



1、新概念一册lesson11-20单课练和答案Lesson 11-12一、 从括号中选择适当的词完成句子。1. _ brother is a teacher. (He/His)2. Whats _ job? (you/your)3. Thank _ very much. (you/your)4. This is _ handbag. (my/I)5. _ mother is a policewoman.(She/Her)6. Thats _ sisters book. (he/his)7. This is my shirt. _ is new. (It/Its)8. Stella is here

2、. That is _ blouse.(she/her)9. This is _ car. (Stevens/Steven)10. This is my pencil. _ is there. (Her/Hers)二、 句型转换。1. Its Pauls car.(就划线部分提问)_? 2. This is my shirt. (变成一般疑问句)_? 3. He is a policeman.(变为否定句)_.4. Thats her blouse.(就划线部分提问)_? Lesson 13-14一、英汉互译。1.颜色 _2.lovely _3.dress_4.look_5.hat_6.绿色的

3、_7.tie_8.shirt_9.carpet_10.狗_11.dress_12.come upstairs_二、找出正确的对话顺序。1.A. Im fine, too.B. Good morning, Mrs. Smith.C. How are you?D. Good morning. Sit down, please.E. Fine, thank you. How are you?F. Thank you._2.A. Its green.B. Thank you.C. What colors your new dress?D. Come upstaires and see it.E. He

4、re it is!F. Look!G. Thats a nice dress._三、连线题。1.蓝色的A. grey2.白色的B. black3.灰色的C. blue4.黑色的D. brown5.橘黄色的E. white6.黄色的F. orange7.棕色的G. red8.红色的H. yellowLesson 15-16一、将下列句子变成复数形式。1.This is a black and grey shirt._.2. It is a green dress._.3.My blouse is new._.4.Im a teacher._.5. This is your case. _.三、圈

5、出错误的地方,并在横线上改正。1.Toms hat new. _2.What colour is this? Its a yellow. _3.Are your friend English? _4.Whats colour is it? _四、完成下列句子。1._ _, please.(请出示你们的护照)2.Are you _?(你们是来旅游的吗?3.These are _ _.(这些是我的领带。)4.Thats a _ _.(真是一只可爱的小狗。)Lesson 17-18一、完成句子1.来见见我的老师。Come _ _ see my teacher.2. 他们非常懒。They are ve

6、ry _.3. 他是汤姆,是我们的电脑输入录入员._ _ Tom. _ is our keyboard operator.4. 那些女孩很漂亮。Those _ _ very pretty.三、给出下列单词的复数形式。1.man _2.assistant_3.policeman_4.woman_5.housewife_6.dress_7.employee_8.office_9.child_10.boy_四、从B组中找出组的正确答语。(A)(B)1.How do you do?A. Thank you.2.How are you?B. How do you do?3.Whats your job?

7、C. He is Hans.4.Whos this man?D. Im a teacher.5.Here you are E. Nice to meet you, too.6.Nice to meet you.F. Its yellow.7.What colour is your dress? G. No, Im not.8.Are you an office assitant? H. Fine.Lesson 19-20一、写出下列各词的反义词。1.clean _2.hot_3.fat _4.big_5.open_6.light_7.young_8.new_9.tall_10.long_二、圈

8、出错误部分,并在横线上改正。1.They are policeman. _2.He is a office assistant. _3.Im a keyboard operator._4.These ice-cream are nice._5.Whats matter?_6.Are your mother tired?_7.These child are tired and thirsty. _8.They are an old._9.Our name are Tom and Hans._Lesson11-12一1.His 2.your 3.you 4.my 5.Her 6.his 7.It 8.her 9.Stevens 10.Hers二1.Whose car is it?2.Is this your shirt?3.He isnt a policeman.4.Whose blouse is that?Lesson13-14二BDCEAF CADEFGBLesson15-16一 1.These are black and grey shirts.2.They are green dresses.3.My/our blouses are new.4.We are teachers.5.These are our cases.三1. is new 2. Its yel


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