



1、八年级下学期英语期末素质检测试题(满分:120分 时间:120分钟)木塘垸中学孔珍珠第一部分 听力技能(共四节,满分25分)做题时,先将答案划(写)在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将1至12小题的答案涂到答题卡上,将第13至20小题的答案转填到答题卡上。第一节 听音选图(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)听下面5段材料,根据所听到的内容,把与其内容相符的图画的字母写在相应的位 置上,每段材料听两遍。1. 2. 3. 4. 第二节 对话理解(共7小题,每题1分,满分7分)听下面的对话,每段对话后各有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话听两遍。听第6段材料,回答

2、67小题。()6. whose beys did the man see?A. Bob.B. Mum?sC. li ndas()7. where are Bobs keys?A. un der the tableB. In his pocketC. On the table听第7段材料,回答89小题。()8. what were you doing when the UFO arrived?A. I was walk ing dow n the street.B. I was worki ngC. I was walk.()9. where did the UFO land?A. It la

3、nded in the libraryB. It Ian ded in front of the libraryC. It la nded n ext to the library听第8段材料,回答第10 12小题。()10. what was Alice doing whe the fire started?A. she was play ingB. she was singingC. she was study ing()11. who smell smoke?A. AliceB. MeimeiC. Alice and Meimei()12. where was Meimei?A. I n

4、 the gymB. i n the library C. At home第三节摘录信息(共3小题,每题1分,满分3分)听下面一段短文,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填在相应的位置上。本段材料听 两遍。PlaceDayPeopleOeparture (出发)Time Tran sport (交通工具)The scie nee Muse un. Last Friday.The stude nts in13 .At 14 o?clock.On 15 big buses.第四节情景反应(共5题,每题2分,满分10分)根据你听到的内容和实际情况,写出尽可能简要的答。16. 17. 18. 19. 2

5、0. 第二部分知识运用(共两节,满分25分第一节 单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)()21. It takes a lot of practice English well.A. lear ningB. lear nC. to lear n()22. please practice English as much us possible.A. speakB. speak ingC. to speack()23. There an English movie on Friday night.A. wont haveB. won? be C. is nt have()24. she

6、TV while Granny in the next room.A. watch, was oloop ingB. was watchi ng, sleptC. was watchi ng was sleep ing()25. You look. You may stop a rest.A. tired. hav ingB. not tired. hav ingC. tired. To have.()26. He won? come here.A. no moreB. anymore C. much more()27. It?> very nice you to give me the

7、 good chaneeA. forB. of C. at()28. Don? put your bag here please.A. Take it awayB. Take away it C. Take it off()36. A. pathfi ngB. books()37. A. anyB. all()38. A. looked outB. worked out()39. A. offB. away()40. A. sn pportB. agree()41. A. homeB. mi ne()42. A. befterB. worse()43. A. arrivedB. graduat

8、ed()44. A. BeforeB. whe n()45. A. pickedB. turned()46. A. brotherB. sister()47. A. wayB. idea()48. A. happilyB. surprisedly()49. A. earlyB. late()50. A. legsB. feet第三部分阅读技能一、理解选择C. schoolC. bothC. took outC. dow nC. followC. collegeC.cheaperC.cheaperC. ThoughC. stoodC. fatherC. dreamC. sofi ngC.good

9、C. fin gers()29. Mr Smith wan ts to have his hair.A. cutB. cutt ingC. to cut()30. I hawe n? bee n to the aquarium bofore. How about you Tom?-Me .A. tooB. eitherC. n either()31. which would you like. an apple or an oran ge? , thanks. I think l?l just have a pear.A. NoneB. Neither C. Both()32. jim wor

10、ks hard on his chin ese and.A. so Lucy doesB. so is lucy C. so does Lucy()33. Look! This shirt is beautiful ?A. why not try on itB. why not trying it on C. why not try it on()34. How long has Eliza bee n a nu rse? ?A. since 2002B. Four gears ago C. In 2002()35. If you dont go to the meeti ng tomorro

11、w,.A. he will tooB. he wont either C. he does too第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B和C三个选项一项中选出一个最佳答案。Once, in a small village. Lived a fanily with eight children. Two of the children loved 36very much. but the fumily was so poor that it was impossible to send 37 of them to study at the

12、art college at the same time. After many discussi ons. the two bags fin ally 38 a pla n. They would toss (抛)a coin. The loser would go 39 in to the mines (煤矿),and with his tarnings (赚得的钱) ,40 his brother studying at the college. Then when the brother. Who won the toss fini shed his studies. after fo

13、ur years, he would support the other brother study ing at the 41.James won the toss and Jack went doun into the min es. James worked with all his heart and his puintings were much 42 than those of most of his teachers. and by the time he 43. he was begih ning to make a lot of money for his pain tin

14、gs.44 Jamesreturned, the family hevd a big dinner for his great success.Soon after the meal bega n, James 45 up from his seat to drink a toast (举杯祝酒).to his dear 46 , Ae said. Jack now you can go to the art college and your 47 will come true. I will take Care of you .But Jack. said 48 , Brother, the

15、 four years in the mzhes has done too much to my hands. so it?5 too 49 . Now I can?t eve n hold a glass.To show his great love and respect, James drew his brothers hands with50 towards the sky.He called his draning The Pray ing Han ds” which became very famous years later.阅读短文或图表,从每题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选

16、出最佳选项回答问题或完 成句子。Sunday MondayIuesday Wedn esdayThursdayFriday Sturday1234FootballmovieBook club3:00-6:00 pm4:00pm3:00-600pm5678910 11Movie si ngi ng classHigh Jumpsew ing classDance class6:00pm 4:00-6:00pm 4:00-6:00pm3:00-5:00pm4:00-600pm12131415161718Camera clubsinging uassswimmi ngTrcwel Lecture E

17、xe nise2:30-5:30pm2:30-4:30pm3:30-4:30pm2:00-5:00pm9:00-12:00am19202122232425BasketballFashi on showTennisMoviepicnce3:00-6:00pm2:00-5:00pm4:00-6:00pm7:00pm1:00-7:00pm2627282930Dance dasspcintingvolleyballpia no llass4:00-6:00pm3:00-5:00pm3:00-6:00pm3:00-4:00pm()51. what time does the movie start on

18、 23rd?A. At 2:00B. At 3:00C. At 7:00()52. which activity lasts the Ion gest?A. Fashi on show B. Book clubC. pic nic()53. All the activities are in the after noon except.A. Exercise classB. Travel LectureC. sew ing dass()54. Tim is very in terested in sports. He can take parti n sports activities eve

19、ry.A. Mon dayB. Wed nesdayC. Thursday()55. whe n does the school have dance class?A. On Bth and 27thB. On 27th and 29th C. On loth and 27thBGood eve ning. Ladies and gen theme n. ?m Roy, and this is my show. This is a televisi on show for all families, and I know you?l enjay it.Let? start with a sto

20、ry. Once there was a proud pig on a farm, He thought he was the most impota nt of all the ani mals on the farm But it was not eno ugh that he himself thougit this he had to be sure that other ani mals thougth it, too, so he went up to a chicke n and asked, who is the most imporant animal on the farm

21、?” The chicken. answered. You ave, Mr Pig.” Then he asked a dog, and he got the same reply.Next. he asked a cow. When the cow seemed uncertain of the right answer. the pig looked angry. and showed his teeth. 6h you are, of course, Mr pig. ” Said the cow. “ of course: the pig said, there no doubt abw

22、tit”At last the pig ashed a big horse the some questi on. The horse lifted one foot. rolled the pig over and placed his foot on the pig ?s head, I' think you know the answer now. ” sad the horse.()56. The Roy show isA. a family show onTVB. for kids on lyC. a sports show()57. whe n the pig asked

23、a dog the dog.A. Said no thi ng B. said the pig was the most importa ntC. said the pig was as importa nt sa the horse()58. The horse thought was the most important on the farm.A. he himselfB. the pig()59. The word uncertain” meansA.相同的B.犹豫的()60. what? the best title of the pasage?A. A pig and a cow.

24、 B. A farmC. the cowC.令人满意的C. The most importa nt animalCOne afterm oon Mrs Greens husba nd wan ted to catch the 3:30 flight to London to have an importa nt meeti ng. She was very surprised whe n he telephored her at 5?dock and said that he was still at the air port.What happened to you? asked Mrs G

25、reen.Well,: said Mr Green, Everything was going fine. I got my tichet, checked my luggage and waited in line at the gate. I walked across the run way to the airpla ne and I saw my frie nd Jack Scott, Who was an oirpla ne engin eer. I shorted to him and a police man caught rme.why did he catch you?&#

26、39;I' don?t know,” said Mr Green, ” As soon as he heard my shout, he ran to wards me and caught me”What did you shout to your frie nd?”All I said was Hi, Jack?. You know that? the usual way we say hello to our friend But you don? know the sentence, Hi, Jack?aso means to take control (控制)of a pla

27、ne by force (武力).”()61. How did Mr Green want to go to Lon do n?A. By trainB. By bus.C. By airpla ne.()62. why was Mrs Gree n surprised?A. Because her husba nd did?: arrived at the airport in timeB. Because her husba nd was still at aivport at 5?xlock.C. Because her husba nd didn want to go to Londo

28、n.()63. When did Mr Green get to the airport that aftemoo n?A. Befove 3:30B. After 3:30C. At about 5:00()64. What was Jack Scott in the passage?A. He was a pilot B. He was a policema n at the airport.C. He was an engin geer.()65. A ccord ing to the passage we kno .A. Jack Scott asked Mr Gree n not t

29、o fly to london.B. Mr Gree n would take con trol of a pla ne by force.C. The policemall mistook what Mr Gree n said. 第二节 摘录要点(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要In America n high schools, most stude nts take En glish, scie nee, math. And history. These are basil, courses and each. course is as useful

30、 as the others. In En glish class. The stude nts study grammar and read famous literatwe In scvence class, they study biology, chemistry or physics. History is more interesting to some students because they learn more. abont important eve nts and places in the Un ited states. Others are music, home

31、econo mves and computer scie nce. Stude nts don have to take all of these courses, some study music because they feeiI is more enjoyable. Some study computer science becausethey think it is more practical. In each class teachers give stude nts exams. Some exams are more difficult tha n others, but a

32、 good stude nt can do ot easily.Courses of Amertca n High SchoolsStude nts66.ReasonsEn glishgrammar, literature biology, chemistryMostSciencepin gsics阪basil68.importa nt, eve nts and placescourses69.musicMore enjo yallesomecomputer scve nee70.第三节回答问题阅读短文,然后根据短文内容回答下列问题I had a wish to go abroad for a

33、 very long tome. Fin ally, a goud cha nee came. Now I ?m study ing in the USA, My wish comes true bnt I am not happy here. I want to go back to china becanse I hate the food in the USA. People in the USA eat a lot of bread. They also like fast food and fried. chicken very much. Bnt I don ? like such

34、 food. I like Chinese food. There are many different kinds of food in China. They are all every very delichous. So I often go to the chunese restanrants in America. The food there is nuce but it is very expensive. The American people also like chinese food very much. The American people also like Ch

35、inese food vory much.71. Is the writher studying in the UsA?72. How does the writer feel in the UsA?73. Why does the writer want to go back to china?74. Do Americia ns like chi nese food?may become bori ng. And that can in flue nee their studies.Studyi ng without relaxi ng good for heath, (76) we ca

36、n?t get good grades if we have had health. we should make use of our free time. we should do something we like. Some people like sinying, tak ing photos and draw ing pictures. (77) other people collect ing stamps. reading or shopping. I have a few hobbies. but my favorite one is collecting stumps, (

37、78) I like it best because I can lear n a lot of thi ngs from stamps.Some people collect stamps. because they can make money from the stamps. But I just interested in collecting them and enjoy looking at them when I am free.(79) 集邮在全世界正变得越来越流行。I know an Australian boy and a French girlthrough the In

38、temet. They all like collecting stamps. We show our stamps to each other online(网上)(80) 那太酷了!76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 第二节 基础写作(写1小题,满分15分)假如你是sandy,上周星期六你和你的好友(Mavia)度过了快乐又忙碌的一天,下面是你和 Maria的活动安排工作表,请据此描述一下你们俩一天的活动。TimeMariasan dy9:3010:00Do houseworkDo homeuork10:00 11:00ShopPlay sports12:00 1:00Have lun

39、chHave lunch2:004:30Study for the math testStudy for the math test5:006:00Liste n to musicWatch TV要求:1)语言准确,得当,条理清晰。2)词数:80词以上。3)不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。75. There are many differe nt kinds of food in china, are? there?第四部分写作技能(共两节,满分25分)第一节英汉互译(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语Do you have any hobbies? If stucde nts don't have any in terests except schoolwork, t


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