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1、管理规范示范文本 | Excellent Model Text 资料编码:CYKJ-FW-421编号:_酒店房态检查程序审核:_时间:_单位:_酒店房态检查程序用户指南:该管理规范资料适用于管理中,为使规则公开化,让所有人保持集体的协调,维护集体的利益,从而充分发挥团体的力量,实现管理有法可依,内部运行有规则保障。可通过修改使用,也可以直接沿用本模板进行快速编辑。精品源自 保洁酒店房态检查程序Objectives目的* To avoid skippers and sleepers为避免跑单和拖帐* To avoid that a new guests enters a dirty and /

2、or occupied room避免新客人住进脏房和住房。* To have an accurate room inventory拥有一份好准确的房间清单。* To minimize the possibility of lost room revenue将房间收入损失减小到最小值。Policy Statement政策阐述* It is the hotels policy to check the room status physically and against the computer system on a daily basis.这是一项基于每日计算机系统而按自然法则检查房态的政策。

3、Procedures程序1. Print out a room status report upon receiving the housekeeping report at 10:00, 14:00 and 18:00 hours在接到客房部于10点,14点,18点发出的房态报告后,打印之。2. The 2 reports need to be checked room by room这两份报告需要被逐个房间地检查。3. Any discrepancy found (e.g. Housekeeping OCCUPIED vs. Front Desk VACANT) needs to be d

4、ouble-checked with the related correspondence.任何被发现的差异(如客房部显示占用而前厅部显示空闲)的情况,需结合其相关信息检查两次。Possibilities:可能性I.Sleeper (Housekeeping OCCUPIED vs. Front Office VACANT)拖帐(客房部显示占用而前厅部显示空闲)a)Front Desk forgot to check in the guest前厅部忘记为客人办理入住手续b)Guest returns to his room after check out在办理离店手续后客人又返回其房间c)Gr

5、oup luggage send to the room prior to group arrival团队客人的行李先于团队到达d)Left behind (group) luggage遗漏了(团队)行李e)Hotel staff uses the room illegally酒店员工违规使用客房f)Miscommunication after room change房间变更后的错误传达II. Skipper (Housekeeping VACANT vs. Front Office OCCUPIED)、跑单(客房部显示空闲而前厅部显示占用)a)Front Desk forget to che

6、ck out the room after theguest settled the bill客人结帐后前厅部忘记为房间办离店手续b)The guest is out-of-town (O-O-T) (sleep-out) but forgotto inform Front Desk客人已经离店,但忘记通知前厅部c)The guest leaves the hotel without settling the bill客人没有结帐就离店d)Miscommunication after a room change房间变更后信息的错误传达4. When the correspondence doe

7、s not give any clarification, the room needs to be checked physically together with a Security Officer.当房间没有得到进一步澄清,该房间需要在保安的陪同下进行现场检查.5. When the discrepancy can not be solved the Front Office Manager has to be notified for further action:当差异不能得到有效解决时,前厅部经理应被进一步通报行动:I.In case a sleeper is identifie

8、d, the room has to be double locked the sleeper will contact the Front Desk and further action can be taken一旦拖单被确定,房间将被双锁,拖帐者将和前厅部联系同时进一步的行动还将被采取。II.In a case a skipper is identified, the room has to be checked out and the proper payment method has to be followed. If the guest is on cash payment mode, a Skipper Report has to be completed and copied to the GM, FC, Secu


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