1、Self-i ntroductio nI am so glad to get the opportun ity of the in terview. I had bee n an architecture stude nt for5 years before I graduated from XX Uni versity in the year 20XX .I am open-min ded and hardworking and I am very fond of new fields and skills . I'm a curious person, and I like lea
2、rning new things. During my education of bachelor, I have learnt much extra kno wledge in cludi ng the buildi ng kno wledge and how to lead a team .However the most important thing I ve lear nt as a stude nt was the in dividual research and thinking about the relati onships beh ind the space con sis
3、ts which lead to my further research.Besides, the intern shi p and pro fessi on exp erie nee in XX, Beiji ng broade ned my horiz onsa lot. Because of the cooperationwith foreign designers I got much knowledge anddiffere nt ideas about how the concept and the details can form a buildi ng.And as the l
4、eader of XX,my com muni cati on ability and team sp irit imp roved a lot.However this is not the most important thing for me work ing in Beiji ng.T ons of Art exhibiti ons helped me to know the world and city in different perspectives.Even because of an exhibition called the sense of heari ng,l got
5、the in itial idea of the last p roject in my po rtfolio,you know-How the huma n 'feeli ngs can be in flue need by see ing and see n relati onships.And no w,I am fond of Street Photogra phy.Because whe n I took p hotos on the street,I can get to know the real cha nges of our life .You know the mo
6、bile internet cha nged our social life a lot eve n made a differe nee of p ublic space dema nds . And by Street p hotogra phy I can find the details and beauty of a street which will do some help for my further desig n and study.In sum, I think my comprehensivecapacities and hardworking quality will
7、 satisfy therequireme nts for study and research in Hongkong Uni versity.That' s my self-introduction. Thank you.Why HKU?In my mind, Hongkong Uni versity is always the most famous school in Asia. And it has bee n my dream school since I was a child.H ongKong Uni versity has many opportun ities o
8、f com muni catio n with other colleges, and I like to get touch with differe nt stude nts and lear n their culture or skills . So that 'why I choose HongKong Uni versity.At the same time, the free academic atmos phere as well as the courses on movie and architecture of HongKong Uni versity have
9、great app eal for me.And I believe that I can do better in the study of the city and the society in HKU.Why HK?HongKong is my favortite city around the world. HongKong is an intern ati onal city where east meets west. It is open and comp licate. It will be pl easure for me to have further educati on
10、 in my favorite city.Besides,As and architecture student,the extremelyhigh density of Hongkong attract me alot.Because of the high den sity, HongKong is full of fasci nat ing sp ace relati onship s.Such as the intensive buildings which lead to the large green land of HongKong.And the sep arated surf
11、ace and inner fun ctio n.(You kno w)The outside is a Huge commercial AD but the in side is the parking lot rather tha n a market.Becauseof the fan tastic spacerelati onships HongKong can p rovide the best samples for my further study and research.Why Urban Desig n?(To be honest, it is a hard choice
12、and I haven' t made the final decision.) Although mymajor is architecture and I love it, I still want to lear n some new thin gs. And urba n desig n which is tightly conn ected with architecture will be a nice choice. Architecture focuses on in dividual buildi ngs,urba n desig n focuses onthe la
13、rger scale of gro ups of build ings tomake urba n areas fun cti onal , attractive , and susta in able .And in my last research I cha nged my point from the in dividual space to the mecha nism beh ind the buildi ngs. I created Matrix which can be see n as a small city. By doing this I realized UD can
14、 help me to find the logic behi nd the sp ace p roduct ion .Maybe in this field we can do someth ing really good for citize ns.Besides because of the Street Photogra phy, streets in my mind is not just a line on a master plan but a vivid sce ne which will help me to be a good Urba n desig ner.(That
15、is why I chose the Master of Urba n Desig n .)Other school?To be hon est, I have also app lied the other school in HongKong CUHK to make sure I can get my further educati on in HongKong. But if I can get theadmissi on of your school, Icerta inly p refer my dream school-the uni versity of Hongkong.Fi
16、rst choiceDip loma p roject/Graduatio n Desig nMy diploma p roject is the desig n of a huge transpo rtatio n hub which is a complex with commercial ,reside ntial fun cti on and en terta inmen t.It is about 20 thousa nd square metres, which is so huge for a block and around by different traffics thus
17、 citizens can not access the area easily. In this situati on the hub may be a isolated isla nd in the block .In the p roject,I found a way to link this hub with the city space bycreat ing some bridges andp latforms on the sec ond floor plan ted in terest ing Ian dsca pe .This strategy can help creat
18、e a route for citizens to walk and have exercises on the sec ond floor.At the same time the differe nt route of taxis,buses,a nd walk ing people'canbe arranged well on the ground.And I used rhino to build a curved-shapefor thetransp ortatio n hub which can attract people to come to the walk ing
19、syste m.I hope this can help solve the safety,accessibility of the hub.Directio n/as pect in terested /Future planI p la n to finish my master p rogramme first. Certai niy it would be best for me to have my study in Hongkong Uni versity.As for the research plan, I am now eager to explore new fields
20、in urban design. I am interested in the mechanism of the operation of a city. I have also made some researches in the field. For instanee, I have compieted a fictional city in my portfolio which was op erated un der the see ing and see n logic. And in that p roject, I acquired much new knowledge and
21、 skills. I believe that HKU can provide methe most suitable platform toexplore the new methods and theories releva nt to the urba n desig n in China.After my educati on, I will go back to china mainland to start my career as an architect or to be a teacher in a uni versity to continue my research.Fa
22、vorite architect/Urba n desig nerMy favorite architect is Sou Fujimoto, a Japan ese architect.I have bee n in flue need by his works a lot.Heis differe nt from other architects not onlybecause his works but also his thinking method which is called theInitial future 'n hisbook The Time whe n the
23、architecture being created.This thi nking method gives me lots of in teresti ng ideas such as why we n eed a sofa .In traditi onalChin a's Scholar's mind sitt inglife.But when we go which has a suitableshould be a part of sp iritual practice so they n eed a hardwood chair to remind themselve
24、s sit like a pine tree.However sofa means comfortable and leisurely back to the in itial,whatever wood chair or sofa just p rovide a surface height for sitting with different materials .differe nt woodbricksSo by this thinking Sou Fujimoto created a house just stack withwhich p rovide differe nt hei
25、ght for huma n 'activities.This house is so differe nt .You know Louis Kanh made everyth ing arra nged in differe nt rooms even the electric wires and this type of space is now widely used. But When I see Sou Fujimoto'work I just think is thefunctional room suitable for our daily life becaus
26、e the situati on is so differe nt.You know the E-LIFE,The internet society we are livi ng in.Sou 'work and thinking method open my mind a lot and give me a new perspective.Urba n desig nerTalking about the urban designer.l like Rem Koohas a lot.Rem is a unique guy maybe because of his experience
27、.He worked as a journalist before ,so he knows what the politics want and he knows the image of a city is importan t.The huge and unique sha pe of theheCCTV buildings is just a image for Beijing for China.In some degree,it is a symbol of commercial ability .This situation is especially visible in Ch
28、ina,the image of a city is more important tha n the city itself.Rem knows this a lot so he always can get the p roject, knows the mecha nism beh ind this so he just obey the rule.However un der the huge and stra nge symbolized form he ofte n takes an eye on the daily life.Such as the project,TaipeiP
29、erforming Arts Center which form is huge sphere in acan tilevered Box.Because of this form the buildi ng can be the Ian dmark of Taipei eve n a symbolof Taipei.At the same time,the white rectangles drawing under the cantilevered buildi ng is the po siti on of the ni ght market.So Rem can use thisexa
30、ggerated form to getthe clients ' points at the same time he desig ns some kind space for citizens ' daily life.Because of this way,he can get the p roject and may can do someth ing good for our city.High Line Park in NYCThe High Line (also kn ow n as the High Line Park) is a 1.45-mile-lo ng
31、 (2.33 km)New York City lin ear park built in Man hatta n on an elevated sect ion of a disused New York Cen tral Railroad-The West Side Line .James Corner led the winning desig n team for the 2004 intern ati onal comp etiti on.Inspiredby the scene, found beauty of the High Line, where nature has rec
32、laimed a once-vital pi ece of urba n in frastructure, the desig n team aims to refit this traffic system into a p lace of leisure.By cha nging the rules of en gageme nt betwee n plant life and p edestria ns, James figured out his concept the wild Ian dsca pe. Support the overall the inven tio n of a
33、 new paving and planting system that allows for various ratios of hard to soft surface that transition from high use areasthe pl atform (100% hard) to richly vegetated Ian dsca pe (100% soft).The p ark's attracti ons in clude n aturalized plantings that are inspired by the Ian dsca pe that grew
34、on the disused tracks, and views of the city and the Huds on River which will ren ewal blocks and com mun ities n earby.The recycling of the railway into an urban park has brought on the revitalization of Chelsea, which had bee n in gen erally poor con diti on in the late twen tieth cen tury. It has
35、 also made real estate deve lopment in the n eighborhoods.So we can say this urba n desig n is not only roma ntic but also has great p rofits which is so amaz ing.BookInvisible logic,Hongkong,as Asian Culture of Congestion.The book is writte n by Weiping Zhang.ln this book he used tons of diagram an
36、d many details of HongKong 'street to show me a vivid Hongkon g.Such as theconvenient andaccessible overbridges.And he used a seven-eleven shop ' layout to show the simple dema nds of a urba n peopi e,a nd this also shows the fast pace of liv ing in a metrop olis.A nd I was attracted by the space re
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