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1、6B Unit5知识点及考点精炼6B Unit5 单元知识汇总一、四会单词Children ' s Dfey节begin 开始end 结束二、三会单词Clown 小丑appear 出现balloon 气球put on 上演,表演三、短语积累1、Children ' s DaylL童节2、on Children ' s Day在儿童节3、 this Sunday 这周日 4.have a party 举办聚会5、at the party 在聚会上 6、buy some snacks and drinks买些零食和饮料7、 bring some fruit from hom

2、e 从家里带些水果8、bring their things to Mike'搞他ouse东西带到了迈克家9、 play with her friends 和她的朋友一起玩先玩玩具10、 play with the toys first 11、at Mike ' s house /in Mike ' s®®e家12、 Sunday morning 星期天上午13、 on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午14、 just then 就在那时15、 some balloons 一些气球16.have some fun 玩会儿.玩得开心17

3、、 look out of the window 朝窗外看18、 look out for 小心,当心18、 the lovely snow 可爱的雪19、 go to a Western party 去一个西方的派对20、 take a gift 带个礼物21、 arrive too early 到得太早22、 be a few minutes late 迟到几分钟23、 play the piano 弹钢琴24、 tell a story讲故事25、 put on a play 表演一个戏剧 26、 wear his new clothes 穿他的新衣服27、 think of some

4、party games 想一些聚会游戏28、 know about parties 知道有关聚会的知知29、 answer Mike s question 回答麦克的问题30、 do sth. for the party 为聚会做某事32.look for some fruit 寻找一些水果33、 look after the little child 照顾小孩34、 look at the blackboard 看黑板35、 borrow some books 借一些书 36、 have a party 进行一个聚会37、 a clown appears 一个小丑出现了 38、 begin

5、our party 开始我们的聚会39、 end the party 结束聚会40、 buy something for the party 为聚会买些东西16B Unit5知识点及考点精炼4、 bring something to the party 带些东西到晚会四、重点句型1、Class beginsff始上课2、The party ends聚会结束3、A clown appears个小丑出现了4、It is Children ' s Day this SUflday!儿童节 5、Where are you going to the party?你们将去哪里举办聚会?6、 I a

6、m going to bring some toys我打算带些玩具。7、Are you going to eat or play with the toys first?你们打算先吃还是玩玩具?8、 Does anybody know why we have snow?有人知道为什么我们有雪吗 ?9、 Whens the party going to begin? 聚会什么时候开始 ?10、When s it going to end?它什么时候结束?11、 What is he going to do for the party? 他打算为聚会做什么 ?12、 There are six c

7、hildren at the party. 在聚会上有六个小朋友五、语法 一般将来时一般将来时的基本结构:主语+ be going to/will+动词原形。一般疑问旬:be+主语+ going to+动词原形?Will+主语+动词原形?(第一人称为主语时,W川变为Shall)肯定回答:Yes,曲语例问的助动词.否定回答:No,+主语+提问的助动词+not.你们打算明天玩什么 ?你们打算明天在哪里玩?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+助动词(will 或者其他的表将来的助动词)+主语+要做的事情What are you going to play tomorrow?Where are you going

8、 to play tomorrow?你们打算明天什么时候玩? When are you going to play tomorrow?t.你们打算明天踢打篮球吗 ? Are you going to play basketball tomorrow?Yes, we are. / No, we arenWill和be going to结构的区别1、两者均可用来表示将来的意图,但"be going to”结构语义稍强些。例如:They are going to climb the Qomolangma one day.他们准备 / 想将来某一天去爬珠穆朗玛峰。, 应使用 be going

9、 to, 而不是 will 结构。例如: What are you going to do next Sunday?下星期天你打算干什么? I'm going to go fishing. 我打算去钓鱼。3、对于未经过考虑的打算,计划,只是临时之意,则用 will结构,不用be going to结构。例如: Where is the telephone book? 电话号码簿在哪儿? I'll go and get it for you. 我去给你拿。4、在表示即将发生某事时,两者区别意义不大,多可互换。例如:What is going to happen? 就要发生什么事?W

10、hat will happen? 将要发生什么事?一般说来, be going to 表示较近的将来,而will 则表示较远的将来。试比较:It is going to snow tonight. 今晚要下雪。There will be a strong wind in a few days. 几天后将有一场大风。5、表示不受人的主观意愿影响的单纯将来,一般只能用will结构。例如:Tomorrow will be April Fools' Day. 明天是愚人节。6、在正式的通知(如新闻媒体公布的官方消息,气象预报等)中用 will结构。例如:There will be a heav

11、y rain to the south of Huai River.淮河以南将有大雨。六、作文Plans for the partyIt sChildren s Day this Sunday. We are going to have a party at Helen s party.Mike is going to buy some snacks and drinks for the party. Yangling is going to bring some toys.We are going to have some fun first,then we are going to eat

12、 and drink at the party.按课文内容填空Unit 5Children s Day is on the of . The children are going to a party Mike s house.Su Hai is going to buy some sand d. Wang Bing is going to bring some f from home. Yang Ling is going to bring some toys and play her friends the party.What is Liu Tao going to do the par

13、ty? He is going to dress up as a c and he willbring some b.When you go to a W party, you should take a. Do not arrive too. Youcan be a few late.Bobby s class is going to have a party soon. Billy is going to play the p. Willy is going to tell a s. Sam is going to on a play, and Bobby is going to the

14、king. Theparty is going to b at three and it is going to e at five in the evening.课堂点拨一.一般将来时的四大句式【be going tO1 .肯定句(1)【易错】There a concert(W乐会)in Suzhou next month.A.was B.is going to be C.are D.is going to(2)Look at the black clouds in the sky. It.A.rain B.is raining C.is going to rain D.rains(3)I

15、a man behind me just now.A.see B.saw C.am seeing D.is going to see(4)My sister will to Suzhou this afternoon.A. going B. go C. is going(5)【易错】It is(cloud) now. It(rain) soon.2 .一般疑问句(1)your brother a magazine from home?A. Are; going to bring B. Is; going to bring C. Will; bringing(2)your brother a m

16、agazine from home?A. Are; going to bring B. Is; going to bringC. Will; bring D. Are; going to bring3 .(1)the party going to begin? A. What' s B. Who' s C. When' s (2)We are going to see a play tomorrow.(寸划线部分提问) (3)We' re going to come home at 4:30.附戈U线部分进行提问)二.这课里的“一般现在时”(1)【易错】The

17、party(开始).The children were all happy.(2)Bobby(bring) us some fruit from home every day.三.本课中的一些短语(1)They are going to have a picnic. Would you like to join?A.us B.them C.they D.our (2)the window, you can see the colorful flowers.A. Look out B. Look out of C. Look for (3)Let ' s a play on Christ

18、mas Day.A. put on B. put off C. put up (4)We must the bikes and cars.A. look out of B. look out for C. look at D. watch课后巩固题一.选择()1.【易错】It' s too late. I home.A.go B.am going to C.am going to go D.went()2.My dad Beijing next month.A. will going to B. is going to C. want to go()3.【易错】It' s a

19、nice day. Let s a picnic this afternoon.A. going to have B. having C have()4.【易错】There a ball game next week.A.will have B.will has C. is going to be()5.you basketball tomorrow afternoon?A. Do; play B. Are; play C. Are; going to play D. Will; playing()6.【易错】He a clown for the party.A.is going to B.

20、going to be C. is going to be( )7.What are you going to dothe party ?A.in B.on C.at( )8.Children's Day isJune.A. on B.in C.at二.填入适当的词1. tell (过去式)2.angry (副词)3.safely 白 词)4.early(反义词)5.happy (副词)6.gift(同义词)7.end(反义词)8.begin(现在分词)9.bring(反义词)10.invite(ing 形式)11 .My father(go) to Shanghai tomorrow

21、 afternoon.12 .Wang Bing(buy) some fruit from the supermarket soon.13 .【易错】Tomorrow is(child) Day.14 .【易错】From then on, the lost cat never(出现).15 .【易错】He suddenly(出现)in front of us that day.三.翻译1.朝,外看 2.一个西方聚会3 .到达太早 4.晚几分钟5 .在儿童节 6.举行派对7 .从家里带些水果 8.上演一出戏9 .to be a clown 10.an invitation11 .做国王12 .他

22、没有打算住那座小屋。He in the small house.13.Sam(将成为一名国王).14 .他将在床上呆两天。He is going to in bed two days.15 .下个星期一是儿童节。It's next .16 .明年夏天你会去海南吗? you going to summer?17 .他们将在聚会上和他们的朋友玩。They totheir friend at the party.18 .我的哥哥将要成为一名医生。My brother to a doctor.19 .你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?your mother go shopping this?20 .你爸

23、爸要去钓鱼吗?your father21 .你们打算什么时候见面? you ?22 .这学期什么时候结束? this term end?23 .我们在哪里见面?are we to meet ?24 .看那些乌云,要下雨了。Look the black. It's25 .莉莉将为晚会做些什么?Lily going the party?26 .看窗户外!下雪了。the window! It is snowing.27 .你能带给我一些故事书吗?Can you some .六.句型转换1 .Nancy is going to play the violin.改为一般疑问句)2 .The ch

24、ildren are going to visit Shanghai this holiday以为一般疑问句 )3 .They' re going to the Sun Island by bus4寸划线部分提问) they the Sun Island.4 .Let' s go to the farm.做为同义句)go to the farm?5 .Tim eats a lot of sweets every day.(改成否定旬)1.1 like winter best.(改为同义句)is my season.7 .We would like some flowers.改为

25、一般疑问句)8 .They will see a play next Sunday以为同义句)9 .Mike watches a film.(改为一般将来时)10 .We did homework at home.做为一般疑问句)复习提高一.选择( )1.David is talking his plans for the weekene.A.with B.to C.for D.about( )2.-Would you like to go to the theatre with me?-A.Yes, I like. B.Yes, I ' d love toC.No, I can &#

26、39; D.Yes, you can.()3.【易错】Just then, the rain.A. stopped B. is stopping C. stops D. is going to stop()4.【易错】It' s Tuesday morning. Yang Ling doesnt to school.A. on; go B. /; goes C. on; goes D. /; go( )5.You can be minutes late for the parents' meeting.A. a few B. a little C. fewD. little(

27、)6.Tim ' s mother angry because Tim homework yesterday.A. is, isn ' t doing B. did, didn ' t dC. was,didn ' t do()7.Mr. Smith swimming every weekends. But hedo it last week.A. goes; didn' t B. goes; doesn ' t C. went; didn ' t()8.【易错】 Mr Green usually his friends when he

28、was young.A. writes B. is writing C. wrote()9.-What' s the weather like in the UK? - It ' s often.A. raining B. rainy C. rains()10.What beautiful flowers!A. a B. /C. the()11.Be, please. You shouldn ' t talk in the library.A. quiet, loud B. quietly, loudly C. quiet, loudly()12.【易错】It is g

29、oing to be May Day next Monday.A.on B.inC./()13.-Is that Gao Shan -.A. Yes, I am B. No, I am not C. Yes, speaking D. Yes, that is()14.You can use a pen words.A. write B. to write C.writes二.填词1 .Here(be) some water for you.2 .【易错】 Let' s have some fun(one).3 .【易错】 (Do) anybody know why we have sn

30、ow?4 .To keep(健康),you must exercise every day.5 .【易错】 Sandy wants(be) a teacher.6 .The(happy) girl danced( happy).7 .【易错】 There(be) two glasses of juice in the cup just now.8 .Mike read some books and( watch) TV.9 .Tom is going to go(climb) with his friends this Saturday.10 .【易错】Su Hai, ( not put) y

31、our hands on the desk."Suddenly 徒然)a clown(appear) at the party.12 .April is(four) month (月) of a year.13 .He will buy (they) parents some presents.14 .What they (do) last night?15 .What they (do) tomorrow night ?16 .【易错】 Would you love(join) us?17 .【易错】Shall we(clean) the classroom now?四.连词成句,

32、注意句子字母大小写和标点you, going, do, Sunday, what, are, to, next五.改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1. Liu Tao bring some toys from his home.2. What are you going next Monday.3. Would you like go with us? 4. Shall we begins the lesson 5. We are go to fly kites. 六.阅读理解(A)正确的写“ T',错误的写“ F”Mr. Smith was angry with

33、his wife, and his wife was angry with him. For many days they didn ' t speak to each other at all.One evening Mr. Smith was very tired when he came back from work. So he went to bed soon after supper. Of course, he didn ' t say anything to Mrs. Smith before th Mrs. Smith did some washing. Wh

34、en she want to bed, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On the paper were words.Mother: Wake me up at seven in the morning.When Mr. Smith woke up the next morning. It was nearly night. He saw the piece of paper on the small table near his bed. He took it and found these words.Father: Wake up. It ' s seven.()1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn ' t speak to each other ttecawssre angrywith each other.()2. That evening Mr


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