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1、并列句和复合句一、并列句由并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来的句子叫 作并列句.常见分类:I 表示同等、平行或承接关系,常用连词;md, both. and, not only. but also. 9 neither. nor. > as well as等.2.表示转折关系,常用连词bul, yet(然而),howeverf然而), while(而)等.3表示选择关系,常见连词or, n<Hbut(不是而是),either. or.(要么要么)等4.表示因果关系,常见连词because, as, for(因为).so等.二、复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子叫

2、作复合句.从句需由关联词引导.初中英语教材主要涉及的复合句有 状语从句、宾语从句和定语从句.X.:从句引#词例句时阿状 语从句when, while, before, after. untiL sinec as soon asJ Hegel home uniil 9 p. m. lastnight 他M到昨大晚上九点才到家。I'll call vou ud as soon as 1 arrive in Beijing.我 到北京就给你打电话.件语句if. unless as long asYou ll be kept out of (he party unless you have a

3、n invitation.如果没有请!IS您是无法参加这个聚 会的。考点一状语从句状语从句在复合句中起状语的作用,修饰主句中的谓语、 形容词或副词.状语从句由从属连词引导,从属连词不充当句 子成分,只起连接作用.根据意义上的不同.状语从句可分为: 时间状语从句、条件状语从句、目的状语从句、让步状语从句、 原因状语从句、结果状语从句、比较状语从句、地点状语从句从句类型从句引导词例句H的 状语 从句so that, in order (hatThe new company gave away lots of ads in order that peoole can get (o know ii.

4、这彖新公司故发大广吿以加冬人 们对它的了解,让步 状语 从句though/although even if, whaicvcr. wherever, wheneverThe whole library was in silence, although there were nearly 500 people leading in i尽管有将近500人 < 6'15 但整崔图带馆却寂静无声.从句类型从句引导诃例句状谄 从旬because, since a$ forSincx everyone is here, let s begin our meeting.既八都到.從们H始开金吧

5、.状语 从句sothatvsuchlhalYa<> Ming plays basketbull w well that many Aniericans tune also become his funs.姚明篮球打砂如此好以至rm参芙国 人也成了他的粉丝.从句类巾从句引导诃例句比较 状语 从句than. as. . . as. not as/so. as I'm as old as Bob. 我和鲍勃年龄样大.地点 状语 从句where whereverWhere there i> a will, (here is a wav.咖 里宵冷里.呷里就仃出(有上不 事竟成

6、)状语从句的注意事项1-条件状语从句和时间状语从句中的时态如果主句使用一般将*时. 条件状语从句和时间状语从句 中使用-般现在时表示将来的 动作l>Your dreani must come true if you work hard. 如采努力.你的莎想一定会实现“I m going to be an engineer when 1 grow up. 长大品我想成为7(2)如果主句使用过去进行时. 时间状语从句中-般使用过去 时态We were watching TV when my father got back.爸誉回来时我们在看电觇.2.时间状语从句中not until.(直到才

7、)与 before/ after引导的从句的转换.I went to bed after I finished mv homework.er=1 didn't go to bed urHil I finished my homework. 直到做完作业我才去睡觉.3结果状语从句中的特殊句式(1)祈使旬代皿+简单句1析便句 表示条件.mui引导的面m句茨示 在条件的旅础上产生的良好纳果. 曲后句盘统一Eal more vegetables and less n>eat, aiul youJl keep in good health. E吃菜少吃肉. 你合保持ft!康的.析使句+OT

8、+简单句:析使句农 示条件,or引导的简珮创表示住 违背条件的味础匕可能产生的不B后果.朮UM' 衣示话则可与if引导的从句 进行替换Keep quick or you woift hear what the leachcr says.=Keep quiet, and you will hear what the teacher says=lf you dorft keep quiet, you won t hear wtut the teacher says.保持安协否刚你 听不见老师在说什么(3)so.ihiii.(如此以至He is M)young (ha! he can'

9、;t l(x>k after =He is loo young Io look after himself. =Hc is not old enough to look after himself.他如此年轻以至于他不能照顾自己于)ljtoo. . to.(太而不能)和nolenough lo(不足以.)句式的转换考点二宾语从句一、在主从复合句中作宾语的句子叫作宾语从句.二、宾语从句的四个考点:时态 主句是现在时.从句根据实际悄况使用相应时态 主句是过去时.从句使用过去时的某种形式 从句农示的是窍观帘实、氏理、fl然观象誓时.不件主旬使用 什么时态.从句晶用般现在时语序从句一律用陈述语序

10、.即主语+谓语连接词(pthat在从句中作宾语时可以省略$作主i»时不能省略 whid. when, where, how, whatever, whenever, wherever, who. whom. whoscW殊瞇问制作连接i«l 当宾讲从句由般疑问句变化而來时.连接诃用whether或if. 表示是否人称一驗主,二同实.三不变【温鼻提示】 当主句谓语动词为think, suppose, guess, believe等词,主语 为第一人称,从句表达否定意义时,形式上应否定主句.例如:I don't think tliat he is right.我认为他不

11、对.考点三定语从句一、基本构成1. 定义:在复合句中作定语,修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从 句叫作定语从句.被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,通常位于定 语从句之前。2. 句式:含有定语从句的复合句基本结构:先行词+关系词+ 定语从句.二、关系代词的基本用法作1 ift作定讯指人who/thatwho/whom/tliat/ 各略whose指物which/ thatwhichAha"省略whoseDo you know the girl who/ that has won the first prize in the singing competition?你认识歌咏比赛中获得一等奖的那个女

12、孩吗?Many laugh-making stars whose master is Zhao Benshan have become famous these years.近年来很多师承赵本山的笑星成名了.【温,提示】I-以下情况只用Uuit:(1)先行词前有最髙级 或序歆河修饰7加 Transformers / is the greatest movie that I have ever seen 变形金钢III赴我看过的協桂的血电羽。2/llw first gift that 1 got from Uncle Liu was a toy panda.我从刘叔叔那里得到的鄭一件礼物兄一只玩

13、 具熊掘。(2)先行诃前有only, all. any. no. last. just.“俺饰Miss Yu seems to be the only tc;K:hcr (hal can help us no馄现在可以帝助我们的老帅好It只有于老师(3)先行诃是somcihing. anything, nothing» ever)thing» lillle. fez many, all* no. none等Is there anything that 1 can do for you? 我 可以为你做点什么?先行词既令人乂仆物1 love the schools and t

14、eachers that give me happiness.我喜爱给我带來欢輛学校和 老师.2.以下情况只用who/ whom:先行诃是anyone, anytxxl y.one on氓thoseAnyone who breaks the law will be punished.任何违法Z人都将受到处PL(2)在there be结构中,先行词指 人时关系代词用whoThere are some boys whv are playing basketball on the playground.操场 1 .冇"E 男孩在打篮球“3.以下情况只用which:引导词前有介词且先廿词指

15、物This is the liouse in which I'm livine这皴於 我住的房子.菲瞅制性定诅从旬中He bought a new computer, which can work faster and better.他买了台新电脑.这台电 脑可以工作得更快更好.三、关系副词的基本用法用法例句when表示时何.在定语从句中作时 四状其先行词是农示时间的名 诃 (year, season day等)1 slill remember lhe days when ue worked together.我仍然记樹我们在一起i作的口 rwhere U示地点在定ift从旬屮作 地芬

16、状iff- M先行词足&示地点的 名诃(place- school, room算)This is the school where we once studied. 这就是我的曽轻学3而why衷示原因.在定诅从旬中作原 训状讷其先行词只冇用示廉冈的 reason 河Can you tell me the reason why he 血n i come here?你用我他不来这儿的原D【巧学妙记】定语从句的用法主句型,从句型,两种句子要完整. 从句紧跟先行词,关系词引导要弄清。定人要用who或whom,定物which当先用. 关系代词用that,定人定物有本领.when用来定时间,whe

17、re用来定地点. 关系代词作成分,唯作宾语可省略.单项选择L (2012达州中考一Do you enjoy My heart will go on?No, I prefer songsloud.A. that isB. which isC. that areD. what are【解析】AC.由先songs指物且在定语从句中作主语可知关系代词为that/which,再由先行词为复数形式可知定语从句 的谓语为are.2. (2U12六盘水中考)一Do you know if we will go for a picnic this Saturday?I think we will if wean

18、v classes.A. wont haveB didnt haveC. don't haveD aivn't having【解析】选C.在if引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时表将 来.3(2012-恩施中考一I don't know whentomormw?1 will call vou as soon as heA. Mill he come; arrivesB. he will come; arrivesC. he will come; will arrive【解析】选Bwhen引导的宾语从句用陈述语序;as soon as 引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来,

19、故选B.4. (2012达州中考)一That actor often joins in differentactivities in Beijing. Do you know?Eor 5 years.A. how soon he will come backB. how long he has stayed thereC. how long has he stayed thereD. how often does he go there【解析】 选B由宾语从句的语序为陈述语序可排除C、D; 再由答语是for引导的时间状语可知宾语从句是how lo昭引导的, 故选B.5. (2011广东中考)T

20、he first thing my brother Isgoing to do this afternoon is to write a letter.A. xvhichB. thatI), who【解析】选B.在定语从句中若先行词是物且破序数词修饰时 关系代词用that故选6. (2011-济南中考 一Julie, do you know yesterdayafternoon?By bus. 1 guess.when Mr. (Jrecn will get to Quanchcng SquareB. when will Mr. Green get to Quancheng SquareC.

21、how Mr. Green got to Quancheng SquareD. how did Mr. Green get to Quancheng Square【解析】选C考查宾语从句的用法.根北回答中的By bus我们 可以抑斷是对交通方式的提问.A和B选顼中when不符合句意; 又宾语从句须用陈述语序,而D选项为疑问语序.故选C.7. (2011*兰州中考)Jane is one of the students in the class have ever been to China.A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. whom【解析】选A由先行词是students,且在定

22、语从句中作主语, 因此用关系词who.故选A.8. (2011山西中考)一Mr. Li, I found a watch on theplayground.You should tn to find outA. M hose is the watchB. who is the owner of the watchC. v*hom does the watch lielong to【解析】选B.宾语从句应该用陈述语序,故选B.9(2011a宁波中考)一What a new computer! Can you tell meJust the day before yesterday.A. how

23、much you paid for ithow much did you pay for itC. when you bought itD when did you buy it【解析】选C从句应用陈述语序,故排除B项和D项;由答语 “前天”知问的是时间:“你能告诉我什么时候买的吗?",故 选C.10. (2011-广东中考)一m go fishing if it thisweekend.But nobodv knows if itA. is fine; will rainIk will be fine; rainsC. will be fine; will rainD is fine; rains【解析】选A第一个if作如果”讲,引导条件状语从句, 从句用一般现在时表将来.第二个if作“是否”讲引导宾语从 句,可以用将来时故选A.11. (201b呼和浩特中考)一Is there anyone here name is Bettv? rry, I don't know.A. whoB. whichC. whomD. whose【解析】选D 在定语从句中先行词anyone是人且与name之 间存在所属关系,故用whose.12. (2011-临沂中考)The


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