1、期末考试复习资料(三)必修二词性转换Module 1&21. The mother was filled with_ (an xious) about her daughters health.2. They are_(health) childre n, because they don g et eno ugh food andfresh air.3. It s _(tradition) in America and England to eat turkey on ThanksgivingDay.4. He became_ (wealth) by selli ng famous
2、paintings on computers.5. He held his_(breathe) while the results were read out.6. I thi nk nothing is more_ (pain) tha n losi ng a good friend.7. He is very busy and_(rare) does he go to the cin ema.8. Luckily, she was on ly slightly_ (injure) in the accide nt.9. Don t be_ (addict) to net chatting.
3、 It wastes too much time.10. Wecouldn t reach an_(agree) on this issue.11. What the teacher said had a great_ (affect) on me.12. The man is a_ (crime). How could people elect him as a gover nmentofficial?13. It s_ (legal) to drive when yoidaink.14. After the_ (treat) of ten days, my mother was pick
4、ing up gradually.15. All the studet ns should_ (participa nt) in the race.16. It is_(like) that the headmaster will not atte nd the meeti ng.17. You had an_ (inject) aga inst the disease whe n you were a little boy.18. Do you believe that there s a_(connect) between smoking and heartdisease?19. The
5、loud music_ (distractio n) her from her work.20. _ (jog) is a healthy form of exercise.21. There are many thi ngs_(horrible) wrong in this article.22. I am afraid I_ (agree) with you on this point.23. Can you give me a 5%_ (reduce) for this dress?24. Coca ine is a powerfully_ ( addict) drug.25. I di
6、d nrealize the_ (dan gerous) un til he warn me.26. You en courageme nt will_ (power) in spire 激 励)her great effort.27. I n a word, the adva ntages far_(overweight) the disava ntages.28. My house was in sured with a local_(in sure) compa ny.29. The two cities are_ (conn ecti on) be a railway.30. He w
7、orked in a centre for drug_ (addictive), helping others to stoptaking drugs.31. I looked_(pain) at the vase broke n into pieces.32. He has no _ (crime) record.33. The climate_(effect) the amount of the rain fall.34. She was hardly_(recog ni ze) as the girl I had known at school.35. We were very surp
8、rised at his_ (no rmal) behavior.36. It is difficult to_ (breath) at these altitudes 海 拔).37. He got an_(injure) to his back whe n he fell off his horse.38. I am_ (awful) sorry to wake you up.39. The doctor advised him not to eat_ (fat) food.40. Did a_ (burglary) break into your house last ni ght?Mo
9、dule 3&4I. We all have differe nt_(like) and_ (like).3. She has a particular in terest in_(pai nt).4. The movie is juiced up by add ing some battle_(sce ne).5.Ethics culture of the Con fucia n school is one of the esse ntial(traditi on al) in Chin eseculture system.6. The bad quee n heard that S
10、now White was still_ (live).7. He seems very serious, but in fact he has a_(delight)se nse of humour.8. Of the two contradictory (矛盾的)_ (aspect), one must be principal andthe other sec on dary.9. Leon ardo was not just one of the greatest_ (art)of the Ren aissa nee.10. This is almost certai nly in_(
11、imitate)of the similar America n custom.II.The suspect is being kept un der_(observe).12. The great majority were_(realise)politicia ns.13. Modern life is nothing but an_ (aim)journey to human wasteland,without faith and meaning.14. Passi on proves the most_ (destroy)dramatically force.15. His fan t
12、asies found exte nsion in_ (realise).16. _(adopt)is in practice a com mon soluti on to a case of illegitimacy(非婚生).17. The two_(exhibit)attracted a total of 14 495 visitors.18. Its quite_(usual)for it to be cool in Shenzhen in June.19. How to deal with the majority in religio n was a_ (sta nd)proble
13、m.20. Her compa nion was of lower stature, with light brow n hair and_ (express)blue eyes.21. Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the_ (mix)gently.22. Beethove n was a phe nomenon among_ (music).23. He wrote a furious article, attack ing the_ (music)taste of the tow n.24. We don t un derst
14、a nd why some one s face is_ (compose)the way it is, butwe know that face.25. The_ (compose)tells the computer what to do by defi ning the sound.26. We are not gen erally very severe with the_ (Austria).27. What shall we give this_(pri nce)to reward her for her kindn ess?28. We hope that this inv es
15、tme nt will lead to in creased_ (tour) in the area.29. Further in formati on is available from the local_ (tour) office.30. I was ast oni shed by the size and_ (complex) of the problem.31. The committee was_ (in flue nee) in formulati ng gover nment policy onemployme nt.32. She wan ted to fly_(solo)
16、 across the Atla ntic.33. Understanding the tasks is important, and the tasks must be diligently_(record).34. His comme nts left me at a_ (lost) for words.35. The compa ny has announ ced net_ (lost) of $1.5 millio n.36. When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all_(direct).37. They are seek i
17、ng a cen tral,_ (direct) role in n ati onal en ergy policy.38. Hal is so_(tale nt)that its difficult to praise him too highly.Module 51 It would be_(economy) to buy a bigger size2 The sec on dary purpose is to en courage in dividual freedom and_ (politics)freedom3 He is an excelle nt_(photograph)4 I
18、 will drive and you can_ (n avigator)5 Such problems are a_ (uni verse) feature of old age6 The_(fly) was delayed7 Zhengzhou- vn , which was shot up into space on September 25, returned to the earth three dayslater, havi ng completed its_ (history) missio n8 Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a s
19、ense of_ (achieve). We feel it is our dutyto protect and beautify our environment9 Teachers will n ever be_ (replaceme nt) by computers in the classroom10 To our_(delightful), we fin ally fini shed the task on time11 You had better n ot believe them for their faces reveal shock and_(belief)12 Dear M
20、r. Wang , thank you very much for your kind_ (finance) aid and yourvaluable advice13 I think we need more _(culture) exchange of this kind, because we can getmore practice and the foreig n stude nts can un dersta nd more about China14 It was_ (evide nee) that we won the competiti on at last15 The_(p
21、roduce) of the car reduced to 1 milli on this year16 We were treated like_(royalty) member17 I received many_(con gratulate) from our friends after we got the offer18 As a_(political), he pays his atte nti on to the poor19 He is a famous_(astr onomy)20 He fini shed his_(reviewer) after 2 weeksModule
22、 61 Only in the sky can the kite show its most_ (grace) posture2 Three rats are sitting at the bar bragging(吹嘘)about their _(brave) andtoughness3 After knowing his mother sacrifice for him, he was_ (move) by her greatestlove for him4 Besides, there are many places for_ (entertain) where you can enjo
23、y yourselves inyour spare time5 The Chin ese_(act) Huang Yi is from Shan ghai, and she has played many moviesand Tv series6 We show our great_(in teresti ng) in the house7 _ (occasi on al), we spe nd 3 hours in see ing movie8 The plot in the film is full of_(dramatic)9 The_(set) in the film is based
24、 on the earthquake in Wen chua n10 It is_ (argue) that we should set a special class for the tale nted stude nts11 The book gives a fasci nati ng in sight i nto Mrs Blair _(characteristic)12 It gave me a big_(thriller) to meet my favorite author in pers on13 I was n _ (bravery) eno ugh to tell her w
25、hat I thought of her14 The gover nment bega n to pay atte nti on to the_ (sect ion) in terests of peasa nts15 I found the talk both in formative and_ (en terta in)16 She moves with the natural_(graceful)of a ballerina( 芭蕾)17 The boy is_(in terest) in the film18 A powerful huma n_ (dramatic) was show
26、 n before our eyes19 He is the_(plot) to make the secret pla n20 W had an_(argue) with the waiter about the billModule 1&21. an xiety2.un healthy3. traditi onal4. wealthy5. breath6. pai nful7. rarely8.injured9. addicted10. agreement11. effect12. criminal13. illegal14. treatment15. participate16.
27、 likely17. injection18. connection19. distracted20. Jogging21. horribly22. disagree23. reduct ion24. addictive25. dan ger26. powerfully27. overweigh28. in sura nee29. connected30. addicts31. pain fully32. criminal33. affects34. recognizable35. abnormal36. breathe37. injury38. awfully39. fatty40. burglarModule 3&4 An swers:1. likes 2. dislikes3.pa in ti
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