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1、外研社八年级(上)Module 1单元测试题一、根据首字母提示写单词(5分)1.Can you t_ these sentences into English.2.Its a good idea to learn the dialogue in g_.3.Best w_ to you for Teachers Day.4.Be sure to take a deep b_ before you talk in front of the class.5.Can you give me some a_?二、 用所给词的正确形式填空(5分)1. Why not _ (join) play games

2、 and us.2. How about _ (wait) him for a short while.3. He wishes us _ (learn) English well.4. I enjoy _ (watch) TV and _(play) football.三、单项选择(10分)从每小题中A、B、C、D选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1.If your answers are not _, you must _ them by yourself.A. correct; corrected B. correctly; correctedC. correctly; correct

3、 D. correct; correct2.Dont be afraid of _ mistakes when you speak English.A. taking B. doing C. making D. offering3.We dont often hear them, but we often send _ to each other by mobile phone.A. information B. newspaper C. advice D. messages4.I asked my teacher for _ on my future course.A. idea B. ad

4、vice C. information D. message5.I have read so _, but there _ no exciting news.A. many newspapers; is B. much newspapers; are C. many newspaper; is D.much newspaper; is6.Who _ wants to have a try?A. other B. others C. else D. the other 7.My father usually_ newspaper in English after supper.A. watche

5、s B. sees C. reads D. look at8.-It is fine today. What about doing fishing?-_!A. Good B. Thats a good idea C. I agree D. Thats right9.It _ a long time to understand the whole passage.A .costs B. taking C. spends D. pays10.Americans often talk about the weather to start a _.A. composition B. conversa

6、tion C. competition D. construction四、补全对话(10分)A: Hello! Language learning doctor.B: Hello! _1_ First is the vocabulary. I often forget the words quickly. What should I do?A: I advice you to remember 7 or 8 words a day. And you can make words cards, place them in your bedroom. Say the words and chang

7、e them every day.B: Good idea! I will try it. Then how about speaking? I am afraid of speaking to others.A: First dont be shy. _2_B: What then should I say?A: I think there are a lot to say. For example, “It is a fine day, isnt it?” or “Hello! How are you?”B: That sounds easy! _3_A: Certainly. You c

8、an talk about the film with your friends and guess the meaning of new words. _4_B: I think now I am more confident. _5_ Thank you very much.A: It is my pleasure. Wish you success.1 _ 2 _ 3_ 4_ 5_A. What can I do for you?B. It is a great way to learn English.C. Before you start your conversation, tak

9、e a deep breath and smile.D. My last question is that whether it is necessary to see English films?E.I will take your advice.F.I want to ask for advice about English learning.G. Can you answer my questions?五、短语填空(10分) All the time, enjoy oneself, each other, write down, in class, helpwith, sendto, g

10、et bad marks, look up, learnfrom1. My best friend Daming is good at Maths. He always _ me _ my study.2. I hope you can _ _ on the field trip, Ann.3. His dog follows him everywhere _.4. Youd better answer the teachers questions loudly _.5.-What is Lily doing over there? -He _ some new words.6.Jack _

11、a letter _ his mother yesterday.7.Lngling _ English _ her sister Meimei now.8.Im afraid I _ in the coming exam.9.Please _ your answer in your notebook.10.Say “Hello” to _ every morning.六、单词拼写(10分)1.Chinese is one of the most important (语言)in the world.2.I want to know how to (提高)my oral English.3.Th

12、e farmers celebrate the harvest (一起)in Autumn.4.How about (看)TV at home.5. “help (自己)to some fish”,the woman said to us.6.Im sorry I made many (错误)in the exam. 7.-Would you like some orange ? - (仅仅)a little.8.My teacher is very kind. She always come into the classroom with a (微笑).9.Im sorry I didnt

13、(记住)to close the door when I left the room.10.There are a lot of .(报纸)Which one do you want ?七、完型填空(15分)Mr. Klein told the class that a new student, Inez, would join them soon. He_1_ that Inez was deaf. She “talk” with other by using _2_ language. Mr. Klein knew sign language, and he decided to teac

14、h _3_ students so that they could also “talk” with Inez.First, they learned to sign the letters. Some letters were hard to _4_. Other letters, such as hand was the same _5_ the shape of the letter.The _6_ thing they learned was fingerspelling. They signed one letter after another to spell a word. Th

15、ey _7_ with twoletter words such as “at” and “on”. Then they spelled _8_ words.Finally, Mr. Klein showed that _9_one sign for the word “fine”, a person spreads out (张开) the fingers on one hand, _10_ the thumb (拇指) to the chest (前胸). Signing is not just _11_ with the hands. Expressions on the face ar

16、e also _12_. The students learned to sign a question mark by using expressions _13_ the face.When Inez first entered the classroom, she looked _14_. But the students signed,” Good morning, Inez.” She gave the class a big smile and signed back,”What a wonderful _15_!”1. A. hoped B. said C. guessed D.

17、 thought2. A. sign B. finger C. oral D. hand3. A. his B. my C .her D. our4. A. spell B. check C. remember D. write5. A. to B. as C. like D. with 6. A. first B. only C. last D. next7. A. met B. started C. agreed D. helped8. A. never B. easier C. longer D. nicer9 A. never B. perhaps C. still D. just10

18、. A. joins B. fixes C. touches D. ties11. A. made B. done C. given D. chosen12. A. important B. different C. difficult D. strange13. A. at B. in C. to D. on14. A. serious B. surprised C. frightened D. nervous 15. A. welcome B. congratulation C. progress D. success八、阅读理解(10分) We each have a memory. T

19、hats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories. A good memo

20、ry is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sound, remember it and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember a

21、nd speak two languages every days l it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. But your memory will become better and better when you do more exercise.1.Why can some people easily learn many things by heart

22、?_2.When does everybody learn his mother language?_3. What must he do before a child can speak?_ 4. In school the pupils cant learn a foreign language well because_.5.Your memory will become better and better when _.九、综合填空(10分)Try, as, remember, though, by, language, learn, quickly, through, talk Wh

23、at is the best way to learn a language? We should (1)_ that we all learn our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second (2)_ in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. It listens to what people say and (3)_ to imitate(模仿) what is hears

24、. When it wants something, it has to ask for it. It is using the language, (4)_ in it and thinking it all the time. If people had a second language all the time they would learn it (5)_. We learn our own language (6)_ learning people speak it, not by seeing what they write. We imitate what we hear. In school,(7)_ you learn to read and write as well (8)_ to hear and speak, it is best (9)_ all the new words (10)_ the ear. You can read them, spell them and write them later.十、书面表达(15分) 假设你在美国的朋友Tony想要学习汉语,请你


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