已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校Lesson 1. Time arrangementPart I : Listen to the material (40mins)Part H : English Discussion(lh) .Teaching Objective1. Listening to the tape and watching video, so as to get interested in listening and talking in English, and then develop the interest in Eng

2、lish learning.2. To understand the materials listened .esp difficult sentences.3. To share their opinions about fashion.4. To practice role-playing on related materialsID. Teaching ProceduresStep One: BBC English- Fashion VictimNeil: You're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. I&

3、#39;m Neil.Helen: 大家好 , 我是 Helen, 希望在今天的地道英语中您能学到实用的新表达。Neil: Are you a fashion victim Helen?Helen: I'm not sure. 我挺喜欢时装的。Neil: A fashion victim is someone who always wears the most fashionable clothes, or follows the latest fads.Helen: Fads -短期的流行趋势。喜欢时尚难道是件坏事吗?为什么这些追求时尚的人被称为 victims 牺牲者,受害者呢?N

4、eil: They are fashion vict ims because they wear things which don st uit them, or look ridiculous, just because they are in fashion.Helen: Ah, 原来这些人盲目地追求时尚,没有考虑新潮流的时装到底适不适合他们。Neil: A fashion victim might wear something very unflattering, just because it's fashionable.Helen: Unflattering -不合身的,突出

5、自己缺点的。ExampleA: Look at Lucy. Doesn't she look ridiculous in that dress? It doesn't suit her at all.B: Yeah she's only wearing it because she saw it in a magazine. She's such a fashion victim.Helen: 我们复习一下,今天我们学到的新表达是Neil: Fashion victim.Helen: 时尚牺牲者,指的是那些盲目追求时尚的人,对时尚其实并没有真正的理解。Neil:

6、 Goodbye.Helen: 我们下次节目再见!(I) Vocabulary1. fashion victim: 时尚牺牲者2. he latest fads: 短期的流行趋势3. Unflattering :不合身的,突出自己缺点的(II) Background Notes The Year Of Dressing Ridiculously-Power shoulders 大垫肩,towering platform shoes 松糕鞋,leg warmers 暖腿套 , andwomen's blazers cut for football players 穿起来感觉像橄榄球运动员

7、的带垫肩女士短上衣,Skinny jeans for men 男士烟管牛仔裤I've compiled a list of the worst - and best - trends of 2009. 我列举了一些2009 年的最差和最佳着装。unless your budget is unlimited, super-trendy styles are what H&M, Zara and Target weremade for. Save your luxury dollars for clothes that won't make you cringe.:除非你的

8、置装预算多得没边,否则,你要知道真正超级时尚风范是由H&M 、 Zara 和 Target 等品牌创造的。你还是把你打算花在奢侈品上的银子省下来,买些不会让你看起来招人烦的衣裳吧。The Bad and the Ugly-KILLER BOOTIES. 粗跟短靴we should wonder what it says that so many stylish women have been clomping aroundlike draft horses in giant ankle-boots that are often adorned with buckles, straps

9、and fringe.我们应该想想那么多时髦女子穿着这种粗笨、仅到脚踝、还多半装点着扣子、皮带和流苏的大号靴子,活像拉车的马一样拖着沉重的脚步走来走去到底说明了什么育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰- -SKINNY JEANS FOR MEN.男士烟管牛仔裤- -SHORT SHORTS WITH TIGHTS.热裤搭配连裤袜Unless you are six feet tall and resemble a fashion model, this look's chunky horizontal blocks of color will make you look several

10、 inches shorter and wider. See skirts with booties. 除非你身高6英尺,有着模特儿般的好身材。这身装扮中大块横向延展的色彩会使你看上 去在变矮了几英寸的同时又加宽了几英寸。在这一问题上你可以参考短靴与短裙的搭配。- -POWER SHOULDERS.超级大垫肩- -NECKTIE BLOUSES.领结上衣- -HAREM PANTS. 灯笼裤Let's not get started on these baggy-bottomed trousers, which really don't look flattering, eve

11、n if you can emerge from a small bottle and grant us three wishes. Not even if Giorgio Armani designed them.我们还是别提这种臀部像口袋一样的裤子了吧,它真的不好看,就算您穿着它从瓶子里钻出来、能实现我三个心愿,我也不能说您好看;就算它是阿玛尼 (Giorgio Armani)设计的,它也不好看。The Good- - 广告狂人"复古装(MAD MEN)。Guys hit the jackpot with this trim, minimalist take on suiting

12、 and sportswear.男士正装和运动装又回归了紧身的极简主义风格。-perfect for theGreat Recession ,这对于大萧条时期再合适不过了。Plus it brought back fedoras andpork-pie hats, giving men a 'total' look and all of us another accessory to shop for.顶软呢帽和平顶卷边圆帽于因此重现江湖。- -女扮男装 BOYFRIEND CLOTHES 。Ladies, if you haven't been stealing cl

13、othes from your men's closets this past year, you've been missing out. Unlike power shoulders, boy-cut jeans and man-style shoes are great because they can be simultaneously flattering and comfortable. 女士们,如果你今年没有 从你家男人的衣橱里面偷衣服的话,那你可落伍了。和权力套装不一样,男式仔裤和鞋子看起来很棒,因为它们集妩媚和舒适于一身。- -白色(细亚麻)衬衣 THE (C

14、RISP) WHITE SHIRT.A winner for women of all ages that should be around for many years, the white shirt projects power and disguises a host of bodily sins.白衬衣适于各个年龄段的女性,应该是常年必备的单品,它凸现出穿着者的权力感,并能掩盖身材上的诸多缺陷。-连衣裙THE DRESS.Whether they're sheaths, wraps, nip-waisted or straight, they share a vital el

15、ement: They make women look like grown-ups rather than baby dolls. Big wide belts pull them together. (But enough with cinching those belts just below the bustline a la Michelle Obama.)无论它们是紧身的、包裹式的、收腰的还是直筒式的,它们都有一个重要的共同点,那就是穿上它女人像个成年人,而不是个娃娃人偶。一条宽腰带可以让人显得很精神。(但是要束在腰部偏高的位置,就像美国第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马(Michelle O

16、bama) 那样。 )-短裤裙 DRESSY SHORTS.-开襟上衣THE CARDIGAN. Let's just say a prayer: Please, let it never, ever be relegatedto just grandpas again. Amen.(III) Training Focus1. Ask the students to get the needed information;2. .Train the students abilities in filling in the missing words;(IV) Consolidation(

17、i)Questions:1. What is your fashion style?2. What are the fashion disasters in your opinion?3. What do you think of the saying- Fine clothes make the ma队靠衣装 佛靠金装 ?Step Two: Speaking Practice ?Two topics for discussion:(1) Do you have the experiences of being a fashion victim? If you do, what are the

18、y?(2) Would you like to be a person dressing elegantly? And do you think it is good for you?Step Three:Process1. Ask the students to listen to the video three times to fill in the missing sentences;2. The teacher check the answers;3. Let the students watch the short play again and do some note-takin

19、g, and then ask some students to tell its main idea;Lesson 2I . Time arrangementPart I : Listen to the material (40mins)Part H : English Discussion(lh) .Teaching Objective1. Listening to the tape and watching video, so as to get interested in listening and talking in English, and then develop the in

20、terest in English learning.2. To understand the materials listened .esp difficult sentences.3. To share their opinions about fashion.4. To practice role-playing on related materialsID. Teaching Procedures育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰Step One: VocabularyUK Graduate Tax英国的毕业税”Proposeproposal提意建议建议(n)scheme计划方某The

21、 UCU=The Universitiesand College Union(UCU)英国高校联盟Miss out错过,忽略,Glossary 同正表graduate tax 一 毕业税lent - ®(款)tuition fees -学费proposal -提议higher-earning -高收入fairer system -更公平的体制ongoing -持续的bracing themselves -做准备predicted -预言debt -债务representing -代表rebrand -新名称milestone -里程碑to ensure -确保contribution

22、s -贡献determined -由决定feasible -可行的radical re-think -彻底的重新思考measures -措施、方法announcement -公告Step Two: Background Introduction育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰英国商务大臣文思?凯博日前提议按照英国大学生毕业后的收入水平对他们征收“毕业税”, 以代替目前的大学学费。这将是高等教育主要改革的措施之一。按照该计划,学生无需再向政府贷款缴纳学费,而是由政府直接向大学划拨学费。学生毕业后一旦找到工作就要开始偿还学费,收入越高,偿还的金额越多。凯博博士在伦敦南岸大学发表演讲前接受英国广播

23、公司今日 节目采访时说:“我们希望引入一个更加公平、结合人们实际偿还能力的方案,并对其进行调研。”此外,作为削减高等教育成本的举措之一,该计划向大学生“推销”两年制的大学课程和更加灵活的业余课程。主持英国高等教育全面评估工作的布朗勋爵将对该提案进行调研,评估报告将于今年秋天公布。应政府削减预算的要求,英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会致信各高校通知本年度将削减2 亿英镑的预算开支,其中包括8200 万英镑的教学津贴。代表大学老师的英国高校联盟告诫政府“不要试图增加民众的经济负担”。高校联盟的秘书长萨莉?亨特说:“如果政府认为可以通过什么毕业税来将高额学费转嫁至民众身上,那简直是在做梦。”英国自 19

24、98 年工党执政期间开始实行大学收费制。目前英国大学生每年需缴纳3225英镑的学费,学生毕业后年收入超过1.5 万英镑时开始偿还这笔贷款。英国毕业税方案胎死腹中2010-07-27来源:上海证券报作者:李俊辰李俊辰为了大学学费,本届保守党自民党的联合政府不光伤透了脑筋,还起了 “内江”。于是今年7月中旬由主管高等教育事务的英国商业、革新和技能部大臣文斯凯布尔( Vince Cable)提出的毕业税方案尚未推出就先被否决。英格兰大学生虽然要缴学费,但学费由政府向学生提供贷款支付,大学生在就读期间可以不必缴费,等于是“先享受、后付款”。对大学生而言,这是一笔很理想的交易,但就纳 税人而言,大学生在

25、就业后收入达到一定标准之后才开始还款,而且这笔教育贷款的利息比照通货膨胀率,等于是零利率贷款。实在是一笔很不划算的生意。自民党的凯布尔认为, 在讨论大学经费来源时,应“优先考虑”毕业税方案,但遭来许多质疑,联合政府内部也有人提议让大学发行债券来筹集资金。而联合政府内部最大的意见,是希望维持学生直接付款给各个大学的方式,因此毕业税这个概念“行不通”。毕业税和大学学费最大的不同点就是,大学学费的偿还金额以每人的借贷金额为基准, 而毕业税则是毕业后收入越高者,缴费越高,甚至超过他们的学费。当然, 这也有其争议性和公平与否的问题。有些大学生付费比较多, 有些付费比较少,让收入高的人缴更多毕业税, 甚至

26、超过他们的大学学费,来补贴其他人的学费,并不是真的公平。此外,也有人担心毕业税会导致人才流失,一流人才毕业后去国外就业,英国政府什么也收不到。与大学学费不同的另外一点是,毕业税是通过纳税的形式进了政府的国库,然后再拨款给大学,而大学学费则是直接付款给各个大学。这笔税收最终可能还是会拨给大学本身,但是拨多少,什么时候拨款,目前还没有确定的说法。 更别提政府拨款给大学通常还会设立一 些附带条件。也就是因为这个原因, 代表英国研究型大学的“罗素集团”主张允许大学收取 学费,而且上限由各大学自行设定。按照这些顶尖学府的看法,名牌大学就算收取昂贵的学 费,也不乏“顾客上门”,大学增加的收入可以设立奖学金

27、,补贴贫穷学生,这点和美国大学的做法相同。但对其他排名不那么靠前的“普通大学”来说,以学费为导向的高等教育市场对他们就很不利了。 对这些大学而言,毕业税是“两害相衡取其轻”的结果,而且实施毕业税,实质上意味着其他大学的毕业生在补贴他们大学生的学费。从下个学年度起,有 40%勺英格兰大学收到的政府拨款下降,另外40%得到的政府拨款虽然有所增加,但增幅低于通货膨胀率,等于实质上的减少。只有20%勺大学得到的政府拨款增加幅度超过5%也就是目前的通货膨胀率。英格兰高等教育拨款委员会表示,政府拨 给大学和继续教育学院的总金额达74亿英镑,这比今年三月的预估要多了 2100万英镑。罗素集团中只有五所大学得

28、到的拨款比去年增加,包括牛津大学,但增比低于通货膨胀率。 伦敦政经学院拨款减少幅度最多,比起去年要减少了6.5%,将近200万英镑。此外,伦敦商学院获得的拨款更一下子减少了12%有分析人士认为,大学得到政府经费减少,可能是因为一些经费转往投资与科学研究方面。那英国大学毕业生就业情况如何呢?据官方数字,去年的大学毕业生有大约 10麻今仍未找到工作。失业率同前一年的8咐目比有所上升。英国高等教育统计局说,这是过去七年来最高的大学毕业生失业数字。而在毕业六个月内即找到职业的大学生比率也由前一年的 62%F降到59%大学毕业生找到工作的难易程度与他们所学专业有关。统计数字显示,所 有医学系的毕业生全部

29、就业,失业率最高的是计算机专业毕业生(17%。艰难阶段失业率最低的前六名专业分别为:医学(0%),教育(5%),法律(6% ,生物(9%),语言(9% ,数学(10%。失业率最高的前六名专业分别为:计算机(17% ,传媒(14% ,建筑、工程、艺术(均为13% ,商业(11%)。对于那些初次走出校门寻求职业的毕业生来说,目 前的确是非常艰难的阶段。 学联负责人说,大学毕业生是推动经济复苏的主要动力,政府应确保这些人的聪明才智不被浪费,努力帮助他们找到合适的职业。现在,所有的讨论都在等待将在保守党10月年会之后公布的由布朗勋爵主持的大学资金和学费检讨报告。检讨报告将就大学如何筹集资金、以及是否要

30、提高目前的大学学费提出建议。目前大学学费上限是一年3225英镑,有人估计可能会涨价至5000英镑,甚至7000英镑。虽然联合政府不同意采用毕业税来支付大学学费,但是也不希望用简单的涨学费方式来解决问题。因为涨学费,等于撕毁了自民党竞选时主张废除大学学费的承诺。Step Three: BBC English- UK Graduate Tax 英国的 毕业税”Spot DictationThe UK government are 1 a graduate tax for students in the future.Currently, students are lent money from t

31、he government to 2 and they pay back themoney once they are earning over 15,000 (160,000 yuan) a year.The new 3 would see students repaying their 4 when they are working, through agraduate tax.This 5would see higher-earning graduates paying more and is said to be a 6.At the moment there is an 7 into

32、 university 8 and students are bracing themselvesfor the outcome.Graduates want fairer university funding Some have predicted that 9 could double,causing more and more students to worry about their personal student debt.The union representing lecturers, the UCU, is worried that the graduate tax 10 w

33、ouldjust be a "11" for student debt and not change the current situation.So what do students make of the graduate tax? Well the National Union of Students says they are pleased and see the proposal of a graduate tax as a12 in a campaign to ensure fairer university funding.The NUS want to m

34、ake sure that graduate 13 are determined on actual earnings.14.They have called for15.The announcement comes at the same time 16 This isdue to a record increase in the amount of people applying to go into further education.Authentic scriptThe UK government are proposing a graduate tax for students i

35、n the future.Currently, students are lent money from the government to cover fees and they pay back the money once they are earning over ?15,000 (130,000 yuan) a year.The new scheme would see students repaying their tuition fees when they are working, through a graduate tax.This proposal would see h

36、igher-earning graduates paying more and is said to be a fairer system.At the moment there is an ongoing review into university fees and students are bracing themselves for the outcome.Graduates want fairer university fundingSome have predicted that tuition fees could double, causing more and more st

37、udents to worry about their personal student debt.The union representing lecturers, the UCU, is worried that the graduate tax scheme would just be a "rebrand" for student debt and not change the current situation.So what do students make of the graduate tax? Well the National Union of Stud

38、ents says they are pleased and see the proposal of a graduate tax as a milestone in a campaign to ensure fairer university funding.The NUS want to make sure that graduate contributions are determined on actual earnings.The government still have to look into how feasible the new scheme would be but t

39、hey have stated that there needs to be a "radical re-think" on how the higher education system is funded.They have called for other measures to cut the cost of university, such as two-year degrees, more part-time and flexible courses and more students living in their family home.育人犹如春风化雨,授

40、业不惜蜡炬成灰The announcement comes at the same time as thousands of people are set to miss out on a UK university place. This is due to a record increase in the amount of people applying to go into further education.(III) Training Focus3. Ask the students to get the needed information;4. .Train the stude

41、nts abilities in filling in the missing words;(IV) Consolidation(i)Questions:1. What is your opinion on Chinese university funding?2. How did you pay your tuition fees ?3. Do you agree to the idea about graduate tax in UK?Step Two:Process1. Ask the students to listen to the video three times to fill

42、 in the missing sentences;2. The teacher check the answers;3. Let the students watch the short play again and do some note-taking, and then ask some students to tell its main idea;Lesson 3I . Time arrangementPart I : Listen to the material (40mins)Part H : English Discussion(lh) .Teaching Objective1

43、. Listening to the tape and watching video, so as to get interested in listening and talking in English, and then develop the interest in English learning.2. To understand the materials listened .esp difficult sentences.3. To share their opinions about fashion.4. To practice role-playing on related

44、materialsID . Teaching Procedures Health: Sunbeds 健康:太阳床(I) BBC VocabularyTanned晒成株色的Achieve完成,达到opting for挑选tanning salons日晒中心desire for tannedskin渴望古铜色皮肤bronzed晒黑的trained staff专业人士self-regulation有自我规章的the British SunbedAssociation英国日光浴协会a higher risk of患上很高风险hit headlines见诸报端unmanned无人驾驶(照管) 的taki

45、ng heed of注意;留心horrified震惊的Celebrity (ies)名流emulate模仿severe burns严重灼伤issued a statement发布公文melanoma恶性黑素瘤Tragedy悲剧2. Vocdbulary 词汇A. Matth the words (1-5) witli the correct definition (a-e).为下列单词(1-5)找出正确的定义(王£).L horrifieda. To feel unhappy because something was not as good as you had expected2

46、, furiousb. To feel anxious or concerned about something3. disappointedc. To feel angry about something4. worriedch To feel unhappy or to be without hope for- the future5. depressede. To feel shocked al?out something(II) Background Notes美国的研究者们表示, 阻止这些潜在问题的出现,关键是鼓励人们不要使用日光浴浴床,减少患皮肤癌的风险。英国议会上议院近来通过一项

47、提案,禁止18周岁以下人员使用日光浴浴床。皮肤学文献集杂志公布了一项调查,在受调查的421名大学生中,其中229名大学生表 示,他们使用过日光浴浴床或者日光灯。去年,日光浴浴床的使用者们参加该类沙龙的平均次数为23次。研究者们让这些人员填写问卷,测试他们的行为是否成瘾。根据定义标准,30麻39%勺日光浴浴床使用者被归类为成瘾。育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰例如,这些人员表示,因为使用日光浴浴床过度,他们感到内疚,他们想减少使用日光浴浴床。进一步的调查表明,学生沉溺于日光浴浴床的标准,是他们有焦虑的迹象,他们还吸食毒品,如酒精和大麻。“日晒狂热”来自纽约史隆凯特林癌症中心的研究者们表示,在减

48、少患皮肤癌风险的步骤当中,需要增加日光浴浴床的成瘾性,以及相关的其他上瘾。“尽管专业人士正在传授人们健康风险知识,关于自然紫外线辐射和非日光紫外线辐射,休闲性的晒黑活动在年轻人当中继续增加。”他们警告说。他们补充道,需要调查那些经常使用日光浴浴床的人们,确定研究焦虑和抑郁是否有用。但是,日光浴协会主席 Gary Lipman对此持怀疑态度,他说:“我不是一个科学家,但是多 年来我阅读了相当多的科学研究资料,所以我马上就能发现,该研究如果有科学简直的话, 也只有一点点。” 很多机构正在争取禁止 18周岁以下人员使用日光浴浴床, 英国癌症研究中心就是其中之一。之前有报道说,英格兰有25万11至17

49、周岁的人员因使用日光浴浴床,有可能患上皮肤癌。苏格兰已经在适当的地方立法限制成年人使用日光浴浴床,威尔士和北爱尔兰已经采取类似的行动,对此进行磋商。英国癌症研究中心政策研究主任 Sarah Woolnough说,那些室内日晒成瘾的研究结果,表明 了禁止18周岁人员使用的日光浴浴床的重要性。她补充说道:“新政府保证,所有的日光浴沙龙拥有一定数量的员工,提供信息提醒使用者们有健康风险。这一点也及其重要。”(II) DictationIn the UK, a country known for its bad weather and lack of sunshine, there appears t

50、o be an ever increasing number of very 1 young people.So just how are they 2? Some are 3 the sun-free option andare getting their tan from a bottle. However, it appears that others are turning to 4, of which there are thousands in the UK.While in China young people often prefer to remain 5, in the U

51、K there seems to be a growing 6. So why do the British prefer to be 7? Often, they are trying to 8, footballers, or footballers .' wivesResearch from 9 suggests that many people believe a tan makes themfeel and look healthier.This is a belief that is most definitely not shared by Cancer Research

52、 UK. They firmly state that being 10 is not a sign of health. In fact, they are strongly against young people using sunbeds. On their website, they state that people who use sunbeds before the age of 35 have 11 -the most dangerous type of 12.The dangers of tanning did not appear to 13 ten-year-old K

53、elly Thompson who 14 in April after15 from spending 16 minutes on a sunbed.Kelly ' s mother was that her daughter had been allowed to use the sunbeds and that 18 was 19. She noted that:"There was noone to give advice on using these 20 machines ”Whether the British government has been 21 suc

54、h recent 22 is not clear.23.Just after Kelly ' story was reported in the news, 24(IV) Original scriptsIn the UK, a country known for its bad weather and lack of sunshine, there appears to be an ever increasing number of very tanned young people.So just how are they achieving their golden tans? S

55、ome are opting for the sun-free option and are getting their tan from a bottle. However, it appears that others are turning to tanning salons, of which there are thousands in the UK.While in China young people often prefer to remain fair, in the UK there seems to be a growing desire for tanned skin.

56、 So why do the British prefer to be bronzed? Often, they are trying to emulate their favourite celebrities, footballers, or footballers wiv es. Researchfrom the British Sunbed Association suggests that many people believe a tan makes them feel and look healthier.This is a belief that is most definit

57、ely not shared by Cancer Research UK. They firmly state that being tanned is not a sign of health. In fact, they are strongly against young people using sunbeds. On their website, they state that people who use sunbeds before the age of 35 have a higher risk of melanoma the most dangerous type of skin cancer.The dangers of tanning did not appear to concern ten-year-old Kell


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