



1、Unit 4 Don ' t eat in class.Section A课型说明新授课,听说写课型年级 七年级 授课教师 三道镇中学 石立园教 学 目 标1.知识目标:单词:rule,arrive,classroom,hallway,outside ,fight ,dining hall,liste n to.语言结构:Can we eat in class? Nowe can ' t.We can 'teat in class,we can eat in the dining hall.Don' t eat in class.Can we fight in

2、school? No,we can 'tDon' t fight in school.Can we arrive late for class? N),we can ' t.Don' t arrive late for class.2能力目标:(1)能在相互地交流中运用本课单词和句型:运用所学英语谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规)的看法。(2)能够大胆、自然的用英文交谈,有表达的勇气和积极性,能做到语音、语调清晰。3情感目标:(1).培养学生的人际交往,学会与他人合作.(2)让学生能较熟练地用英语表达一些标志的含义,能制定一些规章制度。教 学 重 难 占 八、总体

3、上说:本单元的重、难点是让学生能较熟练地用英语表达一些标 志的含义。能自如地运用所学英语谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规) 的看法。能使用目标语言制疋并讨论校园内一些公共场所的规则。重点词汇:rule,arrive,classroom,hallway,outside ,fight,uni form,sportsshoes ,di ning hall句型方面:Don' t eat in class!Don' t run in the hallways.Don' t fight in school.难点:1. 语言功能:学会谈论一些规早制度。2. 相关写作。写家规、校规。教学

4、方法 及策略1、运用 组内合作,组间竞争”的小组合作机制2、恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,运用了网络视频、音频等有效素材3、充分调动学生的积极性,以学生为中心,开展各项英语教学活动。教学过程教学意图step 1 lead- ingreeti ngs. liste n to a song.漂亮而动感的画面,轻松而愉快的歌谣。 这一环节的设计能有效的达到减少学生疲 劳、调节课堂气氛、激发学生学习兴趣、 提咼学生学习效益等多方面的好处。step 2 guessing gameplay a game.(who knows these sig ns?)猜谜环节能激发学生学习规章制度的兴 趣。在猜的过程中运用组

5、内合作,组间竞 争”的小组合作机制。step3 school rules1、look at the pictures and talk abou the school rules.2、listening (what rules are these stude nts break in g?)3、let ' s match the activitiestwthe pictures.结合课本,学习校规。利用课件展示图片, 直观生动。t Don' t eat in class!Don' t drink in the classroom.Don' t sleep in

6、class.J Don' t run in the hallways.Don' t fight in school.Don' t arrive late for class.Don' t liste n to music in class.Don' t draw on the wla lDon' t play basketball in the classroom.Don' t wear hats in school.step 4 memory chanllege快速播放10幅图片,学生记忆大考验。step 5 who can be a

7、good volunteerpair work and group work如何让学生能够大胆、自然的用英文交谈, 有表达的勇气和积极性。突破难点的做法:通过创设多个情境的对 "话练习进行突破,米用兴趣.志愿者环节 who can be a good volunteer 让学生大胆 表演,激发他们说的愿望。step 6 have a competionlet ' s discuss how to make our clawbetter引进小组竞争,有利于增强学生竞争意识5S和团队精神,提咼学生的积极性。step 7 let ' s write class rules学

8、生写作上存在很多困难,如:一、单词不会写、句型不会用。突破难点的做法:把单词-句型练够。如 果 说”已练到位,句型词汇有了一定的熟 悉,写”就是水到渠成的事情,所以本课 安排了较多的说”的练习。、文早写不长,展不开,觉得没话可与。 突破难点的做法:在这一环节时,教学生会写支持句,即在 一个主题句之后,有适当的相关信息的展 开,这样一来,文章生动丰满。step8小结与 课后作 业1、summary2、write about the rules in your house.we can' t rule the counWythout rules. 和你的父母进行交谈,共同制定一个家规, 写

9、写你家的家规。板书设计Don' t run in the hallwayS.orry,Ms. Clark. Don' t fight in school.Don' t arrive late for class.本课所倡导的英语教学基本理念1. 面向全体学生,注重素质教育。2. 整体设计目标,体现灵活开放。3. 突出学生主体,尊重个体差异。4. 采用活动途径,倡导体验参与。5. 注重过程评价,促进学生发展。6. 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道。第二课时Section AStep 1:Play the game-"Hot seat":Give the st

10、udents an example:"Li Pin g,sit dow n."Li Ping should stand up."Lin Tao,speak in class."Lin Tao should keep sile nt.Let the stude nts do this game.Teacher VS stude nts Group 1 VS Group 2Step 2 : 3aGet the students to do 3a.Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box.Step

11、 3:Pair work 3bAsk and an swer questi ons about the rules at your school.Step 4 : GameMakea list of six rules.Use “can” and “have to ” in your rules.Put your paper in a bag,and take a differe nt paper.The n find the stude nt who has your rules.Step 5 : HomeworkMake the family rules.第三课时Section BStep

12、 I.Duty reportTalk ing about the school rules.Step 2.Warm upPut the phrase or senten ces into En glish.Review the Ian guage items lear ned last class.Step 3.Lear n to read the sig ns for rulesGoal:Lear n about the rules by read ing the sig ns1. Lear n about the rules by read ing the picturesfSection

13、 B12. Lear n about the rules by read ing the sig ns f Secti on B(3 b)3. Talk about the similarities or the differencesaboutthe sig ns betwee n China and abroad.Step 4.Write rules for libraries,labs,computer-rooms,and swimmi ng pools etc.Goal:Lear n to take care of public things1. Read the letterf Se

14、ction B(3 a)Fi nd the rules in the letterWrite them dow n and check the an swers in groups.2. Talk in pairs about the rules for public places,such as libraries,labs,computer-rooms,swimmi ng pools,etc.Discuss in groups about the rules for these public placesWrite dow n what have bee n talked about/di

15、scussedStep 5.L iste ning tasksSection B 2a listenand number the(14)the rules above in the order you hear them.Play the tape.Listenand number the rules at the firsttime.check the an swers together in class.Section B 2b listen again.What rules do Dave and Emily have?Put checks()under “ Emily ” or Dave” above.Oral practiceSection B 2c Pair work:talk about the rules in your house.Step 6.Com mun icatio n1. Make a list of the ru


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