



1、第1页六年级英语综合测试题一、读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)B. hospitalB. by subwayB. tomatoesB .dra nkB. smarterC. post officerC. betterC. teachesC. hadC. farmer二、选择正确答案(30分)()1. There is_egg for you, _ egg is for you .A the ,an B an, an C. the ,the D. an, the( )2. _ beautiful the flowers are!A. How B. What C. How a D.

2、What a( )3. I will go to Beiji ng_ my pare nts.A onB forC withD in()4. The book is very_ . Im_in it.A. i nterested, i nterestedB. i nteresti ng, i nterestedC. i nteresti ng, i nteresti ng D. i nterested, i nteresti ng()5. My mother was ang _me yesterday.A. on B. with C. for D. in()6. He_three pictur

3、es yesterday.A draw B draws C drawed D drew()7-Excuse me ,_ is the n earest shop?-Go straight along this street, and turn right.A. where B. who C. how D. what()8. The White House is in_.A. France B. china C. Washington D.C D. Egypt()9.Which is the capital of Fran ce?_ .A. London B. Pairs C. Washingt

4、on D.C D. Beijing()10. We should turn_ the lights whe n we leave the room.A. on B. in C. toD. off()11. The Great Wall is a famous place._ people visit it every year.()1. A. post office()2. A. by ship()3. A. goes()4. A. sleep()5. A. smaller第2页A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousands of D. Thousand of()1

5、2. We shouldntcut down_ trees and waste_ water.A .too many, too many B. too many, too muchC. much too, too many D. too much, too many()13. There_a big garde n and many beautiful parks in this city.A .has B have C. be D .is()14. Our teachers always tells u_ waste water.A not B to notC dont D not to()

6、15.They enjoyed_stories.A .read B reading C. to read D. reads三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Look! A cat _ (run) up the tree.2. What about_ (play) football?3.Sh _ (go) home with her friends last night.4.1am going to_ (visit) the Great Wall. Will you_ (go) with me?.5. My classmates are very_ (friend) to me.6.

7、This is his bike an _ (she) is over there.7. My sister always_(read) En glish in the morni ng.8m happy_ (see) you.9live in one of those_ (buildi ng).10.Are there any_ (woma n doctor) in that hospital?四、按要求完成句子(20分)1.My hobby is collecting stamps.对划线部分提问)_ is _hobby?2.1would like to go to Lon do n.(改

8、为否定句)I _ _to go to London.3. There are some new leaves on the trees.(改为一般疑问句)_ there_new leaves on the trees?4. Look at the flowers!_ _ at the flowers!(改为否定句)5. He ofte n takes a bus home.(改为同义句)He often _ home_bus.第3页6. Were you at home yesterday(肯定回答)Yes_:7. students, to , their, greener, the, wan

9、t, make, country(连词组句)8. water, dirty, we, not, make, should(.)连词组句)9. went, when, I, school, to, I, was, 9 (.)连词组句)10. make, do, and, interviews, can, notes, Peter(连词组句)五、补全对话(10分)A: Hello, Lisa._B: I was at the shop. There were many kinds of skirts there.A: Were they beautiful?B:_ I bought one.A:_

10、B: It was pink.A:_B: It was fifty yuan .A:_B:OK. Lets go.a. Letgsto the cinema.b. How much was it?c. Where were you yesterday?d. What colour was it?e. Yes, they were.六、 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Ita rainy day. A woman gets on a bus with a dog. It is a big dog. Its feet are verydirty. The woma n says, Oh, con

11、 ductor (售 票员) ,if I buy a ticket for my dog, can he havea seat like the other people? The con ductor looks at the woma n and the n he says:Certainly, Madam. He can have a seat like all the other people on the bus, but he mustnot put his feet on the seat like the other people on the bus.()1. A woman

12、 gets on the bus with_ .A. a horse B. a cat C. a dog第4页()2.The woman wants_ for her dog.A. some horse B. some meat C. a seat()3.The dogfeet are_A. very long B. very dirty C. very clea n()4.The con ductor doesntwa nt the dog to_ .A. sit dow nB. take a seat C. get off the bus()5.The weather is_.A. sunny B. windy


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