



1、教学设计方案姓名年级班级课型写作课科目英语课题Writing a Letter to Mom课时1教材 分析本堂课是关于学生与自己家长之间,就作为即将步入高三阶段学生而言, 该不该使用网络的争论,所产生矛盾的问题。随着年龄的增长,学生有着强烈的 自我意识,家长与学生之间的对事情看法的矛盾冲突,年龄代沟,作为孩子,应 该如何应对,如何正确的与家长沟通解决矛盾,表明立场。写作中应该要给出争论双方的观点并提供依据,最终阐释了作者自身看法。这是一堂一篇典型的议论文作文 课。核心 素养1. Cultivating students critical thinking by writing an argu

2、mentative writing.2. By writ ing this letter to their moms, stude nts can leann how to com muni cate withmoms and to han dle con flicts with their pare nts, eve n people around them.3. By participati ng in this class, stude nts can un dersta nd their pare nts betc onflicts are usually out of their l

3、ove for them.教学 重点1. Using linking words to make studentswriting closely connected and illustrate theiropinions effectively.2. Hav ing a better un dersta nding of writ ing in college entrance exam in ati on inorder to get a higher writi ng score.教学 难点1.To enable the students to learn more linking wo

4、rds and phrases and use themaccurately and effectively.2. To Enable the students to form a positive attitude to writing.教学 资源 与工具设 计多媒体教学过程设计:Step 1 Lead-in1. Greeti ng the stude nts.2. After showing a few pictures with them, which is a scene students maybe familiar with in their life, I ask one of

5、the students to describe the phenomenon.Purpose Use pictures to lead in the con cept of adva ntage of in terne”tget stude nts invo Ived in the topic. In the mean while, motivate stude ntsreleva nt cog niti on.Step 2 Pre-writingActivity 1:Getting involved with the topic1. Ask the stude nts a questi o

6、n what they would do or how to han dle the con flictswith their pare nts.2. Have the stude nts read the requireme nts of the writ ing task, discuss with theirgroup members and share their ideas (supportive points).3. I will offer them some supportive points to help them with their writing.PurposeBy

7、doing so, students can have a general idea of what pointsshould be writte n to support their opinions.Activity 2:Getting to know the criteria for English composition in collegeentrance examinationOf course every stude nt wants to get a high grade in compositi on, so I will show thecriteria to the st

8、udents and present how to meet its requirements.Purpose By analyzing the criteria, to know own onestrength and theenemysthe sure way to victory.Activity 3:Getting to know a formula of writing different grammaticalstructuresChinese:( adverbial 1) (attributel ) subject(adverbial2) predicate (attribute

9、2) object(adverbial 1/2)English : (adverbial 1)subject( attribute 1)predicate( adverbial2) object(attribute 2) (adverbial 1/2)Purpose By teaching this simple formula, students can easily makesenten ces with differe nt grammatical structures.Activity 4:Getting to learn some linking words and phrasesW

10、ith the students having listed the opinions and learned how to write compoundsenten ces, I will show some useful li nking words and phrases to the stude nts tomake a full writ ing.Purpose By teaching these useful linking words and phrases, studentscan easily make their writi ng closely conn ected.St

11、ep 3while-writingStudents will be divided into several groups and are supposed to finish the writ ingtask by using teamwork in ten minu tes.Purpose it is designed to help students finish the task on time.Step 4Post-writingShare their essay with classmates and the n 1 will have the stude nts to observeseveral pictures which were take n by me whe n a charity held a family activity inmy school.Purpose It is designed to help students understand their parents better. Conflicts are just out of love. Stude nts should be grateful for it.Step 5 Homework1. Kee


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