m由r*.歼ihu fi-Bi-d slowly tn in no h“nry 1,- dci"voi" stsiys* I don'l have1 muc-ln tLime to Hyr1 ZL tqui«tj 3EZ 0fF the me

47、ter fvt 敬 . Fmf the n。格 two houra we du,y 曲tK<r eiiy ±md p&«od th*; truHdin* wlirc she1 hiuJi on.ee worikcc dicr n<zshborhocKl where rh= =n«J h«rr hoihaiLd liad lived, umd sLOEtie oChrErr plue A至73一wixn wM rtsijnf-:K 4y Ftopp«l in front or aJuw bLLilcimjg . Tv-xi!

48、youxtlg: .3L3 (4、L”TiLam,w<?r=ihizrc- TTicy 3匚re HuEln Lh<? FIIeeswh。would look a fl cr hr.*"1 luibV muoh <J.“ 1 IntMvp lo piiiV211” 惠力d iistwffd-"Z<M;hiingI replied. I 不通维 ure I w<>uldl i»yu小0&近 thin Z4 (pain> u汽rwriun-She looke<1 s4iunpris>-ctl, .一、,“

49、居sivu n wcimiin who ik dyinjg: m little morrijcrit of pi®she、口1, 1门但nk you.''SuoieTiTin?t people may mot. rememt>er cjcactly v«r tint you did: or «iid. Iiowift-ver., tfcwy" I! 31MBay« reriacmit>er htfiw you tiialce(ihey> tee 1 - And iHoyMi nt ver forget it.此

50、行娈一个词: 斜线划MU茨i加】无错误.在该行石地横能 h画一个为 < v >1 flnWtttiM4HR*一个*皿,则犊下列E配efciEi把1荽金的利用科ftft c X i 划游.st 噗什右JZL*旌上T 出镀词. 我也用住Sft两处iJU 一 个源STTk 号 工人" 在遂行 & i2rl 段上:MtH 住力11的卬1.此行5 一个词工_此行W t川 在你的词卜划也通 企谣行行也械线上Util改正后的词注意= 原行浚行第 的不要改-tix,<*TxriNiiig. is one?- of thu tTiowt inahport-E.iT!t tHi

51、rjg we can d»o for <,utiociios- F=utin鼻 good focicl nticf dirinking waiter arc not。口emth to rru»k亡 ills stron.jgtr and mucki Ivealthx- A r>*sraon shouitl e-xerotsc- Alt leziMt tlnri&c limcn £& wec->t for tin Hour cr mt>re_ 1 his is even more impo-rtant i h person i

52、s MR lieavily- If I hey wont to losc w-cificti,. tlhuiy nuiy have to cxerciMC five to si ?t times u 3«svk., RuEiEiiiif LLixil wuLIlui are g,ooU wiiK your he&rt.You will tecl really relaxing “fl。丁 you finish the cxcrcisic.Vhen you run. you h:Mw* i。umz youx legs emd amis. I'Fur* make your 1匚后、 stroixcT IT you- v- ntrv ot eKcrcieud in trefknE. it ix hurt to start slowly. It zlIsco a bood


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