



1、笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十三单元 单元练习 汉译英(一)英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十三单元 单元练习汉译英(一)舞狮咚咚锵!咚咚锵!这喧闹的锣鼓声,不仅出现在中国新年的欢庆中,并还常出现于其他节日的舞狮表演。虽然许多传统的中国习俗在现代社会中已逐渐失去它的魅力,不过舞狮在中国仍旧是最受欢迎的一种艺术表演,尤其是在喜庆的场合。它之所以受欢迎,主要是因为表演者惊险的动作,及复杂困难的技巧。他们的杂技功夫每每只要一登场,便会吸引许多好奇的观众和看得懂门道的行家们。然而年轻的表演者要想在大众面前展示才艺之前,需要大约两年的训练才能学得所有的技巧。舞狮表演者的动作必须和他的伙伴协调一致。在艳丽的狮

2、子服饰之中,一个人必须操控狮头,而另一个人必须控制尾巴。这样的团队表演,需要伙伴之间的默契配合。舞狮以及在表演时表现出的特技,让这项传统技艺成为许多中学热门的课外活动,提供了娱乐与运动的健康组合。在长时间的练习之后,学生们总是花光他们的精力,而不会在街上闲逛或者玩游戏机。舞狮培养了身体的力量、敏捷度、持久力、以及团队合作的能力。这些重要的因素给了这项历史久远的传统更深层的意义。 参考译文Lion Dancing“Dong dong dong clang! Dong dong dong clang!” Such deafening sounds from gongs and drums are

3、common not only during Chinese New Year celebrations, but also in lion dances performed in other festivals throughout the year. While many traditional Chinese customs have lost their appeal in todays modernized society, lion dancing remains a favorite art form in China, especially on auspicious occa

4、sions.This popularity stems from the exciting movements and sophisticated techniques of the performers. Their acrobatic feats never fail to draw crowds of curious onlookers and knowledge admirers. Young performers need about two years of training to learn the ins and outs of lion dancing before they

5、 are ready to display their talents for an audience.A lion dancer must coordinate / synchronize his movements with those of his partners. Inside the gorgeous, brightly-colored costumes, one person manipulates the lions head while another controls the tail. Such teamwork requires tacit coordination a

6、mong the partners (calls for an almost intuitive sense of what ones partner will do next).Lion dancing and acrobatics / feats that accompany the performances have become popular extracurricular activities at many high schools, offering a healthy combination of entertainment and exercise. After the long practice sessions, students usually run out of energy / gas and are too exhausted to fool around on the street or play video games. Lions dancing develops physical strength, agility and stamina as well as the abil


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