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1、仁爱英语八年级Unit8复习谈论各个国家的谈论各个国家的特色服饰特色服饰Topic 1What a nice coat!SothatSo thatSuchthat.了解异国了解异国服饰文化服饰文化正确着装正确着装Topic2 Uniforms have many Uses in our lives. 特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,形式主语的句型形式主语的句型Topic3Lets go and watch the fashion show谈论服装文化谈论服装文化宾语从句的时态宾语从句的时态不同工作制服的用途不同工作制服的用途Unit 8Our Clothes知知识识树树序序

2、号号英英 文文中中 文文1feel quite soft and smooth感觉十分柔软舒适感觉十分柔软舒适2buy sth. for sb.为某人买东西为某人买东西3a class fashion show班级时装秀班级时装秀4go shopping去购物去购物5on the third floor在三楼在三楼6the Mens Wear Section男装区男装区7which one to buy买哪一个买哪一个8prepare for为为.做准备做准备9with two big pockets带有两个大口袋带有两个大口袋10be made of由由制成(看得出原制成(看得出原材料)材料

3、)topic 110be made from由制成(看不出原材料)11be made in在制造12a woolen dress一件羊毛裙子13on special days在特殊的日子14depend on取决于;依靠;依赖15nearly the same几乎一样16as well as除了.之外(也)17formal occasion正式场合18wear rather similar clothes穿十分相似的衣服19do more than不仅仅20protect from保护免遭21In modern society在现代社会22keep sb。warm保暖23as the sayi

4、ng goes正如俗话所说24You are what you wear衣如其人25according to根据26likes and dislikes喜好和厌恶27catch ones eye吸引眼球知识点vso that意为“如此(太).以至于”引导的是结果状语从句 结构为:so +形容词、副词+that+从句vsuch that意为“如此(太).以至于”引导的是结果状语从句 结构为:such +(a/an)+形容词、副词+名词+that+从句vso that意为“为了,目的是,以便”引导目的状语从句,相当于in order to( ) 1. He was _ tired _ he fel

5、l asleep as soon as he lay down. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; that ( ) 1. Why do you sit in front of the classroom? I sit here _ I can see clearly. A. when B. in order C. such as D. so that( ) 3. How much is the MP3? Its 500 yuan. Oh, its _ expensive _ I cant afford it. A. too; to

6、 B. so; that C. such; that D. too; butBBD( ) 1. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Dont _ your dictionary all the time. A. work on B. depend on C. decide on D. put on ( ) 2. As soon as she walked in the market, the red scarf _. A. catch her eyes B. catch her eye C. caught her eye D.

7、caught her eyes( ) 3. Hes _ as tall as you are. A. nearly B. near C. hardly D. hard( ) 4. They sell books _ newspapers. A. as well B. as well as C. as good as D. asBCAB单项选择。单项选择。v( )My jacket is made _ leather, and it is made _Hong Kong.A . of, of B. of , in C. from, of D. of ,from ( )-what do you t

8、hink of this hat?-I like the silk hat_a beautiful flower on it.A. in B. on C. of D.withBD1.There are so many kinds of CDs in the shop. I cant decide _ _ _ _.(买哪一个)2.Our school _(会举行一场时装秀) next week.3.Are you _ _(准备) your math test?4.Now young peole like wearing jeans. They say they _ _ _(看上去更帅)。5._

9、_(多大尺寸)do you like?6.Maria _ _ _(对.满意)the dress.which one to buywill hold a fashion showpreparing/ready forlook more handsomeWhat sizefeels satisfied withv1.据说下周将会有一位外国学生来我们学校。v_ _ _ there will be a foreign student coming to our school next week.v2.羊毛衫能保护我们不受寒冷。v_ sweater can _ us _cold,v3.俗话说,“入乡随俗

10、”。v_ _ _ _, “do in Rome as the Romans do.”v我们应该尽量按照规则来比赛。vWe should try to play the game _ _ the rules.Its said thatWoolen protect fromAs the saying goesaccording toTopic 2序号序号英英 文文中中 文文1plan to do计划做.2wear our own uniforms穿我们自己的校服3look ugly on us穿在我们身上很丑)4allow sb. To do sth.允许某人做某事5make a survey a

11、bout做一个关于的调查6in trouble处在麻烦之中7take off脱掉,起飞8dress correctly正确着装9on every occasion在每一个场合10in a dark color穿深色11advise sb. To do建议某人做某事12go well进展顺利show good discipline展现好的纪律13try on试穿vstop sb. From doing sth.=keep sb.f rom doing sth.阻止某人干某事vProtect sb. from doing sth.保护保护.免遭。免遭。知识点Its +adj. +that+句子句子

12、Its +adj. +(for sb).+to do sth.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1.They t_ the horse to a tree so that it couldnt run away.2.Kangkangs mother is a p_. She works at a police station.3. Good news! A reporter from CCTV will come to i_ our headmaster tomorrow. Great!4. Lets _ _ (执行)our plan tomorrow.5. Our school doesnt _

13、 (允许)us to keep long hair.6.They asked me to _(设计)a poster for the sport meet.7.I dont have anything _(合适的)to wear for the party.iedolicewomannterviewcarry outallowdesignsuitable单项选择。( ) 1. _ is necessary for students to get up early and go to bed early. A. This B. That C. What D. It( ) 2. What do y

14、ou think of my new skirt? It looks so fit _ you. A. on B. in C. at D. to( ) 3. Did your mother allow you _ to the party last night? Yes, she did. A. go B. to go C. going D. went( ) 4. Could you tell me _ tomorrow morning? Well, it will start at 9 oclock. A. when the meeting will start B. where will

15、the meeting start C. where the meeting start D. When the meeting would start( ) 5. The girl _ trouble is a middle school student from Japan. A. on B. at C. in D. ofDABAC 单项选择。单项选择。( ) 1.Its dangerous for you _ that tall tree. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( ) 2. Could you tell me_? In B

16、eijing. A. where does he work B. when does he work C. when he works D. where he works( ) 3._ is important for children to get a good education. A. This B. That C. What D. It( ) 4. Could you tell me _ tomorrow morning? Well, it will start at 9 oclock. A. when the meeting will start B. where will the

17、meeting start C. where the meeting starts D. when the meeting would startBDDA句型转换。句型转换。1. It is important that we listen carefully to the teacher in class. (改为同义句) Its important _ _ _ listen carefully to the teacher in class.2. Black clothes are suitable for a fat person. (改为同义句) _ suitable _ a fat

18、person wears black clothes.3. Where did she park her car? Do you know? (合并为一句) _4. Which is the way to the Great Theatre? Could you tell me? (合并为一句) _for us toIts thatDo you know where she parked her car?Could you tell me which is the way to the Great Theatre? 单项选择。单项选择。( ) 1.Its dangerous for you _

19、 that tall tree. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( ) 2. Could you tell me_? In Beijing. A. where does he work B. when does he work C. when he works D. where he works( ) 3._ is important for children to get a good education. A. This B. That C. What D. It( ) 4. Could you tell me _ tomorrow

20、morning? Well, it will start at 9 oclock. A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start C. where the meeting starts D. when the meeting would startBDDA句型转换。句型转换。1. It is important that we listen carefully to the teacher in class. (改为同义句) Its important _ _ _ listen carefully to the t

21、eacher in class.2. Black clothes are suitable for a fat person. (改为同义句) _ suitable _ a fat person wears black clothes.3. Where did she park her car? Do you know? (合并为一句) _4. Which is the way to the Great Theatre? Could you tell me? (合并为一句) _for us toIts thatDo you know where she parked her car?Could

22、 you tell me which is the way to the Great Theatre?根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1. Could you (给我些建议) about my hair style? 2. A fat person likes to wear clothes _ (穿着暗色).3. I hope everything _ (顺利).4. Miss Luo _(建议)us to go to bed early.5. Many people are waiting at the a_ because they will go abroa

23、d by plane.6. She was tall and s_.give me some advicein a dark colorgoes welladvisedirportlim ( )1. The teacher gave our parents some at the parents meeting. A. advice B. advices C. advise D. advises( )2. It is cold outside. You your coat if you go out. A. had better put on B. had better to put on C

24、. had better not put on D. had better not to put on( )3. It is very important for you yourselves. A. believe B. believing C. believes D. to believe( )4. If a short man enters your shop, you can him or her short coat and tight trousers. A. advice; to wear B. advise; to wear C. advice; wearing D. advi

25、se; wearingAADB单项选择。Topic 31.在.的中央2.在高级时尚界3.了解很多关于4.充满5.代表6.从那时起7.从现在起8.或者。或者。9.两者都10.至于1.in the center of2.in the world of high fashion3.know a lot about4.be full of5.stand for6.from then on7. from now on8. either.or.9.both and10.as forTopic 311.个人风格12.中国丰富的传统文化13.与不同14.众所周知的15.在过去,以前16.曾经,一度17.得名1

26、8.出名personal stylechinas rich traditional culturebe different fromwell-known/widely knownin the pastat one timeget ones namebe known tomodel n.模特. She is a famous model.v.穿戴展示. The models will model the new fashion clothes.There be句型:我家后面有个花园。There is a garden behind my house.两年前,我家后面有个花园。但现在不见了,消失了

27、。There was a garden behind my house two years ago. But now it is gone.我家后面明年就会有个花园了。There is going to be a garden behind my house next year.There will be a garden behind my house next year.注意:虽然翻译成“有”,但,没有have的出现, 时态 倒装句。副词here/there/now/then等+come/go/ be动词的一般现在时名词 e.g. Here comes the train.火车来了。 Th

28、ere goes the bell.铃响了。 但当主语为代词时,不能用倒装。 e.g. Here she comes.她来了。 Here it is.它在这儿。call打电话:call sb.把叫做:call the boy Tomcalled:被叫做:The boy called Tom is my brother.2.But as for the others, Im not sure. 但是至于其他的,但是至于其他的,我不确定。我不确定。 as for sb. / sth. 至于;就某人至于;就某人/ 某物而言某物而言 如:如: As for Bill, hes doing fine.

29、至于比尔,他现在日子过至于比尔,他现在日子过的不错。的不错。 1.Here come another three models, 又过来三个模特,又过来三个模特, another + 单数可数名词单数可数名词 another +数词数词+复数可数名词复数可数名词请再喝一杯茶。请再喝一杯茶。Please drink another cup of tea. Where shall we be in another ten years (?再过十年,我们将在哪里?再过十年,我们将在哪里?another + 单数可数名词单数可数名词=one more+单数可数名词单数可数名词 another +数词数

30、词+复数可数名词复数可数名词=数词数词+more+复数可数名词复数可数名词如:如: Please drink another cup ( = one more cup) of tea. Please drink _ _cup of tea. Where shall we be in another ten years ? Where shall we be in _ _years?one moreten more根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子。根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子。1. The cheongsam is a well-known item of Chinese t_ clothing.2

31、. There are 55 m_ in our country.3. He added his s_ to the document. 4. Nick can watch TV, but _(至于)(至于)you, you have to finish your homework first.5. The cheongsam is becoming popular in the world of _ (高级时装领域)(高级时装领域).6. The model _ (在(在中央)中央)the catwalk looks so beautiful.raditionalinoritiesignat

32、ureas forhigh fashionin the center of ( ) 1. My friend wanted to know _ with his new car. A. what wrong is B. what is wrong C. what wrong was D. what was wrong( ) 2. Thats not a common dress . People_it a cheongsam. A. called B. is calling C. call D. is called( ) 3. -Would you like _cup of tea? -No,

33、thanks. A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( ) 4. Look !Here _! A. the bus come B. come the bus C. comes the bus D. the bus comes( ) 5. Jack tells me _. A. where will he go B. where will he go C. where he would go D. where he will go 单项选择。单项选择。DCBCD单项选择单项选择( ) 1. Here _ another three girls. A. is B. comes C. come D. go ( ) 2. What did Li Zhiwei say just now? He said he _ his homework in the classroom at that time. A. did B. is doing C. was doing D. does( ) 3. There _ a ta


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