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1、高二英语词汇总复习北师大版【本讲教育信息】一 . 教学内容: 高二词汇总复习【模拟试题】Part 11. (准确)is more important than speed in his new job.2. He can speak French with Great (流利).3. The youth like to follow the latest (趋势)in fashion.4. Wecannot (保证)the punctual arrival of trains in fogyweather.5. This kind of desk can be (调整)to the heigh

2、t you need.6. I (祝贺)myself on my narrow escape.7. This wounded soldier was (没有知觉)from his loss ofblood.8. We ve decided to (谈判)with the employers about ourwage claim.9. The (文凭)is very important for him to get the job.10. She was (窘迫)when they asked her age.11. The competition is open to both ( 业 余

3、的 ) andprofessional photographers.12. He is always (准时的)for appointments.13. The car was (注册)in my name.14. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners (加速) .15. Commercial television is an effective(媒介)foradvertising.16. The police had the photograph of the missing girl (放 大).17. In my e

4、stimation, he is a more suitable(候选人)18. They have (包围) the town with troops.19. She s going in for the Cambridge First(证书)20. In the (不在场) of the manager I shall be in charge.Part 2on purpose teen aware ofget dawn totum outkeep in mirLdconsist ofget ahead in case diffk from reg?ar(aiess of focus on

5、piovided thatin advance in person lake into account as though catch on.1. By doing extra homework, he soon of his classmates.2. Bless your heart, I know you didn ' t break the vase. Don' t cry!3. Man beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latteraren t.4. John has having done s

6、omething wrong.5. circumstances permit, weshall hold the meeting next week.6. Weshould the suggestions of our parents and vice versa.7. He continued speaking,my feelings on the matter.8. I wish he ' d stop fooling around and some serious work.9. It was fitting that he should be here to receive t

7、he prize10. If the day wet we may have to change our plans.11. That' s something we have always to .12. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter atoms.13. I am so tired that I can ' t my study. That is, I can ' t fix my attention on it.14. To make sure that he was at home,

8、I called him up .15. Write the telephone number down you forget.Part 31. The news of the (辐射)leak caused widespread publicalarm.2. The flight was delayed owing to t (技术的)reasons.3. It was a race against time to stop people dying from (饥饿) .4. Women are still struggling for true (平等)with men.5. My (同

9、事)has broken off the habit of smoking.6. I saw them through a (望远镜)from the top of thebuilding.7. He got a (专利)for this invention.8. Heavy duties on imports and exports are a (障碍)tointernational trade.9. International terrorism is not just a recent (现象).10. What s the (程序)for opening a bank account?

10、11. The government calls on the youth to (捐献) their bloodvoluntarily.12. Some mushrooms are p (有毒的).13. I bought this bag as a (纪念品)of myvisit to London.14. It is said that the first (殖民者)of this countryare prisoners.15. Britain (宣布)war on Germany in 1914.16. His only (消遣)are drinking beer and worki

11、ng in the garden.17. There has always been some (冲突) between employers and employees.18. Most of the computers we are using are(数字的)computers.19. Mandiffers from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the (后者)aren' t.20. HadJim not dived in to (拯救) him, the boy would have drowned.Part

12、 4figure out take over range from make up for put offgive awaycarry out be suitable for due to wrestle with be gratefulfor single outturn to be based on drop off get over in contact with get at1. He decide to everything he possessed and become a monk.2. When she fell ill her daughter the business fr

13、om her.3. No matter what difficulty you will meet with,your plan.4. Nobody in the first lot of applicants the job.5. Adam was to take part in the competition.6. The frontier the northern hill to the southern coast.7. It didn ' t take the children long tothe correctanswer.8. Great changes are in

14、progress in this area foreign investment.9. Judgment should facts, not on what you hear.10. Manyscientists are the problem and trying to finda solution.11. Can you give me some advice on how to the time I havelost?12. As a result of the scandal, sales in the fourth quarter.13. We the great convenien

15、ce IT has brought us.14. Whenever the boy feels down, he will his mother forcomfort.15. This afternoon s meeting will have to be .Part 51. This rich food doesn t (消化)easily.2. The excitement quickened my (脉搏).3. There is an hour s (间隔)to the next train.4. The government has set up a working party to

16、 look into the problem ofdrug (滥用)5. If you want to join, there s an ent rance fee of 20 and an membership fee of 10.6. They (反对)the government s new policies.to support their7. The report (与矛盾) what we heard yesterday.8. Politicians love to use arguments.9. The patient finally died from (癌症).10. Sh

17、eunderwent a (彻底的)examination at the hospital.11. The boss hired some (临时的) workers.12. In India the cow is a (神圣的)animal.13. Repairing your car will cost a (最低)of 100 dollars.14. Weshould (提交) our plans to the council for approval.15. Wemust introduce somesystem into our office (常规)16. You can find

18、 out many advantages in (城市的)life.17. The doctor gave me a (处方)for pain-killers.18. Due to (情况)beyond our control the lecture wascancelled.19. The soldiers were well (装备)with weapons.20. The students were asked to draw two (平行的)lines.试题答案Part 11. Accuracy is more important than speed in his new job.

19、2. He can speak French with Great fluency.3. The youth like to follow the latest trend in fashion.4. We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather.5. This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.6. I congratulate myself on my narrow escape.7. This wounded soldier was

20、 unconscious from his loss of blood.8. We ve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.9. The diploma is very important for him to get the job.10. She was embarrassed when they asked her age.11. The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.12. He is alway

21、s punctual for appointments.13. The car was registered in my name.14. The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate. 15. Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising.16. The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged. 17. In my estimation, he is a more

22、 suitable candidate.18. They have surrounded the town with troops.19. She s going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.20. In the absence of the manager I shall be in charge.Part 21. By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his classmates.2. Bless your heart, I know you didn ' t break the

23、 vase on purpose . Don' t cry!3. Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while thelatter arent.4. John has been aware of having done something wrong.5. Provided that circumstances permit, weshall hold the meeting next week.6. Weshould take into account the suggestions of our

24、 parents and vice versa.7. He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter.8. I wish he ' d stop fooling around and get down to some serious work.9. It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize in person. 10. If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans.1

25、1. That' s something we have always to keep in mind.12. Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consist of atoms.13. I am so tired that I can ' t focus on my study. That is, I can ' t fix my attention on it.14. To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.1

26、5. Write the telephone number down in case you forget.Part 31. The news of the radiation(辐射)leak caused widespread public alarm.2. The flight was delayed owing to technical (技术的)reasons.3. It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation (饥 饿).4. Women are still struggling for true eq

27、uality (平等) with men.5. My colleague (同事) has broken off the habit of smoking.6. I saw them through a telescope (望远镜) from the top of the building.7. He got a patent (专禾for this invention.8. Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier (障碍) to international trade.9. International terrorism is n

28、ot just a recent phenomenon (现象).10. What' s the procedure(程序) for opening a bank account?11. The government calls on the youth to donate (捐献) their blood voluntarily.12. Some mushrooms are poisonous(有毒的)13. I bought this bag as a souvenir (纪念品) of my visit to London.14. It is said that the firs

29、t settlers (殖民者) of this country are prisoners.15. Britain declared(宣布)war on Germany in 1914.16. His only recreation(7肖遣)are drinking beer and working in the garden.17. There has always been some conflict (冲突) between employers and employees.18. Most of the computers we are using are digital (数字的)

30、computers.19. Mandiffers from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latter(后者)aren' t.20. HadJim not dived in to rescue (拯救) him, the boy would have drowned.Part 41. He decide to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.2. When she fell ill her daughter took over the b

31、usiness from her.3. No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.4. Nobody in the first lot of applicants was suitable for the job.5. Adam was singled out to take part in the competition.6. The frontier ranges from the northern hill to the southern coast.7. It didn ' t take

32、the children long to figure out the correct answer.8. Great changes are in progress in this area due to foreign investment.9. Judgment should be based on facts, not on what you hear.10. Many scientists are wrestling with the problem and trying to find a solution.11. Can you give mesome advice on how

33、 to makeup for the time I have lost?12. As a result of the scandal, sales dropped off in the fourth quarter.13. We are grateful for the great convenience IT has brought us.14. Whenever the boy feels down, he will turn to his mother for comfort.15. This aftern oon' s meeting will have to be put off.Part 51. This rich food doesn ' t digest(消化)easily.2. The excitement quickened my pulse (脉搏).3. There is an hour


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