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12、1;Ò£»2¡¢¿ÉÊʵ±Ôö¼Óϸ½Ú£¬Ê¹ÐÐÎÄÁ¬¹á¡£·¶ÎÄ£ºdear parents,now i know clearly that you both are expecting me

13、anxiously. i can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when i want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since i went to senior three. these days i have been studying hard and have made some progress

14、. and everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. i have performed my ability in this exam. i hope you both can set your mind at rest.after this exam, i intend to help you do some housework which i have seldom done before. and i also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare

15、a dinner for you both in person. my dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest!best wishesÓÅÄáÈ«ÄÜÓ¢ÓïÌṩ´¿Ó¢Ê½Ó׶ùÓ¢Óï



18、91;ªÊ¼Ó¢Óïѧϰ֮Âá£Æª¶þ£ºÓ¢ÎÄ-д¸ø¸¸Ä¸µÄ¸ÐлÐÅthank-you letterdear mom and dad,altho

19、ugh we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of msn or e-mails, istill feel it not enough to let you know how much i love you and how much i¡¯veappreciated the things you¡¯ve done for me. i find that it will never be too much to saythank you to you, my beloved parents.firs

20、t, i want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. i was told thatyou were short of money when i was born and it became even more difficult for ayoung couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. so i appreciateyour careful nursing very much for giving me a good he

21、alth and the feeling of beingloved.second, i want to thank you for your good education on me. there is an old sayinggoes like this ¡°parents are the first teacher to their children¡±. yes, you are the typicalones. you were so strict with me that i told my kindergarten teacher of

22、my wonderabout whether i was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. touching onthis soft spot deeply in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. i won¡¯t forgetthe scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. i couldn¡¯t stop tremblingall over. i

23、was ashamed to cry when you beat me. i thought i deserved this punishmentand told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.i won¡¯t forget how much you¡¯ve impressed on me to love books and reading. even inthe most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the

24、books i was fond of.my love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing articles myself.so many times, i have felt a sense of content when i saw your smiling faces onreading my articles, good or bad. in fact, this graduated into one of my habits ofsharing everything i achieved with you

25、 and feeling content with your smiles i¡¯m sofoolish to try to write all the things you¡¯ve done in my favor. if it is possible, thisletter must be endless.so, the most important thing that i want to say ¡°thank you¡± for is your greatadmiration on my own free

26、dom. you never forced me to do anything i was notinterested in, even you had already known that i would regret not doing it. you neverforbade me to do anything i was truly interested in and supported me financially andmentally. you told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreamswithou

27、t hesitation. you also told me to consider everything carefully before gettingstart. oh, wherever i go, i can see your eager eyes ; whenever i am, i can touch yourgenuine hearts. you¡¯ve been loving me heart and soul, how can i repay yourmarvelous love to me?i really feel that my pen fails

28、 me when i am writing this thank you letter. luckily,yourswang minyuandear mum,thank you for bringing me to this world! during the 20 years, you havedone a lot for me, but suddenly i find that i have never stopped and saidto you how much i feel the need to thank you! now, thanksgiving day ison the w

29、ay, i wish to express my thanks to you.first of all, thank you for giving my life! you have not had me! youlet me know how precious life is! you let me see the beautiful world! yougive the chance to me know the people who love me and loved by me! thankyou, mum! you are the greatest person in the wor

30、ld! i want to say, i loveyou!secondly, thank you for bringing me up! with your great care, i growhealthily and strong! when i was ill, you always took time off work tolook after me! how worried you were! i know, that¡¯s your love for me!but when you were ill, i find that i never looked aft

31、er you! when i thinkabout this, i feel very ashamed! sorry, mum, i should take care of youas your son, but! besides, mum, do you know, you are such a terrific cook!i thank you for the years of eating your good cooking, the equal of whichi hadn¡¯t found since! mum, i want to say, i love you

32、!lastly, thank you for teaching me how to be a human! i learned to tellthe truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. soi have a lot of friends and have a happy life! thank you, mum! i love you!love from,sonÎÒ¸Äһϣºdear mom,tha

33、nk you for bringing me to this world! during the 20 years,you have donea lot for me,but suddenly i find that i have never stopped and said toyou how much i feel the need to thank you!now, mothers day is on the way,iwish to express my thanks to you.first of all ,thank you for giving me my life!if you

34、 have not had me, i wont be able to see the beautiful world! you let me know how precious life is!you give the chance for me to know the people who love me and loved by me! thank you, mom!you are the best person in the world!i want to say,i love you!secondly,thank you for bringing me up!with your gr

35、eat care,i grow healthly and strong!when i was ill,you always took time off from work to look after me!how worried you were!i know,thats your love for me!but when you were ill,i find that i never looked after you!when i think about this,i feel very ashamed!sorry,mom,i should take care of you like a

36、son shoule be doing!besides,mum,do you know that you are such a terrific cook!i enjoy the years of eating your good cooking,the equal of which i had not found ever. mom,i want to say,i love you!lastly,thank you for teaching me how to be a human!i learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgivin

37、g and considerate of others.so i have a lot of friends and have a happy life!thank you,mom!i love you!love from,sonƪÈý£º¸ø¸¸Ä¸µÄ¸ÐлÐÅ-Ó¢ÎÄdear mom and dad,although we can only ke

38、ep in touch with each other by the telephone or the internet, i wish i could let you know how much i love you and how much i¡¯ve appreciated the things you¡¯ve done for me. it is never too much to say thank you to you, my dear parents.first and the most important is that thank yo

39、u for bringing me to this world. during the 20 years, you have done a lot for me, but i haven¡¯t realized how much i love you until i left home to the university. i understand how much effort you have cost to bring me up. now, i have grown up, i can look after you.second, i want to thank y

40、ou that you give me a good environment to grow up. there is an old saying ¡°parents are the first teacher to their children¡±. in my life, you are the typical ones. because of your good examples i formed the good habit of learning at an early age which benefits my life.i really m

41、iss you when i am writing this thank you letter. i can¡¯t wait to go home to share more time together with you.you are my most important people in the world and i will love you forever.yours,xxxƪËÄ£º¸ß¿¼Ó¢Óï¸Ð

42、лÐÅ»ã×ܸÐлÐÅ1. ±í´ï¸Ð¼¤Ö®Ç飬¼òµ¥³ÂÊöдÕâ·â¸ÐлÐŵ

43、96;Ô­Òò£» 2. Ïêϸ˵Ã÷Òª¸ÐлµÄÊÂÓÉ£¬´ë´Ê¸ü¼Ó¾ßÌåÕæ³Ï¡£ÔÙ 

44、0;αíʾÕæ³ÏµÄ¸Ðл£»3. Ïò¶Ô·½±í´ï×Ô¼ºÕæ³ÏµÄ×£¸££¬ÔٴεÀ&

45、#208;»¡£ÓÐʱ¿ÉÏò¶Ô·½·¢³öÑûÇë¡£ ¸ÐлÐÅÄ£°å 1 dear _£¬¢Ù i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _(

46、¸ÐлµÄÔ­Òò)£®¢Ú if it had not been for/had it not been for/ without your assistance in _(¶Ô·½¸øÄãµÄ¾ßÌå°ïÖú)£¬ i would (not) have

47、been _(ûÓжԷ½°ïÖúµÄºó¹û)£® ¢Û everyone agrees that it was you who _ (¸ø³öϸ½Ú)£® ¢Ü again, i would like to express my warm thank

48、s to you! ¢Ý please accept my gratitude.yours sincerely,li ming¸ÐлÐÅÄ£°å 2dear _ ,¢Ù i am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for _(¸ÐлÊÂÓÉ)¡£¢Ú id

49、 like you to know how much your meant to me. ¢Û you have a positive genius for_(¶ÔÊÕÐÅÈËijһ·½ÃæµÄÔÞÃÀ). ¢Ü i not only enjoyed _, but also_. ¢Ý i shall ever rem

50、ember _as one of the most _in my life.¢Þ i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating(±¨´ð). ¢ß i will feel very honored and pleased if you _ (±í´ï×Ô¼º»Ø±¨µÄÐÄÔ¸)¡

51、;£¢à i am looking forward to seeing you next time!¢á i repeat my thanks for your_. ¢â please give my kind regards to your_.yours sincerelyli ming1£¨2010ÄêÕã½­Ê¡áéÖÝÊУ©¼&





56、#181;¡£ÇëÒÔÊéÐÅÐÎʽºÍ°Ö°ÖÂèÂè̸̸¡£ ²Î¿¼´Ê»ã ¹ÄÀøencourage /encouragement ¶Ô

57、1;£¡£¡£¸Ð¼¤be grateful to sb. dear mum and dad how are you doing?²Î¿¼·¶ÎÄdear mum and dadhow are you doing? how time flies¡£i am now a senior three student ,enjoying many successes as well as going through

58、 a number of failures,which shows that i have really grown up.whenever i am thinking of these,i can¡¯t help feeling grateful to you.it is you who first give me encouragement when i meet with difficulties,especially when i am not getting along well with my my studies.indeed,your inspiration

59、 seems to be a lamp,which offers me light of hope,courage and confidence.and more importantly,you are always teaching me to be good to others,and try to contribute to our society.yours sincerely,ÇëÓÃÓ¢Óïдһ·â100´Ê×

60、óÓҵĸÐлÐÅ¡£li hua dear li hai,yours, wang hua3¼ÙÈçÄãÊÇÒ»Ãûʧѧ¶ùͯ£¬Ãû½ÐÀ£&

61、#172;ÄãÓÐÐҵõ½ÔÚÖйú¹¤×÷µÄmr. brownµÄ×ÊÖú£¬¿ÉÒÔÖØ·µÐ£Ô°¡£Äã¸

62、8;mr. brownдÁËÒ»·âÐÅ£¬ÄÚÈÝÈçÏ£º ¡ï ÊÕµ½Ç®ºÍÊéºóÄÜÖØ·µÐ£Ô°£¬

63、;·Ç³£¸Ð¼¤£»¡ï ÔÚÀÏʦµÄ°ïÖúÏ£¬Ñ§Ï°ÓÐÁ˺ܴóµÄ½ø²½£¬Ê

64、0;µ½ÀÏʦµÄ±íÑïºÍ¹ÄÀø£» ¡ï ¾öÐĸü¼ÓŬÁ¦Ñ§Ï°£¬È¡µÃ¸ü´óµ&#

65、196;½ø²½£»¡ï ÅÎÍû¼ûµ½mr. brown£¬Ï£ÍûËû¼ÄÀ´Ò»ÕÅÕÕƬ¡£×¢Ò⣺1. ÊéÐ&


67、#187;2. ´ÊÊý£º100×óÓÒdear mr. brown£¬i am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the money and books you sent me. i could not have returned to school without your help. thank you so much.i have been working hard since i went back to sc

68、hool. i have made great progress in my studies with the help of my teachers. they often praise me and encourage me. but for your help, i might have left school and couldn¡¯t have got such a good education. i have made up my mind to study harder and make greater progress.how are you getting

69、 on with your life and work? i would like to meet you in person, but i have no opportunity to do so. would you please send me a photo of yourself? thank you again for your generous help and best wishes!yours sincerely, li hua¼ÙÉèÄãÊÇÀ



72、;ÕæʵÐÕÃûÓëµØÖ·¡£dear mr. rogers,it is my great pleasure to show my hearty thanks to you for your hospitality and courtesy to me during my stay in london.originally i only wanted to call on you and gave my father¡&#

73、175;s regards to you, as it had been three years since you and he last saw each other. but you insisted that i stay in your house during my visit in london and took good care of my life as if i were a family member of you instead of the daughter of one of your friends. you really added greatly to my

74、 convenience and pleasure of the whole trip.thank you again for your kindness and i hope that i will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitality.yours faithfully,li huaƪÎ壺ӢÓï¸ÐлПÐл

75、;ÐÅ¿ªÍ·¶Î³£ÓþäʽºÍÌ×»°i am writing to express my thanks for.i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for. i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for. ¸ÐлÐ

76、Žáβ¶Î³£ÓþäʽºÍÌ×»°my true gratitude is beyond description.i must thank you again for your (generous) help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation. please accept my gratitude, now and alw

77、ays.¡ïÀý£ºdirections:after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. write a letter:1) mentioning what happened in the accident,2) telling the person about your recovery, and3) expressing your thanks.you should write with no less than 100 w

78、ords on answer sheet2. do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. you do not need to write the address. ·¶ÎÄ£ºdear john,i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my

79、bike by a taxi. if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious¸ÐлÐÅд×÷²½Ö裺Ê׶Î



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