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1、能力训练7完形填空1训练指要完形填空要求考生跳读全文,通篇考虑,掌握大意,并能综合运用所学词汇、语法等知识及文章的文化背景与上下文逻辑关系,从每小题所提供的四个选项中选出最佳答案,使短文得以恢复本来面貌,做到文理通顺,结构完整。在解题过程中考生需要随时设想所遇空白中应该出现的内容,而后再以该题选项来验证自己的推测,做出调整或修正。本题要求考生在1518分钟内完成。(1)(2003全国春季高考题)Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认) his flight home with the air

2、line company (航空公司).He was visiting Spain in order to 1 his Spanish.When he was speaking to people 2 he had no 3 understanding what they said. 4when he was speaking on the phone,he 5 had a problem.Andy 6 the airline,and the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine oclock three days from th

3、at day.She 7 told Andy to be at the airport two hours 8 in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.Since he was 9 in three days,Andy didnt 10 any time.He visited as many places as he could.He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again.He wished he could 11 and sp

4、end a year in Spain.Too 12 ,the final day arrived.Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off.He hated to 13 .He went to the clerk to 14 his ticket.The clerk looked at the ticket with 15 “Why,sir,but your flight was at nine oclock in the morning,and 16 it is eight in the even

5、ing.” “But I continued my flight,” 17 Andy.“Will I have to pay for another ticket?”“No,sir.However,the next flight out will be three days from now.”Andys 18of shock turned to one of 19 as he realized that now he could continue his 20 .1.A.prepareB.improveC.enjoyB.in publicC.in personB.Therefore B.go

6、 homeD.come backC hereD face(2)My friend Jason is fourteen now.He has two brothers and three sisters.His father works in a 1 factory and his mother is a nurse.They work hard but are paid 2 and theyre often worried about the 3 and clothes.Jason always wears old clothes and 4 a broken bag.He has to he

7、lp his mother to do some washing and cleaning and has no 5 to do his lessons at home.So he usually 6 s 7 for him to finish his homework at school and he tries to do more 8 after school.But it doesnt interfere with his studies and hes always the top of our 9 .Barry,whose father is a dentist always we

8、ars expensive and 10 clothes.He likes to show off his riches to us though he often 11 in the examinations.He is jealous of Jasons 12 and tries his best to make fun of him.My friend knows him well and doesnt 13 it.Winter has come and we all wear new and 14 coat.But Jasons coat is old and his shoes ar

9、e 15 .“How miserly(吝啬) your father is!” Barry 16 Jason in the classroom one day.“Hes a shoemaker 17 you wear such shoes!”“But I think your father is 18 miserly.” said Jason.“Hes a rich dentist but your eight-month-old brother has only a few 19 !” Having heard this,Barrys face turned red and 20 .6.A.

10、listens toC.looks atD.does wellD.worn outC.laughed atD.looked afterB.the most20.A.stood upB.got upC.hurried off(3)Since 1939 ,numerous scientific studies have been conducted to determine 1 2 of the 3 has been consistent (constant) and indicates that there is a serious health risk.Research teams have

11、 conducted studies that show 4 all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking ,particularly cigarette smoking is 5 with a 6 life expectancy(time).Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this 7 to be an important 8 in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is

12、 believed to be related 9 cancer of other organs.Male cigarette smokers have a higher death 10 from heart disease than non-smoking males.(Female smokers are thought to be 11 affected because they do not breathe in the smoke 12 deeply.) The 13 of physicians and researchers consider these relationship

13、s proved 14 their satisfaction and say,“Give 15 smoking,If you dont smoke dont start!”Smoking does 16 to the lungs.Smoking also affects the heart and blood vessels.Smokers also die much more often 17 heart disease.While all tobacco smoking affects life expectancy and health,cigarette smoking appears

14、 to have a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking. 18 ,nicotine consumption is not decreased by the latter forms,and current research indicates a 19 relationship between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat.Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some 20

15、 safer,but they can only marginally reduce,not eliminate the threats.D.which D.drift D.to D.of (4)When dawn came,they realized that the entire boat was 1 with ice.The captain has fallen 2 but the rest of the crew hurriedly woke him.He took a small axe and 3 great care,so as not to 4 a hole in the de

16、ck,he began to knock the ice away.Each member of the crew took 5 to cut the ice away for as6 as he could bear it.Standing up on that roiling deck would have been7 ones life because a man who has fallen overboard could not have been saved.Then the captain discovered that ice was 8 inside the cabin.He

17、 called to one of the crew and together they 9 to light the stove in the 10that it would 11 enough heat to warm the cabin to 12 freezing point. 13 the ice in the bottom could be melted 14 it could be pumped out,they were in danger of sinking.Throughout the afternoon,the ice began to 15 up again in spite of their work.In the 16 of this new danger,the captain decided that it was 17 risky to depend on the 18 that the boat should survive until the next morning.Once more,he ordered the cr


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