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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前浙江省宁波市慈溪市2020年人教PEP版小升初测试英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.读一读,找出不同类的单词。(1)AbesideBbridgeCbetween(2)AmakesBgoesCcountries(3)AAlaskaBItalianCMunich(4)AyourBtheirsCours(5)AbetterBdriverCheavier2.I am _ American girl and I am _ univ

2、ersity student. ( )Aan; anBan; aCa; an3._ dog is this? ( )It's _.AWho's; Lucy'sBWhose; Lucy'sCWhose; Lucy4.I usually get up _ 7:30. But _ the weekend, I get up a little later. ( )Aat; onBat; inCon; in5.The _ are bad. So the cat is angry _ them. ( )Amouse; ofBmice; ofCmice; with6.Moth

3、er's day is on the _ Sunday in _. ( )Asecond; MayBthird; MayCthird; June7.There _ no computers _ Internet many years ago. ( )Aare; orBwere; andCwere; or8.That's the _ dinosaur in this museum. ( )Yes, it's _ than both of us together.Atall; tallerBtaller; tallerCtallest; taller9.Miss Green

4、 is going to teach _ music. _ is very kind. ( )Aour; SheBus; SheCus; Her10._ your brother often play football on Saturdays? ( )AIsBDoesCDo11.A friend in need is a friend indeed. It means _. ( )A知人善任B患难见真情C虎父无犬子评卷人得分二、判断题判断画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。12.where whose _13.thin brother _14.breath breakfast _15.ship

5、 chase _16.brown grass _17.funny early _评卷人得分三、填空题18.If you are ill, you can go to the h_. 19.I love to i_ in winter. 20.We eat lunch in the d_ h_. 21.My brother teaches basketball in a school. He is a c_. 22.A big dog is chasing Tom. He is very a_. 23. (turn, bookstore) (.) (看图写句子)_24. (they, cinem

6、a, tonight) (.) (看图写句子)_25. (he, go camping, last week) (.) (看图写句子)_26.What are you going to do tomorrow? _评卷人得分四、其它27. (can, he, any) (?) (看图写句子)_28. (the boy, every day) (.) (看图写句子)_评卷人得分五、补全对话The world robot exhibitionThere is a world robot exhibition in our city. So I go to the science museum 29

7、. Robin. We see many cool robots there. Robot A can sing very 30., but she can't dance. Robot B is 31. sushi. It is delicious. Robot C likes playing 32. piano very much. Guess, 33. robot do I like best? Haha, of course Robin. Because 34. my best friend. Robin is very clever. He wants to 35. a sc

8、ientist one day.AtheBmakingCbeDwhichEhe'sFwithGwell评卷人得分六、阅读理解This is Sarah's birthday party invitation (邀请), please read and choose.Birthday PartyWhen: October 1st, 6:30 p. m.Where: At my homeWhat: You will wear beautiful party hats. You will have cakes, bread, chocolates, Coke, orange juic

9、e and so on. You will sing and dance together. You will get many prizes. RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at Sarah by September 15th.36.When is Sarah's birthday? ( )AIt's on May Day.BIt's on China's National Day.37.Where is Sarah's birthday party? ( )AAt

10、Sarah's home.BIn a restaurant38.What will you drink at Sarah's birthday party? ( )ACoke and orange juice.BCakes and chocolates.39.Will you get many prizes at Sarah's birthday party? ( )AYes, we do.BYes, we will.40.How to join in Sarah's birthday party? ( )AWrite a letter to Sarah.BSe

11、nd Sarah an email.评卷人得分七、任务型阅读My name is Bob. My hometown (家乡) was a poor (贫穷的) small town before. There were small houses and the only street was narrow (狭窄的). Beside the town, there was a river. The water in it was dirty. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.But there are great changes

12、now. The town is much bigger. There are many tall buildings and green trees in it. The water in the river is clean. People often go fishing. The streets are wide. Different kinds of cars and buses run on them. People live in big houses. Their life is rich (富有的) and happy. I love my hometown very muc

13、h.41.读一读,按照要求从文中找出合适的单词写在横线上。(1) 例:poor-richbig _short _dirty _(2) 例:is-wasare _have _live _42.读一读,判断正(T)误(F)。(1) Bob's hometown changed a little. _(2) There are many tall buildings and wide streets in the town now. _(3) There was a river in the town. The water was dirty. _(4) People in the town

14、 live a happy life now. _(5) Bob doesn't like his hometown. _评卷人得分八、句型转转43.How tall are you? (根据实际情况回答问题)_44.Do you live in Cixi? (根据实际回答)_45.How do you usually come to school? (根据实际情况回答问题。)_46.What are your hobbies? (根据实际情况回答问题。)_参考答案1.(1)B(2)C(3)B(4)A(5)B【解析】(1)A beside在的旁边,B bridge桥,C. betwee

15、n在之间,可知A、C选项为介词,而B选项为名词,故选B。(2)A makes制作,B. goes去,C. countries国家,可知A、B选项为动词的第三人称单数形式,而C选项为名词复数,故选C。(3)A Alaska阿拉斯加,B Italian意大利的,C Munich慕尼黑,可知A、C选项为名词,而B选项为形容词,故选B。(4)your你的,你们的,B. theirs他们的,C. ours我们的,可知A选项为形容词性物主代词,而B、C选项为名词性物主代词,故选A。(5)A better更好的(为good比较级),B driver司机,C heavier更重的(为heavy的比较级),可知

16、A、C为形容词,而B选项为名词,故选B。2.B【解析】句意:我是一名美国女孩并且我是一名大学生。根据不定冠词a用在首音素为辅音音素的单词前面,an用在首音素为元音音素的单词前面,American首音素为元音音素,可知第一空格填an;university首音素为辅音音素,可知第二空格填a,故选B。3.B【解析】句意:这是谁的狗?它是露西的。由题意可知是询问狗的主人,因此应用特殊疑问词Whose,答语应说是谁的,因此应用名词所有格形式,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。4.A【解析】句意:我通常在7:30起床。但是在周末,我起床有点儿晚。根据钟点前面使用介词at,可知第一空格填at;根据在周末为on t

17、he weekend,可知第二空格填on,故选A。5.C【解析】句意:老鼠太坏了。所以猫对它们感到很生气。根据are可知第一空格处应使用名词复数,mouse的复数为mice,故第一空格填mice;be angry with sb.对某人感到生气,为固定搭配,可知第二空格填with,故选C。6.A【解析】句意:母亲节在五月的第二个星期日。根据常识可知母亲节在每年五月的第二个星期日,second意为第二,third意为第三,May意为五月,June意为六月,故B,C均错误,故选A。7.C【解析】句意:许多年前没有电脑和互联网。根据many years ago可知该句为一般过去时,故排除A。根据no


19、代词,she为主格,故排除C。故选B。10.B【解析】句意:你哥哥经常在周六踢足球吗?根据实义动词play可知空格处应使用助动词do/does,主语your brother为第三人称单数,故空格处应使用助动词的三单形式does,故选B。11.B【解析】句意:患难见真情。根据“A friend in need is a friend indeed"意为患难见真情,故选B。12.F13.F14.T15.F16.F17.T【解析】1. where中wh发音为:/w/;whose中wh发音为:/h/。两者发音不相同。故答案为F。2. thin中th发音为:/;brother中th发音为:/&

20、#240;/。两者发音不相同。故答案为F。3. breath中ea发音为:/e/;breakfast中ea发音为:/e/。两者发音相同。故答案为T。4. ship中sh发音为:/;chase中ch发音为:/t/。两者发音不相同。故答案为F。5. brown中br发音为:/br/;grass中gr发音为:/gr/。两者发音不相同。故答案为F。6. funny中y发音为:/i/;early中y发音为:/i/。两者发音相同。故答案为T。18.hospital【解析】句意:如果你生病了,你可以去医院。根据图片可知这是医院,医院为hospital,故答案为hospital。19.ice-skate【解析

21、】句意:我冬天喜欢滑冰。根据图片以及首字母i提示可知使用动词ice-skatie,表示“滑冰”。love to do sth.所以使用动词原形。故答案为ice-skate。20.     dining     hall【解析】句意:我们在食堂吃午饭。根据图片可知这是一个食堂;其对应单词为dining hall,故答案为dining;hall。21.coach【解析】句意:我哥哥在一所学校教篮球。他是一名教练。根据第一句"My brother teaches basketball in a school&q

22、uot;可知他是一名篮球教练,教练为coach,故答案为coach。22.afraid【解析】句意:一只大狗正在追赶Tom。他非常害怕。害怕的afraid,故答案为afraid。23.Turn left at the bookstore.【解析】turn转,bookstor书店,根据图片和所给单词,可知句意是:在书店处向左转。左转用turn left表示。at表示在某物旁,后面加较小的地点,在书店处用at the bookstore。该句为祈使句,动词原形开头,首字母大写。故答案为Turn left at the bookstore.24.They are going to the cinem

23、a tonight./They will go to the cinema tonight.【解析】句意:他们打算今晚去电影院。根据tonight可知,句子表示的是今晚要发生的事情,故句子时态用一般将来时,其基本构成为:be going to+动词原形或者will+动词原形。去电影院,go to the cinema。主语是they,be动词要用are;情态动词要用will。故答案为They are going to the cinema tonight./They will go to the cinema tonight.25.He went camping last week.【解析】根

24、据图片显示为一顶帐篷,且题干给出的last week,做时间状语,可知句子为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,go camping去露营,动词短语,过去式为went camping做谓语;he他,做主语,位于句首首字母大写。所以句子为:He went camping last week.句意:他上周去露营了。故答案为He went camping last week.26.I'm going to see a film.【解析】句意:你明天要做什么?本句是一般将来时,构成be going to,后面接动词原形,图片是看电影see a film ,答语主语是第一人称,be用am,句意为我要去

25、看电影。故答案为 I'm going to see a film.27.Can he do any Kungfu?【解析】根据图片显示,一个人在练习功夫,可推知句意为:他会做一些功夫吗?kungfu,功夫。根据题干可知,本句为can引导的一般疑问句,基本句型为:Can+主语+动词原形?主语是he,他。do,做,动词原形。any用于一般疑问句中,any kungfu作do的宾语。故答案为Can he do any Kungfu?28.The boy plays football every day.【解析】句意:这个男孩每天踢足球。根据图片可知这个男孩在踢足球,踢足球为play foot

26、ball,故答案为The boy plays football every day.29.F30.G31.B32.A33.D34.E35.C【解析】(1)句意:因此我和Robin一起去科学博物馆。和一起用介词with,故选F。(2)句意:机器人A唱歌很好。很好是短语very well,故选G。(3)句意:机器人B正在在做寿司。很好吃。根据句意可知句子是现在进行时,制作是make,该空填making,故选B。(4)句意:机器人C非常喜欢弹钢琴。乐器名词前一般要用定冠词the,故选A。(5)句意:猜一猜,我最喜欢哪一个机器人?哪一个是疑问词which,故选D。(6)句意:因为他是我最好的朋友。根据

27、下文中的he,可知他是男性,要用he is,故选E。(7)句意:他想要有朝一日成为一名科学家。想成为是want to be,故选C。36.B37.A38.A39.B40.B【解析】(1)题干句意:Sarah的生日是什么时候?根据When后面的October1st,可知时间为十月一号,十月一号为中国的国庆节,故选B。(2)题干句意:Sarah生日派对在哪儿?根据Where后面的At my home,可知Sarah的生日聚会是在她家里举行,故选A。(3)题干句意:在Sarah生日派对上将会喝什么?根据What后面的第二句You will have cakes, bread, chocolates,

28、 Coke, orange juice and so on. 你会有蛋糕,面包,巧克力,可乐,橙汁等等。可知在Sarah的生日聚会上你将要喝可乐和橙汁,故选A。(4)题干句意:在Sarah生日派对上你们会得到很多奖励吗?根据What后面的最后一句You will get many prizes.你将会获得许多奖品。故选B。(5)题干句意:怎样加入Sarah的生日派对?根据短文Please send me an email.请给我发封邮件。故选B。41.     small     tall  &

29、#160;  clean     were     had     lived42.     F     T     F     T     F【解析】1. (1) big意为大的,根据第一段第二句My hometown was a poor small town be

30、fore中small为小的,与big互为反义词,故答案为small。short意为短的;矮的,根据第二段第三句There are many tall buildings中tall为高的,与short互为反义词,故答案为tall。dirty脏的,根据第二段第四句The water in the river is clean中clean为干净的,与dirty互为反义词,故答案为clean。(2) 根据第一段第三句There were small housesnarrow中were为are的过去式,故答案为were。根据第一段倒数第二句Many people had no work中had为have的过去式,故答案为:had。根据第一段最后一句They lived a hard life中lived为live的过去式,故答案为:


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