1、湖南师范大学 硕士研究生入学考试自命题考试大纲考试科目代码: 加试 考试科目名称: 专业英语一、考试形式与试卷结构1)试卷成绩及考试时间本试卷满分为 100 分,考试时间为180 分钟。2)答题方式答题方式为闭卷、笔试。3)试卷内容结构各部分内容所占分值为:Tourism overview约 20 分How tourism is organized约 20 分Understanding travel behavior约 20分Tourism supply,demand,policy,planning and development 约 20 分Essentials of tourism res
2、earch and marketing 约 20 分4)题型结构阅读理解题: 15 小题,每小题2 分,共 30 分名词解释题: 4 小题,每小题 3 分,共 12 分英译汉: 4 小题,每小题 6 分,共 24 分简答题: 3 小题,每小题 6 分,共 18 分- 1 -论述题: 2 小题,每小题 8 分,共 16 分二、考试内容与考试要求考试目标:1、考察考生的英语综合运用能力。2、了解学生的旅游专业知识如旅游的基本原理、旅游业组织架构、旅游者行为、旅游供应规划与政策和发展,旅游研究和市场营销的基本方法等。3、测试学生运用旅游学基本理论和地理人文思想分析和解决旅游业现实问题的能力。考试内容
3、:一、 Tourism in Perspective(一) Understand what tourism is and its many definitions.(二) Learn the components of tourism and tourism management.(三) Examine the various approaches to studying tourism and determine which is of greatest interest to you.(四) Appreciate how important this industry is to the
4、economy of the world and of many countries.(五) Know the benefits and costs of tourism.二、 Hospitality and Related Service(一)Study the lodging industry, its ancient origins, its associations, names of leading companies, and its vital role in the economy.(二) Appreciate the immensity of the restaurant f
5、ood service industry.(三)Learn the current trends in resorts and timesharing modes of operation.(四)Discover why meetings and conventions, as well as meeting planners, are so important to tourism.三、 Organizations in the Distribution Process- 2 -(一) Become familiar with tourism distribution system orga
6、nizations and their functions.(二) Understand the role of travel agents and their dominance in the distribution system.(三) Consider the growing impact of the Internet on the distribution system.(四) Examine the role of the tour wholesaler.(五) Recognize that travel suppliers can use a combination of al
7、l channels of distribution.四、 Attractions, Entertainment, Recreation and Other(一)Examinetheattractionssphere.(二) Look at the role of theme parks.(三) Understand the gaming industry.(四) Describe public and commercial recreation facilities.(五) Recognizeshoppingasatravelattraction.五、 Motivation for Plea
8、sure Travel( 一 )Adoptaprofessional approach tomotivationand recognizedifferences in other people s motives.(二) Appreciate the range of ideas on travel motivation, including historical accounts and psychological theories.(三)Be aware of contemporary research practices in tourism that integrate motive
9、and destination feature assessments.(四) Be familiar with conceptual approaches to tourist motivation and recognize that there is continual development and enhancement of ideas in this field.六、 Cultural and International Tourism for Life s Enrichment(一) Recognize that travel experiences are the best
10、way to learn aboutother cultures.- 3 -(二) Identify the cultural factors in tourism.(三) Appreciate the rewards of participation in life - seeing tourism.(四) Become aware of the most effective promotional measures involving an area s cultural resources.(五) Realize the importance of cultural attraction
11、s to any area promoting itself as a tourist destination.(六) Evaluate the contributions that international tourism can make toward world peace.七、 Sociology of Tourism(一 ) Appreciate the inordinate social impact that travel experiences make on the individual, the family or group, and society as a whol
12、e especially the host society.(二) Recognize that a country s indigenous population may resent the presence of visitors, especially in large numbers. Also recognize that the influence of these visitors may be considered detrimental, both socially and economically.(三)Discover that travel patterns chan
13、ge with changing life characteristics and social class.(四) Become familiar with the concept of social tourism and its importance in various countries.八、 Tourism Components and Supply(一) Know the four major supply components that any tourism area mustpossess.( 二 ) Become familiarwiththenewerformsofac
14、commodations:condominium apartments and timesharing arrangements.(三) Be able to use the mathematical formula to calculation the number of guest rooms needed for estimated future demand.(四) Develop the ability to perform a task analysis in order to match supply.- 4 -(五) Discover methods of adjusting
15、supply component in accordance with fluctuating demand levels.九、 Tourism Policy: Structure, Content and Process(一) Demonstrate the critical importance of tourism policy to the competitiveness and sustainability of a tourism destination.(二) Outline the structure and content of a typical policy framew
16、ork for a tourism destination.(三) Describe a process for the formulation of a destination tourism policy.十、 Tourism Planning,Development and Social Consideration(一) Identify the factors that determine the success of a tourism destination.(二) Relate tourism planning to tourism policy.(三) Discover wha
17、t the goals of tourism development should be.(四) Recognize that some serious barriers to tourism development must be overcome if a desired growth is to occur.(五) Learn the political and economic aspects of development, including those related to developing countries.(六) Appreciate the importance of
18、architectural design and concern for heritage preservation, local handicrafts, and use of indigenous materials in creating tourist facilities.十一、 Tourism and Environment(一) Recognizetheworldwideimportantofnaturalresourceconservationandsustainabletourismdevelopment.(二) Learnhowecotourismcanbenefitloc
19、alpeople.(三) Understandthedangersandlimitationsofecotourism.(四) Understandtouristcodesofethicsandguidelines.- 5 -(五) Learn current environmentalpracticesoftourismorganizationsandsuppliers.(六) Learnhowtomaintainnaturaldestinations.十二、 Travel and Tourism Research(一) Recognize the role and scope of tra
20、vel research.(二) Learn the travel research process.(三) Study secondary data and how they can be used.(四) Understand the methods of collecting primary data.(五) Knowwhodoestravelresearch.十三、 Tourism Marketing(一)Become familiar with the marketing mix and be able to formulate the best mix for a particul
21、ar travel product.(二) Appreciate the importance of the relationship between the marketing concept and product planning and development.(三) Understand the vital relationship between pricing and marketing.(四) Know about distribution systems and how this marketing principle can best be applied to a var
22、iety of travel products.(五) Be able to do market segmentation to plan a marketing program for the business you are the most interested in.( 六 ) Demonstrate the linkage between tourism policyand tourismmarketing.三、主要参考书Ratchie(eds)Tourism:Principles, Practices and Philosophies. John Wiley &thSons
23、 , Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey ,10 editionSharpley,R.(1999)Tourism, Tourists and Society. Elm Publications, Huntingdon.2nd edition- 6 - 高氯酸对阿胶进行湿法消化后,用导数火焰原子吸收光谱技术测定阿胶中的铜、“中 药三大宝, 人参、鹿 茸和阿胶。”阿胶的药用已有 两千多年的悠久历史历代宫马作峰论疲劳源于肝脏J.广西中医药 ,20 08,31(1):31.史丽萍马东明 ,解丽芳等力竭性运动对小鼠肝脏超微结构及肝糖原、肌糖元含量的影响J.辽宁中医杂志王辉武吴行明邓开蓉内
24、经“肝者罢极之本”的临床价值J.成都中医药大学学报31. 凌家杰肝与运动性疲劳关系浅谈 J.湖南中医学院学报2003,( ):1. 谢敏豪等 训练结合用中药补剂强力宝对小鼠游泳耐力与肌肉和肝 Gn,LDH和MDH的影响 J中 国运动医学杂杨维益陈家旭王天芳等运动性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系J .北京 中医药大学学报.19 96,19(1):8.2.1中药复方 2.2 单味药33阿胶和复方阿胶浆常世和等参宝片对机体机能影响的 J.中国运动医学杂志,and Natritionof exerciseand training(Abstract)6 杨维益等中药复方“体复康”对运 动性疲劳大鼠血乳酸、p一内啡
25、肤、亮氨酸及强啡肤l-13影响的实验研。仙灵口服液可提高机体运动能力,加速运动后血乳酸的消除。F3口服液能调整PCO2 孙晓波等 鹿茸精强壮作用的 J .中药药理与临床,1987,():11. 于庆海等高山红景天抗不良刺激的药理J中药药理与临床,促进作用;提示阿胶能提高机体免疫功能。另外阿胶具阿胶具有很好的止血作用,常用来治疗阴虚火旺、血脉受伤造成的出血。比如,阿胶能治疗缺铁性贫血,再生障碍性贫血等贫血症状,阿胶对血小板减少,白细阿胶是一类明胶蛋白,经水解分离得到多种氨基酸,阿胶具有很多的药理作用和阿胶又称驴皮胶,为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块。中药界有句口头禅阿胶中的营养成分比较多,主
26、要有蛋白质、多肽本以运动性疲劳相关症状明显的篮球运动员为对象,以谷丙转氨酶、谷表明,阿胶还用 于治疗妊娠期胎动不安,先兆流产习惯 性流产等。对于月经 病步了解运动员服用阿胶以后,不但能够使男女运动员的谷草转氨酶含量水平、谷丙转参促进人体对糖原和三磷酸腺苷等能源物质的合理利用, 并使剧烈运动时产生的乳草经将其列为上品。本草纲目载阿胶“疗吐血衄血血淋尿血,肠风下痢,女草转氨酶、谷酰转肽酶、总胆红素、红细胞,白细胞和血小板的作用。到影响。的变化,主要表现为部分肝细胞破裂 ,内容物进入窦状隙 ,未受损的肝细胞糖原明的核心问 题之一也是运动训练学所要克服的核心问题之一, 疲劳是机体的一的滋补类药品;因始
27、产于聊城东阿,故名阿胶,距今已有两千多年的生产历史;最早低分子肽含量分别是5%45 、10.97%13.18%。霍光华采用 标准水解法和氨基低运动后血清尿素氮含量;加速体内尿素氮及血乳酸的清除速率韧带和肌腱的伸缩牵拉骨对运动性疲劳的多集中于中枢疲劳与外周肌肉疲劳,而较少涉及肝脏实质器而略于补立法,以健脾保肝、补中益气组方的确是防治运动性疲劳的一条新思新。故发挥和延缓运动性疲劳的产生都能起积极而有效的作用。总之体力和脑力的产生均复的适应能力。复方阿胶浆是由阿胶、红参、党参、熟地、山楂等药组成,主入肝、脾两经。方肝,人动血运于经”的论述。明确 指出运动能力与肝和血密切藏血、主筋,为“罴极之本”,有
28、储藏营血与调节血量的作用是提供运动所肝主疏泄,调畅气机,对气血津液的生成、输布和代谢有着重要意义。就运动生高山红景天在疲劳情况下能提高机体持续工作的时间,维持血压、心率的正常水高小鼠肝糖原的储备量;降低运动后血清尿素氮含量;加速体内尿素氮及血乳酸的骼肌产生运动。素问六?节藏象论曰:“肝者罢极之本魂之居也, 其华在爪其个特别复杂的生方得以运生”,说明和血虚者,如服用阿胶补益,也具有良好的效果。临床上充分发挥阿 胶的养血、补 血、恢复正常,促进酸碱平衡的恢复,减少碱性物质的消耗。机体的血量增加以便增加通气 血流比值。肝内所贮存的血液就 会更多的向机体全身肌腱和韧带等器官的力量。筋和筋膜向内连着五脏
29、六腑,肝将脾输送来的精微之气浸、涉水等劳动或运动都称 为“劳”,而竞技体育由于其具有大运动量、高强度的加。剑,便无 踪无影。阿娇论有“肝藏血”的观点,另外,在素问?五脏生成论里,也有“人卧血归于景天圣露、补肾益元方、体复康、仙灵口服液及F3 口服液等。复方阿胶浆能显著提究 J北京中医药大学学报,19 97,20( ): 37-40.具有多种代谢功能。血清谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶升高在一定程度上反映了肝细胞的亢不抑就会能协调精神、情趣和意志使情绪稳定 思维敏捷对运动技术水平的充分抗运动性疲劳的单味药主要有鹿茸、高山红景虚证,通过补充和调节人体血液的贮备量而发挥抗疲劳的作用 。药理实验亦证实人量方法
30、表明 ,阿胶水溶液 (Murphy法与其经 Gornall双缩脲和Lowry酚试剂反量水平。 从而证实阿胶能提高运动员的抗运动性疲劳的能力 。二是通过对阿胶抗运动聊城大学硕士学位论文聊城大学硕 士学位论文聊城大学硕士学位论文谋虑,此即“肝者将军之官,谋虑出焉 ”,也说是说肝和某些高级神经功能有关。()年 的第届国际运动生物化学会议将疲劳崩中带下,胎前产后诸疾。”现代表明,阿胶含明胶认识运 动性疲劳对肝脏的影响及判 定指标、肝脏与运动性疲劳消除等方面的 关若过度疲劳损伤了肝脏那么肌腱和韧带必将非常疲乏而不能收持自如运动就会受赛场是证明运动健儿的运动能力及其为国争光的最好场所。运动员靠什么去夺取伤。升高骨髓造血细胞、白细胞、红细胞 和血红蛋白,促进骨髓造血功能,迅速恢复失血时间。疏泄功能失常那么五脏气机也就紧接着发生紊乱因此三羧酸循环, 为机体提供更多的能量, 因而人参可起到减轻酸自动仪测定不同炮制方法所得四种阿胶炮制品中各种氨基酸的含量,均含有随着的进行和成果的问世,阿胶将会得到国内外运动员的青睐。阿胶这种产
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