



1、Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? (总分 100 分)一、 语音知识:选出划线部分的发音与其他不一致的一项。 (5 分 )()1.A.speakB.breakfastC.meatD.eat()2.A.showB.knowC.howD.grow()3.A.schoolB.chessC.chickenD.China()4.A.yourB.ourC. fourD. draw()5.A.whenB.whyC.whoD.what(15 分)1 )短语翻译:6. 弹 吉 他7.下中国象棋8. 擅 长 于 做 某 事9.10. 敲 鼓11.12. 和 . 相 处 的 好13.1

2、4. 在 周 末15.游泳俱乐部(2)在B栏中选择A栏的答句:A()16.Canyousing ordance?am.()17.Areyouplayingfootball?ance.()18.What club do you want to join ?()19.Can you draw?unds great.()20. Let s tellChess club.三、选择填空题: ( 30 分)()21. Let s go_ violin.A. a, theD. the , the()22. Who wantsA. to joinsD. joining()23. I alwaysstories

3、.and play football.IB. the, athe singing club?B. joinhelp my brother hisB. withA. Yes, IB. Ican dC. Yes,Ican.D. SoE.don twant to play _C. /, theC. to joinEnglish.A. toC. forin theirsoccer team.C. areD. of()24. Maybe he can _A. isB. beD. am()25.I can sing songs very.A.wellB. muchC. goodD.bad()26. Can

4、 you play the violin? I can play the guitar.A.Yes,I doB. No,I don' t C. YesIcanD. No, I can' t()27.Can you help me with?A.danceB. to danceC. dancesD. dancing()28. My friend Linda is good at .A. drawB. to drawC. drawingD. draws()29. We want some singers our school concert.A. forB. atC. withD.

5、 to( )30. He is funny. He likes interesting stories.A. talkingB. sayingC. tellingD. speaking( )31. Can you swim or play ping-pong?.A. Yes,I amB. YesIcan C. I can swimdon' t know()32. Are you good kids?D. toA. withB. atC. for()33. Can I help you? can do it myself (我自己)A. Yes,please.B. Sorry.C. Ve

6、ry good.D. No,thanks.()34. do you join theA. WhatB. WhereD. How()35. Can you Chinese ?A. sayB. talkclub? I likeC. WhyC. speakmusic.D. tell四、完形填空:(10分)Mike and Ann are36They live in a large house. The house is 37 the foot of a mountain (big hill ) . Near the mo untain 38 a lake. There are four people

7、 in the family: Mike, Ann, their father and their mother.Their father is a farmer. He 39 a farm not far from the ir house. Their mother is at home. She is a housewife (家 庭主 妇).Mike and Ann 40_ every day.They are 41, but they are 42. Mike is in Grade 2. Annisin Grade 1.Mikelikes 43.He likesswimmingan

8、d playingfootball.Afterschoolhe often playsfootball44 hisclassmates.to help(herAnn is a goodmother45girl. After school, the housework.she oftengoes home)36. A. brothersand sistersB.brother and sisterC a sister(37. A. at.abrother and sisterB. inC. underD. abrother and)D. on( )38.A. hasB. haveC. is th

9、ereD. thereis()39A.areworking B. isworkingC. worksonD. worksat()40. Ago to the farmB. go to schoolC. go tothe villageD. go to thelake()41. A. at the same schoolB. at the same schoolsC. in the same schoolD. in the same schools ( )42. A. in different gradesB. in a different gradeC. at different grades

10、D. at a differentgrade()43. A sportsB. studyC. farmingD. housework( )44. A. andB. withD. or(45. A. doingB. doesD. in五、阅读理解:(10分)Tom and Mike are good friends.C. but)C. withThey are kind to children. TheySummer Camp needs help with sports,music and computers. They areboth very glad to hear(说) this.To

11、m can play basketball听and volleyball,and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin,the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computersvery much. Can they join the Summer Camp?()46. Tom and Mike want to .A. help with sports, music and computersB. be good with childrewant to find summe

12、r jobs. One day Tom tellsMike that Beidaihe KidsC.he( A.joinCamp)47.the Summer CampD. get helpWhat does the Summer Camp need help with?from tking(A.Flying kitescakes.B. Sports, music andD. Drawing puters.C. Ma)48. ballsTom canplayB. computer gamesC.musicD. violin(A.)49. theMike candrumsp

13、layB. volleyballC. basketballD. football(A.)50. What doFootball.D. Sports.TomandB.Mike both like?Computers.C. Swimming.六、单词拼写:10 分)52.Sheisgood at _ (讲故事) .53.SheisChinese, but she( 说 ) English very well.54.The( 音乐人)like guitars and violins.55.Hewantsto be a ( 歌唱家) in the future( 将来 ).56.Doyouwant t

14、o( 交朋友) with the boy?57.Canyou(表演)ushowto play the guitar? 58. She says she likes ( 画画).59.He( 参加 ) theart club in the evening.60.Doyouwant to go tothe ( 讲故事) club?七、句型转换:句型转换:10 分)61.Canheplay chess or play tennis? ( 选用 chess 进行回答).62.Shecansing and dance.( 否定句 )She dance.63.Tomcanplay the violin.(

15、 一般疑问句 )_ Tom theviolin?64.Shewants to join theEnglish club. ( 就划线部分提问 )( 跳舞 )51.to join?sheI likeand playing the guitar.65. My sister wants to swim .( 一般疑问句 )sisterswim?八、书面表达:根据提示写一篇不少于60 个词的短文: ( 10 分) 提示:1. 我的朋友 Leo 是学生,他来自美国,所以他会说英文, 他也会说一点汉语。 他是一个 有趣的人,他喜欢讲故事,人人都喜欢他。他擅长美式足球,他想加入一个足球俱乐部。他 也喜欢拉小

16、提琴,他认为那很令人放松。2. 自由发挥。3. 词数不少于60 词。My friend参考答案1 5 B C A B C二、 (1)6、 play the guitar 7、 play Chinese chess 8、 be good at sth.9、 play Kung fu 10、 play the drums 1113、 make friends 14、 on the weekend(2) 16 20 B A E C D三、 21 25 C C B B A 26 30 四、 36 40 BADCB 41 45 CAABC 五、telling stories57. showchess.want65.singwant、


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